private void AddNewHeaders(ILogicalConstruct currentHeader, IntervalConstruct currentInterval) { V_0 = new Stack <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_1 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_0.Push(currentHeader); while (V_0.get_Count() > 0) { V_2 = V_0.Pop(); if (V_1.Contains(V_2)) { continue; } dummyVar0 = V_1.Add(V_2); V_3 = this.GetNodeSuccessors(V_2).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); this.CheckAndAddPossibleHeader(V_4, currentInterval, V_0); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } } return; }
public static Dictionary <MemberIdentifier, CodeSpan> GenerateMemberMapping(string assemblyFilePath, StringWriter writer, List <WritingInfo> writingInfos) { stackVariable1 = writer.ToString(); V_0 = new Dictionary <MemberIdentifier, CodeSpan>(); V_1 = new TwoDimensionalString(stackVariable1, writer.get_NewLine(), false); V_2 = writingInfos.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_2.MoveNext()) { V_3 = V_2.get_Current().get_MemberDeclarationToCodePostionMap().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_5 = V_4.get_Key(); V_6 = V_4.get_Value(); V_7 = ExternallyVisibleDecompilationUtilities.GetSpan(V_1, V_1.TrimStart(V_6)); V_0.Add(ExternallyVisibleDecompilationUtilities.GetIdentifier(assemblyFilePath, V_5), V_7); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_2).Dispose(); } return(V_0); }
private IShellPipeline BuildTenantPipeline() { V_0 = new ApplicationBuilder(ShellScope.get_Context().get_ServiceProvider(), this._features); stackVariable7 = ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetService <IEnumerable <IStartupFilter> >(V_0.get_ApplicationServices()); V_1 = new ShellRequestPipeline(); V_2 = new Action <IApplicationBuilder>(this.u003cBuildTenantPipelineu003eb__6_0); V_3 = stackVariable7.Reverse <IStartupFilter>().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_3.get_Current().Configure(V_2); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } V_2.Invoke(V_0); V_1.set_Next(V_0.Build()); return(V_1); }
private HashSet <ILogicalConstruct> GetIntervalSuccessors(IntervalConstruct interval, ILogicalConstruct startNode) { V_0 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); if (!interval.get_Children().Contains(startNode)) { return(V_0); } V_1 = new Queue <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_1.Enqueue(startNode); V_2 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); dummyVar0 = V_2.Add(startNode); while (V_1.get_Count() > 0) { V_3 = V_1.Dequeue().get_SameParentSuccessors().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_3.get_Current(); if (V_2.Contains(V_4) || !interval.get_Children().Contains(V_4) || !V_0.Add(V_4)) { continue; } dummyVar1 = V_2.Add(V_4); V_1.Enqueue(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } return(V_0); }
private bool ProcessStatementCollection(StatementCollection statements, IEnumerable <ICodePattern> patternInvokeArray) { V_1 = 0; while (V_1 < statements.get_Count()) { if (statements.get_Item(V_1).get_CodeNodeType() == 3) { V_2 = statements.get_Item(V_1) as IfStatement; dummyVar0 = this.ProcessStatementCollection(V_2.get_Then().get_Statements(), patternInvokeArray); if (V_2.get_Else() != null) { dummyVar1 = this.ProcessStatementCollection(V_2.get_Else().get_Statements(), patternInvokeArray); } } V_1 = V_1 + 1; } do { V_0 = false; V_3 = patternInvokeArray.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = -1; V_7 = V_3.get_Current().TryMatch(statements, out V_6, out V_5, out V_4); V_0 = V_0 | V_7; if (!V_7) { continue; } if (V_5 == null) { this.RemoveRange(statements, V_6, V_4); goto Label0; } else { this.RemoveRangeAndInsert(statements, V_6, V_4, V_5); goto Label0; } } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } Label0: }while (V_0); return(statements.get_Count() == 1); }
