Example #1
 public BlendStruct Interpolate(BlendStruct a, BlendStruct b, float alpha)
     return(new BlendStruct(
                VMath.Lerp(a.A, b.A, (double)alpha),
                VMath.Lerp(a.B, b.B, (double)alpha),
                VMath.Lerp(a.C, b.C, (double)alpha)
        private (double p, double t) BezierCurveDC(double p1, double p2, double c1, double c2, double mu, double tandist)
            var ls = DeCasteljau(p1, p2, c1, c2, mu);
            var p  = VMath.Lerp(ls.a, ls.b, mu);
            var t  = VMath.Lerp(ls.a, ls.b, mu + tandist) - p;

            return(p, t);
Example #3
 public CameraProperties Lerp(CameraProperties other, double alpha)
     return(new CameraProperties(
                VMath.Lerp(Translation, other.Translation, alpha),
                Quaternion.Slerp(Rotation, other.Rotation, (float)alpha),
                VMath.Lerp(PivotDistance, other.PivotDistance, alpha),
                VMath.Lerp(Fov, other.Fov, alpha),
                Near, Far
        private (double a, double b) DeCasteljau(double p1, double p2, double c1, double c2, double mu)
            var p1c1 = VMath.Lerp(p1, c1, mu);
            var c1c2 = VMath.Lerp(c1, c2, mu);
            var c2p2 = VMath.Lerp(c2, p2, mu);

            var p1c1_c1c2 = VMath.Lerp(p1c1, c1c2, mu);
            var c1c2_c2p2 = VMath.Lerp(c1c2, c2p2, mu);

            return(p1c1_c1c2, c1c2_c2p2);
            public int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                int   samples  = count;
                int   index    = 0;
                byte  computed = 0;
                float samp     = 0;

                double accumulator = 0.0;

                //double prevA = 0.0;

                double increment = 0.0;

                if (samples > 0)
                    increment = bufferCount / samples;

                for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                    index = (int)accumulator;
                    if ((i % Scaler) == 0)
                        if (_generatorType != null)
                            computed = (byte)_generatorType.GetMethod("Compute").Invoke(null, new object[] {
                                VMath.Lerp(BufferedA[index], BufferedA[index + 1], accumulator - index),
                                VMath.Lerp(BufferedB[index], BufferedB[index + 1], accumulator - index),
                                VMath.Lerp(BufferedC[index], BufferedC[index + 1], accumulator - index),
                                VMath.Lerp(BufferedD[index], BufferedD[index + 1], accumulator - index)

                            samp = (float)VMath.Map(computed, 0, 255, -1.0, 1.0, TMapMode.Clamp);

                            accumulator += increment;
                            buffer[i] = 0.0f;
                    buffer[i] = samp;

                bufferCount = 0;

Example #6
            public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                int samples = count;
                int index   = 0;

                double accumulator = 0.0;

                //double prevA = 0.0;

                double increment = 0.0;

                if (samples > 0)
                    increment = bufferCount / samples;

                for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                    index = (int)accumulator;

                    if (_generatorType != null)
                        buffer[i] = (byte)_generatorType.GetMethod("Compute").Invoke(null, new object[] {
                            VMath.Lerp(BufferedD[index], BufferedD[index + 1], accumulator - index)

                        accumulator += increment;
                        buffer[i] = 127;

                bufferCount = 0;

Example #7
        public override void Evaluate(double CurrentTime)
            double         t;
            TLBaseKeyFrame kf  = FKeyFrames.FindLast(delegate(TLBaseKeyFrame k) { return(k.Time <= CurrentTime); });
            TLBaseKeyFrame kf1 = FKeyFrames.Find(delegate(TLBaseKeyFrame k) { return(k.Time >= CurrentTime); });

