public static VInt3 Transform(VInt3 point, VInt3 forward, VInt3 trans, VInt3 scale) { VInt3 up = VInt3.up; VInt3 vInt = VInt3.Cross(VInt3.up, forward); return(IntMath.Transform(ref point, ref vInt, ref up, ref forward, ref trans, ref scale)); }
public static VInt3 Transform(VInt3 point, VInt3 forward, VInt3 trans, VInt3 scale) { VInt3 up = VInt3.up; VInt3 num2 = VInt3.Cross(VInt3.up, forward); return(Transform(ref point, ref num2, ref up, ref forward, ref trans, ref scale)); }
static int rayTriSpecial(VInt3 orig, VInt3 dir, VInt3 vert0, VInt3 edge1, VInt3 edge2, ref VFixedPoint t, ref VFixedPoint u, ref VFixedPoint v) { VInt3 pvec = VInt3.Cross(dir, edge2); VFixedPoint det = VInt3.Dot(edge1, pvec); //triangle lies in plane of triangle if (det > -Globals.EPS && det < Globals.EPS) { return(0); } VFixedPoint oneOverDet = VFixedPoint.One / det; VInt3 tvec = orig - vert0; u = VInt3.Dot(tvec, pvec) * oneOverDet; VInt3 qvec = VInt3.Cross(tvec, edge1); v = VInt3.Dot(dir, qvec) * oneOverDet; if (u < VFixedPoint.Zero || u > VFixedPoint.One) { return(1); } if (v < VFixedPoint.Zero || u + v > VFixedPoint.One) { return(1); } t = VInt3.Dot(edge2, qvec) * oneOverDet; return(2); }
// Token: 0x06000FDF RID: 4063 RVA: 0x0005706C File Offset: 0x0005526C public static VInt3 Transform(ref VInt3 point, ref VInt3 forward, ref VInt3 trans) { VInt3 up = VInt3.up; VInt3 vint = VInt3.Cross(VInt3.up, forward); return(IntMath.Transform(ref point, ref vint, ref up, ref forward, ref trans)); }
public bool isValid2(int i0, int i1, int i2, VInt3[] aBuf, VInt3[] bBuf, VFixedPoint lower, VFixedPoint upper) { VInt3 pa0 = aBuf[i0]; VInt3 pa1 = aBuf[i1]; VInt3 pa2 = aBuf[i2]; VInt3 pb0 = bBuf[i0]; VInt3 pb1 = bBuf[i1]; VInt3 pb2 = bBuf[i2]; VInt3 p0 = pa0 - pb0; VInt3 p1 = pa1 - pb1; VInt3 p2 = pa2 - pb2; VInt3 v1 = p1 - p0; VInt3 v2 = p2 - p0; VInt3 denormalizedNormal = VInt3.Cross(v1, v2); VInt3 planeNormal = denormalizedNormal.Normalize(); VFixedPoint planeDist = VInt3.Dot(planeNormal, p0); m_planeNormal = planeNormal; m_planeDist = planeDist; return(planeDist >= lower && upper >= planeDist); }
public static VIntQuaternion FromToRotation(VInt3 from, VInt3 to) { VInt3 axis = VInt3.Cross(from, to); VFixedPoint angle = FMath.Trig.acos(VInt3.Dot(from, to)); return(AngleAxis(angle, axis)); }
static bool expandSegment(CollisionShape a, CollisionShape b, VIntTransform transformA, VIntTransform transformB, ref int numVerts, VFixedPoint lowerBound, VFixedPoint upperBound) { VInt3 q0 = aBuf[0] - bBuf[0]; VInt3 q1 = aBuf[1] - bBuf[1]; VInt3 v = q1 - q0; VInt3 absV = v.Abs(); VFixedPoint x = absV.x, y = absV.y, z = absV.z; VInt3 axis = VInt3.right; if (x > y && z > y) { axis = VInt3.up; } else if (x > z) { axis = VInt3.forward; } VInt3 n = VInt3.Cross(axis, v).Normalize(); VInt3 q2; doSupport(a, b, transformA, transformB, n, out aBuf[2], out bBuf[2], out q2); return(expandTriangle(a, b, transformA, transformB, ref numVerts, lowerBound, upperBound)); }
// 0 p is inside abcd, 1 p is outside abcd public static int pointOutsideOfPlane(VInt3 p, VInt3 a, VInt3 b, VInt3 c, VInt3 d) { VInt3 normal = VInt3.Cross(b - a, c - a); VFixedPoint signp = VInt3.Dot(p - a, normal); // [AP AB AC] VFixedPoint signd = VInt3.Dot(d - a, normal); // [AD AB AC] VFixedPoint dp = signd * signd; return((signp * signd > Globals.EPS)? 1 : 0); }
public static VIntQuaternion operator *(VIntQuaternion lhs, VIntQuaternion rhs) { VInt3 lvirtual = new VInt3(lhs.x, lhs.y, lhs.z); VFixedPoint lreal = lhs.w; VInt3 rvirtual = new VInt3(rhs.x, rhs.y, rhs.z); VFixedPoint rreal = rhs.w; VInt3 virtualPart = VInt3.Cross(lvirtual, rvirtual) + rvirtual * lreal + lvirtual * rreal; VFixedPoint realPart = lreal * rreal - VInt3.Dot(lvirtual, rvirtual); return(new VIntQuaternion(virtualPart.x, virtualPart.y, virtualPart.z, realPart)); }