public IList <PermissionItem> GetPublicPermissions() { V_0 = new Dictionary <string, PermissionItem>(); V_1 = this.GetModules().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); stackVariable10 = this.GetPermissions(V_2); stackVariable11 = PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__6_1; if (stackVariable11 == null) { dummyVar0 = stackVariable11; stackVariable11 = new Func <PermissionItem, bool>(PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cGetPublicPermissionsu003eb__6_1); PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__6_1 = stackVariable11; } V_3 = stackVariable10.Where <PermissionItem>(stackVariable11).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_0.set_Item(V_4.get_Name(), V_4); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } stackVariable25 = V_0.get_Values(); stackVariable26 = PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__6_0; if (stackVariable26 == null) { dummyVar1 = stackVariable26; stackVariable26 = new Func <PermissionItem, string>(PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cGetPublicPermissionsu003eb__6_0); PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__6_0 = stackVariable26; } return(stackVariable25.OrderBy <PermissionItem, string>(stackVariable26).ToList <PermissionItem>()); }
private bool HopcroftKarpBFS() { V_0 = new Queue <int>(); V_1 = 0; while (V_1 < this.size) { if (this.pair[V_1] != this.nilVertex) { this.dist[V_1] = 0x3b9aca00; } else { this.dist[V_1] = 0; V_0.Enqueue(V_1); } V_1 = V_1 + 1; } this.dist[this.nilVertex] = 0x3b9aca00; while (V_0.get_Count() > 0) { V_2 = V_0.Dequeue(); if (V_2 == this.nilVertex) { continue; } V_3 = this.equalityGraph[V_2].GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (this.dist[this.pair[V_4]] != 0x3b9aca00) { continue; } this.dist[this.pair[V_4]] = this.dist[V_2] + 1; V_0.Enqueue(this.pair[V_4]); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } return(this.dist[this.nilVertex] != 0x3b9aca00); }
private bool[] MinimumVertexCover(List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > maxCardinalMatching) { V_0 = new Boolean[this.size]; V_1 = new Boolean[this.size * 2]; V_3 = maxCardinalMatching.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_5 = V_4.get_Key(); V_6 = V_4.get_Value(); V_0[V_5] = true; dummyVar0 = this.equalityGraph[V_5].Remove(V_6); this.equalityGraph[V_6] = new List <int>(); this.equalityGraph[V_6].Add(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } V_7 = 0; while (V_7 < this.size) { if (!V_0[V_7]) { this.KonigDFS(V_7, V_1); } V_7 = V_7 + 1; } V_2 = new Boolean[this.size * 2]; V_8 = 0; while (V_8 < this.size) { V_2[V_8] = !V_1[V_8]; V_8 = V_8 + 1; } V_9 = 0; while (V_9 < this.size) { V_2[V_9 + this.size] = V_1[V_9 + this.size]; V_9 = V_9 + 1; } return(V_2); }
public IList <PermissionItem> GetPermissions() { V_0 = new Dictionary <string, PermissionItem>(); V_1 = this.GetModules().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); V_3 = this.GetPermissions(V_2).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_0.set_Item(V_4.get_Name(), V_4); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } stackVariable21 = V_0.get_Values(); stackVariable22 = PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__5_0; if (stackVariable22 == null) { dummyVar0 = stackVariable22; stackVariable22 = new Func <PermissionItem, string>(PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9.u003cGetPermissionsu003eb__5_0); PermissionManager.u003cu003ec.u003cu003e9__5_0 = stackVariable22; } return(stackVariable21.OrderBy <PermissionItem, string>(stackVariable22).ToList <PermissionItem>()); }
public static List<SupportedCulture> LoadCultures(int id, string initCulture = null, MixCmsContext _context = null, IDbContextTransaction _transaction = null) { V_0 = new Helper.u003cu003ec__DisplayClass0_0(); = id; V_1 = ViewModelBase<MixCmsContext, MixCulture, SystemCultureViewModel>.Repository.GetModelList(_context, _transaction); V_2 = new List<SupportedCulture>(); if (V_1.get_IsSucceed()) { V_3 = V_1.get_Data().