            if (kf == null && kf1 == null)
                FOutput = 0;
            else if (kf == null)
                FOutput = (kf1 as TLValueKeyFrame).Value;
            else if (kf1 == null)
                FOutput = (kf as TLValueKeyFrame).Value;
                if ((kf as TLValueKeyFrame).OutType == TLInterpolationType.Step)
                    FOutput = (kf as TLValueKeyFrame).Value;
                else if ((kf as TLValueKeyFrame).OutType == TLInterpolationType.Linear)
                    // LINEAR INTERPOLATION
                    t       = VMath.Map(CurrentTime, kf.Time, kf1.Time, 0, 1, TMapMode.Float);
                    FOutput = VMath.Lerp((kf as TLValueKeyFrame).Value, (kf1 as TLValueKeyFrame).Value, t);
                else if ((kf as TLValueKeyFrame).OutType == TLInterpolationType.Cubic)
                    // CUBIC INTERPOLATION
                    t       = VMath.Map(CurrentTime, kf.Time, kf1.Time, 0, 1, TMapMode.Float);
                    FOutput = VMath.SolveCubic(t, (kf as TLValueKeyFrame).Value, (kf as TLValueKeyFrame).Value, (kf1 as TLValueKeyFrame).Value, (kf1 as TLValueKeyFrame).Value);
                //spline here

            OutputAsString = FOutput.ToString("f4", TimelinerPlugin.GNumberFormat);
Example #8
 public void update(double dt, double amount)
     vel   += VMath.Lerp(acc, force, amount) * dt;
     loc   += vel;
     timer -= dt;
        private IEnumerable <EtherDreamPoint> GetFrame()
            var colIndex   = 0;
            var shapeIndex = 0;
            var result     = Enumerable.Empty <EtherDreamPoint>();

            foreach (var shape in FPointsInput)
                var isClosed = FClosedShapeInput[shapeIndex];

                Vector2D start;
                Vector2D end;

                if (isClosed)
                    start = shape[shape.SliceCount - 1];
                    end   = start;
                    start = shape[0];
                    end   = shape[shape.SliceCount - 1];

                //start blanks
                result = result.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(CreateEtherDreamPoint(start, VColor.Black), FStartBlanksInput[shapeIndex]));

                var lastPoint     = Vector2D.Zero;
                var doInterpolate = false;
                foreach (var p in shape)
                    var col = FColorsInput[colIndex++];

                    //interpolate from last point
                    if (doInterpolate)
                        var count  = (int)Math.Floor(VMath.Dist(lastPoint, p) / Math.Max(FPointInterpolationDistanceInput[shapeIndex], 0.0001));
                        var factor = 1.0 / (count + 1);

                        //points in between, need to be caculated directly since linq lazyness would access only the last value in lastPoint
                        result = result.Concat(Enumerable.Range(1, count).Select(index => CreateEtherDreamPoint(VMath.Lerp(lastPoint, p, index * factor), col)).ToArray());
                    else if (isClosed) // first iteration
                        var count  = (int)Math.Floor(VMath.Dist(end, p) / Math.Max(FPointInterpolationDistanceInput[shapeIndex], 0.0001));
                        var factor = 1.0 / (count + 1);

                        //points in between, need to be caculated directly since linq lazyness would access only the last value in lastPoint
                        result = result.Concat(Enumerable.Range(1, count).Select(index => CreateEtherDreamPoint(VMath.Lerp(end, p, index * factor), col)).ToArray());

                    //actual point
                    result = result.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(CreateEtherDreamPoint(p, col), FPointRepeatInput[shapeIndex]));

                    lastPoint     = p;
                    doInterpolate = true;

                //end blanks
                result = result.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(CreateEtherDreamPoint(end, VColor.Black), FEndBlanksInput[shapeIndex++]));

Example #10
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            if (FDeltaIn.IsConnected)
                FCamDelta.SliceCount = FDeltaIn.SliceCount + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < FDeltaIn.SliceCount; i++)
                    FCamDelta[i] = FDeltaIn[i];
                FCamDelta[-1] = Delta;
                FCamDelta[0] = Delta;
            Delta.LockCursor = false;
            if (Delta.InputMouse != null)
                if (Init)
                    Init             = false;
                    MouseObserver    = new AccumulatingMouseObserver();
                    KeyboardObserver = new AccumulatingKeyboardObserver();
                    PrevFrameTime = FHDEHost.FrameTime;
                var dt         = FHDEHost.FrameTime - PrevFrameTime;
                var smoothness = FSmooth[0] > 0.00001 ? Math.Min(1.0f / (((float)FSmooth[0] / 6.0f) / (float)dt), 1.0f) : 1;

