Inheritance: VJAbstractDataSource
    // Draw the input level bar.
    void DrawLevelBar(VJAbstractAudioJackDataSource ds)
        if (barTextures == null)
            // Make textures for drawing level bars.
            barTextures = new Texture2D[] {

        // Peak level label.
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Peak Level", ds.Peak.ToString("0.0") + " dB");

        // Get a rectangle as a text field.
        var rect  = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(18, 10, "TextField");
        var width = rect.width;

        // Fill the rectangle with gray.
        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, barTextures [3]);

        // Draw the range bar with red.
        rect.x    += width * (ds.Peak - ds.lowerBound - ds.dynamicRange - ds.headroom) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        rect.width = width * (ds.dynamicRange + ds.headroom) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, barTextures [0]);

        // Draw the effective range bar with green.
        rect.width = width * (ds.dynamicRange) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, barTextures [1]);

        // Draw the output level bar with blue.
        rect.width   = width * ds.dynamicRange * ds.Output / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        rect.y      += rect.height / 2;
        rect.height /= 2;
        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, barTextures [2]);
    // Draw the input level bar.
    void DrawLevelBar(VJAbstractAudioJackDataSource ds)
        if (barTextures == null)
            // Make textures for drawing level bars.
            barTextures = new Texture2D[] {
                NewBarTexture (,
                NewBarTexture (,
                NewBarTexture (,
                NewBarTexture (Color.gray)

        // Peak level label.
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Peak Level", ds.Peak.ToString ("0.0") + " dB");

        // Get a rectangle as a text field.
        var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (18, 10, "TextField");
        var width = rect.width;

        // Fill the rectangle with gray.
        GUI.DrawTexture (rect, barTextures [3]);

        // Draw the range bar with red.
        rect.x += width * (ds.Peak - ds.lowerBound - ds.dynamicRange - ds.headroom) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        rect.width = width * (ds.dynamicRange + ds.headroom) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        GUI.DrawTexture (rect, barTextures [0]);

        // Draw the effective range bar with green.
        rect.width = width * (ds.dynamicRange) / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        GUI.DrawTexture (rect, barTextures [1]);

        // Draw the output level bar with blue.
        rect.width = width * ds.dynamicRange * ds.Output / (3 - ds.lowerBound);
        rect.y += rect.height / 2;
        rect.height /= 2;
        GUI.DrawTexture (rect, barTextures [2]);