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = new Helper.u003cu003ec__DisplayClass0_1(); V_4.CSu0024u003cu003e8__locals1 = V_0; V_4.culture = V_3.get_Current(); stackVariable22 = V_2; V_5 = new SupportedCulture(); V_5.set_Icon(V_4.culture.get_Icon()); V_5.set_Specificulture(V_4.culture.get_Specificulture()); V_5.set_Alias(V_4.culture.get_Alias()); V_5.set_FullName(V_4.culture.get_FullName()); V_5.set_Description(V_4.culture.get_FullName()); V_5.set_Id(V_4.culture.get_Id()); V_5.set_Lcid(V_4.culture.get_Lcid()); stackVariable52 = V_5; if (string.op_Equality(V_4.culture.get_Specificulture(), initCulture)) { stackVariable58 = true; } else { stackVariable61 = _context.get_MixPage(); V_6 = Expression.Parameter(Type.GetTypeFromHandle(// // Current member / type: System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Mix.Domain.Core.Models.SupportedCulture> Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixPages.Helper::LoadCultures(System.Int32,System.String,Mix.Cms.Lib.Models.Cms.MixCmsContext,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IDbContextTransaction) // Exception in: System.Collections.Generic.List<Mix.Domain.Core.Models.SupportedCulture> LoadCultures(System.Int32,System.String,Mix.Cms.Lib.Models.Cms.MixCmsContext,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IDbContextTransaction) // Specified method is not supported. // // mailto: [email protected] } }
private void RemoveNonConditionVariables() { V_0 = new HashSet <RemoveConditionOnlyVariables.VariableStateAndExpression>(); V_1 = this.variables.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); if (V_2.get_VariableState() != 2 && V_2.get_VariableState() != 4) { dummyVar0 = V_0.Add(V_2); } if (V_2.get_VariableState() != 2) { continue; } this.RemoveNotSetStatementExpressions(V_2, V_0); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } V_3 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); dummyVar1 = this.variables.Remove(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } return; }
private List <int> GetStatementsToInline(StatementCollection statements) { V_0 = new List <int>(); V_1 = this.finder.Find(statements); V_2 = (BlockStatement)statements.get_Item(0).get_Parent(); if (V_2 == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("parent"); } V_3 = this.patternsContext.get_VariableToDefineUseCountContext().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (V_4.get_Value().DefineCount != 1 || V_4.get_Value().UseCount != 1 || V_1.Contains(V_4.get_Key())) { continue; } V_5 = this.patternsContext.get_VariableToSingleAssignmentMap().get_Item(V_4.get_Key()); if (V_5.get_Parent() != V_2) { continue; } V_6 = statements.IndexOf(V_5); if (V_6 == -1) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } V_0.Add(V_6); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } V_0.Sort(); return(V_0); }
private void ProcessGotoFlowConstructs(BlockLogicalConstruct theConstruct) { V_0 = new ILogicalConstruct[theConstruct.get_Children().get_Count()]; V_1 = 0; V_3 = theConstruct.get_Children().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_3.get_Current(); stackVariable14 = V_1; V_1 = stackVariable14 + 1; V_0[stackVariable14] = V_4; } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } Array.Sort <ISingleEntrySubGraph>(V_0); V_2 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_6 = V_0; V_7 = 0; while (V_7 < (int)V_6.Length) { V_8 = V_6[V_7]; if (this.visitedConstructs.Add(V_8)) { if (this.visitedConstructs.Contains(V_8.get_FollowNode()) || !V_2.Add(V_8.get_FollowNode())) { V_8.set_CFGFollowNode(null); } this.ProcessLogicalConstruct(V_8); } V_7 = V_7 + 1; } return; }
private Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > GetModuleNamespaceHierarchy(ModuleDefinition module, ILanguage language) { V_0 = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >(language.get_IdentifierComparer()); this.UpdateNamespaceHiearchyDataWithTypes(V_0, module.get_Types()); V_1 = this.GetModuleDependsOnAnalysis(module); if (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolver.Extensions.IsReferenceAssembly(module)) { stackVariable12 = 1; } else { stackVariable12 = 0; } V_2 = stackVariable12; V_3 = V_1.get_Keys().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_5 = module.get_AssemblyResolver().Resolve(V_4, "", ModuleDefinitionExtensions.GetModuleArchitecture(module), V_2, true); if (V_5 == null) { this.UpdateNamespaceHiearchyDataWithTypes(V_0, V_1.get_Item(V_4)); } else { this.UpdateNamespaceHiearchyDataWithTypes(V_0, V_5.get_MainModule().get_Types()); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } return(V_0); }