/** Unwraps the funnel portals from 3D space to 2D space. * The result is stored in the \a left and \a right arrays which must be at least as large as the funnel.left and funnel.right lists. * * The input is a funnel like in the image below. It may be rotated and twisted. * \shadowimage{funnel_unwrap_input.png} * The output will be a funnel in 2D space like in the image below. All twists and bends will have been straightened out. * \shadowimage{funnel_unwrap_output.png} * * \see #Calculate(FunnelPortals,bool,bool) */ //Good Game //public static void Unwrap (FunnelPortals funnel, Vector2[] left, Vector2[] right) { public static void Unwrap(FunnelPortals funnel, VInt2[] left, VInt2[] right) { int startingIndex = 1; //Good Game //var normal = Vector3.Cross(funnel.right[1] - funnel.left[0], funnel.left[1] - funnel.left[0]); var normal = VInt3.Cross(funnel.right[1] - funnel.left[0], funnel.left[1] - funnel.left[0]); // This handles the case when the starting point is colinear with the first portal. // Note that left.Length is only guaranteed to be at least as large as funnel.left.Count, it may be larger. //Good Game //while (normal.sqrMagnitude <= 0.00000001f && startingIndex + 1 < funnel.left.Count) { while (normal.sqrMagnitude <= 0.000001 && startingIndex + 1 < funnel.left.Count) { startingIndex++; //Good Game //normal = Vector3.Cross(funnel.right[startingIndex] - funnel.left[0], funnel.left[startingIndex] - funnel.left[0]); normal = VInt3.Cross(funnel.right[startingIndex] - funnel.left[0], funnel.left[startingIndex] - funnel.left[0]); } left[0] = right[0] =; var portalLeft = funnel.left[1]; var portalRight = funnel.right[1]; var prevPoint = funnel.left[0]; // The code below is equivalent to this matrix (but a lot faster) // This represents a rotation around a line in 3D space // Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.FromToRotation(normal, Vector3.forward), * Matrix4x4.TRS(-funnel.right[0], Quaternion.identity,; Quaternion mRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation((Vector3)normal, Vector3.forward); Vector3 mOffset = mRot * (-(Vector3)funnel.right[0]); for (int i = 1; i < funnel.left.Count; i++) { //Good Game //if (UnwrapHelper((Vector3)portalLeft, (Vector3)portalRight, (Vector3)prevPoint, (Vector3)funnel.left[i], ref mRot, ref mOffset)) { if (UnwrapHelper((Vector3)portalLeft, (Vector3)portalRight, (Vector3)prevPoint, (Vector3)funnel.left[i], ref mRot, ref mOffset)) { prevPoint = portalLeft; portalLeft = funnel.left[i]; } left[i] = VInt2.FromInt3XZ((VInt3)(mRot * (Vector3)funnel.left[i] + mOffset)); //Good Game //if (UnwrapHelper(portalLeft, portalRight, prevPoint, funnel.right[i], ref mRot, ref mOffset)) { if (UnwrapHelper((Vector3)portalLeft, (Vector3)portalRight, (Vector3)prevPoint, (Vector3)funnel.right[i], ref mRot, ref mOffset)) { prevPoint = portalRight; portalRight = funnel.right[i]; } right[i] = VInt2.FromInt3XZ((VInt3)(mRot * (Vector3)funnel.right[i] + mOffset)); } }
public override void UpdateShape(VInt3 location, VInt3 forward) { this.axis[2] = forward; this.axis[0] = VInt3.Cross(ref this.axis[1], ref this.axis[2]); this.worldPos = IntMath.Transform(ref this.localPos, ref this.axis[0], ref this.axis[1], ref this.axis[2], ref location); this.worldExtends.x = this.size.x >> 1; this.worldExtends.y = this.size.y >> 1; this.worldExtends.z = this.size.z >> 1; this.worldRadius = Mathf.Max(this.worldExtends.x, Mathf.Max(this.worldExtends.y, this.worldExtends.z)); this.dirty = false; }
public static void UpdatePosition(ref VInt3 worldPos, ref VInt3 localPos, ref VInt3 location, ref VInt3 forward) { if (localPos.x == 0 && localPos.z == 0) { worldPos.x = localPos.x + location.x; worldPos.y = localPos.y + location.y; worldPos.z = localPos.z + location.z; } else { VInt3 up = VInt3.up; VInt3 vInt = forward; VInt3 vInt2 = VInt3.Cross(ref up, ref vInt); VInt3 vInt3 = location; worldPos = IntMath.Transform(ref localPos, ref vInt2, ref up, ref vInt, ref vInt3); } }
