public void OnSaveClick() { if (VCEditor.s_ProtectLock0) { return; } VCEditor.ClearSelections(); m_StatPanel.OnCreationInfoRefresh(); if (File.Exists(VCConfig.s_IsoPath + VCEditor.s_Scene.m_DocumentPath)) { if (VCEditor.s_Scene.SaveIso()) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_OK); } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_FAILED); } if (m_ISOTab.isChecked) { m_IsoList.RefreshIsoList(); } } else { OnSaveAsClick(); } }
public void OnSaveClick() { m_Iso.m_HeadInfo.Author = m_AuthorInput.text; string targetpath = VCConfig.s_IsoPath + m_SaveLocInput.text + VCConfig.s_IsoFileExt; FileInfo fi_doc = new FileInfo(VCConfig.s_IsoPath + VCEditor.s_Scene.m_DocumentPath); FileInfo fi_tar = new FileInfo(targetpath); bool result = false; if (fi_doc.FullName.ToLower() == fi_tar.FullName.ToLower()) { result = VCEditor.s_Scene.SaveIso(); VCEMsgBox.Show(result ? VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_OK : VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_FAILED); } else { if (File.Exists(fi_tar.FullName)) { s_SaveTargetForOverwrite = m_SaveLocInput.text + VCConfig.s_IsoFileExt; VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.REPLACE_QUERY); } else { result = VCEditor.s_Scene.SaveIsoAs(m_SaveLocInput.text + VCConfig.s_IsoFileExt); VCEMsgBox.Show(result ? VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_OK : VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_FAILED); } } Hide(); }
public void OnDelClick() { s_CurrentDelDecal = VCEAssetMgr.GetDecal(m_GUID); if (s_CurrentDelDecal != null) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.DECAL_DEL_QUERY); } }
// ----------- Submit ------------------------ void Apply() { if (m_Target != null) { ulong old_guid = 0; ulong new_guid = 0; bool need_update_isomat = (VCEditor.s_Scene.m_IsoData.QueryMaterial(m_Target.m_Guid) != null); if (VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.ContainsKey(m_Target.m_Guid)) { old_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; if (!VCEAssetMgr.DeleteMaterialDataFile(m_Target.m_Guid)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.Remove(m_Target.m_Guid); m_Target.Import(m_TempMaterial.Export()); new_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.Add(m_Target.m_Guid, m_Target); if (!VCEAssetMgr.CreateMaterialDataFile(m_Target)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } } else if (VCEAssetMgr.s_TempMaterials.ContainsKey(m_Target.m_Guid)) { old_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; VCEAssetMgr.s_TempMaterials.Remove(m_Target.m_Guid); m_Target.Import(m_TempMaterial.Export()); new_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; VCEAssetMgr.s_TempMaterials.Add(m_Target.m_Guid, m_Target); } else { Debug.LogError("What the hell is that ?!"); old_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; m_Target.Import(m_TempMaterial.Export()); new_guid = m_Target.m_Guid; VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.Add(m_Target.m_Guid, m_Target); if (!VCEAssetMgr.CreateMaterialDataFile(m_Target)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } } VCEAlterMaterialMap.MatChange(old_guid, new_guid); if (need_update_isomat) { VCEditor.s_Scene.GenerateIsoMat(); } VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = m_Target; VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialList.RefreshMaterialListThenFocusOnSelected(); VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = m_Target; } else { Debug.LogError("No target material, Create new material instead !"); CreateAsNew(); } }
public void OnExportClick() { // Make Creation int r = VCEditor.MakeCreation(); if (r == -4) // Inventory is full { return; } if (!VCEditor.s_MultiplayerMode) { VCEMsgBox.Show((r == 0) ? VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_OK : VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_FAILED); } }
public void OnAddClick() { if (VCEAssetMgr.AddMaterialFromTemp(m_Material.m_Guid)) { VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = m_Material; VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialWindow.Reset(m_Material); VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialList.RefreshMaterialList(VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MatterPopupList.selection); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Add material".ToLocalizationString() + " [" + m_Material.m_Name + "] " + "from the current ISO".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 6f, true); } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } s_CurrentDelMat = null; }
