private void displayScsiLuns() { String hostname; ManagedObjectReference hmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; if (!validate()) { vmUtils = new VMUtils(cb); hostname = null; ManagedObjectReference dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef (null, "Datacenter", "ha-datacenter"); hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, hostname); } else { hostname = cb.get_option("hostname"); hmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostname); } if (hmor != null) { DynamicProperty[] scsiArry = getDynamicProarray(hmor, "config.storageDevice.scsiLun"); ScsiLun[] scsiLun = ((ScsiLun[])(scsiArry[0]).val); try{ if (scsiLun != null && scsiLun.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < scsiLun.Length; j++) { Console.WriteLine("\nSCSI LUN " + (j + 1)); Console.WriteLine("--------------"); String canName = scsiLun[j].canonicalName; String vendor = scsiLun[j].vendor; String model = scsiLun[j].model; ScsiLunDurableName scsiLunDurableName = scsiLun[j].durableName; if (scsiLunDurableName != null) { sbyte[] data =; String scsinamespace = scsiLunDurableName.@namespace; sbyte namespaceId = scsiLunDurableName.namespaceId; Console.Write("\nData : "); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { Console.Write(data[i] + " "); } Console.WriteLine("Namespace : " + scsinamespace); Console.WriteLine("Namespace ID : " + namespaceId); } Console.WriteLine("\nCanonical Name : " + canName); Console.WriteLine("\nVMFS Affected "); getVMFS(hmor, canName); Console.WriteLine("Virtual Machines "); getVMs(hmor, canName); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error" + e); e.StackTrace.ToString(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Host " + cb.get_option("hostname") + " not found"); } }
private void doRemoveVirtualSwitch() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); vswitchId = cb.get_option("vswitchid"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; cb.getConnection()._service.RemoveVirtualSwitch(nwSystem, vswitchId); Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful removing : " + vswitchId); } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("ResourceInUseFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing switch " + vswitchId); Console.WriteLine("There are virtual network adapters " + "associated with the virtual switch."); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : virtual switch cannot be found. "); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("HostConfigFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : Configuration failures. "); } else { throw e; } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
private void doAddVirtualNic() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); vswitchId = cb.get_option("vswitchid"); portGroup = cb.get_option("portgroupname"); ipAddr = cb.get_option("ipaddress"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; HostPortGroupSpec portgrp = new HostPortGroupSpec(); = portGroup; HostVirtualNicSpec vNicSpec = createVNicSpecification(); cb.getConnection()._service.AddVirtualNic(nwSystem, portGroup, vNicSpec); Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful creating nic on portgroup : " + portGroup); } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("ResourceInUseFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed to add nic " + ipAddr); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("InvalidArgumentFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed to add nic " + ipAddr); Console.WriteLine("PortGroup vlanId or network policy or ipaddress may be invalid .\n"); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed to add nic " + ipAddr); Console.WriteLine(" Switch or portgroup not found.\n"); } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed to add nic " + ipAddr); Console.WriteLine("Datacenter or Host may be invalid \n"); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed to add nic " + ipAddr); throw e; } }
private void doAddVirtualSwitchPortGroup() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); portGroupName = cb.get_option("portgroupname"); vswitchId = cb.get_option("vswitchid"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; HostPortGroupSpec portgrp = new HostPortGroupSpec(); = portGroupName; portgrp.vswitchName = vswitchId; portgrp.policy = new HostNetworkPolicy(); cb.getConnection()._service.AddPortGroup(nwSystem, portgrp); Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("AlreadyExistsFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("Portgroup name already exists"); } if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("InvalidArgumentFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("PortGroup vlanId or network policy may be invalid."); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("Switch Not found."); } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("Datacenter or Host may be invalid"); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed creating : " + vswitchId + "/" + portGroupName); throw e; } }
private void doAddVirtualSwitch() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); vswitchId = cb.get_option("vswitchid"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; HostVirtualSwitchSpec spec = new HostVirtualSwitchSpec(); spec.numPorts = 8; cb.getConnection()._service.AddVirtualSwitch(nwSystem, vswitchId, spec); Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful creating : " + vswitchId); } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("InvalidArgumentFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + "vswitchName exceeds the maximum " + "allowed length, or the number of ports " + "specified falls out of valid range, or the network " + "policy is invalid, or beacon configuration is invalid. "); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("AlreadyExistsFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : Switch already exists "); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("HostConfigFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : Configuration failures. "); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); } else { throw e; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed adding switch: " + vswitchId); throw e; } }
private void doRemoveVirtualNic() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); portGroupName = cb.get_option("portgroupname"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; Object obj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(nwSystem, "networkInfo.vnic"); HostVirtualNic[] hvns = (HostVirtualNic[])obj; Boolean found_one = false; if (hvns != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hvns.Length; i++) { HostVirtualNic nic = hvns[i]; String portGroup = nic.portgroup; if (portGroup.Equals(portGroupName)) { found_one = true; cb.getConnection()._service.RemoveVirtualNic(nwSystem, nic.device); } } } if (found_one) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful removing : " + portGroupName); } else { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : PortGroupName not found failed removing : " + portGroupName); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : virtual network adapter cannot be found. "); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("HostConfigFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed : Configuration falilures. "); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing nic: " + portGroupName); throw e; } }
private void doRemoveVirtualSwitchPortGroup() { ManagedObjectReference dcmor; ManagedObjectReference hostfoldermor; ManagedObjectReference hostmor = null; datacenter = cb.get_option("datacenter"); host = cb.get_option("host"); portGroupName = cb.get_option("portgroupname"); try { if (((datacenter != null) && (host != null)) || ((datacenter != null) && (host == null))) { dcmor = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDecendentMoRef(null, "Datacenter", datacenter); if (dcmor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Datacenter not found"); return; } hostfoldermor = vmUtils.getHostFolder(dcmor); hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(hostfoldermor, host); } else if ((datacenter == null) && (host != null)) { hostmor = vmUtils.getHost(null, host); } if (hostmor != null) { Object cmobj = cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(hostmor, "configManager"); HostConfigManager configMgr = (HostConfigManager)cmobj; ManagedObjectReference nwSystem = configMgr.networkSystem; HostNetworkInfo netInfo = (HostNetworkInfo)cb.getServiceUtil().GetDynamicProperty(nwSystem, "networkInfo"); cb.getConnection()._service.RemovePortGroup(nwSystem, portGroupName); Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Successful removing portgroup " + portGroupName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); } } catch (SoapException e) { if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("InvalidArgumentFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing " + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("PortGroup vlanId or network policy may be invalid .\n"); } else if (e.Detail.FirstChild.LocalName.Equals("NotFoundFault")) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing " + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine(" Switch or portgroup not found.\n"); } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing " + portGroupName); Console.WriteLine("Datacenter or Host may be invalid \n"); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(cb.getAppName() + " : Failed removing " + portGroupName); throw e; } }