Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增一筆活動資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myActivatyVO">活動資料型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>新增一筆活動資料</returns>
        public int INSERT_NewOne(VO.ActivatyVO myActivatyVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[4];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myActivatyVO.id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@activity_type", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_type;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@activity_info", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_info;
            sqlParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, myActivatyVO.emp_id.Length );
            sqlParams[3].Value = myActivatyVO.emp_id;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //sb.AppendLine("INSERT Activity ");
            //sb.AppendLine("([id],[activity_info],[activity_name],[activity_type],[people_type],[activity_startdate],[activity_enddate],[limit_count],[limit2_count],[team_member_max],[team_member_min],[regist_deadline],[cancelregist_deadline],[is_showfile],[is_showprogress],[is_showextpeoplecount],[is_showremark],[is_grouplimit]) ");
            //sb.AppendLine("SELECT ");
            //sb.AppendLine("(@id,@activity_info,@activity_name,@activity_type,@people_type,@activity_startdate,@activity_enddate,@limit_count,@limit2_count,@team_member_max,@team_member_min,@regist_deadline,@cancelregist_deadline,@is_showfile,@is_showprogress,@is_showextpeoplecount,@is_showremark,@is_grouplimit) ");

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT Activity ");
            sb.AppendLine("([id],[activity_type],[activity_info],[org_id],[activity_name],[people_type],[activity_startdate],[activity_enddate],[limit_count],[limit2_count],[team_member_max],[team_member_min],[regist_startdate],[regist_deadline],[cancelregist_deadline],[is_showfile],[is_showprogress],[is_showperson_fix1],[is_showperson_fix2],[personextcount_max],[personextcount_min],[is_showidno],[is_showremark],[remark_name],[is_showteam_fix1],[is_showteam_fix2],[teamextcount_max],[teamextcount_min],[is_grouplimit],[notice],[active],[emp_id]) ");
            sb.AppendLine("VALUES ");
            sb.AppendLine("(@id,@activity_type,'','','','',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'N','N','N','N',null,null,'N','N','','N','N',null,null,'N','',null,@emp_id) ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #2
 public void Add(VO vo)
     if (length >= buffer.Length)
         var nbuffer = new VO[buffer.Length * 2];
         buffer.CopyTo(nbuffer, 0);
         buffer = nbuffer;
     buffer[length++] = vo;
Example #3
 public override void copyWrapProperty(WrapProperty otherWrapProperty)
     if (otherWrapProperty != null && otherWrapProperty is VO <T> )
         VO <T> otherVP = (VO <T>)otherWrapProperty;
         this.v = otherVP.v;
         Logger.LogError("why not the same type wrapProperty: " + this + "; " + otherWrapProperty);
Example #4
        void GenerateObstacleVOs(VOBuffer vos)
            var range = maxSpeed * obstacleTimeHorizon;

            // Iterate through all obstacles that we might need to avoid
            for (int i = 0; i < simulator.obstacles.Count; i++)
                var obstacle = simulator.obstacles[i];
                var vertex   = obstacle;
                // Iterate through all edges (defined by vertex and vertex.dir) in the obstacle
                    // Ignore the edge if the agent should not collide with it
                    if (vertex.ignore || (vertex.layer & collidesWith) == 0)
                        vertex = vertex.next;

                    // Start and end points of the current segment
                    float elevation1, elevation2;
                    var   p1 = To2D(vertex.position, out elevation1);
                    var   p2 = To2D(vertex.next.position, out elevation2);

                    Vector2 dir = (p2 - p1).normalized;

                    // Signed distance from the line (not segment, lines are infinite)
                    // TODO: Can be optimized
                    float dist = VO.SignedDistanceFromLine(p1, dir, position);

                    if (dist >= -0.01f && dist < range)
                        float factorAlongSegment = Vector2.Dot(position - p1, p2 - p1) / (p2 - p1).sqrMagnitude;

                        // Calculate the elevation (y) coordinate of the point on the segment closest to the agent
                        var segmentY = Mathf.Lerp(elevation1, elevation2, factorAlongSegment);

                        // Calculate distance from the segment (not line)
                        var sqrDistToSegment = (Vector2.Lerp(p1, p2, factorAlongSegment) - position).sqrMagnitude;

                        // Ignore the segment if it is too far away
                        // or the agent is too high up (or too far down) on the elevation axis (usually y axis) to avoid it.
                        // If the XY plane is used then all elevation checks are disabled
                        if (sqrDistToSegment < range * range && (simulator.movementPlane == MovementPlane.XY || (elevationCoordinate <= segmentY + vertex.height && elevationCoordinate + height >= segmentY)))
                            vos.Add(VO.SegmentObstacle(p2 - position, p1 - position, Vector2.zero, radius * 0.01f, 1f / ObstacleTimeHorizon, 1f / simulator.DeltaTime));

                    vertex = vertex.next;
                } while (vertex != obstacle && vertex != null && vertex.next != null);
    public DataDecoder(byte[] data, VO entity = null)
        memoryStream = new MemoryStream(data);

        if (entity == null)
            int    clazzIdentifer = readByte2();
            string clazzName      = VoIdentiferMap [clazzIdentifer];
            entity = VO.createVO(clazzName);
        this.entity = entity;
        /// <summary>
        /// 刪除1筆角色對應資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myRoleUserMappingVO">角色對應型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>刪除1筆角色對應資料</returns>
        public int DeleteRoleUserMapping(VO.RoleUserMappingVO myRoleUserMappingVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[1];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myRoleUserMappingVO.id;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("DELETE RoleUserMapping WHERE id=@id;");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增主辦單位資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myUnitVO">主辦單位資料型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>新增主辦單位資料</returns>
        public int InsertUnit(VO.UnitVO myUnitVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[1];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myUnitVO.name;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT Unit (name,active) Values (@name,'Y'); ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #8
        public virtual List <T> GetAll()
            List <T> result = dataAccessObject.GetAll();


            if (result.Count > 0 && ((result[0] is NameBasedVO && !(result[0] is FileVO)) || (result[0] is UserVO)))
                result.Sort(VO.GetSorter <VO>());

Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vo">The offset of the sine wave</param>
 /// <param name="va">The amplitude of the sine wave</param>
 /// <param name="freq">The frequency in Hz</param>
 /// <param name="td">The delay in seconds</param>
 /// <param name="theta">The damping factor</param>
 public Sine(double vo, double va, double freq, double td = double.NaN, double theta = double.NaN) : base()
     if (!double.IsNaN(td))
     if (!double.IsNaN(theta))
    private void write(VO entity)
        Type type = entity.GetType();

        FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
        foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
            if (!fieldInfo.IsPublic)
            bool   primitive = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsPrimitive;
            string varName   = fieldInfo.Name;
            string typeName  = fieldInfo.FieldType.Name;

            if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsPrimitive)              //int float double long
                writePrimitive(entity, varName, typeName);

            //非基本类型: string  object  array
            if (typeName == "String")            //字符串
                writeString(entity.getVarValue <string> (varName), entity.getVarId(varName));
            if (typeName == "ArrayList")
                writeArray(entity.getVarValue <ArrayList> (varName), entity.getVarId(varName));

            if (typeName == "VO")
                writeObject(entity.getVarValue <VO> (varName), entity.getVarId(varName), true);
                typeName = fieldInfo.FieldType.BaseType.Name;
                if (typeName == "VO")
                    writeObject(entity.getVarValue <VO> (varName), entity.getVarId(varName), true);
            Console.WriteLine(varName + "  " + typeName + "  " + (primitive ? "true" :"false"));
Example #11
 public LocalDataModel()
     _path = Runtime.Ins.localResDir + FILE_NAME;
     if (File.Exists(_path))
         _vo = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <VO>(File.ReadAllText(_path));
         _vo = new VO();
    private void readArray(VO entity)
        int identity           = memoryStream.ReadByte();
        int itemClazzIdentifer = readByte2();

        ArrayList array    = new ArrayList();
        bool      loop     = true;
        long      endIndex = memoryStream.Length - 1;
        int       dataType = 0;

        while (loop && memoryStream.Position <= endIndex)
            dataType = memoryStream.ReadByte();
            if (dataType == (int)DataType.Object)
                string clazzName = VoIdentiferMap [itemClazzIdentifer];
                readObject(array, null);
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.Array)
                //				readArray ();
                continue;                 //暂不支持数组嵌套
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.Int32 || dataType == (int)DataType.Int16 ||
                     dataType == (int)DataType.UInt8 || dataType == (int)DataType.UInt16 || dataType == (int)DataType.UInt32 ||
                     dataType == (int)DataType.Double || dataType == (int)DataType.Long || dataType == (int)DataType.Float ||
                     dataType == (int)DataType.Boolean)
                readPrimitive(array, dataType);
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.StringShort)
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.String)
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.StringLong)
            else if (dataType == (int)DataType.Split)
                loop = false;
        entity.setVarValue((byte)identity, array);
Example #13
 public LocalDataModel()
     _path = Runtime.Ins.localResDir + FILE_NAME;
     if (File.Exists(_path))
         _vo = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <VO>(File.ReadAllText(_path));
         _vo.isInit        = false;
         _vo.localValueDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
Example #14
        public LocalDataModel()
            _path = FileSystem.CombinePaths(Runtime.Ins.generateFilesDir, FILE_NAME);

            if (File.Exists(_path))
                _vo = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <VO>(File.ReadAllText(_path));
                _vo = new VO();
        //Insert GridView的Insert
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增1筆角色對應資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myRoleUserMappingVO">角色對應型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>新增1筆角色對應資料</returns>
        public int InsertRoleUserMapping(VO.RoleUserMappingVO myRoleUserMappingVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[3];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@role_id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myRoleUserMappingVO.role_id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@unit_id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myRoleUserMappingVO.unit_id;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myRoleUserMappingVO.emp_id;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT INTO RoleUserMapping  SELECT @role_id,@unit_id,ID FROM V_ACSM_USER2 WHERE ID=@emp_id and status!=2 ; ");

            int Result=-1;

                Result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);

                if (Result == 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                    if ((ex as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException).Number == 2627)
                        throw ex;

                    throw ex;

            return Result;
     * 对象编码
     * @param objValue
     * @param identity 标识码
     * 规则: 数据类型+标识码+对象字节+分割符
     * 编码后长度为对象字节+3个字节
    private void writeObject(VO objValue, byte identity = 0, bool writeClazzIdentifer = true)
        if (objValue == null)
        DataEncoder encoder = new DataEncoder(objValue, identity, writeClazzIdentifer);

        byte[] data = encoder.encode();
        memoryStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Example #17
        private List <int> GetAssociationsOfTable(VO tableElement, string providedTableColumnName, string requiredTableColumnName)
            List <int> result    = new List <int>();
            string     condition = string.Format("{0} = @{0}", providedTableColumnName);
            string     statement = SqlStatememtGenerator.Select_ReadAllColumnsByCondition(tableName, condition);

            SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[] { MakeSqlParameter(providedTableColumnName, tableElement.Id) };
            SqlDataReader  reader     = executer.ExecuteSelectStatement(statement, parameters);

            if (reader.HasRows)
                while (reader.Read())