                //var carea = MouseObserver?.LastNotification?.ClientArea ?? new Size(1, 1);
                //var aspx = Math.Min(1, (double)carea.Height / (double)carea.Width);
                //var aspy = Math.Min(1, (double)carea.Width / (double)carea.Height);
                var mousepos = new Vector2D(
                    MouseObserver.AccumulatedXDelta /* aspx*/,
                    MouseObserver.AccumulatedYDelta /* aspy*/);
                var mousewheel = new Vector2D(
                    (double)MouseObserver.AccumulatedWheelDelta / 120,
                    (double)MouseObserver.AccumulatedHorizontalWheelDelta / 120);
                    if (Delta.InteractUpstream)
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FRotationButton[0]].DoubleClick)
                            Delta.ResetRotation = true;
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FTranslationXYButton[0]].DoubleClick)
                            Delta.ResetTranslation = true;
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FPivotDistanceButton[0]].DoubleClick)
                            Delta.ResetPivotDistance = true;
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FZoomButton[0]].DoubleClick)
                            Delta.ResetFov = true;
                catch { }
                //FMousePos[0] = new Vector4D(mousepos, mousewheel);
                //FMouseButtons[0] = (uint) Delta.InputMouse.PressedButtons;

                var translxykey = FTranslationXYKey[0] == Keys.None;
                var translzkey  = FTranslationZKey[0] == Keys.None;

                var forw  = false;
                var left  = false;
                var backw = false;
                var right = false;
                var up    = false;
                var down  = false;

                var rotkey  = FRotationKey[0] == Keys.None;
                var rollkey = FRollKey[0] == Keys.None;

                var pdkey   = FPivotDistanceKey[0] == Keys.None;
                var zoomkey = FZoomKey[0] == Keys.None;

                var keyboard = from kp in KeyboardObserver.Keypresses.Values select kp.KeyCode;

                foreach (var key in keyboard)
                    translxykey = translxykey || key == FTranslationXYKey[0];
                    translzkey  = translzkey || key == FTranslationZKey[0];

                    if (FWASDSpeed[0] > 0.0)
                        forw  = forw || key == FForwardKey[0];
                        left  = left || key == FStrafeLeftKey[0];
                        backw = backw || key == FBackwardKey[0];
                        right = right || key == FStrafeRightKey[0];
                        up    = up || key == FStrafeUpKey[0];
                        down  = down || key == FStrafeDownKey[0];

                    rotkey  = rotkey || key == FRotationKey[0];
                    rollkey = rollkey || key == FRollKey[0];

                    pdkey   = pdkey || key == FPivotDistanceKey[0];
                    zoomkey = zoomkey || key == FZoomKey[0];

                if (Delta.InteractUpstream)
                    //// Translation
                    var transl    = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
                    var crot      = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
                    var translinf = VMath.Lerp(1.0, Math.Max(Delta.ConnectedCamera.Properties.PivotDistance * 0.25, 0.1), FTranslDistInf[0]);
                    if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FTranslationXYButton[0]].Pressed && translxykey)
                        if (!translzkey || FTranslationZKey[0] == Keys.None)
                            transl.x        += mousepos.x;
                            transl.y        -= mousepos.y;
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;
                    if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FTranslationZButton[0]].Pressed && translzkey)
                        if (!translxykey || FTranslationXYKey[0] == Keys.None)
                            transl.z        += mousepos.y;
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;
                    transl *= FTranslSpeed[0] * translinf;