public override void UpdateShape(VInt3 location, VInt3 forward) { if ((this.localPos.x == 0) && (this.localPos.z == 0)) { this.worldPos.x = this.localPos.x + location.x; this.worldPos.y = this.localPos.y + location.y; this.worldPos.z = this.localPos.z + location.z; } else { VInt3 up = VInt3.up; VInt3 rhs = forward; VInt3 num3 = VInt3.Cross(ref up, ref rhs); VInt3 trans = location; this.worldPos = IntMath.Transform(ref this.localPos, ref num3, ref up, ref rhs, ref trans); } this.worldRadius = this.localRadius; base.dirty = false; }
static VFixedPoint calculatePlaneDist(int i0, int i1, int i2, VInt3[] aBuf, VInt3[] bBuf) { VInt3 pa0 = aBuf[i0]; VInt3 pa1 = aBuf[i1]; VInt3 pa2 = aBuf[i2]; VInt3 pb0 = bBuf[i0]; VInt3 pb1 = bBuf[i1]; VInt3 pb2 = bBuf[i2]; VInt3 p0 = pa0 - pb0; VInt3 p1 = pa1 - pb1; VInt3 p2 = pa2 - pb2; VInt3 v1 = p1 - p0; VInt3 v2 = p2 - p0; VInt3 planeNormal = VInt3.Cross(v1, v2).Normalize(); return(VInt3.Dot(planeNormal, p0)); }
//Good Game //public override bool GetPortal (GraphNode other, List<Vector3> left, List<Vector3> right, bool backwards) { public override bool GetPortal(GraphNode other, List <VInt3> left, List <VInt3> right, bool backwards) { if (backwards) { return(true); } GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex); int[] neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets; GridNode[] nodes = gg.nodes; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (HasConnectionInDirection(i) && other == nodes[NodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]]) { //Good Game /*Vector3 middle = ((Vector3)(position + other.position))*0.5f; * Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(gg.collision.up, (Vector3)(other.position-position));*/ VInt3 middle = ((position + other.position)) / 2; VInt3 cross = VInt3.Cross((VInt3)gg.collision.up, (other.position - position)); cross.Normalize(); cross *= gg.nodeSize * 0.5f; left.Add(middle - cross); right.Add(middle + cross); return(true); } } for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) { if (HasConnectionInDirection(i) && other == nodes[NodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]]) { bool rClear = false; bool lClear = false; if (HasConnectionInDirection(i - 4)) { GridNode n2 = nodes[NodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i - 4]]; if (n2.Walkable && n2.HasConnectionInDirection((i - 4 + 1) % 4)) { rClear = true; } } if (HasConnectionInDirection((i - 4 + 1) % 4)) { GridNode n2 = nodes[NodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[(i - 4 + 1) % 4]]; if (n2.Walkable && n2.HasConnectionInDirection(i - 4)) { lClear = true; } } //Good Game /*Vector3 middle = ((Vector3)(position + other.position))*0.5f; * Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(gg.collision.up, (Vector3)(other.position-position));*/ VInt3 middle = ((position + other.position)) / 2; VInt3 cross = VInt3.Cross((VInt3)gg.collision.up, (other.position - position)); cross.Normalize(); cross *= gg.nodeSize * 1.4142f; /*left.Add(middle - (lClear ? cross :; * right.Add(middle + (rClear ? cross :;*/ left.Add(middle - (lClear ? cross :; right.Add(middle + (rClear ? cross :; return(true); } } return(false); }
public void Enter(Action _action) { this.skillContext = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); this.lastTime = 0; this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); this.stopCondtion = false; this.moveActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.targetId); if (!this.moveActor) { return; } this.gravityControler = new AccelerateMotionControler(); this.xControler = new xAxisAccelerateMotionControler(); this.moveActor.handle.ObjLinker.AddCustomMoveLerp(new CustomMoveLerpFunc(this.ActionMoveLerp)); if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) { if (this.bFindTargetByRotateBodyBullet) { _action.refParams.GetRefParam("FindEnemyActor", ref this.tarActor); } else { this.tarActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.destId); } if (!this.tarActor) { return; } this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; if (charInfo != null) { this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 