        /// <summary>
        /// 新增1筆自訂欄位選項資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myCustomFieldItemVO">自訂欄位選項資料型別物件</param>
        /// <returns 新增1筆自訂欄位選項資料></returns>
        public int INSERT(VO.CustomFieldItemVO myCustomFieldItemVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[3];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@field_id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myCustomFieldItemVO.field_id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@field_item_name", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myCustomFieldItemVO.field_item_name;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@field_item_text", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myCustomFieldItemVO.field_item_text;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT CustomFieldItem ");
            sb.AppendLine("([field_id],[field_item_name],[field_item_text]) ");
            sb.AppendLine("VALUES ");
            sb.AppendLine("(@field_id,@field_item_name,@field_item_text); ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
    private void readObject(object entity, VO item = null)
        int identity = 0;

        if (entity is VO)          //读标识
            identity = memoryStream.ReadByte();
        int position = (int)memoryStream.Position;

        byte[] data = new byte[memoryStream.Length - memoryStream.Position];

        memoryStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
        DataDecoder decoder = new DataDecoder(data, item);
        VO          vo      = decoder.decode();

        position += decoder.Position;
        memoryStream.Position = position;

        setVarValue(entity, identity, vo);
    public DataEncoder(VO entity, byte identity = 0, bool writeClazzIdentifer = true)
        this.entity = entity;

        if (identity == 0)
            identity = (byte)DataType.Default;
        else          //写入标识 ,当标识不等于DataType.Default时
        this.identity = identity;

        if (writeClazzIdentifer)
            if (!VoMapping.ContainsKey(entity.GetType().Name))
                int i = 0;
            int clazzIdentifer = VoMapping[entity.GetType().Name];
 public int DeleteRoleUserMapping(VO.RoleUserMappingVO myRoleUserMappingVO)
     DAO.RoleUserMappingDAO myRoleUserMappingDAO = new ACMS.DAO.RoleUserMappingDAO();
     return myRoleUserMappingDAO.DeleteRoleUserMapping(myRoleUserMappingVO);
Example #22
        public Vector3 ClampMovement(Vector3 direction)
            Vector3 targetDir     = direction * delta;
            Vector3 targetPoint   = transform.position + direction;
            Vector3 bestPoint     = targetPoint;
            float   bestPointDist = 0;

            //float lowestVO = float.PositiveInfinity;
            int lowestVOCounter = 0;

            //List<VO> vos = new List<VO> ();

            float velocityMagn = velocity.magnitude;

            foreach (LocalAvoidance agent in agents)
                if (agent == this || agent == null)

                Vector3 rCenter   = agent.transform.position - transform.position;
                float   dist      = rCenter.magnitude;
                float   doubleRad = (radius + agent.radius);

                if (dist > targetDir.magnitude * delta + doubleRad + velocityMagn + agent.GetVelocity().magnitude)

                if (lowestVOCounter > maxVOCounter)

                VO vo = new VO();

                vo.origin    = transform.position + Vector3.Lerp(velocity * delta, agent.GetVelocity() * delta, responability);
                vo.direction = rCenter.normalized;

                if (doubleRad > rCenter.magnitude)
                    vo.angle = Mathf.PI * 0.5F;

                    /*vo.limit = dist-doubleRad;
                     * if (vo.limit < 0) {
                     *      vo.limit = 0.001F;
                     * }
                     * vos.Add (vo);
                     * continue;*/
                    //doubleRad = rCenter.magnitude*0.99F;
                    vo.angle = (float)Math.Asin(doubleRad / dist);

                //float n = (float)Math.Tan (Math.Asin ((doubleRad)/rCenter.magnitude))*(rCenter.magnitude-doubleRad);
                //Vector3 m = (rCenter.magnitude - doubleRad)*rCenter.normalized;//+(agent.velocity+velocity)/2F;

                /*if (drawGizmos) {
                 *      Debug.DrawLine (transform.position,m,Color.red);
                 *      Debug.Log (n);
                 * }*/
                vo.limit = dist - doubleRad;                //m.magnitude;

                if (vo.limit < 0)
                    vo.origin += vo.direction * (vo.limit);
                    vo.limit   = 0.000F;

                float ax = Mathf.Atan2(vo.direction.z, vo.direction.x);
                vo.pRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax + vo.angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax + vo.angle));
                vo.pLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax - vo.angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax - vo.angle));

                vo.nLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax + vo.angle - Mathf.PI * 0.5F), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax + vo.angle - Mathf.PI * 0.5F));
                vo.nRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax - vo.angle + Mathf.PI * 0.5F), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax - vo.angle + Mathf.PI * 0.5F));

                //Debug.DrawRay (vo.origin,vo.nLeft,Color.red);
                //Debug.DrawRay (vo.origin,vo.nRight,Color.magenta);

                //vo.limit = Mathf.Min (rCenter.magnitude - doubleRad, rCenter.magnitude/2F);
                //doubleRad /= delta;
                //doubleRad /= 2;

                //vo.limit = doubleRad/Mathf.Tan (vo.angle);


            if (resType == ResolutionType.Geometric)
                //Is there any need to run more calculations
                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    if (vos[i].Contains(bestPoint))
                        bestPointDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        if (drawGizmos)
                            Debug.DrawRay(bestPoint, Vector3.down, Color.red);
                        bestPoint = transform.position;

                if (drawGizmos)
                    for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)

                        /*if (vos[i].Contains	(testPoint)) {
                         *      Debug.DrawLine (vos[i].origin,testPoint,Color.green);
                         * } else {
                         *      Debug.DrawLine (vos[i].origin,testPoint,Color.red);
                         * }*/

                if (bestPointDist == 0)

                List <VOLine> lines = new List <VOLine> ();
                //List<VOIntersection> ints = new List<VOIntersection>();

                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    VO vo = vos[i];

                    float a = (float)Math.Atan2(vo.direction.z, vo.direction.x);

                    //Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross (vo.direction,Vector3.up);
                    //Vector3 p1 = cross*(float)Math.Tan (vo.angle)*vo.limit;

                    Vector3 pLeft  = vo.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a + vo.angle)) * vo.limit;
                    Vector3 pRight = vo.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a - vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a - vo.angle)) * vo.limit;

                    //Vector3 pLeft = vo.origin+vo.direction*vo.limit+p1;
                    //Vector3 pRight = vo.origin+vo.direction*vo.limit-p1;

                    Vector3 pLeft2  = pLeft + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a + vo.angle)) * 100;
                    Vector3 pRight2 = pRight + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a - vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a - vo.angle)) * 100;

                    int IgnoreDirection = Polygon.Left(vo.origin, vo.origin + vo.direction, transform.position + velocity) ? 1 : 2;               //Vector3.Dot (transform.position+velocity-vo.origin,cross) > 0 ? 2 : 1;//(pRight-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude < (pLeft-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude ? 2 : 1;//Vector3.Dot (pRight-pLeft,transform.position+velocity-pLeft) > 0 ? 1 : 2;

                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pLeft, pLeft2, true, 1, IgnoreDirection == 1));
                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pRight, pRight2, true, 2, IgnoreDirection == 2));
                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pLeft, pRight, false, 3, false));

                    bool pLeftInside  = false;                   // || IgnoreDirection == 1;
                    bool pRightInside = false;                   // || IgnoreDirection == 2;

                    if (!pLeftInside)
                        for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                            if (q != i)
                                if (vos[q].Contains(pLeft))
                                    pLeftInside = true;
                    if (!pRightInside)
                        for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                            if (q != i)
                                if (vos[q].Contains(pRight))
                                    pRightInside = true;

                    vo.AddInt(0, pLeftInside, 1);                   //pLeftInside	|| IgnoreDirection == 1,1);
                    vo.AddInt(0, pRightInside, 2);                  //pRightInside  || IgnoreDirection == 2,2);
                    vo.AddInt(0, pLeftInside, 3);                   //pLeftInside	,3);//@ Ignore shouldn't really be there, but it works better with it of some reason
                    vo.AddInt(1, pRightInside, 3);                  //pRightInside	,3);//@ Ignore shouldn't really be there, but it works better with it of some reason

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.Count; j++)
                        //if (i==j) continue;

                        VOLine line  = lines[i];
                        VOLine line2 = lines[j];

                        if (line.vo == line2.vo)

                        float factor1;
                        float factor2;
                        if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(line.start, line.end, line2.start, line2.end, out factor1, out factor2))
                            if (factor1 < 0 || factor2 < 0 || (!line.inf && factor1 > 1) || (!line2.inf && factor2 > 1))

                            Vector3 p      = line.start + (line.end - line.start) * factor1;
                            bool    inside = line.wrongSide || line2.wrongSide;
                            if (!inside)
                                for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                                    if (vos[q] != line.vo && vos[q] != line2.vo)
                                        if (vos[q].Contains(p))
                                            inside = true;

                            line.vo.AddInt(factor1, inside, line.id);
                            line2.vo.AddInt(factor2, inside, line2.id);

                            //ints.Add (new VOIntersection (line.vo,line2.vo, factor1, factor2,inside));
                            if (drawGizmos)
                                Debug.DrawRay(line.start + (line.end - line.start) * factor1, Vector3.up, inside ? Color.magenta : Color.green);

                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    Vector3 segmClosest;
                    if (vos[i].FinalInts(targetPoint, transform.position + velocity, drawGizmos, out segmClosest))
                        float dist = (segmClosest - targetPoint).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (dist < bestPointDist)
                            bestPoint     = segmClosest;
                            bestPointDist = dist;
                            if (drawGizmos)
                                Debug.DrawLine(targetPoint + Vector3.up, bestPoint + Vector3.up, Color.red);

                if (drawGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawLine(targetPoint + Vector3.up, bestPoint + Vector3.up, Color.red);

                return(Vector3.ClampMagnitude(bestPoint - transform.position, targetDir.magnitude * maxSpeedScale));
            else if (resType == ResolutionType.Sampled)
                /*Sampling Solution
                 * ================= */
                Vector3 forward     = targetDir;
                Vector3 normForward = forward.normalized;
                Vector3 right       = Vector3.Cross(normForward, Vector3.up);

                int circleSamples = 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, circleSamples += 2)
                    float radPerSamples = (float)(Math.PI * circlePoint / circleSamples);
                    float offset        = (float)(Math.PI - circlePoint * Math.PI) * 0.5F;

                    for (int j = 0; j < circleSamples; j++)
                        float   a      = radPerSamples * j;
                        Vector3 sample = transform.position + targetDir - (forward * (float)Math.Sin(a + offset) * i * circleScale + right * (float)Math.Cos(a + offset) * i * circleScale);

                        if (CheckSample(sample, vos))
                            return(sample - transform.position);

                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 sample = transform.position + samples[i].x * right + samples[i].z * normForward + samples[i].y * forward;

                    if (CheckSample(sample, vos))
                        return(sample - transform.position);


                /* End of Sampling Solution
                 * ========================


            //if (drawGizmos) {

            /*HalfPlane[] hps = new HalfPlane[vos.Count];
             * for (int i=0;i<vos.Count;i++) {
             *      HalfPlane hp = (HalfPlane)vos[i];
             *      hps[i] = hp;
             * }
             * /*HalfPlane hp_top = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_top.point = transform.position+Vector3.forward*speed;
             * hp_top.normal = -new Vector3 (0.001F,0,1F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+0] = hp_top;
             * HalfPlane hp_bot = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_bot.point = transform.position-Vector3.forward*speed;
             * hp_bot.normal = new Vector3 (0.001F,0,1F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+1] = hp_bot;
             * HalfPlane hp_left = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_left.point = transform.position-Vector3.right*speed;
             * hp_left.normal = new Vector3 (1F,0,0.001F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+2] = hp_left;
             * HalfPlane hp_right = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_right.point = transform.position+Vector3.right*speed;
             * hp_right.normal = -new Vector3 (1F,0,0.001F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+3] = hp_right;*
             * for (int i=0;i<hps.Length;i++) {
             *      if (drawGizmos) { hps[i].Draw (); }
             * }
             * for (int i=0;i<hps.Length;i++) {
             *      HalfPlane hp = hps[i];
             *      if (hp.Contains	(bestPoint)) {
             *              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,Color.green);
             *              }
             *              continue;
             *      }
             *      Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Cross (hp.normal,Vector3.up);
             *      float leftBound = -100;
             *      float rightBound = 100;
             *      if (tangent.x < 0) {
             *              tangent = -tangent;
             *      }
             *      for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
             *              HalfPlane hp2 = hps[j];
             *              Vector3 intersection = hp.Intersection (hp2);
             *              float dot = Vector3.Dot (tangent,hp2.normal);
             *              if (dot > 0) {
             *                      leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *              } else if (dot < 0) {
             *                      rightBound = Mathf.Min (rightBound,intersection.x);
             *              } else {
             *                      //Parallel
             *                      if (Vector3.Dot (hp.normal,hp2.normal) < 0) {
             *                              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,Color.red);
             *                              }
             *                              return Vector3.zero;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              /*if (hp.normal.x > hp2.normal.x) {
             *                      if (hp2.normal.x < 0) {
             *                              rightBound = Mathf.Min (intersection.x, rightBound);
             *                      } else {
             *                              leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *                      }
             *              } else if (hp.normal.x < hp2.normal.x) {
             *                      if (hp2.normal.x < 0) {
             *                              leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *                      } else {
             *                              rightBound = Mathf.Min (rightBound,intersection.x);
             *                      }
             *              }*
             *      }
             *      if (drawGizmos) {
             *              hp.DrawBounds (leftBound,rightBound);
             *      }
             *      if (leftBound > rightBound) {
             *              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                      Debug.DrawRay (bestPoint,Vector3.up,Color.red);
             *                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,Color.red);
             *              }
             *              return Vector3.zero;
             *      }
             *      Vector3 closest = hp.ClosestPoint (targetPoint,leftBound,rightBound);
             *      if (drawGizmos) {
             *              Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,closest,Color.red);
             *      }
             *      bestPoint = closest;
             * }
             * return bestPoint-transform.position;*/
Example #23
        /** Traces the vector field constructed out of the velocity obstacles.
         * Returns the position which gives the minimum score (approximately).
        Vector2 Trace(VO[] vos, int voCount, Vector2 p, float cutoff, out float score)

            score = 0;
            float stepScale = simulator.stepScale;

            float bestScore = float.PositiveInfinity;
            Vector2 bestP = p;

            for (int s = 0; s < 50; s++)

                float step = 1.0f - (s / 50.0f);
                step *= stepScale;

                Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
                float mx = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < voCount; i++)
                    float w;
                    Vector2 d = vos[i].Sample(p, out w);
                    dir += d;

                    if (w > mx) mx = w;
                    //mx = System.Math.Max (mx, d.sqrMagnitude);

                // This didn't work out as well as I though
                // Code left here because I might reenable it later
                //Vector2 bonusForDesiredSpeed = p.normalized *  new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x,desiredVelocity.z).magnitude - p;

                Vector2 bonusForDesiredVelocity = (new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z) - p);

                float weight = bonusForDesiredVelocity.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;// + bonusForDesiredSpeed.magnitude*DesiredSpeedScale;
                dir += bonusForDesiredVelocity * DesiredVelocityScale;// + bonusForDesiredSpeed*DesiredSpeedScale;
                mx = System.Math.Max(mx, weight);

                score = mx;

                if (score < bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;

                bestP = p;
                if (score <= cutoff && s > 10) break;

                float sq = dir.sqrMagnitude;
                if (sq > 0) dir *= mx / Mathf.Sqrt(sq);

                dir *= step;
                Vector2 prev = p;
                p += dir;
                if (DebugDraw) Debug.DrawLine(To3D(prev) + position, To3D(p) + position, Rainbow(0.1f / score) * new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2f));

            score = bestScore;
            return bestP;
 public void insertRowsEnqueue(VO.TableList tablesList)
     this.dao = getDataBaseDAODB();
     if (tablesList != null && tablesList.Tables != null && tablesList.Tables.Count > 0)
        foreach(VO.Table t in tablesList.Tables)
             String insert = SQLGenerator.getInsertStart(t);
             foreach(VO.Row r in t.Rows)
                     RowsInsert.Enqueue(insert + SQLGenerator.insertRow(t.getListColumnsExcluded(), r));
                 catch(Exception e)
        initialSize = RowsInsert.Count;
Example #25
 public static void Play(VO vo)
     * 基本数据类型  int float double long
     * @param varName
     * @param typeName
     * */
    private void writePrimitive(VO entity, string varName, string typeName)
        byte identity = entity.getVarId(varName);

        if (typeName == "Int32")
            int value = entity.getVarValue <int> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            //			writeInt (entity.getVarValue<int> (varName), entity.getVarId (varName));
            if (value >= 0)
                if (value < 256)
                    writeUInt8(value, identity);
                else if (value < 65536)
                    writeUInt16(value, identity);
                    writeInt(value, identity);
                if (value >= -32768)
                    writeInt16(value, identity);
                    writeInt(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Double")
            double value = entity.getVarValue <double> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeDouble(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Boolean")
            bool value = entity.getVarValue <bool> (varName);
            writeBoolean(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "UInt16")
            ushort value = entity.getVarValue <ushort> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeUInt16(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Int16")
            short value = entity.getVarValue <short> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeInt16(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "UInt32")
            uint value = entity.getVarValue <uint> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeUInt(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Long")
            long value = entity.getVarValue <long> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeLong(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Int64")
            long value = entity.getVarValue <long> (varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeLong(value, identity);
        else if (typeName == "Float")
            float value = entity.getVarValue <float>(varName);
            if (value == 0)
            writeFloat(value, identity);
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增1筆自訂欄資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myCustomFieldVO">自訂欄資料型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>新增1筆自訂欄資料</returns>
        public int INSERT(VO.CustomFieldVO myCustomFieldVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[3];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@activity_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myCustomFieldVO.activity_id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@field_name", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myCustomFieldVO.field_name;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@field_control", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myCustomFieldVO.field_control;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT CustomField ");
            sb.AppendLine("([activity_id],[field_name],[field_control]) ");
            sb.AppendLine("VALUES ");
            sb.AppendLine("(@activity_id,@field_name,@field_control); ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #28
		internal void CalculateVelocity ( Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator.WorkerContext context ) {

			if ( locked ) {
				newVelocity = Vector2.zero;

			if ( context.vos.Length < neighbours.Count ) {
				context.vos = new VO[Mathf.Max(context.vos.Length*2, neighbours.Count)];

			Vector2 position2D = new Vector2(position.x,position.z);

			var vos = context.vos;
			var voCount = 0;

			Vector2 optimalVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

			float inverseAgentTimeHorizon = 1.0f/agentTimeHorizon;

			for ( int o = 0; o < neighbours.Count; o++ ) {

				Agent other = neighbours[o];

				if ( other == this ) continue;

				float maxY = System.Math.Min (position.y+height,other.position.y+other.height);
				float minY = System.Math.Max (position.y,other.position.y);
				//The agents cannot collide since they
				//are on different y-levels
				if (maxY - minY < 0) {

				Vector2 otherOptimalVelocity = new Vector2(other.Velocity.x, other.velocity.z);

				float totalRadius = radius + other.radius;

				// Describes a circle on the border of the VO
				//float boundingRadius = totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
				Vector2 voBoundingOrigin = new Vector2(other.position.x,other.position.z) - position2D;

				//float boundingDist = voBoundingOrigin.magnitude;

				Vector2 relativeVelocity = optimalVelocity - otherOptimalVelocity;

					//voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
					//boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
					// Common case, no collision
					vos[voCount] = new VO( voBoundingOrigin, (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity)*0.5f, totalRadius, relativeVelocity, inverseAgentTimeHorizon);

	#if OLD
				//Debug.Log (boundingDist + " " + total
				if ( boundingDist < totalRadius ) {
					// Collision

					// We want the collision to end this frame, so ignore the inverseAgentTimeHorizon and
					// instead use the frame's delta time instead. The closest point will not always be 
					// on the circle, but the velocity will have to be really
					// high for it not to be, so just assume the velocity is low
					// (if not, the agents will jump through each other)

					voBoundingOrigin *= (1.0f/simulator.DeltaTime);
					boundingDist *= (1.0f/simulator.DeltaTime);

					Vector2 d = relativeVelocity - voBoundingOrigin;
					float dm = d.magnitude;

					// Normalize
					d /= dm;

					float resMagn = (totalRadius*(1.0f/simulator.DeltaTime) - dm);
					maxRelVelMagn = System.Math.Max ( resMagn, maxRelVelMagn );

					Vector2 closestOnCircleDelta = d*resMagn;//d*(boundingDist-dm);
					Vector2 closestOnCircleVector = d;

					halfPlanes.Add ( new HalfPlane ( closestOnCircleDelta*0.5f + optimalVelocity, closestOnCircleVector ) );
					if (debug) halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count-1].Draw ( Color.blue );
				} else {
					voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
					boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

					// Common case, no collision

					VO vo = new VO( voBoundingOrigin + (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity)*0.5f, voBoundingOrigin.normalized, totalRadius*inverseAgentTimeHorizon);

					maxRelVelMagn = System.Math.Max ( maxRelVelMagn, relativeVelocity.magnitude );
					// Optimized: float factor = Vector3.Dot ( optimalVelocity, voBoundingOrigin ) < (boundingDist^2);

					if (debug) DrawVO ( voBoundingOrigin, boundingRadius, Vector2.zero);

					if ( debug ) {
						//Debug.DrawLine ( To3D(position), To3D ( relativeVelocity ), Color.blue );
						DrawCross ( relativeVelocity, Color.white, 0.5f);


					//DrawCross ( voBoundingOrigin );

					float alpha = Mathf.Atan2 ( -voBoundingOrigin.y, -voBoundingOrigin.x );

					float delta = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Acos (boundingRadius/(voBoundingOrigin).magnitude));

					float actualDot = Vector2.Dot ( -voBoundingOrigin.normalized, (relativeVelocity-voBoundingOrigin).normalized );
					float dot = Mathf.Abs ( Mathf.Acos ( Mathf.Clamp01(actualDot) ) );

					bool closestIsCircle = dot < delta;
					/*DrawCircle ( circleCenter, radius, alpha-delta, alpha+delta, Color.black );
					Vector2 p1 = circleCenter + new Vector2 ( Mathf.Cos (alpha-delta), Mathf.Sin (alpha-delta) ) * boundingRadius;
					Vector2 p2 = circleCenter + new Vector2 ( Mathf.Cos (alpha+delta), Mathf.Sin (alpha+delta) ) * boundingRadius;*/

					if ( debug ) Debug.Log (" <= 1 && " + dot + " < " + delta + " ( " +actualDot + ")");
					if ( closestIsCircle ) {
						// The cutoff circle is the closest 
						// part of the VO
						// Find the closest point on the VO

						Vector2 closestOnCircleVector = (relativeVelocity - voBoundingOrigin);
						float magn = closestOnCircleVector.magnitude;
						closestOnCircleVector = closestOnCircleVector/magn;//(closestOnCircleVector/magn)*boundingRadius*(1-(magn/boundingRadius));
						Vector2 closestOnCircle = closestOnCircleVector*boundingRadius + voBoundingOrigin;

						//if ( magn > boundingRadius ) closestOnCircleVector = -closestOnCircleVector;
						if ( debug ) DrawCross ( closestOnCircle, 1);
						halfPlanes.Add ( new HalfPlane ( (closestOnCircle - relativeVelocity)*0.5f + optimalVelocity, closestOnCircleVector.normalized ) );
						if (debug) halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count-1].Draw ( closestIsCircle ? Color.blue : Color.red );

					} else {
						// One of the legs of the VO is the closest part
						// find the closest point on the VO

						bool left = Polygon.Left ( Vector2.zero, voBoundingOrigin, relativeVelocity );
						float gamma = alpha + (left ? delta : -delta);

						// Point on circle
						Vector2 line = new Vector2 ( Mathf.Cos (gamma), Mathf.Sin (gamma) ) * boundingRadius;
						// Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
						Vector2 dir = new Vector2(line.y,-line.x).normalized;

						// Point in space
						line += voBoundingOrigin;

						Vector2 onLine = line + dir * Vector2.Dot ( dir, relativeVelocity - line);
						if (debug) {
							DrawCross ( onLine, Color.red, 1 );
							Debug.DrawRay ( To3D(line), To3D(dir*10), Color.red );
							Debug.Log (line + " " + dir + " " + gamma + " " + relativeVelocity);

						if ( !left ) dir = -dir;

						halfPlanes.Add ( new HalfPlane ( (onLine - relativeVelocity)*0.5f + optimalVelocity, (line-voBoundingOrigin).normalized ) );
						if (debug) halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count-1].Draw ( Color.blue );

			if ( this.DebugDraw ) {
				/*for ( int x = 0; x < simulator.tex.width; x++ ) {
					for ( int y = 0; y < simulator.tex.height; y++ ) {
						Vector2 p = new Vector2 (x*simulator.textureSize / simulator.tex.width, y*simulator.textureSize / simulator.tex.height);

						Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
						float weight = 0;
						for ( int i = 0; i < voCount; i++ ) {
							float w = 0;
							dir += vos[i].Sample (p-position, out w);
							if ( w > weight ) weight = w;
						Vector2 d2 = (desiredVelocity - (p-position));
						dir += d2*DesiredVelocityScale;

						if ( d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight > weight ) weight = d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;

						if ( weight > 0 ) dir /= weight;

						Vector2 d3 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position);
						Debug.DrawRay ( To3D(p), To3D(d3*1f), Color.blue );
						simulator.Plot (p, Rainbow(weight*simulator.colorScale));

			//if ( debug ) {
			float best = float.PositiveInfinity;
			Vector2 result = Vector2.zero;

			float cutoff = new Vector2(velocity.x,velocity.z).magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff;

			//for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
				result = Trace ( vos, voCount, new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z), cutoff, out best );

			// Can be uncommented for higher quality local avoidance
			/*for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				Vector2 p = desiredVelocity + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)));
				float score;
				Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, velocity.magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff, out score );
				if ( score < best ) {
					//if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
					result = res;
					best = score;

				Vector2 p = Vector2.zero;
				float score;
				Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, cutoff, out score );
				if ( score < best ) {
					//if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
					result = res;
					best = score;

			if (DebugDraw) DrawCross (result+position2D);

			newVelocity = To3D(Vector2.ClampMagnitude (result, maxSpeed));
Example #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          25/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public int Insert(VO.KNOWLEDGE obj)
     return new DAO.KNOWLEDGE().Insert(obj.KNOWLEDGE_NAME);
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增報名或更新報名資訊
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myActivityRegistVO">報名人員資料型別物件</param>
        /// <param name="myCustomFieldValueVOList">自訂欄位型別物</param>
        /// <param name="myActivityTeamMemberVOList">團隊報名隊員型別物件</param>
        /// <param name="type">insert=新增,else修改</param>
        /// <param name="activity_type">活動類別</param>
        /// <param name="webPath">網址到根目錄</param>
        /// <param name="path">附加檔案目錄</param>
        /// <returns>新增報名或更新報名資訊</returns>
        public int UpdateActivityRegist(VO.ActivityRegistVO myActivityRegistVO, List<ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO> myCustomFieldValueVOList, List<ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO> myActivityTeamMemberVOList, string type, string activity_type, string webPath,string path )
            string empidnew="" ;
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[8];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myActivityRegistVO.id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@activity_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myActivityRegistVO.activity_id;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myActivityRegistVO.emp_id;
            sqlParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@regist_by", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
            sqlParams[3].Value = myActivityRegistVO.regist_by;
            sqlParams[4] = new SqlParameter("@idno_type", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[4].Value = myActivityRegistVO.idno_type;
            sqlParams[5] = new SqlParameter("@idno", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
            sqlParams[5].Value = myActivityRegistVO.idno;
            sqlParams[6] = new SqlParameter("@team_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
            sqlParams[6].Value = myActivityRegistVO.team_name;
            sqlParams[7] = new SqlParameter("@ext_people", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[7].Value = myActivityRegistVO.ext_people;
               // sqlParams[8] = new SqlParameter("@idno_ext", SqlDbType.NVarChar, myActivityRegistVO.idno_ext.Length);
            //sqlParams[8].Value = myActivityRegistVO.idno_ext;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List<string> ListOriginMembers = new List<string>();
            string strNewEmp_idList = "";

            if (myActivityTeamMemberVOList != null)
                ListOriginMembers = AllTeamMemberByBoss(myActivityRegistVO.activity_id, myActivityRegistVO.regist_by);

                foreach (ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO myActivityTeamMemberVO in myActivityTeamMemberVOList)
                    strNewEmp_idList += string.Format("{0},", myActivityTeamMemberVO.emp_id);

                if (strNewEmp_idList.EndsWith(","))
                    strNewEmp_idList = strNewEmp_idList.Substring(0, strNewEmp_idList.Length - 1);

            if (type == "insert")
                sb.AppendLine("declare @SeqNo int  select @SeqNo=MAX(SeqNo) from ActivityRegist  where activity_id =@activity_id  INSERT ActivityRegist ");
                sb.AppendLine("([activity_id],[emp_id],[regist_by],[idno_type],[idno],[team_name],[ext_people],[createat],[check_status],[SeqNo]) ");//,idno_ext
                sb.AppendLine("SELECT ");
                sb.AppendLine("where 1=1 ");

                if (activity_type == "1")
                    sb.AppendLine("and not exists(SELECt * FROM ActivityRegist where activity_id=@activity_id and emp_id=@emp_id) ");
                    sb.AppendLine("and not exists( ");
                    sb.AppendLine("SELECT * ");
                    sb.AppendLine("FROM ActivityTeamMember A ");
                    sb.AppendLine("left join V_ACSM_USER2 B on A.emp_id=B.ID ");
                    sb.AppendLine("WHERE 1=1 ");
                    sb.AppendLine("AND A.activity_id=@activity_id ");
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("AND A.emp_id in (SELECT * FROM dbo.UTILfn_Split('{0}',',')) ", strNewEmp_idList));
                    sb.AppendLine("AND A.boss_id<>@regist_by ");
                    sb.AppendLine(") ");

                sb.AppendLine("and  exists( ");
                sb.AppendLine("SELECT A.id ");
                sb.AppendLine("FROM Activity A ");
                sb.AppendLine("left join ActivityRegist B on A.id=B.activity_id");
                sb.AppendLine("WHERE 1=1 ");
                sb.AppendLine("and A.id=@activity_id ");
                sb.AppendLine("and ISNULL(B.check_status,0)>=0 ");
                sb.AppendLine("group by A.id,ISNULL(A.limit_count,0),ISNULL(A.limit2_count,0) ");
                sb.AppendLine("having (ISNULL(A.limit_count,0)+ISNULL(A.limit2_count,0)) - COUNT(B.id)>0 ");
                sb.AppendLine(") ");


                if (myActivityRegistVO.emp_id != myActivityRegistVO.regist_by && myActivityTeamMemberVOList != null )
                    ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO MyObj = myActivityTeamMemberVOList.Find(delegate(ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO e) { return e.emp_id == myActivityRegistVO.emp_id; });

                    sb.Length = 0;
                    sb.AppendLine("UPDATE ActivityTeamMember ");
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("set idno_type={0} ", MyObj.idno_type));
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format(",idno='{0}' ", MyObj.idno));
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format(",remark='{0}' ", MyObj.remark));
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE activity_id='{0}' and emp_id='{1}' ", myActivityRegistVO.activity_id, myActivityRegistVO.emp_id));

                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

                    cmd.Connection = MyConn();
                    cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();

                    return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();


                sb.Length = 0;
                sb.AppendLine("UPDATE ActivityRegist ");
                //sb.AppendLine("set activity_id=@activity_id ");
                //sb.AppendLine(",emp_id=@emp_id ");
                //sb.AppendLine(",regist_by=@regist_by ");
                sb.AppendLine("set idno_type=@idno_type ");
                sb.AppendLine(",idno=@idno ");
                sb.AppendLine(",team_name=@team_name ");
                sb.AppendLine(",ext_people=@ext_people");// ,idno_ext=@idno_ext
                sb.AppendLine("WHERE activity_id=@activity_id and emp_id=@emp_id ");

                if (activity_type == "2")
                    sb.AppendLine("and not exists( ");
                    sb.AppendLine("SELECT * ");
                    sb.AppendLine("FROM ActivityTeamMember A ");
                    sb.AppendLine("left join V_ACSM_USER2 B on A.emp_id=B.ID ");
                    sb.AppendLine("WHERE 1=1 ");
                    sb.AppendLine("AND A.activity_id=@activity_id ");
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("AND A.emp_id in (SELECT * FROM dbo.UTILfn_Split('{0}',',')) ", strNewEmp_idList));
                    sb.AppendLine("AND A.boss_id<>@regist_by ");
                    sb.AppendLine(") ");

            //using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope trans = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())

            using (SqlConnection myConn = MyConn())

                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

                    cmd.Connection = myConn;
                    cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();

                    int intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    //變更成功就 1.改自訂欄位 2.重製ActivityTeamMember(團隊)
                    if (intResult > 0)
                        sb.Length = 0;
                        sb.AppendLine("DELETE A ");
                        sb.AppendLine("FROM CustomFieldValue A ");

                        if (activity_type == "1")
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("inner join CustomField B on A.field_id=B.field_id and A.emp_id='{0}' and B.activity_id='{1}'; ", myActivityRegistVO.emp_id, myActivityRegistVO.activity_id));
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("inner join CustomField B on A.field_id=B.field_id and A.emp_id='{0}' and B.activity_id='{1}'; ", myActivityRegistVO.regist_by, myActivityRegistVO.activity_id));

                        cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();

                        foreach (ACMS.VO.CustomFieldValueVO myCustomFieldValueVO in myCustomFieldValueVOList)
                            SqlParameter[] sqlParams2 = new SqlParameter[4];

                            sqlParams2[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                            sqlParams2[0].Value = myCustomFieldValueVO.id;
                            sqlParams2[1] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                            sqlParams2[1].Value = myCustomFieldValueVO.emp_id;
                            sqlParams2[2] = new SqlParameter("@field_id", SqlDbType.Int);
                            sqlParams2[2].Value = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_id;
                            sqlParams2[3] = new SqlParameter("@field_value", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200);
                            sqlParams2[3].Value = myCustomFieldValueVO.field_value;

                            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();

                            sb2.AppendLine("INSERT CustomFieldValue ");
                            sb2.AppendLine("VALUES ");
                            sb2.AppendLine("(@id,@emp_id,@field_id,@field_value) ");

                            cmd.CommandText = sb2.ToString();


                        if (myActivityTeamMemberVOList != null)
                            List<string> ListNewEmp_id;

                            ListNewEmp_id = new List<string>(strNewEmp_idList.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                            ListNewEmp_id = new List<string>(strNewEmp_idList.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                            ListNewEmp_id.RemoveAll(delegate(string e) { return ListOriginMembers.Contains(e); });
                           // clsMyObj.RegistSuccess_Team(myActivityRegistVO.activity_id.ToString(), string.Join(",", ListNewEmp_id.ToArray()), myActivityRegistVO.regist_by, webPath,path );

                            ListNewEmp_id = new List<string>(strNewEmp_idList.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                            ListOriginMembers.RemoveAll(delegate(string e) { return ListNewEmp_id.Contains(e); });

                            //clsMyObj.CancelRegist(myActivityRegistVO.activity_id.ToString(), string.Join(",", ListOriginMembers.ToArray()), myActivityRegistVO.regist_by,webPath);
                            //2011/3/28 日 add 取消人需發信及加到取消人員清冊中
                            foreach (ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO myActivityTeamMemberVO in myActivityTeamMemberVOList)
                                empidnew +=myActivityTeamMemberVO.emp_id+  ",";
                            empidnew = empidnew.Substring(0, empidnew.Length - 1);
                            InsertActivityRegistCancelTeamMember(myActivityTeamMemberVOList[0].activity_id ,empidnew,clsAuth.ID );

                            sb.Length = 0;
                            sb.AppendLine("DELETE A ");
                            sb.AppendLine("FROM ActivityTeamMember A ");
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE A.boss_id='{0}' and A.activity_id='{1}'; ", myActivityRegistVO.regist_by, myActivityRegistVO.activity_id));

                            cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();

                            foreach (ACMS.VO.ActivityTeamMemberVO myActivityTeamMemberVO in myActivityTeamMemberVOList)
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParams3 = new SqlParameter[7];

