bool AllowReadOnlyNonSccWrites() { IVsSccToolsOptions sccToolsOptions = GetService <IVsSccToolsOptions>(typeof(SVsSccToolsOptions)); if (sccToolsOptions == null) { return(true); } object o; if (!VSErr.Succeeded( sccToolsOptions.GetSccToolsOption(SccToolsOptionsEnum.ksctoAllowReadOnlyFilesNotUnderSccToBeEdited, out o))) { return(true); } if (!(o is bool)) { return(true); } return((bool)o); }
public int QueryStatus(ref Guid pguidCmdGroup, uint cCmds, OLECMD[] prgCmds, IntPtr pCmdText) { foreach (IOleCommandTarget target in _targets) { int hr = target.QueryStatus(ref pguidCmdGroup, cCmds, prgCmds, pCmdText); if (hr != VSErr.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED && hr != VSErr.OLECMDERR_E_UNKNOWNGROUP) { return(hr); } } IOleCommandTarget t = _baseTarget ?? (_baseTarget = (IOleCommandTarget)_pane.BaseGetService(typeof(IOleCommandTarget))); int r = VSErr.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; if (t != null) { r = t.QueryStatus(ref pguidCmdGroup, cCmds, prgCmds, pCmdText); } if (VSErr.Succeeded(r)) { return(r); } else { return(VSErr.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED); } }
private bool SolutionNavigatorInstalled() { if (!VSVersion.VS2010) { return(false); } IVsShell shell = GetService <IVsShell>(typeof(SVsShell)); if (shell == null) { return(false); } Guid solutionNavigatorPackage = new Guid("{cf6a5c16-83b0-4d04-b702-195c35c6e887}"); int bInstalled; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(shell.IsPackageInstalled(ref solutionNavigatorPackage, out bInstalled))) { return(false); } return(bInstalled != 0); }
private static void OpenSolution(CommandEventArgs e, CheckoutProject dlg) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); IVsSolution2 sol = e.GetService <IVsSolution2>(typeof(SVsSolution)); if (sol != null) { sol.CloseSolutionElement(VSItemId.Root, null, 0); // Closes the current solution } IAnkhSccService scc = e.GetService <IAnkhSccService>(); if (scc != null) { scc.RegisterAsPrimarySccProvider(); // Make us the current SCC provider! } CheckOutAndOpenSolution(e, dlg.ProjectTop, dlg.Revision, dlg.ProjectTop, dlg.SelectedPath, dlg.ProjectUri); sol = e.GetService <IVsSolution2>(typeof(SVsSolution)); if (sol != null) { string file, user, dir; if (VSErr.Succeeded(sol.GetSolutionInfo(out dir, out file, out user)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { scc.SetProjectManaged(null, true); } } }
public void Tick() { if (_dlg == null) { if (_start > DateTime.UtcNow) { return; } IVsThreadedWaitDialog dlg = _context.GetService <IVsThreadedWaitDialog>(typeof(SVsThreadedWaitDialog)); if (dlg != null) { if (VSErr.Succeeded(dlg.StartWaitDialog(_caption, _message, null, (uint)__VSTWDFLAGS.VSTWDFLAGS_TOPMOST, null, null))) { _dlg = dlg; } } } else { int canceled; _dlg.GiveTimeSlice(null, null, 0, out canceled); } }
bool GetOtherSccActive() { EnsureContexts(); try { foreach (SccData scc in _otherSccProviderContexts) { if (scc.Active) { // Ok, let's ask the service if it has any files under source control? Guid gService = new Guid(scc._service); IVsSccProvider pv = GetService <IAnkhQueryService>().QueryService <IVsSccProvider>(gService); int iManaging; if (pv != null && VSErr.Succeeded(pv.AnyItemsUnderSourceControl(out iManaging))) { if (iManaging != 0) { return(true); } } break; } } } catch { } return(false); }
public bool PromptSaveDocument(string path) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } SccDocumentData data; if (!_docMap.TryGetValue(path, out data)) { return(false); } data.CheckDirty(_poller); if (!data.IsDirty || (data.Cookie == 0)) { return(true); // Not/never modified, no need to save } // Save the document if it is dirty return(VSErr.Succeeded(RunningDocumentTable.SaveDocuments((uint)__VSRDTSAVEOPTIONS.RDTSAVEOPT_PromptSave, data.Hierarchy, data.ItemId, data.Cookie))); }
public void SetManaged(bool managed) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (managed == IsManaged || ExcludedFromScc) { return; } bool ok; if (managed) { // Set some constant strings as marker ok = VSErr.Succeeded(SccProject.SetSccLocation("Svn", "Svn", "Svn", AnkhId.SubversionSccName)); } else { // The managed package framework assumes empty strings for clearing; null will fail there ok = VSErr.Succeeded(SccProject.SetSccLocation("", "", "", "")); } if (ok) { IsManaged = managed; } }
