Example #1
        public static void InsertExpiryDateReminder(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.PrepaidCardCBE prepaidCard)
            CBE.CustomerSmsNotificationCBE smsNotification = new CBE.CustomerSmsNotificationCBE();

                smsNotification.TmsId          = prepaidCard.TmsId;
                smsNotification.PlazaId        = prepaidCard.PlazaId;
                smsNotification.TellerId       = 0;
                smsNotification.CreationDate   = DateTime.Now;
                smsNotification.DeliveryDate   = DateTime.MaxValue;
                smsNotification.DeliveryStatus = "0"; // Delivered = 1 and Un Delivered = 0
                smsNotification.SentStatus     = "0"; // Sent = 1 Unsent = 0
                smsNotification.SentDate       = DateTime.Now;

                CBE.AccountCBE account = new CBE.AccountCBE();
                account.PlazaId                 = prepaidCard.PlazaId;
                account.TmsId                   = prepaidCard.TmsId;
                account.AccountId               = prepaidCard.AccountId;
                account                         = BLL.AccountBLL.GetAccountById(account);
                smsNotification.AccountId       = prepaidCard.AccountId;
                smsNotification.SerialNo        = prepaidCard.SerialNo;
                smsNotification.EmailId         = account.EmailId;
                smsNotification.ContactNumber   = account.MobNumber;
                smsNotification.CustomerName    = account.FirstName;
                smsNotification.AttemptCount    = 0;
                smsNotification.MessageCategory = "expiryreminder";
                smsNotification.MediaType       = Convert.ToString((int)Constants.CustomerNotificationMedia.SMS);
                smsNotification.ModuleName      = "POS";
                smsNotification.Message         = CreateMessageForSMS(smsNotification, prepaidCard, null);

                // Send only one reminder to customer in a month
                VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.CustomerSmsNotificationCollection notifications = VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.BLL.CustomerSmsNotificationBLL.GetBySerialNo(smsNotification.TmsId, smsNotification.PlazaId, smsNotification.SerialNo);

                bool createReminder = true;
                foreach (VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.CustomerSmsNotificationCBE notification in notifications)
                    if ((DateTime.Now - notification.CreationDate).TotalDays <= 20 && notification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower())
                        createReminder = false;

                if (createReminder)
                    VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Reminder not required." + smsNotification.ToString(), logModule);
            catch (Exception ex)
                VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Failed to insert customer notification." + smsNotification.ToString(), logModule);
                throw ex;
Example #2
        private static string CreateMessageForSMS(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.CustomerSmsNotificationCBE smsNotification, VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.PrepaidCardCBE prepaidCard, VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.PrepaidTransactionCBE prepaidTransaction)
            #region Message format samples

             *  //Expiry and Balance Notification Message:
             *  Dear Customer, Your <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #>, Balance trips are <No. of trips>and Validity is <Expiry date> at <Toll Plaza Name>. Please recharge your Pass. Regards,  <Name of Company>
             *  //Expiry Notification Message for unlimited trip pass:
             *  Dear Customer, Your Pass of  <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #>, Expiring on  <Expiry date> at <Toll Plaza Name>. Please recharge your Pass. Regards,  <Name of Company>
             *  // Sale
             *  Dear Customer, Thanks for purchasing new pass of Rs. <Amount> for <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #> on <Sale Date> at <Toll Plaza>. Regards,  <Name of Company>
             *  // Recharge
             *  Dear Customer, Thanks for recharging your pass of Rs. <Recharge Amount> for <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #> on <Recharge Date> at <Toll Plaza>. Regards, <Name of Company>

             * //Expiry and Balance Notification Message:
             * Dear Customer, Your <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #>, Balance trips are <No. of trips>and Validity is <Expiry date> at <Toll Plaza Name>. Please recharge your Smart card. Regards, PS Toll Roads
             * // Sale
             * Dear Customer, Thanks for purchasing new pass of Rs. <Amount> for <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #> on <Sale Date> at <Toll Plaza>. Regards, PS Toll Roads
             * // Recharge
             * Dear Customer, Thanks for recharging your pass of Rs. <Recharge Amount> for <Vehicle Class>, <Vehicle Regn #> on <Recharge Date> at <Toll Plaza>. Regards, PS Toll Roads


            #region Variables

            string message          = "";
            string plazaName        = "";
            string companyName      = "";
            string vehicleClassName = "";
            string vehRegNo         = "";
            string currencySymbol   = "Rs.";

                if (plazaConfiguration == null)
                    if (prepaidTransaction != null)
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.PlazaConfigurationCollection plazaConfigurations = VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.BLL.PlazaConfigurationBLL.GetAll(prepaidTransaction.TmsId, prepaidTransaction.PlazaId);

                        if (plazaConfigurations != null && plazaConfigurations.Count > 0)
                            plazaConfiguration = plazaConfigurations[0];
                            currencySymbol     = plazaConfiguration.CurrencySymbol;
                            plazaConfiguration = null;
                            VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Plaza configuration record nofound.", logModule);
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("prepaidTransaction found null.", logModule);
                    currencySymbol = plazaConfiguration.CurrencySymbol;
            catch (Exception ex)
                VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Failed to get  plaza configurations." + ex.Message, logModule);
                plazaConfiguration = null;


            #region Get plaza name/ company name

            VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.CBE.PlazaCollection plazas = BLL.PlazaBLL.GetAll(smsNotification.TmsId);

            foreach (CBE.PlazaCBE plaza in plazas)
                if (plaza.PlazaId == smsNotification.PlazaId)
                    plazaName   = plaza.PlazaName;
                    companyName = plaza.CompanyName;


            if (masterConfig == null)
                masterConfig = (VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.ConfigurationClasses.MasterConfigProperties)
                    typeof(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.ConfigurationClasses.MasterConfigProperties), VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.plazaConfigDirectory + "MasterConfig.xml");