                    // WASD Transl
                    if (forw)
                        transl.z -= FWASDSpeed[0];
                    if (backw)
                        transl.z += FWASDSpeed[0];
                    if (left)
                        transl.x += FWASDSpeed[0];
                    if (right)
                        transl.x -= FWASDSpeed[0];
                    if (up)
                        transl.y -= FWASDSpeed[0];
                    if (down)
                        transl.y += FWASDSpeed[0];

                    Delta.Translation = Filters.Lowpass(Delta.Translation.AsSystemVector(), transl.AsSystemVector(), new Vector3(smoothness)).AsVVector();

                    //// Rotation
                    bool rotate   = false;
                    var  mouserot = new Vector2D(mousepos * FRotSpeed[0]);
                    if (FInvY[0])
                        mouserot.y *= -1;
                    if (Delta.ConnectedCamera.Properties.PivotDistance < 0.1)
                        mouserot *= -1;
                    if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FRotationButton[0]].Pressed && rotkey || forw || backw || left || right || up || down)
                        if (!rollkey || FRollKey[0] == Keys.None)
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;

                            // Prepare
                            mouserot.x = Math.Min(Math.Abs(mouserot.x) * 0.1, 0.499) * Math.Sign(mouserot.x);
                            mouserot.y = Math.Min(Math.Abs(mouserot.y) * 0.1, 0.499) * Math.Sign(mouserot.y);

                            // Trackball
                            var trackbpos = new Vector2D(
                                Math.Pow(Math.Abs(FTrackballScreenPos[0].x), 2) * Math.Sign(FTrackballScreenPos[0].x),
                                Math.Pow(Math.Abs(FTrackballScreenPos[0].y), 2) * Math.Sign(FTrackballScreenPos[0].y));
                            trackbpos *= -0.25;
                            var trackbtr = VMath.Rotate(trackbpos.y * Math.PI * 2, trackbpos.x * Math.PI * -2, 0);
                            var trackxv  = trackbtr * new Vector3D(-1, 0, 0);
                            var trackyv  = trackbtr * new Vector3D(0, -1, 0);
                            crot = VMath.QuaternionToEulerYawPitchRoll(
                                (Quaternion.RotationAxis(trackxv.ToSlimDXVector(), (float)(mouserot.y * Math.PI * -2)) *
                                 Quaternion.RotationAxis(trackyv.ToSlimDXVector(), (float)(mouserot.x * Math.PI * -2))
                            //crot = new Vector3D(mouserot.y, mouserot.x, 0);
                            crot *= 10;

                            rotate = true;
                    if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FRollButton[0]].Pressed && rollkey)
                        if (!rotkey || FRotationKey[0] == Keys.None)
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;
                            crot            += new Vector3D(0, 0, mouserot.x * Math.PI * 2);
                            rotate           = true;
                    if (rotate)
                        Delta.LockCursor = true;
                    Delta.PitchYawRoll = Filters.Lowpass(Delta.PitchYawRoll.AsSystemVector(), crot.AsSystemVector(), new Vector3(smoothness)).AsVVector();

                    double pivotd = 0;
                    double zoom   = mousewheel.y * FScrollMul[0] * FZoomSpeed[0];
                    if (zoomkey && (!pdkey || FPivotDistanceKey[0] == Keys.None))
                        zoom -= mousewheel.x * FScrollMul[0] * FZoomSpeed[0];
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FZoomButton[0]].Pressed && zoomkey)
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;
                            zoom            -= mousepos.y * FZoomSpeed[0];
                    if (pdkey && (!zoomkey || FZoomKey[0] == Keys.None))
                        pivotd -= mousewheel.x * FScrollMul[0] * FTranslSpeed[0];
                        if (MouseObserver.MouseClicks[FPivotDistanceButton[0]].Pressed && pdkey)
                            Delta.LockCursor = true;
                            pivotd          -= mousepos.y * FTranslSpeed[0];
                    Delta.PivotDistance = Filters.Lowpass((float)Delta.PivotDistance, (float)pivotd, smoothness);
                    Delta.Fov           = Filters.Lowpass((float)Delta.Fov, (float)zoom, smoothness);
                Init = true;
            PrevFrameTime = FHDEHost.FrameTime;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads from this provider.
        /// </summary>
        public int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int outIndex = offset;