void Hook(bool enable) { if (enable == _hooked) { return; } IVsRunningDocumentTable rdt = RunningDocumentTable; if (rdt == null) { return; } if (enable) { if (VSErr.Succeeded(rdt.AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(this, out _cookie))) { _hooked = true; } } else { _docMap.Clear(); _cookieMap.Clear(); _hooked = false; rdt.UnadviseRunningDocTableEvents(_cookie); } }
private void NotifyLoaded(bool started) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); // We set the user context AnkhLoadCompleted active when we are loaded // This event can be used to trigger loading other packages that depend on AnkhSVN // // When the use: // [ProvideAutoLoad(AnkhId.AnkhLoadCompleted)] // On their package, they load automatically when we are completely loaded // IVsMonitorSelection ms = GetService <IVsMonitorSelection>(); if (ms != null) { Guid gAnkhLoaded = new Guid(started ? AnkhId.AnkhRuntimeStarted : AnkhId.AnkhServicesAvailable); uint cky; if (VSErr.Succeeded(ms.GetCmdUIContextCookie(ref gAnkhLoaded, out cky))) { ms.SetCmdUIContext(cky, 1); } } }
protected override void OnInitialize() { base.OnInitialize(); GetService <SelectionContext>(typeof(ISelectionContext)).CmdUIContextChanged += OnCmdUIContextChanged; GetService <AnkhServiceEvents>().ThemeChanged += OnThemeChanged; IVsShell shell = GetService <IVsShell>(typeof(SVsShell)); if (shell != null) { object v; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(shell.GetProperty((int)__VSSPROPID.VSSPROPID_Zombie, out v))) { _zombie = false; } else { _zombie = (v is bool) && ((bool)v); } if (!VSErr.Succeeded(shell.AdviseShellPropertyChanges(this, out _shellPropsCookie))) { _shellPropsCookie = 0; } } // We might already have cached some stale values! foreach (CmdStateCacheItem i in _cookieMap.Values) { i.Reload(Monitor); } }
public int AddAdornments() { IVsTextView primaryView, secondaryView; if (VSErr.Succeeded(_window.GetPrimaryView(out primaryView)) && primaryView != null) { OnNewView(primaryView); } if (VSErr.Succeeded(_window.GetSecondaryView(out secondaryView)) && secondaryView != null) { OnNewView(secondaryView); } if (primaryView != null || secondaryView != null) { AnkhLanguageDropDownBar bar = Language.CreateDropDownBar(this); if (bar != null) { _bar = bar; bar.Initialize(); } } return(VSErr.S_OK); }
public T QueryService <T>(Guid serviceGuid) where T : class { IOleServiceProvider sp = GetService <IOleServiceProvider>(); IntPtr handle; if (sp == null) { return(null); } if (!VSErr.Succeeded(sp.QueryService(ref serviceGuid, ref IID_IUnknown, out handle)) || handle == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } try { object ob = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(handle); return(ob as T); } finally { Marshal.Release(handle); } }
IEnumerable <T> InternalGetSelection <T>() where T : class { ISelectionContainer sc = _currentContainer; uint nItems; if (sc == null || !VSErr.Succeeded(sc.CountObjects((uint)ShellConstants.GETOBJS_SELECTED, out nItems))) { yield break; } object[] objs = new object[(int)nItems]; if (VSErr.Succeeded(sc.GetObjects((uint)ShellConstants.GETOBJS_SELECTED, nItems, objs))) { foreach (object o in objs) { T i = o as T; if (i != null) { yield return(i); } } } }
void IAnkhIdleProcessor.OnIdle(AnkhIdleArgs e) { OnIdle(e); if (_shouldSynchronize || _shouldUpdate) { _shouldSynchronize = false; _shouldUpdate = false; if (_activeView != null) { int line, col; if (VSErr.Succeeded(_activeView.GetCaretPos(out line, out col))) { SynchronizeCombos(_activeView, line, col); } } _shouldSendSync = true; } if (_shouldSendSync && _bar != null) { _shouldSendSync = false; foreach (ComboMemberCollection cmc in _combos) { if (cmc.IsDirty(true)) { _bar.RefreshCombo(cmc.Index, cmc.Current); } } } }
