Example #1
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with BounceForward interaction.");

        Vector2 dir = sprite2.lastDirection();


        if (sprite2.lastDirection().x *sprite2.orientation.x < 0)
            dir.x *= -1;

        if (sprite2.lastDirection().y *sprite2.orientation.y < 0)
            dir.y *= -1;

        sprite1.physics.activeMovement(sprite1, new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y), sprite2.speed);
        sprite1.orientation = new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y);
Example #2
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with KillIfFrontal interaction.");

        //Kills the sprite, only if they are going in opposite directions or sprite1 is static.
        var firstV = sprite1.lastDirection();
        var otherV = sprite2.lastDirection();


        //If the sum of the two vectors (normalized) is (0.0), directions are opposite.
        var sumDir   = new Vector2(firstV.x + otherV.x, firstV.y + otherV.y);
        var firstDir = new Vector2(firstV.x, firstV.y);

        applyScore = false;
        if (firstDir.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.NONE.getDirection()) || (sumDir.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.NONE.getDirection())))
            applyScore = true;
            //boolean variable set to false to indicate the sprite was not transformed
            game.killSprite(sprite1, false);
Example #3
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with PullWithIt interaction.");

        //Keep in the list, for the current cycle, the sprites that have triggered this event.
        var currentGameTime = game.getGameTick();

        if (currentGameTime > lastGameTime)
            lastGameTime = currentGameTime;

        //the event gets triggered only once per time-step on each sprite.
        if (spritesThisCycle.Contains(sprite1))


        //And go on.
        var r = sprite1.lastrect;
        var v = sprite2.lastDirection();


        var gridsize = 1f;

        if (sprite1.physicstype.CompareAndIgnoreCase(VGDLPhysics.GRID))
            GridPhysics gp = (GridPhysics)(sprite1.physics);
            gridsize = gp.gridSize.x;
            ContinuousPhysics gp = (ContinuousPhysics)(sprite1.physics);
            gridsize = gp.gridSize.x;

        sprite1.updatePos(new Vector2(v.x, v.y), (int)(sprite2.speed * gridsize));

        if (sprite1.physicstype.CompareAndIgnoreCase(VGDLPhysics.GRID))
            sprite1.rect.y      = sprite2.rect.y - sprite2.rect.height;
            sprite1.orientation = new Vector2(sprite1.orientation.x, 0.0f);

        sprite1.lastrect = new Rect(r);

        if (pixelPerfect)
            sprite1.rect = new Rect(sprite2.rect);