                                sqlParams3[0] = new SqlParameter("@activity_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                                sqlParams3[0].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.activity_id;
                                sqlParams3[1] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                                sqlParams3[1].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.emp_id;
                                sqlParams3[2] = new SqlParameter("@boss_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                                sqlParams3[2].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.boss_id;
                                sqlParams3[3] = new SqlParameter("@idno_type", SqlDbType.SmallInt);
                                sqlParams3[3].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.idno_type;
                                sqlParams3[4] = new SqlParameter("@idno", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
                                sqlParams3[4].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.idno;
                                sqlParams3[5] = new SqlParameter("@remark", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500);
                                sqlParams3[5].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.remark;
                                sqlParams3[6] = new SqlParameter("@check_status", SqlDbType.Int);
                                sqlParams3[6].Value = myActivityTeamMemberVO.check_status;

                                StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder();

                                sb3.AppendLine("INSERT ActivityTeamMember ");
                                sb3.AppendLine("VALUES ");
                                sb3.AppendLine("(@activity_id,@emp_id,@boss_id,@idno_type,@idno,@remark,@check_status) ");

                                cmd.CommandText = sb3.ToString();

                        return 0;

                    return 0;



            return 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增一個報名人員的資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myActivityRegistVO">報名人員型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>ExecuteNonQuery</returns>
        public int INSERT_NewOne(VO.ActivityRegistVO myActivityRegistVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[4];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myActivityRegistVO.id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@activity_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myActivityRegistVO.activity_id;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myActivityRegistVO.emp_id;
            sqlParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@regist_by", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[3].Value = myActivityRegistVO.regist_by;
               // sqlParams[4] = new SqlParameter("@idno_ext", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
               // sqlParams[4].Value = myActivityRegistVO.idno_ext;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT ActivityRegist ");
            sb.AppendLine("([id],[activity_id],[emp_id],[regist_by],[ticket_id],[idno],[ext_people],[createat],[check_status]) ");//,idno_exrt
            sb.AppendLine("VALUES ");
            sb.AppendLine("(@id,@activity_id,@emp_id,@regist_by,null,'',null,getdate(),0) ");//,@idno_ext

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
 public void ModificarEspecificaDeGasto(VO.EspecificoDeGasto_BUS espec)
     DAEspecificoDeGasto espDAL = new DAEspecificoDeGasto();
 public void AgregarEspecificaDeGasto(VO.EspecificoDeGasto_BUS espec)
     DAEspecificoDeGasto espDAL = new DAEspecificoDeGasto();
Example #34
 public UIData() : base()
     this.toastMessage = new VO <ReferenceData <ToastMessage> >(this, (byte)Property.toastMessage, new ReferenceData <ToastMessage>(null));
     this.state        = new VD <State>(this, (byte)Property.state, new ToastS.Hide());
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Update
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          14/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public int Update(VO.SCHOOL obj)
     return new DAO.SCHOOL().Update(obj.ID, obj.SCHOOL_NAME, obj.ADDRESS, obj.TELEPHONE,
         obj.EMAIL, obj.WEBSITE, obj.CITY_ID);
Example #36
		Vector2 Trace ( VO[] vos, int voCount, Vector2 p, float cutoff, out float score ) {

			score = 0;
			float stepScale = simulator.stepScale;

			//while ( true ) {
			for ( int s = 0; s < 50; s++ ) {

				float step = 1.0f - (s/50.0f);
				step *= stepScale;

				Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
				float mx = 0;
				for ( int i = 0; i < voCount; i++ ) {
					float w;
					Vector2 d = vos[i].Sample (p, out w);
					dir += d;

					if ( w > mx ) mx = w;
					//mx = System.Math.Max (mx, d.sqrMagnitude);

				Vector2 d2 = (new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x,desiredVelocity.z) - p);
				float weight = d2.magnitude*DesiredVelocityWeight;
				dir += d2*DesiredVelocityScale;
				mx = System.Math.Max (mx, weight);

				/*if ( simulator.densityScale > 0 ) {
					d2 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position);
					dir += d2;
					mx = System.Math.Max (mx, d2.magnitude);

				score = mx;//dir.sqrMagnitude;

				float sq = dir.sqrMagnitude;
				if ( sq > 0 ) dir *= mx/Mathf.Sqrt(sq); // +1 to avoid division by zero
					//Vector2.ClampMagnitude (dir, Mathf.Sqrt(mx));
				//dir /= vos.Count+1;

				dir *= step;

				//Vector2 prev = p;
				p += dir;

				if ( score < cutoff ) break;
				//if (debug) Debug.DrawLine ( To3D(prev+position), To3D(p+position), Color.green);

			return p;
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          26/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public bool Insert(VO.CLASS_KNOWLEDGE obj)
     return new DAO.CLASS_KNOWLEDGE().Insert(obj.CLASS_ID, obj.KNOWLEDGE_ID);
Example #38
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * Note that the segment is directed, the agent will want to be on the left side of the segment.
            public static VO SegmentObstacle(TSVector2 segmentStart, TSVector2 segmentEnd, TSVector2 offset, FP radius, FP inverseDt, FP inverseDeltaTime)
                var vo = new VO();

                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                vo.weightFactor = 1;
                // Just higher than anything else
                vo.weightBonus = TSMath.Max(radius, 1) * 40;

                var closestOnSegment = CustomMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart, segmentEnd, TSVector2.zero);

                // Collision?
                if (closestOnSegment.magnitude <= radius)
                    vo.colliding = true;

                    vo.line1  = closestOnSegment.normalized * (closestOnSegment.magnitude - radius) * 3 / 10 * inverseDeltaTime;
                    vo.dir1   = new TSVector2(vo.line1.y, -vo.line1.x).normalized;
                    vo.line1 += offset;

                    vo.cutoffDir  = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.cutoffLine = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.dir2       = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.line2      = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.radius     = 0;

                    vo.segmentStart = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = TSVector2.zero;
                    vo.segment      = false;
                    vo.colliding = false;

                    segmentStart *= inverseDt;
                    segmentEnd   *= inverseDt;
                    radius       *= inverseDt;

                    var cutoffTangent = (segmentEnd - segmentStart).normalized;
                    vo.cutoffDir   = cutoffTangent;
                    vo.cutoffLine  = segmentStart + new TSVector2(-cutoffTangent.y, cutoffTangent.x) * radius;
                    vo.cutoffLine += offset;

                    // See documentation for details
                    // The call to Max is just to prevent floating point errors causing NaNs to appear
                    var startSqrMagnitude = segmentStart.LengthSquared();
                    var normal1           = -ComplexMultiply(segmentStart, new TSVector2(radius, TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Max(0, startSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / startSqrMagnitude;
                    var endSqrMagnitude   = segmentEnd.LengthSquared();
                    var normal2           = -ComplexMultiply(segmentEnd, new TSVector2(radius, -TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Max(0, endSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / endSqrMagnitude;

                    vo.line1 = segmentStart + normal1 * radius + offset;
                    vo.line2 = segmentEnd + normal2 * radius + offset;

                    // Note that the normals are already normalized
                    vo.dir1 = new TSVector2(normal1.y, -normal1.x);
                    vo.dir2 = new TSVector2(normal2.y, -normal2.x);

                    vo.segmentStart = segmentStart;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = segmentEnd;
                    vo.radius       = radius;
                    vo.segment      = true;

Example #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Update
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          25/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public bool Update(VO.KNOWLEDGE obj)
     return new DAO.KNOWLEDGE().Update(obj.ID, obj.KNOWLEDGE_NAME);
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          25/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public Nullable<decimal> Insert(VO.CLASS obj)
     return new DAO.CLASS().Insert(obj.CLASS_NAME, obj.SCHOOL_ID, obj.CLASS_TYPE);
Example #41
 protected abstract double Validate(VO record);
Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Update
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          25/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public bool Update(VO.CLASS obj)
     return false;
Example #43
        internal void CalculateVelocity(Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator.WorkerContext context)
            if (locked)
                newVelocity = Vector2.zero;

            if (context.vos.Length < neighbours.Count)
                context.vos = new VO[Mathf.Max(context.vos.Length * 2, neighbours.Count)];

            Vector2 position2D = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);

            var vos     = context.vos;
            var voCount = 0;

            Vector2 optimalVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

            float inverseAgentTimeHorizon = 1.0f / agentTimeHorizon;

            for (int o = 0; o < neighbours.Count; o++)
                Agent other = neighbours[o];

                if (other == this)

                float maxY = System.Math.Min(position.y + height, other.position.y + other.height);
                float minY = System.Math.Max(position.y, other.position.y);

                //The agents cannot collide since they
                //are on different y-levels
                if (maxY - minY < 0)

                Vector2 otherOptimalVelocity = new Vector2(other.Velocity.x, other.velocity.z);

                float totalRadius = radius + other.radius;

                // Describes a circle on the border of the VO
                //float boundingRadius = totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                Vector2 voBoundingOrigin = new Vector2(other.position.x, other.position.z) - position2D;

                //float boundingDist = voBoundingOrigin.magnitude;

                Vector2 relativeVelocity = optimalVelocity - otherOptimalVelocity;

                    //voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                    //boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

                    // Common case, no collision

                    vos[voCount] = new VO(voBoundingOrigin, (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity) * 0.5f, totalRadius, relativeVelocity, inverseAgentTimeHorizon);

        #if OLD
                //Debug.Log (boundingDist + " " + total
                if (boundingDist < totalRadius)
                    // Collision

                    // We want the collision to end this frame, so ignore the inverseAgentTimeHorizon and
                    // instead use the frame's delta time instead. The closest point will not always be
                    // on the circle, but the velocity will have to be really
                    // high for it not to be, so just assume the velocity is low
                    // (if not, the agents will jump through each other)

                    voBoundingOrigin *= (1.0f / simulator.DeltaTime);
                    boundingDist     *= (1.0f / simulator.DeltaTime);

                    Vector2 d  = relativeVelocity - voBoundingOrigin;
                    float   dm = d.magnitude;

                    // Normalize
                    d /= dm;

                    float resMagn = (totalRadius * (1.0f / simulator.DeltaTime) - dm);
                    maxRelVelMagn = System.Math.Max(resMagn, maxRelVelMagn);

                    Vector2 closestOnCircleDelta  = d * resMagn;                 //d*(boundingDist-dm);
                    Vector2 closestOnCircleVector = d;

                    halfPlanes.Add(new HalfPlane(closestOnCircleDelta * 0.5f + optimalVelocity, closestOnCircleVector));
                    if (debug)
                        halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count - 1].Draw(Color.blue);
                    voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                    boundingDist     *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

                    // Common case, no collision

                    VO vo = new VO(voBoundingOrigin + (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity) * 0.5f, voBoundingOrigin.normalized, totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon);

                    maxRelVelMagn = System.Math.Max(maxRelVelMagn, relativeVelocity.magnitude);
                    // Optimized: float factor = Vector3.Dot ( optimalVelocity, voBoundingOrigin ) < (boundingDist^2);

                    if (debug)
                        DrawVO(voBoundingOrigin, boundingRadius, Vector2.zero);

                    if (debug)
                        //Debug.DrawLine ( To3D(position), To3D ( relativeVelocity ), Color.blue );
                        DrawCross(relativeVelocity, Color.white, 0.5f);

                    //DrawCross ( voBoundingOrigin );

                    float alpha = Mathf.Atan2(-voBoundingOrigin.y, -voBoundingOrigin.x);

                    float delta = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Acos(boundingRadius / (voBoundingOrigin).magnitude));

                    float actualDot = Vector2.Dot(-voBoundingOrigin.normalized, (relativeVelocity - voBoundingOrigin).normalized);
                    float dot       = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Acos(Mathf.Clamp01(actualDot)));

                    bool closestIsCircle = dot < delta;

                    /*DrawCircle ( circleCenter, radius, alpha-delta, alpha+delta, Color.black );
                     * Vector2 p1 = circleCenter + new Vector2 ( Mathf.Cos (alpha-delta), Mathf.Sin (alpha-delta) ) * boundingRadius;
                     * Vector2 p2 = circleCenter + new Vector2 ( Mathf.Cos (alpha+delta), Mathf.Sin (alpha+delta) ) * boundingRadius;*/