public void EnsureSelection() { if (Tracker == null) { return; } IntPtr ppHier; uint itemid; IVsMultiItemSelect ms; IntPtr ppSc; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(Tracker.GetCurrentSelection(out ppHier, out itemid, out ms, out ppSc))) { return; } if (ppHier != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(ppHier); } if (ppSc != IntPtr.Zero) { object me = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(ppSc); Marshal.Release(ppSc); if (me == this) { return; } } NotifySelectionUpdated(); }
public bool GetRawOtherSccProviderActive() { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); IVsSccManager2 manager = GetService <IVsSccManager2>(typeof(SVsSccManager)); if (manager == null) { return(false); } // If the active manager is not installed, it is not active int installed = 0; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(manager.IsInstalled(out installed)) || (installed == 0)) { return(false); } if (GetOtherSccActive()) { return(true); } return(false); }
public int OnItemAdded(uint itemidParent, uint itemidSiblingPrev, uint itemidAdded) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); string r; object var; if (VSErr.Succeeded(ProjectHierarchy.GetProperty(itemidAdded, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_IsNonMemberItem, out var)) && (bool)var) { return VSErr.S_OK; // Extra item for show all files } if (_loaded) { if (VSErr.Succeeded(VsProject.GetMkDocument(itemidAdded, out r)) && SvnItem.IsValidPath(r)) { // Check out VSHPROPID_IsNewUnsavedItem if (!SvnItem.PathExists(r)) { SetPreCreatedItem(itemidAdded); } else { SetPreCreatedItem(VSItemId.Nil); SetDirty(); } } } return VSErr.S_OK; }
void LoadSolutionInfo() { string dir, path, user; _rawSolutionDirectory = null; _solutionDirectory = null; _solutionFile = ""; IVsSolution sol = GetService <IVsSolution>(typeof(SVsSolution)); if (sol == null || !VSErr.Succeeded(sol.GetSolutionInfo(out dir, out path, out user))) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { // Cache negative result; will be returned as null } else { if (IsSafeSccPath(dir)) { _rawSolutionDirectory = dir; _solutionDirectory = SvnTools.GetTruePath(dir, true) ?? SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(dir); } if (IsSafeSccPath(path)) { _solutionFile = SvnTools.GetTruePath(path, true) ?? SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(path); } } }
static string GetLine(IVsTextLines lines, int lineNr) { if (lineNr < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lineNr"); } else if (lines == null) { return(null); } int lastLine, lastIndex; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(lines.GetLastLineIndex(out lastLine, out lastIndex))) { return(null); } if (lineNr > lastLine) { return(null); } LINEDATA[] data = new LINEDATA[1]; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(lines.GetLineData(lineNr, data, null))) { return(null); } return(Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data[0].pszText, data[0].iLength)); }
public void RunHelp(IAnkhControlWithHelp control) { UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(""); ub.Query = string.Format("t=ctrlHelp&v={0}&l={1}&dt={2}", GetService <IAnkhPackage>().UIVersion, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID, Uri.EscapeUriString(control.DialogHelpTypeName)); try { bool showHelpInBrowser = true; IVsHelpSystem help = GetService <IVsHelpSystem>(typeof(SVsHelpService)); if (help != null) { showHelpInBrowser = !VSErr.Succeeded(help.DisplayTopicFromURL(ub.Uri.AbsoluteUri, (uint)VHS_COMMAND.VHS_Default)); } if (showHelpInBrowser) { Help.ShowHelp(control.Control, ub.Uri.AbsoluteUri); } } catch (Exception ex) { IAnkhErrorHandler eh = GetService <IAnkhErrorHandler>(); if (eh != null && eh.IsEnabled(ex)) { eh.OnError(ex); } else { throw; } } }
List <IVsHierarchy> GetProjects(IAnkhServiceProvider context, __VSENUMPROJFLAGS flags) { IVsSolution solution = context.GetService <IVsSolution>(typeof(SVsSolution)); Guid gNone = Guid.Empty; IEnumHierarchies hierEnum; Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(solution.GetProjectEnum((uint)flags, ref gNone, out hierEnum)); IVsHierarchy[] hiers = new IVsHierarchy[32]; List <IVsHierarchy> result = new List <IVsHierarchy>(); uint fetched; while (VSErr.Succeeded(hierEnum.Next((uint)hiers.Length, hiers, out fetched))) { if ((int)fetched == hiers.Length) { result.AddRange(hiers); } else if (fetched > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)fetched; i++) { result.Add(hiers[i]); } } else { break; } } return(result); }
