public void KindPropertyTest2() { const Enums.VCdKind kind = Enums.VCdKind.Application; var prop = new KindProperty(kind, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { Kind = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.Kind); prop = vcard.Kind; Assert.AreEqual(kind, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); }
public void TestLineWrapping() { var vcard = new VCard(); const string UNITEXT = "Dies ist ein wirklich sehr sehr sehr langer Text mit ü, Ö, und ä " + "" + "damit das Line-Wrappping mit Quoted-Printable-Encoding getestet werden kann. " + "Um noch eine Zeile einzufügen, folgt hier noch ein Satz. "; const string ASCIITEXT = "This is really a very very long ASCII-Text. This is needed to test the " + "vCard 2.1 - LineWrapping. That's why I have to write so much even though I have nothing to say."; byte[] bytes = CreateBytes(); vcard.Notes = new TextProperty[] { new TextProperty(UNITEXT) }; vcard.Keys = new DataProperty[] { new DataProperty(DataUrl.FromText(ASCIITEXT)) }; vcard.Photos = new DataProperty[] { new DataProperty(DataUrl.FromBytes(bytes, "image/jpeg")) }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(VCdVersion.V2_1); Assert.IsNotNull(s); Assert.IsTrue(s.Split(new string[] { VCard.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None) .All(x => x != null && x.Length <= VCard.MAX_BYTES_PER_LINE)); _ = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.AreEqual(((DataUrl?)vcard.Keys?.First()?.Value)?.GetEmbeddedText(), ASCIITEXT); Assert.AreEqual(vcard.Photos?.First()?.Parameters.MediaType, "image/jpeg"); Assert.IsTrue(((DataUrl?)vcard.Photos?.First()?.Value)?.GetEmbeddedBytes()?.SequenceEqual(bytes) ?? false);
public void ProfilePropertyTest2() { var prop = new ProfileProperty(GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { Profile = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.Profile); prop = vcard.Profile; Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop !.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); }
public void RelationUriPropertyTest4() { const Enums.RelationTypes relation = Enums.RelationTypes.Agent; var uri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute); var prop = new RelationUriProperty(uri, relation, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { Relations = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V2_1); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.Relations); prop = vcard.Relations !.First() as RelationUriProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(uri, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(relation, prop.Parameters.RelationType); Assert.AreEqual(Enums.VCdDataType.Uri, prop.Parameters.DataType); }
public void PropertyIDMappingPropertyTest1() { var pidMap = new PropertyIDMapping(7, new Uri("")); var prop = new PropertyIDMappingProperty(pidMap); var vcard = new VCard { PropertyIDMappings = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.PropertyIDMappings); prop = vcard.PropertyIDMappings !.First() as PropertyIDMappingProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(pidMap.ID, prop !.Value?.ID); Assert.AreEqual(pidMap.Mapping, prop !.Value?.Mapping); Assert.IsNull(prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); }
public void GeoPropertyTest2() { var geo = new GeoCoordinate(17.44, 8.33); var prop = new GeoProperty(geo, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { GeoCoordinates = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.GeoCoordinates); prop = vcard.GeoCoordinates !.First(); Assert.AreEqual(geo, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); }
public void TimeZonePropertyTest2() { var tz = new TimeZoneID(TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()[4].Id); var prop = new TimeZoneProperty(tz, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { TimeZones = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.TimeZones); prop = vcard.TimeZones !.First(); Assert.IsFalse(prop !.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsTrue(tz.TryGetUtcOffset(out TimeSpan utc1)); Assert.IsTrue(prop.Value !.TryGetUtcOffset(out TimeSpan utc2)); Assert.AreEqual(utc1, utc2); }
public void RelationTextPropertyTest3() { const Enums.RelationTypes relation = Enums.RelationTypes.Agent; var text = "Bruno Hübchen"; var prop = new RelationTextProperty(text, relation, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { Relations = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V2_1); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.Relations); prop = vcard.Relations !.First() as RelationTextProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(text, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(relation, prop.Parameters.RelationType); Assert.AreEqual(Enums.VCdDataType.Text, prop.Parameters.DataType); }