                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log(" <= 1 && " + dot + " < " + delta + " ( " + actualDot + ")");
                    if (closestIsCircle)
                        // The cutoff circle is the closest
                        // part of the VO
                        // Find the closest point on the VO

                        Vector2 closestOnCircleVector = (relativeVelocity - voBoundingOrigin);
                        float   magn = closestOnCircleVector.magnitude;
                        closestOnCircleVector = closestOnCircleVector / magn;                      //(closestOnCircleVector/magn)*boundingRadius*(1-(magn/boundingRadius));
                        Vector2 closestOnCircle = closestOnCircleVector * boundingRadius + voBoundingOrigin;

                        //if ( magn > boundingRadius ) closestOnCircleVector = -closestOnCircleVector;
                        if (debug)
                            DrawCross(closestOnCircle, 1);
                        halfPlanes.Add(new HalfPlane((closestOnCircle - relativeVelocity) * 0.5f + optimalVelocity, closestOnCircleVector.normalized));
                        if (debug)
                            halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count - 1].Draw(closestIsCircle ? Color.blue : Color.red);
                        // One of the legs of the VO is the closest part
                        // find the closest point on the VO

                        bool  left  = Polygon.Left(Vector2.zero, voBoundingOrigin, relativeVelocity);
                        float gamma = alpha + (left ? delta : -delta);

                        // Point on circle
                        Vector2 line = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(gamma), Mathf.Sin(gamma)) * boundingRadius;
                        // Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
                        Vector2 dir = new Vector2(line.y, -line.x).normalized;

                        // Point in space
                        line += voBoundingOrigin;

                        Vector2 onLine = line + dir * Vector2.Dot(dir, relativeVelocity - line);
                        if (debug)
                            DrawCross(onLine, Color.red, 1);
                            Debug.DrawRay(To3D(line), To3D(dir * 10), Color.red);
                            Debug.Log(line + " " + dir + " " + gamma + " " + relativeVelocity);

                        if (!left)
                            dir = -dir;

                        halfPlanes.Add(new HalfPlane((onLine - relativeVelocity) * 0.5f + optimalVelocity, (line - voBoundingOrigin).normalized));
                        if (debug)
                            halfPlanes[halfPlanes.Count - 1].Draw(Color.blue);

            if (this.DebugDraw)
                /*for ( int x = 0; x < simulator.tex.width; x++ ) {
                 *      for ( int y = 0; y < simulator.tex.height; y++ ) {
                 *              Vector2 p = new Vector2 (x*simulator.textureSize / simulator.tex.width, y*simulator.textureSize / simulator.tex.height);
                 *              Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
                 *              float weight = 0;
                 *              for ( int i = 0; i < voCount; i++ ) {
                 *                      float w = 0;
                 *                      dir += vos[i].Sample (p-position, out w);
                 *                      if ( w > weight ) weight = w;
                 *              }
                 *              Vector2 d2 = (desiredVelocity - (p-position));
                 *              dir += d2*DesiredVelocityScale;
                 *              if ( d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight > weight ) weight = d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;
                 *              if ( weight > 0 ) dir /= weight;
                 *              Vector2 d3 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position);
                 *              Debug.DrawRay ( To3D(p), To3D(d3*1f), Color.blue );
                 *              simulator.Plot (p, Rainbow(weight*simulator.colorScale));
                 *      }
                 * }*/

            //if ( debug ) {
            float   best   = float.PositiveInfinity;
            Vector2 result = Vector2.zero;

            float cutoff = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).magnitude *simulator.qualityCutoff;

            //for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
                result = Trace(vos, voCount, new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z), cutoff, out best);

            // Can be uncommented for higher quality local avoidance

            /*for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
             *      Vector2 p = desiredVelocity + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)));
             *      float score;
             *      Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, velocity.magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff, out score );
             *      if ( score < best ) {
             *              //if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
             *              result = res;
             *              best = score;
             *      }
             * }*/

                Vector2 p = Vector2.zero;
                float   score;
                Vector2 res = Trace(vos, voCount, p, cutoff, out score);

                if (score < best)
                    //if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
                    result = res;
                    best   = score;

            if (DebugDraw)
                DrawCross(result + position2D);

            newVelocity = To3D(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(result, maxSpeed));
Example #44
        internal void CalculateVelocity(Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator.WorkerContext context)
            if (locked)
                newVelocity = Vector2.zero;

            if (context.vos.Length < neighbours.Count + simulator.obstacles.Count)
                context.vos = new VO[Mathf.Max(context.vos.Length * 2, neighbours.Count + simulator.obstacles.Count)];

            Vector2 position2D = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);

            var vos     = context.vos;
            var voCount = 0;

            Vector2 optimalVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

            float inverseAgentTimeHorizon = 1.0f / agentTimeHorizon;

            //#if !BNICKSON_UPDATED
            float wallThickness = simulator.WallThickness;

            float wallWeight = simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent ? 1 : WallWeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < simulator.obstacles.Count; i++)
                var obstacle = simulator.obstacles[i];
                var vertex   = obstacle;

                    if (vertex.ignore || position.y > vertex.position.y + vertex.height || position.y + height < vertex.position.y || (vertex.layer & collidesWith) == 0)
                        vertex = vertex.next;

                    float cross = VO.Det(new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z), vertex.dir, position2D);// vertex.dir.x * ( vertex.position.z - position.z ) - vertex.dir.y * ( vertex.position.x - position.x );
                    // Signed distance from the line (not segment), lines are infinite
                    // Usually divided by vertex.dir.magnitude, but that is known to be 1
                    float signedDist = cross;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(signedDist) < neighbourDist)
                        //from up move to there  less call  NearestPoint  ---lzt
                        Vector3 lineToAgent = position - VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLine(obstacle.position, vertex.position, position);
                        lineToAgent.y = 0f;
                        if (Vector3.Dot(lineToAgent, obstacle.pushAwayDir) < 0f) // if the agent is behind the obstacle
                            continue;                                            // we don't want this obstacle to stop the agent from getting back onto the nav mesh, alternately
                                                                                 // we could consider the agent to be in front of the obstacle for the orca calculations, the agent will then be pushed away from the obstacle
                                                                                 // which is probably desirable
                        //from up move to there  less call  ---lzt
                        float dotFactor = Vector2.Dot(vertex.dir, position2D - new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z));

                        // It is closest to the segment
                        // if the dotFactor is <= 0 or >= length of the segment
                        // WallThickness*0.1 is added as a margin to avoid false positives when moving along the edges of square obstacles
                        bool closestIsEndpoints = dotFactor <= wallThickness * 0.05f || dotFactor >= (new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - new Vector2(vertex.next.position.x, vertex.next.position.z)).magnitude - wallThickness * 0.05f;

                        if (signedDist <= 0 && !closestIsEndpoints && signedDist > -wallThickness)
                            // Inside the wall on the "wrong" side
                            vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D, vertex.dir, wallWeight * 2);
                        else if (signedDist > 0)
                            //Debug.DrawLine (position, (vertex.position+vertex.next.position)*0.5f, Color.yellow);
                            Vector2 p1    = new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D;
                            Vector2 p2    = new Vector2(vertex.next.position.x, vertex.next.position.z) - position2D;
                            Vector2 tang1 = (p1).normalized;
                            Vector2 tang2 = (p2).normalized;
                            vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, p1, p2, tang1, tang2, wallWeight);
                    vertex = vertex.next;
                } while (vertex != obstacle);
            for (int o = 0; o < neighbours.Count; o++)
                Agent other = neighbours[o];

                if (other == this)

                float maxY = System.Math.Min(position.y + height, other.position.y + other.height);
                float minY = System.Math.Max(position.y, other.position.y);

                //The agents cannot collide since they
                //are on different y-levels
                if (maxY - minY < 0)

                Vector2 otherOptimalVelocity = new Vector2(other.Velocity.x, other.velocity.z);

                float totalRadius = radius + other.radius;

                // Describes a circle on the border of the VO
                //float boundingRadius = totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                Vector2 voBoundingOrigin = new Vector2(other.position.x, other.position.z) - position2D;

                //float boundingDist = voBoundingOrigin.magnitude;

                Vector2 relativeVelocity = optimalVelocity - otherOptimalVelocity;

                    //voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                    //boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

                    // Common case, no collision

                    Vector2 voCenter;
                    if (other.locked)
                        voCenter = otherOptimalVelocity;
                        voCenter = (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity) * 0.5f;

                    vos[voCount] = new VO(voBoundingOrigin, voCenter, totalRadius, relativeVelocity, inverseAgentTimeHorizon, 1);
                    if (DebugDraw)
                        DrawVO(position2D + voBoundingOrigin * inverseAgentTimeHorizon + voCenter, totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon, position2D + voCenter);

            Vector2 result = Vector2.zero;

            if (simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent)
                if (DebugDraw)
                    const int   PlotWidth      = 40;
                    const float WorldPlotWidth = 15;

                    for (int x = 0; x < PlotWidth; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < PlotWidth; y++)
                            Vector2 p = new Vector2(x * WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth, y * WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth);

                            Vector2 dir    = Vector2.zero;
                            float   weight = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < voCount; i++)
                                float w;
                                dir += vos[i].Sample(p - position2D, out w);
                                if (w > weight)
                                    weight = w;
                            Vector2 d2 = (new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z) - (p - position2D));
                            dir += d2 * DesiredVelocityScale;

                            if (d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight > weight)
                                weight = d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;

                            if (weight > 0)
                                dir /= weight;

                            //Vector2 d3 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position2D);
                            Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p), To3D(d2 * 0.00f), Color.blue);
                            //simulator.Plot (p, Rainbow(weight*simulator.colorScale));

                            float   sc = 0;
                            Vector2 p0 = p - Vector2.one * WorldPlotWidth * 0.5f;
                            Vector2 p1 = Trace(vos, voCount, p0, 0.01f, out sc);
                            if ((p0 - p1).sqrMagnitude < Sqr(WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth) * 2.6f)
                                Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p1 + position2D), Vector3.up * 1, Color.red);

                //if ( debug ) {
                float best = float.PositiveInfinity;

                float cutoff = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).magnitude *simulator.qualityCutoff;

                //for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
                    result = Trace(vos, voCount, new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z), cutoff, out best);
                    if (DebugDraw)
                        DrawCross(result + position2D, Color.yellow, 0.5f);

                // Can be uncommented for higher quality local avoidance

                /*for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
                 *  Vector2 p = desiredVelocity + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)));
                 *  float score;
                 *  Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, velocity.magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff, out score );
                 *  if ( score < best ) {
                 *      //if ( score < best*0.9f )EB.Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
                 *      result = res;
                 *      best = score;
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                    Vector2 p = Velocity;
                    float   score;
                    Vector2 res = Trace(vos, voCount, p, cutoff, out score);

                    if (score < best)
                        //if ( score < best*0.9f )EB.Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
                        result = res;
                        best   = score;
                    if (DebugDraw)
                        DrawCross(res + position2D, Color.magenta, 0.5f);
                // Adaptive sampling

                Vector2[] samplePos      = context.samplePos;
                float[]   sampleSize     = context.sampleSize;
                int       samplePosCount = 0;

                Vector2 desired2D   = new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z);
                float   sampleScale = Mathf.Max(radius, Mathf.Max(desired2D.magnitude, Velocity.magnitude));
                samplePos[samplePosCount]  = desired2D;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.3f;

                const float GridScale = 0.3f;

                // Initial 9 samples
                samplePos[samplePosCount]  = optimalVelocity;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * GridScale;

