private void InstallSuppPack(Host host, VDI vdi) { // Set the correct connection object, for RecomputeCanCancel Connection = host.Connection; Session session = host.Connection.DuplicateSession(); try { Description = String.Format(Messages.APPLYING_PATCH, vdi.Name(), host.Name()); Host.call_plugin(session, host.opaque_ref, "install-supp-pack", "install", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "vdi", vdi.uuid } }); Description = String.Format(Messages.PATCH_APPLIED, vdi.Name(), host.Name()); } catch (Failure failure) { log.ErrorFormat("Plugin call install-supp-pack.install({0}) on {1} failed with {2}", vdi.uuid, host.Name(), failure.Message); log.ErrorFormat("Supplemental pack installation error description: {0}", string.Join(";", failure.ErrorDescription)); throw new SupplementalPackInstallFailedException(string.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_INSTALL_FAILED, vdi.Name(), host.Name()), failure); } finally { Connection = null; } }
private void Update() { if (TheVDI.type == vdi_type.crashdump || TheVDI.type == vdi_type.ephemeral || TheVDI.type == vdi_type.suspend) { Show = false; } else if ((TheVDI.VBDs.Count > 0 && !TheVDI.sharable)) { bool allRO = true; foreach (VBD vbd in TheVDI.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(TheVDI.VBDs)) { if (!vbd.IsReadOnly() && vbd.currently_attached) { allRO = false; break; } } Show = allRO; if (Show) { ForceReadOnly = true; Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(TheVDI.Name()) ? Messages.NO_NAME : TheVDI.Name(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheVDI.Description())) { Description = string.Format(Messages.ATTACHDISK_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, TheVDI.Description(), Util.DiskSizeString(TheVDI.virtual_size)); } else { Description = Util.DiskSizeString(TheVDI.virtual_size); } Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.VDI); } } else { Show = true; ForceReadOnly = TheVDI.read_only; Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(TheVDI.Name()) ? Messages.NO_NAME : TheVDI.Name(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheVDI.Description())) { Description = string.Format(Messages.ATTACHDISK_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, TheVDI.Description(), Util.DiskSizeString(TheVDI.virtual_size)); } else { Description = Util.DiskSizeString(TheVDI.virtual_size); } Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.VDI); } }
private void AddStorageMappings(ref List <SummaryDetails> decoratedSummary) { bool firstItem = true; foreach (var pair in mapping.Storage) { VDI vdi = connection.Resolve(new XenRef <VDI>(pair.Key)); if (vdi == null || vdi.is_a_snapshot) // don't display the storage mappings for the shapshots { continue; } string valueToAdd = vdi.Name() + separatorText + pair.Value.Name(); if (firstItem) { decoratedSummary.Add(new SummaryDetails(Messages.CPM_SUMMARY_KEY_STORAGE, valueToAdd)); firstItem = false; } else { decoratedSummary.Add(new SummaryDetails(String.Empty, valueToAdd)); } } }
public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, Host affinity, SrPicker.SRPickerType pickerUsage = SrPicker.SRPickerType.VM, VDI diskTemplate = null, bool canResize = true, long minSize = 0, IEnumerable <VDI> vdiNamesInUse = null) : base(connection ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection))) { InitializeComponent(); TheVM = vm; _VDINamesInUse = vdiNamesInUse ?? new List <VDI>(); diskSpinner1.CanResize = canResize; if (diskTemplate == null) { NameTextBox.Text = GetDefaultVDIName(); diskSpinner1.Populate(minSize: minSize); UpdateErrorsAndButtons(); SrListBox.PopulateAsync(pickerUsage, connection, affinity, null, null); } else { DiskTemplate = diskTemplate; NameTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Name(); DescriptionTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Description(); Text = Messages.EDIT_DISK; OkButton.Text = Messages.OK; diskSpinner1.Populate(DiskTemplate.virtual_size, minSize); UpdateErrorsAndButtons(); SrListBox.PopulateAsync(pickerUsage, connection, affinity, connection.Resolve(DiskTemplate.SR), null); } }