private PropertyDefinition ResolveProperty() { V_0 = this.get_MethodExpression().get_Method().get_DeclaringType().Resolve(); V_1 = this.get_MethodExpression().get_Method().Resolve(); V_2 = null; if (V_0 != null) { V_3 = V_0.get_Properties().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if ((object)V_4.get_GetMethod() != (object)V_1) { if ((object)V_4.get_SetMethod() != (object)V_1) { continue; } V_2 = V_4; goto Label0; } else { V_2 = V_4; goto Label0; } } } finally { V_3.Dispose(); } } Label0: return(V_2); }
public void WriteModuleAttributes(ModuleDefinition module, ICollection <string> attributesToIgnore = null) { V_0 = new List <CustomAttribute>(); V_1 = module.get_CustomAttributes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); V_2.Resolve(); V_0.Add(V_2); } } finally { V_1.Dispose(); } V_0.Sort(new Comparison <CustomAttribute>(this.u003cWriteModuleAttributesu003eb__45_0)); V_3 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (attributesToIgnore != null && attributesToIgnore.Contains(V_4.get_AttributeType().get_FullName())) { continue; } this.WriteModuleAttribute(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } return; }
private HashSet <ILogicalConstruct> RestoreOriginalCFGNodes(HashSet <ConditionLogicalConstruct> body) { V_0 = new HashSet <ILogicalConstruct>(); V_1 = body.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); if (V_2.get_Parent().get_Entry() == V_2) { V_2.get_Parent().set_Entry(V_2.get_FirstBlock()); } V_3 = V_2.get_Children().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = (CFGBlockLogicalConstruct)V_3.get_Current(); V_4.set_Parent(V_2.get_Parent()); dummyVar0 = V_4.get_Parent().get_Children().Remove(V_2); dummyVar1 = V_0.Add(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } return(V_0); }
protected void RedirectChildrenToNewParent(IEnumerable <ILogicalConstruct> body) { V_0 = this.get_Children().get_Count() == 0; if (this.successors.get_Count() != 0) { V_1 = body.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = (LogicalConstructBase)V_1.get_Current(); dummyVar0 = this.RemoveFromSuccessors(V_2); } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } } this.RedirectParents(body); if (!V_0) { this.CleanUpPredecessors(); } else { if (this.parent != null) { this.RedirectParentEntry(); } this.CopyPredecessors(); } V_1 = body.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_3 = ((LogicalConstructBase)V_1.get_Current()).successors.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (V_4.HasForParent(this)) { continue; } dummyVar1 = this.successors.Add(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } return; }
V_1 = Expression.Parameter(System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle(// // Current member / type: System.Void Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixPosts.UpdateViewModel::LoadMedias(Mix.Cms.Lib.Models.Cms.MixCmsContext,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IDbContextTransaction) // Exception in: System.Void LoadMedias(Mix.Cms.Lib.Models.Cms.MixCmsContext,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IDbContextTransaction) // Specified method is not supported. // // mailto: [email protected] private void LoadParentModules(MixCmsContext _context, IDbContextTransaction _transaction) { V_0 = new Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixPosts.UpdateViewModel.u003cu003ec__DisplayClass215_0(); V_0.u003cu003e4__this = this; V_0._context = _context; V_0._transaction = _transaction; V_1 = Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixModulePosts.ReadViewModel.GetModulePostNavAsync(this.get_Id(), this.get_Specificulture(), V_0._context, V_0._transaction); if (V_1.get_IsSucceed()) { V_3 = V_1.get_Data().