                    Vector2 fw = optimalVelocity * 0.5f;
                    Vector2 rw = new Vector2(fw.y, -fw.x);

                    const int Steps = 8;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount]  = rw * Mathf.Sin(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps) + fw * (1 + Mathf.Cos(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = (1.0f - (Mathf.Abs(i - Steps * 0.5f) / Steps)) * sampleScale * 0.5f;

                    const float InnerScale = 0.6f;
                    fw *= InnerScale;
                    rw *= InnerScale;

                    const int Steps2 = 6;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps2; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount]  = rw * Mathf.Cos((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps2) + fw * ((1.0f / InnerScale) + Mathf.Sin((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps2));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.3f;

                    const float TargetScale = 0.2f;

                    const int Steps3 = 6;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps3; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount]  = optimalVelocity + new Vector2(sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Cos((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps3), sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Sin((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps3));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * TargetScale * 2;

                samplePos[samplePosCount]  = optimalVelocity * 0.5f;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.4f;

                const int KeepCount  = Simulator.WorkerContext.KeepCount;
                Vector2[] bestPos    = context.bestPos;
                float[]   bestSizes  = context.bestSizes;
                float[]   bestScores = context.bestScores;

                for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++)
                    bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
                bestScores[KeepCount] = float.NegativeInfinity;

                Vector2 bestEver      = optimalVelocity;
                float   bestEverScore = float.PositiveInfinity;

                for (int sub = 0; sub < 3; sub++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < samplePosCount; i++)
                        float score = 0;
                        for (int vo = 0; vo < voCount; vo++)
                            score = System.Math.Max(score, vos[vo].ScalarSample(samplePos[i]));
                        // Note that velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar, not the same thing
                        float bonusForDesiredVelocity = (samplePos[i] - desired2D).magnitude;

                        // This didn't work out as well as I though
                        // Code left here because I might reenable it later
                        //float bonusForDesiredSpeed = Mathf.Abs (samplePos[i].magnitude - desired2D.magnitude);

                        float biasedScore = score + bonusForDesiredVelocity * DesiredVelocityWeight;// + bonusForDesiredSpeed*0;
                        score += bonusForDesiredVelocity * 0.001f;

                        if (DebugDraw)
                            DrawCross(position2D + samplePos[i], Rainbow(Mathf.Log(score + 1) * 5), sampleSize[i] * 0.5f);

                        if (biasedScore < bestScores[0])
                            for (int j = 0; j < KeepCount; j++)
                                if (biasedScore >= bestScores[j + 1])
                                    bestScores[j] = biasedScore;
                                    bestSizes[j]  = sampleSize[i];
                                    bestPos[j]    = samplePos[i];

                        if (score < bestEverScore)
                            bestEver      = samplePos[i];
                            bestEverScore = score;

                            if (score == 0)
                                sub = 100;

                    samplePosCount = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++)
                        Vector2 p = bestPos[i];
                        float   s = bestSizes[i];
                        bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;

                        const float Half = 0.6f;

                        float offset = s * Half * 0.5f;

                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 0] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, +offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 1] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, +offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 2] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, -offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 3] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, -offset));

                        s *= s * Half;
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 0] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 1] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 2] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 3] = (s);
                        samplePosCount += 4;

                result = bestEver;

            if (DebugDraw)
                DrawCross(result + position2D);

            newVelocity = To3D(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(result, maxSpeed));
Example #45
        internal void CalculateVelocity(Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator.WorkerContext context)

            if (locked)
                newVelocity = Vector2.zero;

            if (context.vos.Length < neighbours.Count + simulator.obstacles.Count)
                context.vos = new VO[Mathf.Max(context.vos.Length * 2, neighbours.Count + simulator.obstacles.Count)];

            Vector2 position2D = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);

            var vos = context.vos;
            var voCount = 0;

            Vector2 optimalVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

            float inverseAgentTimeHorizon = 1.0f / agentTimeHorizon;

            float wallThickness = simulator.WallThickness;

            float wallWeight = simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent ? 1 : WallWeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < simulator.obstacles.Count; i++)
                var obstacle = simulator.obstacles[i];
                var vertex = obstacle;

                    if (vertex.ignore || position.y > vertex.position.y + vertex.height || position.y + height < vertex.position.y || (vertex.layer & collidesWith) == 0)
                        vertex = vertex.next;

                    float cross = VO.Det(new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z), vertex.dir, position2D);// vertex.dir.x * ( vertex.position.z - position.z ) - vertex.dir.y * ( vertex.position.x - position.x );

                    // Signed distance from the line (not segment), lines are infinite
                    // Usually divided by vertex.dir.magnitude, but that is known to be 1
                    float signedDist = cross;

                    float dotFactor = Vector2.Dot(vertex.dir, position2D - new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z));

                    // It is closest to the segment
                    // if the dotFactor is <= 0 or >= length of the segment
                    // WallThickness*0.1 is added as a margin to avoid false positives when moving along the edges of square obstacles
                    bool closestIsEndpoints = dotFactor <= wallThickness * 0.05f || dotFactor >= (new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - new Vector2(vertex.next.position.x, vertex.next.position.z)).magnitude - wallThickness * 0.05f;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(signedDist) < neighbourDist)
                        if (signedDist <= 0 && !closestIsEndpoints && signedDist > -wallThickness)
                            // Inside the wall on the "wrong" side
                            vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D, vertex.dir, wallWeight * 2);
                        else if (signedDist > 0)
                            //Debug.DrawLine (position, (vertex.position+vertex.next.position)*0.5f, Color.yellow);
                            Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D;
                            Vector2 p2 = new Vector2(vertex.next.position.x, vertex.next.position.z) - position2D;
                            Vector2 tang1 = (p1).normalized;
                            Vector2 tang2 = (p2).normalized;
                            vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, p1, p2, tang1, tang2, wallWeight);

                    vertex = vertex.next;
                } while (vertex != obstacle);

            for (int o = 0; o < neighbours.Count; o++)

                Agent other = neighbours[o];

                if (other == this) continue;

                float maxY = System.Math.Min(position.y + height, other.position.y + other.height);
                float minY = System.Math.Max(position.y, other.position.y);

                //The agents cannot collide since they
                //are on different y-levels
                if (maxY - minY < 0)

                Vector2 otherOptimalVelocity = new Vector2(other.Velocity.x, other.velocity.z);

                float totalRadius = radius + other.radius;

                // Describes a circle on the border of the VO
                //float boundingRadius = totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                Vector2 voBoundingOrigin = new Vector2(other.position.x, other.position.z) - position2D;

                //float boundingDist = voBoundingOrigin.magnitude;

                Vector2 relativeVelocity = optimalVelocity - otherOptimalVelocity;

                    //voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
                    //boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

                    // Common case, no collision

                    Vector2 voCenter;
                    if (other.locked)
                        voCenter = otherOptimalVelocity;
                        voCenter = (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity) * 0.5f;

                    vos[voCount] = new VO(voBoundingOrigin, voCenter, totalRadius, relativeVelocity, inverseAgentTimeHorizon, 1);
                    if (DebugDraw) DrawVO(position2D + voBoundingOrigin * inverseAgentTimeHorizon + voCenter, totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon, position2D + voCenter);


            Vector2 result = Vector2.zero;

            if (simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent)
                if (this.DebugDraw)
                    const int PlotWidth = 40;
                    const float WorldPlotWidth = 15;

                    for (int x = 0; x < PlotWidth; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < PlotWidth; y++)
                            Vector2 p = new Vector2(x * WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth, y * WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth);

                            Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
                            float weight = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < voCount; i++)
                                float w = 0;
                                dir += vos[i].Sample(p - position2D, out w);
                                if (w > weight) weight = w;
                            Vector2 d2 = (new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z) - (p - position2D));
                            dir += d2 * DesiredVelocityScale;

                            if (d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight > weight) weight = d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;

                            if (weight > 0) dir /= weight;

                            //Vector2 d3 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position2D);
                            Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p), To3D(d2 * 0.00f), Color.blue);
                            //simulator.Plot (p, Rainbow(weight*simulator.colorScale));

                            float sc = 0;
                            Vector2 p0 = p - Vector2.one * WorldPlotWidth * 0.5f;
                            Vector2 p1 = Trace(vos, voCount, p0, 0.01f, out sc);
                            if ((p0 - p1).sqrMagnitude < Sqr(WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth) * 2.6f)
                                Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p1 + position2D), Vector3.up * 1, Color.red);

                //if ( debug ) {
                float best = float.PositiveInfinity;

                float cutoff = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).magnitude * simulator.qualityCutoff;

                //for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
                    result = Trace(vos, voCount, new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z), cutoff, out best);
                    if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(result + position2D, Color.yellow, 0.5f);

                // Can be uncommented for higher quality local avoidance
                /*for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
                    Vector2 p = desiredVelocity + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)));
                    float score;
                    Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, velocity.magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff, out score );
                    if ( score < best ) {
                        //if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
                        result = res;
                        best = score;

                    Vector2 p = this.Velocity;
                    float score;
                    Vector2 res = Trace(vos, voCount, p, cutoff, out score);

                    if (score < best)
                        //if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
                        result = res;
                        best = score;
                    if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(res + position2D, Color.magenta, 0.5f);
                // Adaptive sampling

                Vector2[] samplePos = context.samplePos;
                float[] sampleSize = context.sampleSize;
                int samplePosCount = 0;

                Vector2 desired2D = new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z);
                float sampleScale = Mathf.Max(radius, Mathf.Max(desired2D.magnitude, Velocity.magnitude));
                samplePos[samplePosCount] = desired2D;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.3f;

                const float GridScale = 0.3f;

                // Initial 9 samples
                samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * GridScale;

                    Vector2 fw = optimalVelocity * 0.5f;
                    Vector2 rw = new Vector2(fw.y, -fw.x);

                    const int Steps = 8;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount] = rw * Mathf.Sin(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps) + fw * (1 + Mathf.Cos(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = (1.0f - (Mathf.Abs(i - Steps * 0.5f) / Steps)) * sampleScale * 0.5f;

                    const float InnerScale = 0.6f;
                    fw *= InnerScale;
                    rw *= InnerScale;

                    const int Steps2 = 6;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps2; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount] = rw * Mathf.Cos((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps2) + fw * ((1.0f / InnerScale) + Mathf.Sin((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps2));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.3f;

                    const float TargetScale = 0.2f;

                    const int Steps3 = 6;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Steps3; i++)
                        samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity + new Vector2(sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Cos((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps3), sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Sin((i + 0.5f) * Mathf.PI * 2 / Steps3));
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * TargetScale * 2;

                samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity * 0.5f;
                sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale * 0.4f;

                const int KeepCount = Simulator.WorkerContext.KeepCount;
                Vector2[] bestPos = context.bestPos;
                float[] bestSizes = context.bestSizes;
                float[] bestScores = context.bestScores;

                for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++)
                    bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
                bestScores[KeepCount] = float.NegativeInfinity;

                Vector2 bestEver = optimalVelocity;
                float bestEverScore = float.PositiveInfinity;

                for (int sub = 0; sub < 3; sub++)

                    for (int i = 0; i < samplePosCount; i++)

                        float score = 0;
                        for (int vo = 0; vo < voCount; vo++)
                            score = System.Math.Max(score, vos[vo].ScalarSample(samplePos[i]));
                        // Note that velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar, not the same thing
                        float bonusForDesiredVelocity = (samplePos[i] - desired2D).magnitude;

                        // This didn't work out as well as I though
                        // Code left here because I might reenable it later
                        //float bonusForDesiredSpeed = Mathf.Abs (samplePos[i].magnitude - desired2D.magnitude);

                        float biasedScore = score + bonusForDesiredVelocity * DesiredVelocityWeight;// + bonusForDesiredSpeed*0;
                        score += bonusForDesiredVelocity * 0.001f;

                        if (DebugDraw)
                            DrawCross(position2D + samplePos[i], Rainbow(Mathf.Log(score + 1) * 5), sampleSize[i] * 0.5f);

                        if (biasedScore < bestScores[0])
                            for (int j = 0; j < KeepCount; j++)
                                if (biasedScore >= bestScores[j + 1])
                                    bestScores[j] = biasedScore;
                                    bestSizes[j] = sampleSize[i];
                                    bestPos[j] = samplePos[i];

                        if (score < bestEverScore)
                            bestEver = samplePos[i];
                            bestEverScore = score;

                            if (score == 0)
                                sub = 100;

                    samplePosCount = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++)
                        Vector2 p = bestPos[i];
                        float s = bestSizes[i];
                        bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;