private void LoadValues() { if (DiskTemplate == null) { return; } NameTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Name(); DescriptionTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Description(); SrListBox.selectSRorDefaultorAny(connection.Resolve(DiskTemplate.SR)); // select the appropriate unit, based on size (CA-45905) currentSelectedUnits = DiskTemplate.virtual_size >= Util.BINARY_GIGA ? DiskSizeUnits.GB : DiskSizeUnits.MB; SelectedUnits = currentSelectedUnits; SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(DiskSizeNumericUpDown, SelectedUnits.ToString()); decimal newValue = (decimal)Math.Round((double)DiskTemplate.virtual_size / GetUnits(), DiskSizeNumericUpDown.DecimalPlaces); DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value = newValue >= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Minimum && newValue <= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum ? newValue : DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum; if (MinSize > 0) { min = (decimal)((double)MinSize / GetUnits()); } DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Enabled = CanResize; Text = Messages.EDIT_DISK; OkButton.Text = Messages.OK; }
protected override void RunWithSession(ref Session session) { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_APPLYING_UPDATE, vdi.Name(), host.Name())); var suppPackVdis = new Dictionary <Host, VDI> { { host, vdi } }; new InstallSupplementalPackAction(suppPackVdis, true).RunExternal(session); }
public CreateDiskAction(IXenObject obj) : base(obj) { VDI disk = obj as VDI; if (disk != null) { Title = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_VDI_CREATING_TITLE, disk.Name(), disk.Connection.Resolve <SR>(disk.SR).NameWithoutHost()); } Description = Messages.ACTION_VDI_CREATING; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> /// <param name="vm"></param> /// <param name="vdi">May be null, indicating that the CD should be ejected (i.e. set to empty).</param> /// <param name="cdrom">Must not be null.</param> public ChangeVMISOAction(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, VDI vdi, VBD cdrom) : base(connection, vdi == null ? String.Format(Messages.ISO_UNLOADING, vm.Name()) : String.Format(Messages.ISO_LOADING, vdi.Name(), vm.Name())) { this.VM = vm; this.vdi = vdi; this.cdrom = cdrom; System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(this.cdrom != null, "ChangeVMISOAction ctor: cdrom vbd must not be null"); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(this.VM != null, "ChangeVMISOAction ctor: VM must not be null"); }
private void OkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DiskListVdiItem item = DiskListTreeView.SelectedItem as DiskListVdiItem; if (item == null) { return; } VDI TheVDI = item.TheVDI; // Run this stuff off the event thread, since it involves a server call System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { // Get a spare userdevice string[] uds = VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(connection.DuplicateSession(), TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { using (var dlg = new ErrorDialog(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED) { WindowTitle = Messages.DISK_ATTACH }) { dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } }); return; } string ud = uds[0]; VBD vbd = new VBD(); vbd.VDI = new XenRef <VDI>(TheVDI); vbd.VM = new XenRef <VM>(TheVM); vbd.bootable = ud == "0"; vbd.device = ""; vbd.SetIsOwner(TheVDI.VBDs.Count == 0); vbd.empty = false; vbd.userdevice = ud; vbd.type = vbd_type.Disk; vbd.mode = ReadOnlyCheckBox.Checked ? vbd_mode.RO : vbd_mode.RW; vbd.unpluggable = true; // Try to hot plug the VBD. var action = new VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, TheVDI.Name(), null, false); action.ShowUserInstruction += Action_ShowUserInstruction; action.RunAsync(); }); Close(); }
private AsyncAction getActivateVBDAction(VBD vbd) { VDI vdi = vbd.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI); VM vm = vbd.Connection.Resolve <VM>(vbd.VM); String title = String.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ACTIVATING_TITLE, vdi.Name(), vm.Name()); String startDesc = Messages.ACTION_DISK_ACTIVATING; String endDesc = Messages.ACTION_DISK_ACTIVATED; AsyncAction action = new DelegatedAsyncAction(vbd.Connection, title, startDesc, endDesc, session => VBD.plug(session, vbd.opaque_ref), "vbd.plug"); action.VM = vm; return(action); }