1000L); } this.destPosition.y = this.destPosition.y + this.hitHeight; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Directional) { VInt3 vInt =; if (this.skillContext == null) { return; } PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> originator = this.skillContext.Originator; if (!originator) { return; } if (this.bBulletUseDir) { _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletUseDir", ref vInt); } else if (this.bUseIndicatorDir) { SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); VInt3 vInt2; if (refParamObject != null && refParamObject.CalcAttackerDir(out vInt2, originator)) { vInt = vInt2; } else { vInt = originator.handle.forward; } } else { vInt = originator.handle.forward; } this.moveActor.handle.forward = vInt; this.moveActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt); vInt = vInt.RotateY(this.offsetDir.y); if (this.bResetMoveDistance) { int num = 0; _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletRealFlyingTime", ref num); int num2 = num * this.velocity / 1000; this.distance = ((num2 > 0) ? num2 : this.distance); } this.destPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location + vInt.NormalizeTo(this.distance); this.destPosition.y = this.moveActor.handle.location.y; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Position) { if (this.bReachDestStop) { this.destPosition = this.targetPosition; } else { VInt3 lhs = this.targetPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; lhs.y = 0; lhs = lhs.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location + lhs * (this.length * this.velocity / 1000); VInt vInt3; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt3)) { this.destPosition.y = vInt3.i; } } } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.RotateBody) { this.originateActor = this.skillContext.Originator; if (!this.originateActor) { DebugHelper.Assert(false, "产生子弹的originateActor不能为空!!!"); return; } this.rotateBodyBulletCount = Mathf.Clamp(this.rotateBodyBulletCount, 1, 360); this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle = 360 / this.rotateBodyBulletCount * this.skillContext.BulletPos.x; VInt3 vInt4 = this.moveActor.handle.forward.RotateY(-this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle); this.moveActor.handle.forward = vInt4; this.moveActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt4); } if (this.bAdjustSpeed) { VInt3 vInt5 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num3 = this.length - 100; num3 = ((num3 <= 0) ? this.length : num3); this.velocity = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt5.magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)num3); } if (this.gravity < 0) { if (this.velocity == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt3 vInt6 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num4; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt6.magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)this.velocity); } else { long num5 = (long)this.velocity; long num6 = (long)this.acceleration; long num7 = (long)vInt6.magnitude2D; long a2 = num5 * num5 + 2L * num6 * num7; num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide(((long)IntMath.Sqrt(a2) - num5) * 1000L, num6); this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); } if (num4 == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt vInt7; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt7)) { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, vInt7.i - this.moveActor.handle.location.y, this.gravity); } else { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, 0, this.gravity); } } if (this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.zDirection = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; this.xDirection = VInt3.Cross(VInt3.up, this.zDirection); this.zCurPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location; if (this.bReachDestStop) { int[] array = new int[3]; VInt3[] array2 = new