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); stackVariable114 = V_4; stackVariable116 = V_4.get_Module(); if (stackVariable116 != null) { stackVariable117 = stackVariable116.get_Title(); } else { dummyVar0 = stackVariable116; stackVariable117 = null; } if (stackVariable117 == null) { dummyVar1 = stackVariable117; stackVariable117 = V_4.get_Description(); } stackVariable114.set_Description((string)stackVariable117); V_4.set_Specificulture(this.get_Specificulture()); stackVariable121 = V_4; stackVariable123 = V_4.get_Module(); if (stackVariable123 != null) { stackVariable124 = stackVariable123.get_ImageUrl(); } else { dummyVar2 = stackVariable123; stackVariable124 = null; } if (stackVariable124 == null) { dummyVar3 = stackVariable124; stackVariable124 = V_4.get_Image(); } stackVariable121.set_Image((string)stackVariable124); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } this.set_Modules(V_1.get_Data()); this.get_Modules().ForEach(new Action<Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixModulePosts.ReadViewModel>(V_0.u003cLoadParentModulesu003eb__0)); } stackVariable18 = ViewModelBase<MixCmsContext, MixModule, Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixModules.ReadListItemViewModel>.Repository; V_5 = Expression.Parameter(System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle(//
private Dictionary <string, Statement> GetDecompiledStatements(IMemberDefinition member, ILanguage language, IEnumerable <FieldDefinition> propertyFields) { V_0 = new Dictionary <string, Statement>(); V_1 = new Queue <IMemberDefinition>(); V_1.Enqueue(member); while (V_1.get_Count() > 0) { V_2 = V_1.Dequeue(); if (V_2 as TypeDefinition != null && (object)V_2 == (object)member) { V_3 = Utilities.GetTypeMembers(V_2 as TypeDefinition, language, true, null, null, null, propertyFields).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_1.Enqueue(V_4); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_3).Dispose(); } } if (V_2 as MethodDefinition != null) { V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_2), new BlockStatement()); } if (V_2 as EventDefinition != null) { V_5 = V_2 as EventDefinition; if (V_5.get_AddMethod() != null) { V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_5.get_AddMethod()), new BlockStatement()); } if (V_5.get_RemoveMethod() != null) { V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_5.get_RemoveMethod()), new BlockStatement()); } if (V_5.get_InvokeMethod() != null) { V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_5.get_InvokeMethod()), new BlockStatement()); } } if (V_2 as PropertyDefinition == null) { continue; } V_6 = V_2 as PropertyDefinition; if (V_6.get_GetMethod() != null) { V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_6.get_GetMethod()), new BlockStatement()); } if (V_6.get_SetMethod() == null) { continue; } V_0.Add(Utilities.GetMemberUniqueName(V_6.get_SetMethod()), new BlockStatement()); } return(V_0); }
private void RedirectConstraints() { V_0 = new List <KeyValuePair <ClassHierarchyNode, ClassHierarchyNode> >(); V_1 = this.get_ContainedNodes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = V_1.get_Current(); V_3 = V_2.get_CanAssignTo().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (this.get_ContainedNodes().Contains(V_4)) { continue; } if (!V_4.get_IsHardNode() || !V_4.get_NodeType().get_IsPrimitive() || !V_2.get_IsHardNode() || this.IsAssignable(V_2.get_NodeType(), V_4.get_NodeType())) { V_0.Add(new KeyValuePair <ClassHierarchyNode, ClassHierarchyNode>(V_2, V_4)); } else { dummyVar0 = V_4.get_SubTypes().Remove(V_2); } } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } V_5 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_5.MoveNext()) { V_6 = V_5.get_Current(); V_7 = V_6.get_Key(); V_8 = V_6.get_Value(); this.get_CanAssignTo().Add(V_8); dummyVar1 = V_7.get_CanAssignTo().Remove(V_8); dummyVar2 = V_8.get_SubTypes().Remove(V_7); if (V_8.get_SubTypes().Contains(this)) { continue; } V_8.get_SubTypes().Add(this); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_5).Dispose(); } V_0 = new List <KeyValuePair <ClassHierarchyNode, ClassHierarchyNode> >(); V_1 = this.get_ContainedNodes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_9 = V_1.get_Current(); V_3 = V_9.get_SubTypes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_10 = V_3.get_Current(); if (this.get_ContainedNodes().Contains(V_10)) { continue; } if (!V_10.get_IsHardNode() || !V_10.get_NodeType().get_IsPrimitive() || !V_9.get_IsHardNode() || this.IsAssignable(V_10.get_NodeType(), V_9.get_NodeType())) { V_0.Add(new KeyValuePair <ClassHierarchyNode, ClassHierarchyNode>(V_9, V_10)); } else { dummyVar3 = V_10.get_CanAssignTo().Remove(V_9); } } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { V_1.Dispose(); } } V_5 = V_0.