protected override void Run() { try { Title = Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_MOVING_VDI_STATUS, Helpers.GetName(vdi)); RelatedTask = VDI.async_pool_migrate(Session, vdi.opaque_ref, SR.opaque_ref, new Dictionary <string, string>()); PollToCompletion(); } catch (CancelledException) { Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_VM_MIGRATE_CANCELLED, vdi.Name()); throw; } catch (Failure boo) { Description = boo.Message; throw; } Description = Messages.ACTION_VM_MIGRATED; }
public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, Host affinity, SrPicker.SRPickerType pickerUsage = SrPicker.SRPickerType.VM, VDI diskTemplate = null, bool canResize = true, long minSize = 0, IEnumerable <VDI> vdiNamesInUse = null) : base(connection ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection))) { InitializeComponent(); TheVM = vm; _VDINamesInUse = vdiNamesInUse ?? new List <VDI>(); SrListBox.Connection = connection; SrListBox.Usage = pickerUsage; SrListBox.SetAffinity(affinity); Pool pool_sr = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); if (pool_sr != null) { SrListBox.DefaultSR = connection.Resolve(pool_sr.default_SR); //if default sr resolves to null the first sr in the list will be selected } if (diskTemplate == null) { NameTextBox.Text = GetDefaultVDIName(); SrListBox.selectDefaultSROrAny(); diskSpinner1.Populate(minSize: minSize); } else { DiskTemplate = diskTemplate; NameTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Name(); DescriptionTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Description(); SrListBox.selectSRorDefaultorAny(connection.Resolve(DiskTemplate.SR)); Text = Messages.EDIT_DISK; OkButton.Text = Messages.OK; diskSpinner1.Populate(DiskTemplate.virtual_size, minSize); } diskSpinner1.CanResize = canResize; }
private object CellValue(int col) { switch (col) { case 0: return(VBD.userdevice); case 1: return(VDI.Name()); case 2: return(VDI.Description()); case 3: return(SR.Name()); case 4: string name; return(VDI.sm_config.TryGetValue("displayname", out name) ? name : ""); case 5: return(VDI.SizeText()); case 6: return(VBD.IsReadOnly() ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO); case 7: return(GetPriorityString(VBD.GetIoNice())); case 8: return(VBD.currently_attached ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO); case 9: return(VBD.device == "" ? Messages.STORAGE_PANEL_UNKNOWN : string.Format("/dev/{0}", VBD.device)); default: throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid column number {0} in VBDRenderer.CellValue()", col)); } }
protected override void Run() { bool wasEmpty = false; if (!cdrom.empty) { RelatedTask = VBD.async_eject(Session, cdrom.opaque_ref); wasEmpty = true; PollToCompletion(0, 50); } if (vdi != null) { RelatedTask = VBD.async_insert(Session, cdrom.opaque_ref, vdi.opaque_ref); PollToCompletion(wasEmpty ? 50 : 0, 100); Description = String.Format(Messages.ISO_LOADED, vdi.Name(), VM.Name()); } else { Description = String.Format(Messages.ISO_UNLOADED, VM.Name()); } }
private string UploadSupplementalPack(SR sr) { this.Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING_TO, sr.Name()); String result; log.DebugFormat("Creating vdi of size {0} bytes on SR '{1}'", diskSize, sr.Name()); VDI vdi = NewVDI(sr); XenRef <VDI> vdiRef = null; try { vdiRef = VDI.create(Session, vdi); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", "Failed to create VDI", ex.Message); throw; } log.DebugFormat("Uploading file '{0}' to VDI '{1}' on SR '{2}'", suppPackFilePath, vdi.Name(), sr.Name()); Host localStorageHost = sr.GetStorageHost(); string hostUrl; if (localStorageHost == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(Session.Url); hostUrl = uri.Host; } else { log.DebugFormat("SR is not shared -- redirecting to {0}", localStorageHost.address); hostUrl = localStorageHost.address; } log.DebugFormat("Using {0} for import", hostUrl); try { HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent) { var actionPercent = (int)(((totalUploaded * 100) + percent) / totalCount); Tick(actionPercent, Description); }; Session session = NewSession(); RelatedTask = Task.create(Session, "uploadTask", hostUrl); result = HTTPHelper.Put(progressDelegate, GetCancelling, true, Connection, RelatedTask, ref session, suppPackFilePath, hostUrl, (HTTP_actions.put_sss)HTTP_actions.put_import_raw_vdi, session.opaque_ref, vdiRef.