VInt3[] { default(VInt3), default(VInt3), this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location }; array2[0] = array2[2]; array2[1] = array2[2]; array2[0].NormalizeTo(this.distanceZ0); array2[1].NormalizeTo(this.distanceZ1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { array[i] = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)array2[i].magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)this.velocity); } else { long num8 = (long)this.velocity; long num9 = (long)this.acceleration; long num10 = (long)array2[i].magnitude2D; long a3 = num8 * num8 + 2L * num9 * num10; array[i] = (int)IntMath.Divide(((long)IntMath.Sqrt(a3) - num8) * 1000L, num9); } } if (array[2] > array[1] && array[1] > array[0] && array[0] > 0) { this.xControler.InitMotionControler(array[0], array[1], array[2], this.distanceZ0, this.distanceZ1, this.distanceX); int desPostion = this.xControler.getDesPostion(); this.xDestPosition = this.xDirection; this.xDestPosition.NormalizeTo(Math.Abs(desPostion)); if (desPostion < 0) { this.xDestPosition = -this.xDestPosition; } } else { this.bMoveOnXAxis = false; } } } }
public static bool sweepCapsuleCapsule(CapsuleShape lss0, VIntTransform transform0, VInt3 toPos, CapsuleShape lss1, VIntTransform transform1, ref VFixedPoint dist, ref VInt3 hitNormal) { VInt3 FromPos = transform0.position; VFixedPoint radiusSun = lss0.getRadius() + lss1.getRadius(); VFixedPoint length = (toPos - FromPos).magnitude; VInt3 dir = (toPos - FromPos) / length; VInt3 lss0p0 = transform0.TransformPoint(lss0.getUpAxis() * lss0.getHalfHeight()), lss0p1 = transform0.TransformPoint(lss0.getUpAxis() * -lss0.getHalfHeight()); VInt3 lss1p0 = transform1.TransformPoint(lss1.getUpAxis() * lss1.getHalfHeight()), lss1p1 = transform1.TransformPoint(lss1.getUpAxis() * -lss1.getHalfHeight()); bool initialOverlapStatus = false; VFixedPoint tmp = VFixedPoint.Zero; if (lss0.getHalfHeight() < Globals.EPS) { initialOverlapStatus = Distance.distancePointSegmentSquared(lss1p0, lss1p1, lss0p0, ref tmp) < radiusSun * radiusSun; } else if (lss1.getHalfHeight() < Globals.EPS) { initialOverlapStatus = Distance.distancePointSegmentSquared(lss0p0, lss0p1, lss1p0, ref tmp) < radiusSun * radiusSun; } else { VInt3 x, y; initialOverlapStatus = Distance.SegmentSegmentDist2(lss0p0, lss0p1 - lss0p0, lss1p0, lss1p1 - lss1p0, out x, out y) < radiusSun * radiusSun; } if (initialOverlapStatus) { dist = VFixedPoint.Zero; hitNormal = (FromPos - toPos).Normalize(); return(true); } // 1. Extrude lss0 by lss1's length // 2. Inflate extruded shape by lss1's radius // 3. Raycast against resulting quad VInt3 D = (lss0p1 - lss0p0) * VFixedPoint.Half; VInt3 p0 = lss1p0 - D, p1 = lss1p1 - D, p0b = lss1p0 + D, p1b = lss1p1 + D; VInt3 normal = VInt3.Cross(p1b - p0b, p1 - p0b); normal = normal.Normalize(); dist = VFixedPoint.One; bool status = false; VInt3 pa, pb, pc; if (VInt3.Dot(normal, dir) >= VFixedPoint.Zero) { pc = p0 - normal * radiusSun; pa = p1 - normal * radiusSun; pb = p1b - normal * radiusSun; } else { pc = p0 + normal * radiusSun; pa = p1 + normal * radiusSun; pb = p1b + normal * radiusSun; } VFixedPoint t = VFixedPoint.Zero, u = VFixedPoint.Zero, v = VFixedPoint.Zero; if (rayQuad(transform1.position, dir, pa, pb, pc, ref t, ref u, ref v, true) && t >= VFixedPoint.Zero && t < length) { dist = t / length; status = true; } if (!status) { VInt3[] caps = new VInt3[] { p0, p1, p1, p1b, p1b, p0b, p0b, p0 }; VInt3 tmpNormal =; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { VFixedPoint s = VFixedPoint.Zero; if (CapsuleRaytestAlgorithm.raycastCapsule(FromPos, toPos, caps[i * 2], caps[i * 2 + 1], radiusSun, ref tmpNormal, ref s)) { if (s > VFixedPoint.Zero && s < dist) { dist = s; status = true; } } } } if (status) { VInt3 x, y; Distance.SegmentSegmentDist2(lss0p0 + dir * length * dist, lss0p1 - lss0p0, lss1p0, lss1p1 - lss1p0, out x, out y); hitNormal = (x - y).Normalize(); } return(status); }