            // Generator current value
            double multiple;
            double sampleValue;
            double sampleSaw;

            int    index       = 0;
            double accumulator = 0.0;
            double increment   = 0.0;

            if (count > 0)
                increment = bufferCount / count;

            // Complete Buffer
            for (int sampleCount = 0; sampleCount < count / waveFormat.Channels; sampleCount++)
                index = (int)accumulator;
                Gain  = VMath.Lerp(BufferedGain[index], BufferedGain[index + 1], accumulator - index);
                switch (Type)
                case SignalGeneratorType.Sin:

                    // Sinus Generator

                    multiple    = TwoPi * Frequency / waveFormat.SampleRate;
                    sampleValue = Gain * Math.Sin(nSample * multiple);



                case SignalGeneratorType.Square:

                    // Square Generator

                    multiple    = 2 * Frequency / waveFormat.SampleRate;
                    sampleSaw   = ((nSample * multiple) % 2) - 1;
                    sampleValue = sampleSaw > 0 ? Gain : -Gain;


                case SignalGeneratorType.Triangle:

                    // Triangle Generator

                    multiple    = 2 * Frequency / waveFormat.SampleRate;
                    sampleSaw   = ((nSample * multiple) % 2);
                    sampleValue = 2 * sampleSaw;
                    if (sampleValue > 1)
                        sampleValue = 2 - sampleValue;
                    if (sampleValue < -1)
                        sampleValue = -2 - sampleValue;

                    sampleValue *= Gain;


                case SignalGeneratorType.SawTooth:

                    // SawTooth Generator

                    multiple    = 2 * Frequency / waveFormat.SampleRate;
                    sampleSaw   = ((nSample * multiple) % 2) - 1;
                    sampleValue = Gain * sampleSaw;


                case SignalGeneratorType.White:

                    // White Noise Generator
                    sampleValue = (Gain * NextRandomTwo());

                case SignalGeneratorType.Pink:

                    // Pink Noise Generator

                    double white = NextRandomTwo();
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[0] = 0.99886 * pinkNoiseBuffer[0] + white * 0.0555179;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[1] = 0.99332 * pinkNoiseBuffer[1] + white * 0.0750759;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[2] = 0.96900 * pinkNoiseBuffer[2] + white * 0.1538520;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[3] = 0.86650 * pinkNoiseBuffer[3] + white * 0.3104856;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[4] = 0.55000 * pinkNoiseBuffer[4] + white * 0.5329522;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[5] = -0.7616 * pinkNoiseBuffer[5] - white * 0.0168980;
                    double pink = pinkNoiseBuffer[0] + pinkNoiseBuffer[1] + pinkNoiseBuffer[2] + pinkNoiseBuffer[3] + pinkNoiseBuffer[4] + pinkNoiseBuffer[5] + pinkNoiseBuffer[6] + white * 0.5362;
                    pinkNoiseBuffer[6] = white * 0.115926;
                    sampleValue        = (Gain * (pink / 5));

                case SignalGeneratorType.Sweep:

                    // Sweep Generator
                    double f = Math.Exp(FrequencyLog + (nSample * (FrequencyEndLog - FrequencyLog)) / (SweepLengthSecs * waveFormat.SampleRate));

                    multiple    = TwoPi * f / waveFormat.SampleRate;
                    phi        += multiple;
                    sampleValue = Gain * (Math.Sin(phi));
                    if (nSample > SweepLengthSecs * waveFormat.SampleRate)
                        nSample = 0;
                        phi     = 0;

                    sampleValue = 0.0;

                // Phase Reverse Per Channel
                for (int i = 0; i < waveFormat.Channels; i++)
                    if (PhaseReverse[i])
                        buffer[outIndex++] = (float)-sampleValue;
                        buffer[outIndex++] = (float)sampleValue;
                accumulator += increment;
            bufferCount = 0;