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", "Failed to import a virtual disk over HTTP.", ex.Message); if (vdiRef != null) { log.DebugFormat("Removing the VDI on a best effort basis."); try { RemoveVDI(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { //best effort log.Error("Failed to remove the VDI.", removeEx); } } //after having tried to remove the VDI, the original exception is thrown for the UI if (ex is TargetInvocationException && ex.InnerException != null) { throw ex.InnerException; } else { throw ex; } } finally { Task.destroy(Session, RelatedTask); RelatedTask = null; } if (localStorageHost != null) { VdiRefsToCleanUp.Add(localStorageHost, vdiRef); } else // shared SR { foreach (var server in servers) { VdiRefsToCleanUp.Add(server, vdiRef); } } //introduce ISO for Ely and higher if (Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection)) { try { var poolUpdateRef = Pool_update.introduce(Connection.Session, vdiRef); poolUpdate = Connection.WaitForCache(poolUpdateRef); if (poolUpdate == null) { throw new Exception(Messages.UPDATE_ERROR_INTRODUCE); // This should not happen, because such case will result in a XAPI Failure. But this code has to be protected at this point. } VdiRefsToCleanUp.Clear(); } catch (Failure ex) { if (ex.ErrorDescription != null && ex.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && string.Equals("UPDATE_ALREADY_EXISTS", ex.ErrorDescription[0], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string uuidFound = ex.ErrorDescription[1]; poolUpdate = Connection.Cache.Pool_updates.FirstOrDefault(pu => string.Equals(pu.uuid, uuidFound, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); //clean-up the VDI we've just created try { RemoveVDI(Session, vdiRef); //remove the vdi that have just been cleaned up var remaining = VdiRefsToCleanUp.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != null && kvp.Value.opaque_ref != vdiRef.opaque_ref).ToList(); VdiRefsToCleanUp.Clear(); remaining.ForEach(rem => VdiRefsToCleanUp.Add(rem.Key, rem.Value)); } catch { //best effort cleanup } } else { throw; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Upload failed when introducing update from VDI {0} on {1}: {2}", vdi.opaque_ref, Connection, ex.Message); poolUpdate = null; throw; } } else { poolUpdate = null; } totalUploaded++; Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADED, sr.Name()); foreach (Host host in servers) { SrUploadedUpdates[host] = sr; } return(result); }
private VirtualTreeNode AddVDINode(VDI vdi) { String name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.Name()) ? Messages.NO_NAME : vdi.Name(); return(AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(vdi), false, vdi)); }
public InstallSupplementalPackPlanAction(Host host, VDI vdi) : base(host.Connection, string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_APPLYING_UPDATE, vdi.Name(), host.Name())) { = host; this.vdi = vdi; }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SrListBox.SR == null || SelectionNull || NameTextBox.Text == "" || !connection.IsConnected) { return; } if (DontCreateVDI) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = SrListBox.SR; if (!sr.shared && TheVM != null && TheVM.HaPriorityIsRestart()) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.NEW_SR_DIALOG_ATTACH_NON_SHARED_DISK_HA, Messages.XENCENTER), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo)) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } new HAUnprotectVMAction(TheVM).RunExternal(TheVM.Connection.Session); } VDI vdi = NewDisk(); if (TheVM != null) { var alreadyHasBootableDisk = HasBootableDisk(TheVM); Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction action = new Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING_TITLE, NameTextBox.Text, sr.NameWithoutHost()), Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING, Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDED, delegate(XenAPI.Session session) { // Get legitimate unused userdevice numbers string[] uds = XenAPI.VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED); } string ud = uds[0]; string vdiref = VDI.create(session, vdi); XenAPI.VBD