internal void OnHandleCreated() { if (_pane == null) { if (_panel == null) { _panel = new Panel(); _panel.Location = new Point(0, 0); _panel.Size = _form.ClientRectangle.Size; _form.Controls.Add(_panel); } _pane = new VSFormContainerPane(_form.Context, this, _panel); IVsWindowPane p = _pane; IntPtr hwnd; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(_form.Location, _form.Size); _form.Location = new Point(0, 0); if (!VSErr.Succeeded(p.CreatePaneWindow(_form.Handle, 0, 0, r.Width, r.Height, out hwnd))) { _pane.Dispose(); _pane = null; return; } _form.Size = r.Size; _panel.Size = _form.ClientSize; IButtonControl cancelButton = _form.CancelButton; IButtonControl acceptButton = _form.AcceptButton; for (int i = 0; i < _form.Controls.Count; i++) { Control cc = _form.Controls[i]; if (cc != _panel) { _panel.Controls.Add(cc); i--; if (cc == cancelButton) { _form.CancelButton = cancelButton; } if (cc == acceptButton) { _form.AcceptButton = acceptButton; } } } _form.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(VSForm_SizeChanged); } if (!_loadRegistered) { _loadRegistered = true; _form.Load += new EventHandler(OnLoad); } }
internal void Reload(IVsMonitorSelection monitor) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); int active; _active = VSErr.Succeeded(monitor.IsCmdUIContextActive(_cookie, out active)) && active != 0; }
public DiffToolMonitor(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string monitor, bool monitorDir, int[] resolvedExitCodes) : base(context) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(monitor)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor"); } else if (!SvnItem.IsValidPath(monitor)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("monitor"); } _monitorDir = monitorDir; _toMonitor = monitor; IVsFileChangeEx fx = GetService <IVsFileChangeEx>(typeof(SVsFileChangeEx)); _cookie = 0; if (fx == null) { } else if (!_monitorDir) { if (!VSErr.Succeeded(fx.AdviseFileChange(monitor, (uint)(_VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Time | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Size | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Add | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Del | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Attr), this, out _cookie))) { _cookie = 0; } } else { if (!VSErr.Succeeded(fx.AdviseDirChange(monitor, 1, this, out _cookie))) { _cookie = 0; } } IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker odt = GetService <IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker>(); if (odt != null) { if (odt.IgnoreChanges(_toMonitor, true)) { _odt = odt; } } if (resolvedExitCodes != null) { _resolvedExitCodes = (int[])resolvedExitCodes.Clone(); } }
public IDictionary <string, object> GetProjectsThatNeedEnlisting() { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (_translationMap.Count == 0) { return(null); } Guid guidEmpty = Guid.Empty; IVsSolution solution = GetService <IVsSolution>(typeof(SVsSolution)); if (solution == null) { return(null); } IEnumHierarchies ppEnum; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(solution.GetProjectEnum((uint)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.__VSENUMPROJFLAGS.EPF_UNLOADEDINSOLUTION, ref guidEmpty, out ppEnum))) { return(null); } IVsHierarchy[] hiers = new IVsHierarchy[16]; uint iFetched; Dictionary <string, object> map = new Dictionary <string, object>(); while (VSErr.Succeeded(ppEnum.Next((uint)hiers.Length, hiers, out iFetched))) { for (uint i = 0; i < iFetched; i++) { string name; if (VSErr.Succeeded(hiers[i].GetCanonicalName(VSItemId.Root, out name))) { string slnName; if (!_trueNameMap.TryGetValue(name, out slnName)) { slnName = name; } SccSvnOrigin origin; if (_originMap.TryGetValue(slnName, out origin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin.Enlist)) { map.Add(name, hiers[i]); } } } if ((int)iFetched < hiers.Length) { break; } } return(map); }