            #region Reliance
            if (masterConfig.SMSFormatName.ToLower().Equals(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.SMSFormatName[(int)VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.SMSFormat.Reliance - 1].ToLower()))
                if (smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == "sale")
                    #region Sale

                    if (prepaidTransaction != null)
                        vehicleClassName = GetVehicleClassNameById(prepaidTransaction.TmsId, prepaidTransaction.PlazaId, prepaidTransaction.VehicleClassId).ToUpper();
                        vehRegNo         = prepaidTransaction.VehRegNum.ToUpper();
                        message          = "Dear Customer, Thanks for purchasing new pass of " + currencySymbol + " " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", prepaidTransaction.PaidAmount) + " for " + vehicleClassName + ", " + vehRegNo + " on " + prepaidTransaction.DateTime.ToString(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.dateTimeFormat) + " at " + plazaName + ". Regards, " + companyName;
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Prepaid card transaction found null.", VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.SMS);

                else if (smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == "recharge")
                    #region Recharge

                    if (prepaidTransaction != null)
                        vehicleClassName = GetVehicleClassNameById(prepaidTransaction.TmsId, prepaidTransaction.PlazaId, prepaidTransaction.VehicleClassId).ToUpper();
                        vehRegNo         = prepaidTransaction.VehRegNum.ToUpper();

                        message = "Dear Customer, Thanks for recharging your pass of " + currencySymbol + " " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", prepaidTransaction.PaidAmount) + " for " + vehicleClassName + ", " + vehRegNo + " on " + prepaidTransaction.DateTime.ToString(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.dateTimeFormat) + " at " + plazaName + ". Regards, " + companyName;
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Prepaid card transaction found null.", VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.SMS);

                else if (smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == "expiryreminder")
                    #region Expiry date and trip notification

                    vehicleClassName = GetVehicleClassNameById(prepaidCard.TmsId, prepaidCard.PlazaId, prepaidCard.VehicleClassId).ToUpper();
                    vehRegNo         = prepaidCard.VehRegNum.ToUpper();

                    if (prepaidCard != null)
                        //Expiry and Balance Notification Message:
                        if (prepaidCard != null && prepaidCard.CardType == (int)VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.CardType.Trip)
                            message = "Dear Customer, Your " + vehicleClassName + ", " + vehRegNo + ", Balance trips are " + prepaidCard.Balance + " and Validity is " + prepaidCard.ExpiryDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " at " + plazaName + ". Please recharge your Pass. Regards, " + companyName;

                        //Expiry Notification Message for unlimited trip pass:
                        if (prepaidCard != null && prepaidCard.CardType == (int)VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.CardType.Time)
                            message = "Dear Customer, Your " + vehicleClassName + ", " + vehRegNo + ", Balance trips are " + "" + " and Validity is " + prepaidCard.ExpiryDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " at " + plazaName + ". Please recharge your Pass. Regards, " + companyName;
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Prepaid card found null.", VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.SMS);


                // Blacklist
                // Refund

            #region Bangladesh Regnum
            //Dear Customer,Thanks for purchasing new Smart Card of Tk...... for Truck/Lorry............ on Date & Time at Sitakunda Axle Load Control Station. O&M: Regnum

            //Dear Customer,Thanks for recharging new Smart Card of Tk...... for Truck/Lorry............ on Date & Time at Sitakunda Axle Load Control Station. O&M: Regnum

            if (masterConfig.SMSFormatName.ToLower().Equals(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.SMSFormatName[(int)VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.SMSFormat.RegnumBangladesh - 1].ToLower()))
                if (smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == "sale")
                    #region Sale

                    if (prepaidTransaction != null)
                        vehicleClassName = GetVehicleClassNameById(prepaidTransaction.TmsId, prepaidTransaction.PlazaId, prepaidTransaction.VehicleClassId).ToUpper();
                        vehRegNo         = prepaidTransaction.VehRegNum.ToUpper();
                        message          = "Dear Customer,Thanks for purchasing new Smartcard of " + currencySymbol + String.Format("{0:0.00}", prepaidTransaction.PaidAmount) + " for " + vehicleClassName + " on " + prepaidTransaction.DateTime.ToString(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.dateTimeFormat) + " at Sitakunda Axle Load Control Station. O and M:Regnum";
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Prepaid card transaction found null.", VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.SMS);

                else if (smsNotification.MessageCategory.ToLower() == "recharge")
                    #region Recharge

                    if (prepaidTransaction != null)
                        vehicleClassName = GetVehicleClassNameById(prepaidTransaction.TmsId, prepaidTransaction.PlazaId, prepaidTransaction.VehicleClassId).ToUpper();
                        vehRegNo         = prepaidTransaction.VehRegNum.ToUpper();

                        message = "Dear Customer,Thanks for recharging new Smartcard of " + currencySymbol + String.Format("{0:0.00}", prepaidTransaction.PaidAmount) + " for " + vehicleClassName + " on " + prepaidTransaction.DateTime.ToString(VaaaN.TollMax.Library.TollMaxLibrary.Constants.dateTimeFormat) + " at Sitakunda Axle Load Control Station. O and M:Regnum";
                        VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.Write("Prepaid card transaction found null.", VaaaN.TollMax.Library.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.SMS);


                // Expiry Reminder
                // Blacklist
                // Refund
