public static void Main(string[] args) { if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += ReportUnhandledException; } var commandLineParser = new CommandLineApplication(false); var archiveOption = commandLineParser.Option("--content", "content directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); commandLineParser.Execute(args); string contentPath; if (archiveOption.HasValue()) { contentPath = archiveOption.Value(); } else { contentPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "content"); } var contentDir = new DirectoryInfo(contentPath); List <IArchiveDirectory> contentArchiveDirs = new List <IArchiveDirectory>(); foreach (var archiveDir in contentDir.GetDirectories()) { contentArchiveDirs.Add(UnpackedArchiveDirectory.Make(archiveDir)); } foreach (var archiveFile in contentDir.GetFiles("*.archive")) { var archive = new PackedArchive(archiveFile); contentArchiveDirs.Add(archive.Root); } var unionedArchiveDir = UnionArchiveDirectory.Join("content", contentArchiveDirs); LeakTracking.Setup(); string title = Application.ProductName + " " + Application.ProductVersion; try { using (VRApp app = new VRApp(unionedArchiveDir, title)) { app.Run(); } } catch (VRInitException e) { string text = String.Join("\n\n", String.Format("OpenVR initialization failed: {0}", e.Message), "Please make sure SteamVR is installed and running, and VR headset is connected."); string caption = "OpenVR Initialization Error"; MessageBox.Show(text, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } LeakTracking.Finish(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += ReportUnhandledException; } var commandLineParser = new CommandLineApplication(false); var archiveOption = commandLineParser.Option("--data", "path to archive file or directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); commandLineParser.Execute(args); string archivePath; if (archiveOption.HasValue()) { archivePath = archiveOption.Value(); } else { archivePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "data.archive"); } IArchiveDirectory dataDir; var archiveAsDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(archivePath); if (archiveAsDirectory.Exists) { dataDir = UnpackedArchiveDirectory.Make(archiveAsDirectory); } else { var archive = new PackedArchive(new FileInfo(archivePath)); dataDir = archive.Root; } LeakTracking.Setup(); string title = Application.ProductName + " " + Application.ProductVersion; try { using (VRApp app = new VRApp(dataDir, title)) { app.Run(); } } catch (VRInitException e) { string text = String.Join("\n\n", String.Format("OpenVR initialization failed: {0}", e.Message), "Please make sure SteamVR is installed and running, and VR headset is connected."); string caption = "OpenVR Initialization Error"; MessageBox.Show(text, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } LeakTracking.Finish(); }
private void SetAppsMode(VRApp.Runtime runtime) { foreach (ListViewItem item in appsList.SelectedItems) { VRApp app = _itemApps[item]; app.SelectedRuntime = runtime; UpdateViewFor(app); } Save(); }
private void appsList_AfterLabelEdit(object sender, LabelEditEventArgs e) { VRApp app = _itemApps[appsList.Items[e.Item]]; string newName = e.Label; if (newName == null) { return; } e.CancelEdit = true; app.Name = newName == "" ? null : newName; UpdateViewFor(app); Save(); }
private void UpdateViewFor(VRApp app) { ListViewItem item = _items[app]; item.Text = app.Name; switch (app.SelectedRuntime) { case VRApp.Runtime.Default: item.Group = null; break; case VRApp.Runtime.OpenComposite: item.Group = _groupOpenComposite; break; case VRApp.Runtime.SteamVR: item.Group = _groupSteamVr; break; } }
public void Run() { ImporterMain.Main(new string[] {}); VRApp.Main(new string[] { "--data=work" }); }
public void Run() { VRApp.Main(new string[] { "--content=work\\content" }); }
public void Run() { ImporterMain.Main(new string[] {}); VRApp.Main(new string[] { "--content=work\\content" }); }
public void Run() { VRApp.Main(new string[] { "--data=work" }); }