public RegistryKey OpenVSUserKey(string name) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); RegistryKey rootKey = null; if (VSVersion.VS2005) { ILocalRegistry3 lr3 = GetService <ILocalRegistry3>(typeof(SLocalRegistry)); if (lr3 == null) { return(null); } string root; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(lr3.GetLocalRegistryRoot(out root))) { return(null); } rootKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(root); } else { IMyLocalRegistry4 lr4 = GetService <IMyLocalRegistry4>(typeof(SLocalRegistry)); if (lr4 == null) { return(null); } uint type; const uint VsLocalRegistryRootHandle_CURRENT_USER = unchecked ((uint)-2147483647); string root; if (!VSErr.Succeeded(lr4.GetLocalRegistryRootEx(1 /* _VsLocalRegistryType.UserSettings */, out type, out root))) { return(null); } rootKey = ((type == VsLocalRegistryRootHandle_CURRENT_USER) ? Registry.CurrentUser : Registry.LocalMachine).OpenSubKey(root); } if (rootKey == null) { return(null); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(rootKey); } using (rootKey) { return(rootKey.OpenSubKey(name)); } }
private void EnsureContexts() { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (_otherSccProviderContexts == null) { List <SccData> sccs = new List <SccData>(); ILocalRegistry2 lr = GetService <ILocalRegistry2>(typeof(SLocalRegistry)); string root; List <string> names = new List <string>(); if (VSErr.Succeeded(lr.GetLocalRegistryRoot(out root))) { RegistryKey baseKey = Registry.LocalMachine; // TODO: Find some way to use the VS2008 RANU api if (root.EndsWith("\\UserSettings")) { root = root.Substring(0, root.Length - 13) + "\\Configuration"; baseKey = Registry.CurrentUser; } using (RegistryKey rk = baseKey.OpenSubKey(root + "\\SourceControlProviders", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)) { if (rk != null) { string myId = AnkhId.SccProviderGuid.ToString("B"); foreach (string name in rk.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (name.Length == 38 && !myId.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { using (RegistryKey rks = rk.OpenSubKey(name, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)) { string service = rks.GetValue("Service") as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(service)) { Guid sccGuid = new Guid(name); CmdStateCacheItem cache = GetCache(new Guid(name)); sccs.Add(new SccData(cache, service)); } } } catch { } } } } } } _otherSccProviderContexts = sccs.ToArray(); } }
public ProjectNotifier(IAnkhServiceProvider context) : base(context) { uint cookie; if (VSErr.Succeeded(Shell.AdviseBroadcastMessages(this, out cookie))) { _cookie = cookie; } }
public SccDocumentLock(OpenDocumentTracker tracker, HybridCollection <string> locked, HybridCollection <string> ignoring, HybridCollection <string> readOnly) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (tracker == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tracker"); } else if (locked == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("locked"); } else if (ignoring == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ignoring"); } else if (readOnly == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("readOnly"); } _tracker = tracker; _locked = locked; _ignoring = ignoring; _readonly = readOnly; _fsIgnored = new HybridCollection <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _changedPaths = new HybridCollection <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _monitor = new Dictionary <uint, string>(); _altMonitor = new Dictionary <string, FileInfo>(); _change = tracker.GetService <IVsFileChangeEx>(typeof(SVsFileChangeEx)); foreach (string file in locked) { // This files auto reload could not be suspended by calling Ignore on the document // We must therefore stop posting messages to it by stopping it in the change monitor // But to be able to tell if there are changes.. We keep some stats ourselves if (!ignoring.Contains(file) && VSErr.Succeeded(_change.IgnoreFile(0, file, 1))) { _fsIgnored.Add(file); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(file); info.Refresh(); if (info.Exists) { GC.KeepAlive(info.LastWriteTime); GC.KeepAlive(info.CreationTime); GC.KeepAlive(info.Length); } _altMonitor.Add(file, info); } } }