vbd = NewDevice(); vbd.VDI = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VDI>(vdiref); vbd.VM = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VM>(TheVM); // CA-44959: only make bootable if there aren't other bootable VBDs. vbd.bootable = ud == "0" && !alreadyHasBootableDisk; vbd.userdevice = ud; // Now try to plug the VBD. new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name(), session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunAsync(); }); action.VM = TheVM; new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } else { CreateDiskAction action = new CreateDiskAction(vdi); new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Detaches a virtual disk /// </summary> /// <param name="disk">The VDI to detach</param> /// <param name="vm">The VM to detach it from</param> /// <param name="takeVDILock">Whether it is necessary to lock the VDI (we may be part of another disk action)</param> public DetachVirtualDiskAction(VDI disk, VM vm, bool takeVDILock) : base(disk.Connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_DETACHING_TITLE, disk.Name(), vm.Name(), false)) { this.takeVDILock = takeVDILock; vdi = disk; if (takeVDILock) { vdi.Locked = true; } VM = vm; VM.Locked = true; foreach (VBD v in Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(VM.VBDs)) { if (v.VDI.opaque_ref == vdi.opaque_ref) { vbd = v; vbd.Locked = true; } } }
public DestroyDiskAction(VDI disk) : base(disk.Connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_DELETING_TITLE, disk.Name(), disk.Connection.Resolve <SR>(disk.SR).NameWithoutHost()), false) { Disk = disk; Disk.Locked = true; #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vbd.unplug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vbd.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vdi.destroy"); #endregion SR = Connection.Resolve(Disk.SR); // If there is only one VM involved here we can filter it under the VM // Otherwise just filter under the SR VM relevantVM = null; foreach (VBD vbd in SR.Connection.ResolveAll(Disk.VBDs)) { VM vm = SR.Connection.Resolve <VM>(vbd.VM); if (vm == null) { continue; } if (relevantVM == null) { relevantVM = vm; } else { // more than one relevant VM, just give it the SR as an owner relevantVM = null; break; } } if (relevantVM != null) { VM = relevantVM; } }
public ConfirmVMDeleteDialog(IEnumerable <VM> vms) { Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(vms, "vms"); InitializeComponent(); HelpButton = true; // We have to set the header text again here because they're in base64 // encoding in the resx, so can't be easily localised: see CA-43371. listView.Groups["listViewGroupAttachedDisks"].Header = Messages.ATTACHED_VIRTUAL_DISKS; listView.Groups["listViewGroupSnapshots"].Header = Messages.SNAPSHOTS; List <VM> vmList = new List <VM>(vms); if (vmList.Count == 1) { String type = vmList[0].is_a_template ? Messages.TEMPLATE : Messages.VM; Text = String.Format(Messages.CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE, type); } else { Text = Messages.CONFIRM_DELETE_ITEMS_TITLE; } List <VDI> sharedVDIsCouldBeDelete = new List <VDI>(); foreach (VM vm in vmList) { foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VBDs)) { if (!vbd.IsCDROM()) { VDI vdi = vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); if (vdi != null) { IList <VM> VMsUsingVDI = vdi.GetVMs(); bool allTheVMsAreDeleted = true; if (VMsUsingVDI.Count > 1) { foreach (VM vmUsingVdi in VMsUsingVDI) { if (!vmList.Contains(vmUsingVdi)) { allTheVMsAreDeleted = false; break; } } if (allTheVMsAreDeleted && !sharedVDIsCouldBeDelete.Contains(vdi)) { sharedVDIsCouldBeDelete.Add(vdi); } } else { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = vdi.Name(); item.SubItems.Add(vm.Name()); item.Group = listView.Groups["listViewGroupAttachedDisks"]; item.Tag = vbd; item.Checked = vbd.GetIsOwner(); foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subitem in item.SubItems) { subitem.Tag = subitem.Text; } listView.Items.Add(item); } } } } foreach (VM snapshot in vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.snapshots)) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = snapshot.Name(); item.SubItems.Add(vm.Name()); item.Tag = snapshot; item.Group = listView.Groups["listViewGroupSnapshots"]; foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subitem in item.SubItems) { subitem.Tag = subitem.Text; } listView.Items.Add(item); } } foreach (VDI vdi in sharedVDIsCouldBeDelete) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = vdi.Name(); item.SubItems.Add(vdi.VMsOfVDI()); item.Group = listView.Groups["listViewGroupAttachedDisks"]; item.Tag = vdi.Connection.ResolveAll(vdi.VBDs); item.Checked = false; foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subitem in item.SubItems) { subitem.Tag = subitem.Text; } listView.Items.Add(item); } EnableSelectAllClear(); EllipsizeStrings(); }