public static bool rayQuad(VInt3 orig, VInt3 dir, VInt3 vert0, VInt3 vert1, VInt3 vert2, ref VFixedPoint t, ref VFixedPoint u, ref VFixedPoint v, bool cull) { VInt3 edge1 = vert1 - vert0; VInt3 edge2 = vert2 - vert0; VInt3 pvec = VInt3.Cross(dir, edge2); VFixedPoint det = VInt3.Dot(edge1, pvec); if (cull) { if (det < Globals.EPS) { return(false); } VInt3 tvec = orig - vert0; u = VInt3.Dot(tvec, pvec); if (u < VFixedPoint.Zero || u > det) { return(false); } VInt3 qvec = VInt3.Cross(tvec, edge1); v = VInt3.Dot(dir, qvec); if (v < VFixedPoint.Zero || v > det) { return(false); } t = VInt3.Dot(edge2, qvec); VFixedPoint oneOverDet = VFixedPoint.One / det; t *= oneOverDet; u *= oneOverDet; v *= oneOverDet; } else { if (det > -Globals.EPS && det < Globals.EPS) { return(false); } VFixedPoint oneOverDet = VFixedPoint.One / det; VInt3 tvec = orig - vert0; u = VInt3.Dot(tvec, pvec) * oneOverDet; if (u < VFixedPoint.Zero || u > VFixedPoint.One) { return(false); } VInt3 qvec = VInt3.Cross(tvec, edge1); v = VInt3.Dot(dir, qvec) * oneOverDet; if (v < VFixedPoint.Zero || v > VFixedPoint.One) { return(false); } t = (VInt3.Dot(edge2, qvec)) * oneOverDet; } return(true); }
//Good Game //public List<Vector3> SmoothOffsetSimple (List<Vector3> path) { public List <VInt3> SmoothOffsetSimple(List <VInt3> path) { if (path.Count <= 2 || iterations <= 0) { return(path); } if (iterations > 12) { Debug.LogWarning("A very high iteration count was passed, won't let this one through"); return(path); } int maxLength = (path.Count - 2) * (int)Mathf.Pow(2, iterations) + 2; //Good Game /*List<Vector3> subdivided = ListPool<Vector3>.Claim(maxLength); * List<Vector3> subdivided2 = ListPool<Vector3>.Claim(maxLength); * * for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { subdivided.Add(; subdivided2.Add(; }*/ List <VInt3> subdivided = ListPool <VInt3> .Claim(maxLength); List <VInt3> subdivided2 = ListPool <VInt3> .Claim(maxLength); for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { subdivided.Add(; subdivided2.Add(; } for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { subdivided[i] = path[i]; } for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) { int currentPathLength = (path.Count - 2) * (int)Mathf.Pow(2, iteration) + 2; //Switch the arrays //Good Game //List<Vector3> tmp = subdivided; List <VInt3> tmp = subdivided; subdivided = subdivided2; subdivided2 = tmp; const float nextMultiplier = 1F; for (int i = 0; i < currentPathLength - 1; i++) { //Good Game /*Vector3 current = subdivided2[i]; * Vector3 next = subdivided2[i+1]; * * Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(next-current, Vector3.up);*/ VInt3 current = subdivided2[i]; VInt3 next = subdivided2[i + 1]; VInt3 normal = VInt3.Cross(next - current, VInt3.up); //Good Game //normal = normal.normalized; normal = (VInt3)((Vector3)normal).normalized; bool firstRight = false; bool secondRight = false; bool setFirst = false; bool setSecond = false; if (i != 0 && !VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(current, next, subdivided2[i - 1])) { setFirst = true; firstRight = VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(current, next, subdivided2[i - 1]); } if (i < currentPathLength - 1 && !VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(current, next, subdivided2[i + 2])) { setSecond = true; secondRight = VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(current, next, subdivided2[i + 2]); } if (setFirst) { subdivided[i * 2] = current + (firstRight ? normal * offset * nextMultiplier : -normal * offset * nextMultiplier); } else { subdivided[i * 2] = current; } if (setSecond) { subdivided[i * 2 + 1] = next + (secondRight ? normal * offset * nextMultiplier : -normal * offset * nextMultiplier); } else { subdivided[i * 2 + 1] = next; } } subdivided[(path.Count - 2) * (int)Mathf.Pow(2, iteration + 1) + 2 - 1] = subdivided2[currentPathLength - 1]; } //Good Game //ListPool<Vector3>.Release(ref subdivided2); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(ref subdivided2); return(subdivided); }