                        const float Half = 0.6f;

                        float offset = s * Half * 0.5f;

                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 0] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, +offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 1] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, +offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 2] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, -offset));
                        samplePos[samplePosCount + 3] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, -offset));

                        s *= s * Half;
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 0] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 1] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 2] = (s);
                        sampleSize[samplePosCount + 3] = (s);
                        samplePosCount += 4;

                result = bestEver;

            if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(result + position2D);

            newVelocity = To3D(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(result, maxSpeed));
            if (newVelocity != Vector3.zero)
                float angle = Vector3.Angle(DesiredVelocity, newVelocity);
                float angleMax = 45;
                if (angle > angleMax)
                    Vector2 firstObject = new Vector2(DesiredVelocity.x, DesiredVelocity.z);
                    Vector2 secondObject = new Vector2(newVelocity.x, newVelocity.z);
                    float det = firstObject.x * secondObject.y - firstObject.y * secondObject.x;
                    if (det > 0)//param2 is unclockwise
                        Vector2 verticalObject = secondObject.Rotate(-(angle - angleMax));
                        newVelocity.x = verticalObject.x;
                        newVelocity.z = verticalObject.y;

                        if (newVelocity.magnitude < minSpeed)
                            newVelocity = newVelocity.normalized * minSpeed;
                    else if (det < 0)
                        Vector2 verticalObject = secondObject.Rotate((angle - angleMax));
                        newVelocity.x = verticalObject.x;
                        newVelocity.z = verticalObject.y;
                        if (newVelocity.magnitude < minSpeed)
                            newVelocity = newVelocity.normalized * minSpeed;
                        newVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                if (printVelocity)
                    Debug.Log("vel " + velocity + "newVelocity " + newVelocity);

Example #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          20/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public int Insert(VO.CITY obj)
     return new DAO.CITY().Insert(obj.CITY_NAME);
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增限制人員清單
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myActivityGroupLimitVO">限制人員清單</param>
        /// <param name="trans">資料庫交易物件</param>
        /// <returns>新增限制人員清單</returns>
        public int INSERT(VO.ActivityGroupLimitVO myActivityGroupLimitVO, SqlTransaction trans)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[2];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@activity_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myActivityGroupLimitVO.activity_id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@emp_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myActivityGroupLimitVO.emp_id;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("INSERT ActivityGroupLimit ");
            sb.AppendLine("([activity_id],[emp_id]) ");
            sb.AppendLine("VALUES ");
            sb.AppendLine("(@activity_id,@emp_id); ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #48
 public ToastData() : base()
     this.messages = new LD <ToastMessage>(this, (byte)Property.messages);
     this.maxIndex = new VO <int>(this, (byte)Property.maxIndex, 0);
     this.state    = new VO <State>(this, (byte)Property.state, State.Normal);
 public int InsertRoleUserMapping(VO.RoleUserMappingVO myRoleUserMappingVO)
     DAO.RoleUserMappingDAO myRoleUserMappingDAO = new ACMS.DAO.RoleUserMappingDAO();
     return myRoleUserMappingDAO.InsertRoleUserMapping(myRoleUserMappingVO);
Example #50
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改一筆活動資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myActivatyVO">活動資料型別物件</param>
        /// <returns>修改一筆活動資料</returns>
        public int UpdateActivaty(VO.ActivatyVO myActivatyVO)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[34];

            sqlParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            sqlParams[0].Value = myActivatyVO.id;
            sqlParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@activity_type", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[1].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_type;
            sqlParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@activity_info", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[2].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_info;
            sqlParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@org_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[3].Value = myActivatyVO.org_id;
            sqlParams[4] = new SqlParameter("@activity_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[4].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_name;
            sqlParams[5] = new SqlParameter("@people_type", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
            sqlParams[5].Value = myActivatyVO.people_type;
            sqlParams[6] = new SqlParameter("@activity_startdate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
            if (myActivatyVO.activity_startdate == null || myActivatyVO.activity_startdate==DateTime.Today )
                sqlParams[6].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[6].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_startdate;
            sqlParams[7] = new SqlParameter("@activity_enddate", SqlDbType.DateTime);

            if (myActivatyVO.activity_enddate == null || myActivatyVO.activity_enddate == DateTime.Today)
                sqlParams[7].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[7].Value = myActivatyVO.activity_enddate;

            sqlParams[8] = new SqlParameter("@limit_count", SqlDbType.Int);
            if (myActivatyVO.activity_startdate == DateTime.Today)
                sqlParams[8].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[8].Value = myActivatyVO.limit_count;
            sqlParams[9] = new SqlParameter("@limit2_count", SqlDbType.Int);
            if (myActivatyVO.activity_startdate == DateTime.Today)
                sqlParams[9].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[9].Value = myActivatyVO.limit2_count;
            sqlParams[10] = new SqlParameter("@team_member_max", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[10].Value = myActivatyVO.team_member_max;
            sqlParams[11] = new SqlParameter("@team_member_min", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[11].Value = myActivatyVO.team_member_min;
            sqlParams[12] = new SqlParameter("@regist_startdate", SqlDbType.DateTime);

            if (myActivatyVO.regist_startdate == null)
                sqlParams[12].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[12].Value = myActivatyVO.regist_startdate;

            sqlParams[13] = new SqlParameter("@regist_deadline", SqlDbType.DateTime);

            if (myActivatyVO.regist_deadline == null)
                sqlParams[13].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[13].Value = myActivatyVO.regist_deadline;

            sqlParams[14] = new SqlParameter("@cancelregist_deadline", SqlDbType.DateTime);

            if (myActivatyVO.cancelregist_deadline == null)
                sqlParams[14].Value = DBNull.Value;
                sqlParams[14].Value = myActivatyVO.cancelregist_deadline;

            sqlParams[15] = new SqlParameter("@is_showfile", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[15].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showfile;
            sqlParams[16] = new SqlParameter("@is_showprogress", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[16].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showprogress;
            sqlParams[17] = new SqlParameter("@is_showperson_fix1", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[17].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showperson_fix1;
            sqlParams[18] = new SqlParameter("@is_showperson_fix2", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[18].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showperson_fix2;
            sqlParams[19] = new SqlParameter("@personextcount_max", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[19].Value = myActivatyVO.personextcount_max;
            sqlParams[20] = new SqlParameter("@personextcount_min", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[20].Value = myActivatyVO.personextcount_min;
            sqlParams[21] = new SqlParameter("@is_showidno", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[21].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showidno;
            sqlParams[22] = new SqlParameter("@is_showremark", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[22].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showremark;
            sqlParams[23] = new SqlParameter("@remark_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar,50);
            sqlParams[23].Value = myActivatyVO.remark_name;
            sqlParams[24] = new SqlParameter("@is_showteam_fix1", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[24].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showteam_fix1;
            sqlParams[25] = new SqlParameter("@is_showteam_fix2", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[25].Value = myActivatyVO.is_showteam_fix2;
            sqlParams[26] = new SqlParameter("@teamextcount_max", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[26].Value = myActivatyVO.teamextcount_max;
            sqlParams[27] = new SqlParameter("@teamextcount_min", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParams[27].Value = myActivatyVO.teamextcount_min;
            sqlParams[28] = new SqlParameter("@is_grouplimit", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            sqlParams[28].Value = myActivatyVO.is_grouplimit;
            sqlParams[29] = new SqlParameter("@notice", SqlDbType.NText);
            sqlParams[29].Value = myActivatyVO.notice;
            sqlParams[30] = new SqlParameter("@active", SqlDbType.NChar, 1);
            if (myActivatyVO.active == "Y")
                sqlParams[30].Value = myActivatyVO.active;
                sqlParams[30].Value = DBNull.Value;
            if (myActivatyVO.Send3DayMail)
                sqlParams[31] = new SqlParameter("@Send3DayMail", true);
                sqlParams[31] = new SqlParameter("@Send3DayMail",false );

            if (myActivatyVO.Send1DayMail)
                sqlParams[32] = new SqlParameter("@Send1DayMail",true);
                sqlParams[32] = new SqlParameter("@Send1DayMail",false);

            if (myActivatyVO.SendUnregist)
                sqlParams[33] = new SqlParameter("@SendUnregist", true);
                sqlParams[33] = new SqlParameter("@SendUnregist", false);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("UPDATE Activity ");
            sb.AppendLine("SET id=@id ");
            sb.AppendLine(",activity_type=@activity_type ");
            sb.AppendLine(",activity_info=@activity_info ");
            sb.AppendLine(",org_id=@org_id ");
            sb.AppendLine(",activity_name=@activity_name ");
            sb.AppendLine(",people_type=@people_type ");
            sb.AppendLine(",activity_startdate=@activity_startdate ");
            sb.AppendLine(",activity_enddate=@activity_enddate ");
            sb.AppendLine(",limit_count=@limit_count ");
            sb.AppendLine(",limit2_count=@limit2_count ");
            sb.AppendLine(",team_member_max=@team_member_max ");
            sb.AppendLine(",team_member_min=@team_member_min ");
            sb.AppendLine(",regist_startdate=@regist_startdate ");
            sb.AppendLine(",regist_deadline=@regist_deadline ");
            sb.AppendLine(",cancelregist_deadline=@cancelregist_deadline ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showfile=@is_showfile ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showprogress=@is_showprogress ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showperson_fix1=@is_showperson_fix1 ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showperson_fix2=@is_showperson_fix2 ");
            sb.AppendLine(",personextcount_max=@personextcount_max ");
            sb.AppendLine(",personextcount_min=@personextcount_min ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showidno=@is_showidno ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showremark=@is_showremark ");
            sb.AppendLine(",remark_name=@remark_name ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showteam_fix1=@is_showteam_fix1 ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_showteam_fix2=@is_showteam_fix2 ");
            sb.AppendLine(",teamextcount_max=@teamextcount_max ");
            sb.AppendLine(",teamextcount_min=@teamextcount_min ");
            sb.AppendLine(",is_grouplimit=@is_grouplimit ");
            sb.AppendLine(",notice=@notice ");
            sb.AppendLine(",active=@active ");
            sb.AppendLine(",Send3DayMail=@Send3DayMail ");
            sb.AppendLine(",Send1DayMail=@Send1DayMail ");
            sb.AppendLine(",SendUnregist=@SendUnregist ");
            sb.AppendLine("WHERE 1=1 ");
            sb.AppendLine("AND id=@id ");

            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MyConn(), CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), sqlParams);
Example #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Update
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          20/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public int Update(VO.CITY obj)
     return new DAO.CITY().Update(obj.ID, obj.CITY_NAME);
Example #52
 public int UpdateUnit(VO.UnitVO myUnitVO)
     DAO.UnitDAO myUnitDAO = new ACMS.DAO.UnitDAO();
     return myUnitDAO.UpdateUnit(myUnitVO);
Example #53
 public UIData() : base()
     this.state  = new VD <State>(this, (byte)Property.state, new Normal());
     this.onHide = new VO <OnHide>(this, (byte)Property.onHide, null);
Example #54
 public Hide() : base()
     this.time     = new VO <float>(this, (byte)Property.time, 0);
     this.duration = new VO <float>(this, (byte)Property.duration, ShowDuration);
Example #55
 public Appear() : base()
     this.toastMessage = new VO <ReferenceData <ToastMessage> >(this, (byte)Property.toastMessage, new ReferenceData <ToastMessage>(null));
Example #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Check exist
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          14/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public int Insert(VO.SCHOOL obj)
     return new DAO.SCHOOL().Insert(obj.SCHOOL_NAME, obj.ADDRESS, obj.TELEPHONE, obj.EMAIL,
         obj.WEBSITE, obj.CITY_ID);
Example #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete
 /// </summary>
 /// <modified>
 /// Author          Date            Comment
 /// HungNM          25/06/2014      Add
 /// </modified>
 public bool Delete(VO.CLASS obj)
     return false;
 public SortableSearchItem(double normalizedDistance, VO record)
     DistanceFromCriteria = normalizedDistance;
     Record = record;