private string UploadSupplementalPack(SR sr) { this.Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING_TO, _updateName, sr.Name()); log.DebugFormat("Creating vdi of size {0} bytes on SR '{1}'", _totalUpdateSize, sr.Name()); VDI vdi = NewVDI(sr); var vdiRef = VDI.create(Session, vdi); Host localStorageHost = sr.GetStorageHost(); string hostUrl; if (localStorageHost == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(Session.Url); hostUrl = uri.Host; } else { log.DebugFormat("SR is not shared -- redirecting to {0}", localStorageHost.address); hostUrl = localStorageHost.address; } log.DebugFormat("Using {0} for import", hostUrl); string result; try { log.DebugFormat("Uploading file '{0}' to VDI '{1}' on SR '{2}'", suppPackFilePath, vdi.Name(), sr.Name()); HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent) { var sr1 = sr; var descr = string.Format(Messages.UPLOAD_PATCH_UPLOADING_TO_SR_PROGRESS_DESCRIPTION, _updateName, sr1.Name(), Util.DiskSizeString(percent * _totalUpdateSize / 100, "F1"), Util.DiskSizeString(_totalUpdateSize)); var actionPercent = (int)((totalUploaded * 100 + percent) / totalCount); ByteProgressDescription = descr; Tick(actionPercent, descr); }; Session session = NewSession(); RelatedTask = Task.create(Session, "uploadTask", hostUrl); result = HTTPHelper.Put(progressDelegate, GetCancelling, true, Connection, RelatedTask, ref session, suppPackFilePath, hostUrl, (HTTP_actions.put_sss)HTTP_actions.put_import_raw_vdi, session.opaque_ref, vdiRef.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed to import a virtual disk over HTTP", ex); if (vdiRef != null) { try { log.ErrorFormat("Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effort basis.", vdiRef.opaque_ref); Thread.Sleep(1000); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI.", removeEx); } } //after having tried to remove the VDI, the original exception is thrown for the UI if (ex is TargetInvocationException && ex.InnerException != null) { throw ex.InnerException; } else { throw; } } finally { Task.destroy(Session, RelatedTask); RelatedTask = null; } //introduce ISO for Ely and higher if (Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection)) { try { var poolUpdateRef = Pool_update.introduce(Connection.Session, vdiRef); poolUpdate = Connection.WaitForCache(poolUpdateRef); if (poolUpdate == null) { throw new Exception(Messages.UPDATE_ERROR_INTRODUCE); // This should not happen, because such case will result in a XAPI Failure. But this code has to be protected at this point. } } catch (Exception ex) { //clean-up the VDI we've just created try { log.ErrorFormat("Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effor basis.", vdiRef); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI", removeEx); } var failure = ex as Failure; if (failure != null && failure.ErrorDescription != null && failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.UPDATE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { string uuidFound = failure.ErrorDescription[1]; poolUpdate = Connection.Cache.Pool_updates.FirstOrDefault(pu => string.Equals(pu.uuid, uuidFound, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { log.Error("Failed to introduce the update", ex); poolUpdate = null; throw; } } } else { poolUpdate = null; } if (localStorageHost != null) { VdiRefsPerHost.Add(localStorageHost, vdiRef); } else // shared SR { foreach (var server in servers) { VdiRefsPerHost.Add(server, vdiRef); } } totalUploaded++; Description = string.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADED, sr.Name()); foreach (Host host in servers) { SrsWithUploadedUpdatesPerHost[host] = sr; } return(result); }