public void DateTimeOffsetPropertyTest2() { var now = new DateTimeOffset(2021, 4, 4, 12, 41, 2, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)); var prop = new DateTimeOffsetProperty(now, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { BirthDayViews = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.BirthDayViews); prop = vcard.BirthDayViews !.First() as DateTimeOffsetProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(now, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(Enums.VCdDataType.DateAndOrTime, prop.Parameters.DataType); }
public void DateTimeTextPropertyTest1() { string now = "Früh morgens"; var prop = new DateTimeTextProperty(now, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { BirthDayViews = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(Enums.VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.BirthDayViews); prop = vcard.BirthDayViews !.First() as DateTimeTextProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(now, prop !.Value); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(Enums.VCdDataType.Text, prop.Parameters.DataType); }
public void GenderPropertyTest3() { var prop = new GenderProperty(VCdSex.Female, IDENTITY, GROUP); var vcard = new VCard { GenderViews = prop }; string s = vcard.ToVcfString(VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.IsNotNull(list); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.GenderViews); prop = vcard.GenderViews !.First() as GenderProperty; Assert.IsNotNull(prop); Assert.AreEqual(VCdSex.Female, prop !.Value.Sex); Assert.AreEqual(IDENTITY, prop !.Value.GenderIdentity); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, prop.Group); Assert.IsFalse(prop.IsEmpty); }
public void WriteEmptyVCard() { var vcard = new VCard(); string s = vcard.ToVcfString(VCdVersion.V4_0); IList <VCard>?cards = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.AreEqual(cards.Count, 1); vcard = cards[0]; Assert.AreEqual(VCdVersion.V4_0, vcard.Version); Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.DisplayNames); Assert.AreEqual(vcard.DisplayNames !.Count(), 1); Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.DisplayNames !.First()); }
public void WriteEmptyVCard() { var vcard = new VCard(); string s = vcard.ToVcfString(VCdVersion.V2_1); IList <VCard> cards = VCard.ParseVcf(s); Assert.AreEqual(cards.Count, 1); vcard = cards[0]; Assert.AreEqual(vcard.Version, VCdVersion.V2_1); Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.NameViews); Assert.AreEqual(vcard.NameViews !.Count(), 1); Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.NameViews !.First()); }
public static void UsingTheWhatsAppType() { var xiamoiMobilePhone = new VC::TextProperty("+1-234-567-89"); xiamoiMobilePhone.Parameters.NonStandardParameters = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("TYPE", "WhatsApp") }; // Initialize the VCard: var vcard = new VCard { NameViews = new VC::NameProperty[] { new VC::NameProperty(lastName: null, firstName: "zzMad Perla 45") }, DisplayNames = new VC::TextProperty[] { new VC::TextProperty("zzMad Perla 45") }, PhoneNumbers = new VC::TextProperty[] { xiamoiMobilePhone } }; // Don't forget to set VcfOptions.WriteNonStandardParameters when serializing the // VCard: The default ignores NonStandardParameters (and NonStandardProperties): string vcfString = vcard.ToVcfString(options: VcfOptions.Default | VcfOptions.WriteNonStandardParameters); Console.WriteLine(vcfString); // Parse the VCF string: vcard = VCard.ParseVcf(vcfString)[0]; // Find the WhatsApp number: string?whatsAppNumber = vcard.PhoneNumbers? .FirstOrDefault(x => x?.Parameters.NonStandardParameters?.Any(x => x.Key == "TYPE" && x.Value == "WhatsApp") ?? false)? .Value; Console.Write("The WhatsApp number is: "); Console.WriteLine(whatsAppNumber ?? "Don't know."); }
public void AppendValueTest() { var vcard = new VCard { Access = new AccessProperty(Enums.VCdAccess.Private, GROUP) }; string serialized = vcard.ToVcfString(); IList <VCard> list = VCard.ParseVcf(serialized); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); vcard = list[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(vcard.Access); Assert.AreEqual(GROUP, vcard.Access !.Group); Assert.AreEqual(Enums.VCdAccess.Private, vcard.Access.Value); }