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_5.MoveNext()) { V_11 = V_5.get_Current(); V_12 = V_11.get_Key(); V_13 = V_11.get_Value(); this.get_SubTypes().Add(V_13); dummyVar4 = V_12.get_SubTypes().Remove(V_13); dummyVar5 = V_13.get_CanAssignTo().Remove(V_12); if (V_13.get_CanAssignTo().Contains(this)) { continue; } V_13.get_CanAssignTo().Add(this); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_5).Dispose(); } return; }
public static ICollection<TypeReference> GetAssemblyAttributesUsedTypes(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { V_0 = new List<TypeReference>(); V_1 = new List<ICustomAttribute>(); V_1.Add(AttributesUtilities.GetAssemblyVersionAttribute(assembly)); V_3 = assembly.get_CustomAttributes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_4.Resolve(); V_1.Add(V_4); } } finally { V_3.Dispose(); } if (assembly.get_HasSecurityDeclarations()) { V_5 = assembly.get_SecurityDeclarations().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_5.MoveNext()) { V_6 = V_5.get_Current(); if (!V_6.get_HasSecurityAttributes()) { continue; } V_7 = V_6.get_SecurityAttributes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_7.MoveNext()) { V_8 = V_7.get_Current(); V_1.Add(V_8); } } finally { V_7.Dispose(); } } } finally { V_5.Dispose(); } } if (assembly.get_MainModule().get_HasExportedTypes()) { V_9 = assembly.get_MainModule().get_ExportedTypes().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_9.MoveNext()) { V_10 = V_9.get_Current(); if (V_10.get_Scope() as ModuleReference != null) { continue; } V_1.Add(AttributesUtilities.GetExportedTypeAttribute(V_10, assembly.get_MainModule())); } } finally { V_9.Dispose(); } } V_11 = V_1.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_11.MoveNext()) { V_12 = V_11.get_Current(); if (V_12 as CustomAttribute == null) { if (V_12 as SecurityAttribute == null) { continue; } V_13 = AttributesUtilities.GetSecurityAttributeUsedTypes(V_12 as SecurityAttribute).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_13.MoveNext()) { V_15 = V_13.get_Current(); V_0.Add(V_15); } } finally { if (V_13 != null) { V_13.Dispose(); } } } else { V_13 = AttributesUtilities.GetCustomAttributeUsedTypes(V_12 as CustomAttribute).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_13.MoveNext()) { V_14 = V_13.get_Current(); V_0.Add(V_14); } } finally { if (V_13 != null) { V_13.Dispose(); } } } } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_11).Dispose(); } return V_0; }
private CFGBlockLogicalConstruct ProcessFinallyNode(CFGBlockLogicalConstruct finallyBlockEntry, CFGBlockLogicalConstruct finallyBlockEnd) { V_1 = finallyBlockEntry.get_SameParentPredecessors().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_1.MoveNext()) { V_2 = (ILogicalConstruct)V_1.get_Current(); if (this.newTryBody.Contains(V_2)) { continue; } throw new Exception("Invalid entry to the finally block"); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } V_3 = finallyBlockEnd.get_CFGSuccessors().GetEnumerator(); try { dummyVar0 = V_3.MoveNext(); V_0 = V_3.get_Current(); if (V_3.MoveNext()) { throw new Exception("Invalid count of successors"); } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } V_4 = (new HashSet <CFGBlockLogicalConstruct>(finallyBlockEntry.get_CFGPredecessors())).GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_4.MoveNext()) { V_5 = V_4.get_Current(); if (InstructionBlock.op_Inequality(V_5.get_TheBlock(), finallyBlockEntry.get_TheBlock()) && (int)V_5.get_TheBlock().get_Successors().Length > 1) { this.ProcessMultiWayCFGPredecessor(finallyBlockEntry, V_5.get_TheBlock(), V_0.get_TheBlock()); } V_6 = V_5; while (V_6 != finallyBlockEntry.get_Parent()) { dummyVar1 = V_6.RemoveFromSuccessors(finallyBlockEntry); V_6.AddToSuccessors(V_0); V_6 = V_6.get_Parent() as LogicalConstructBase; } V_0.AddToPredecessors(V_5); dummyVar2 = finallyBlockEntry.RemoveFromPredecessors(V_5); } } finally { ((IDisposable)V_4).Dispose(); } dummyVar3 = V_0.RemoveFromPredecessors(finallyBlockEnd); dummyVar4 = finallyBlockEnd.RemoveFromSuccessors(V_0); return(V_0); }
public static List <FieldDefinition> GetEnumFieldDefinitionByValue(Collection <FieldDefinition> fieldDefinitions, object value, Collection <CustomAttribute> customAttributes) { V_0 = false; V_3 = customAttributes.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { if (!String.op_Equality(V_3.get_Current().get_AttributeType().get_FullName(), "System.FlagsAttribute")) { continue; } V_0 = true; } } finally { V_3.Dispose(); } if (value as String == null) { V_1 = Convert.ToInt64(value); } else { if (!Int64.TryParse((String)value, out V_1)) { V_1 = (long)0; } } V_2 = new List <FieldDefinition>(); V_4 = 1; while (V_4 < fieldDefinitions.get_Count()) { if (fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4).get_Constant() != null && fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4).get_Constant().get_Value() != null) { if (fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4).get_Constant().get_Value().Equals(value)) { V_2.Clear(); V_2.Add(fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4)); return(V_2); } if (V_0) { V_5 = Convert.ToInt64(fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4).get_Constant().get_Value()); if (V_5 == 0) { if (V_1 == 0) { V_2.Add(fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4)); } } else { if (V_5 & V_1 == V_5) { V_2.Add(fieldDefinitions.get_Item(V_4)); } } } } V_4 = V_4 + 1; } return(V_2); }
private Dictionary <AssemblyNameReference, List <TypeReference> > GetModuleDependsOnAnalysis(ModuleDefinition module) { stackVariable1 = module.get_Types(); V_0 = new HashSet <TypeReference>(); V_3 = stackVariable1.GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); if (V_0.Contains(V_4)) { continue; } dummyVar0 = V_0.Add(V_4); } } finally { V_3.Dispose(); } V_5 = module.GetTypeReferences().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_5.MoveNext()) { V_6 = V_5.get_Current(); if (V_0.Contains(V_6)) { continue; } dummyVar1 = V_0.Add(V_6); } } finally { if (V_5 != null) { V_5.Dispose(); } } V_2 = Utilities.GetAssembliesDependingOnToUsedTypesMap(module, Utilities.GetExpandedTypeDependanceList(V_0)); V_7 = module.get_AssemblyReferences().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_7.MoveNext()) { V_8 = V_7.get_Current(); if (V_2.ContainsKey(V_8)) { continue; } V_2.Add(V_8, new List <TypeReference>()); } } finally { V_7.Dispose(); } return(V_2); }
private static List<Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixAttributeSetDatas.ImportViewModel> LoadFileData(string culture, Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixAttributeSets.ReadViewModel attributeSet, IFormFile file) { V_0 = new List<Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixAttributeSetDatas.ImportViewModel>(); V_1 = file.OpenReadStream(); try { V_2 = new ExcelPackage(V_1); try { V_3 = V_2.get_Workbook().get_Worksheets().GetEnumerator(); try { while (V_3.MoveNext()) { V_4 = V_3.get_Current(); V_5 = 2; while (V_5 <= V_4.get_Dimension().get_End().get_Row()) { V_6 = new JObject(); V_8 = V_4.get_Dimension().get_Start().get_Column(); while (V_8 <= V_4.get_Dimension().get_End().get_Column()) { V_6.Add(new JProperty(V_4.get_Cells().get_Item(1, V_8).get_Value().ToString(), V_4.get_Cells().get_Item(V_5, V_8).get_Value())); V_8 = V_8 + 1; } stackVariable47 = new Mix.Cms.Lib.ViewModels.MixAttributeSetDatas.ImportViewModel(); stackVariable47.set_AttributeSetId(attributeSet.get_Id()); stackVariable47.set_AttributeSetName(attributeSet.get_Name()); stackVariable47.set_Specificulture(culture); stackVariable47.set_Data(V_6); V_0.Add(stackVariable47); V_5 = V_5 + 1; } } } finally { if (V_3 != null) { V_3.Dispose(); } } V_9 = V_0; } finally { if (V_2 != null) { V_2.Dispose(); } } } finally { if (V_1 != null) { ((IDisposable)V_1).Dispose(); } } return V_9; }