public static void DoDeleteFromMsgBox() { string sguid = s_CurrentDelDecal.GUIDString; if (VCEAssetMgr.DeleteDecal(s_CurrentDelDecal.m_Guid)) { VCEditor.SelectedDecal = null; VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_DecalList.RefreshDecalList(); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Decal".ToLocalizationString() + " [" + sguid + "] " + "has been deleted".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 6f, true); } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.DECAL_NOT_SAVED); } }
public void OnAddClick() { if (VCEAssetMgr.AddDecalFromTemp(m_GUID)) { VCDecalAsset decal = VCEAssetMgr.GetDecal(m_GUID); VCEditor.SelectedDecalGUID = m_GUID; m_ParentList.RefreshDecalList(); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Add decal".ToLocalizationString() + " [" + decal.GUIDString + "] " + "from the current ISO".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 6f, true); } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.DECAL_NOT_SAVED); } s_CurrentDelDecal = null; }
public void OnExportClick() { if (VCEditor.s_ProtectLock0) { return; } VCEditor.ClearSelections(); m_StatPanel.OnCreationInfoRefresh(); if (!File.Exists(VCConfig.s_IsoPath + VCEditor.s_Scene.m_DocumentPath)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_NOTSAVED); return; } m_ExportWindow.Show(); }
public void OnQuitClick() { if (VCEditor.s_ProtectLock0) { return; } if (VCEHistory.s_Modified) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.CLOSE_QUERY); } else { VCEditor.Quit(); } }
public static void DoDeleteFromMsgBox() { if (VCEAssetMgr.DeleteMaterial(s_CurrentDelMat.m_Guid)) { VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = null; if (VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialWindow.WindowVisible()) { VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialWindow.HideWindow(); } VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialList.RefreshMaterialList(VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MatterPopupList.selection); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Material".ToLocalizationString() + " [" + s_CurrentDelMat.m_Name + "] " + "has been deleted".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 6f, true); } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } }
void CreateAsNew() { VCMaterial newmat = new VCMaterial(); newmat.Import(m_TempMaterial.Export()); VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.Add(newmat.m_Guid, newmat); if (!VCEAssetMgr.CreateMaterialDataFile(newmat)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_NOT_SAVED); } VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = newmat; VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_MaterialList.RefreshMaterialListThenFocusOnSelected(); VCEditor.SelectedMaterial = newmat; Reset(newmat); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("New Material".ToLocalizationString() + " [" + newmat.m_Name + "]", 6f, true); }
public void OnBtnClick() { if (m_SceneSetting.m_Category == EVCCategory.cgAbstract) { return; } UICamera.selectedObject = null; notExpandTime = 0; if (VCEHistory.s_Modified) { s_SceneToCreate = m_SceneSetting; VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.SWITCH_QUERY); } else { VCEditor.NewScene(m_SceneSetting); } }
public void OnOKClick() { if (m_ErrorLabel.text.Trim().Length < 1 && m_TmpDecal != null && m_TmpDecal.m_Tex != null) { VCDecalAsset newdcl = new VCDecalAsset(); newdcl.Import(m_TmpDecal.Export()); VCEAssetMgr.s_Decals.Add(newdcl.m_Guid, newdcl); if (!VCEAssetMgr.CreateDecalDataFile(newdcl)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.DECAL_NOT_SAVED); } VCEditor.SelectedDecal = newdcl; VCEditor.Instance.m_UI.m_DecalList.RefreshDecalList(); VCEditor.SelectedDecal = newdcl; VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Added new decal".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 4f, true); } }
// load an iso public static void LoadIso(string path) { if (s_Instance == null) { return; } // Close current scene first CloseScene(); // Load a VCEScene from an specified iso try { s_SceneId++; s_Scene = new VCEScene(path); // Build scene s_Scene.BuildScene(); // After Scene Changed AfterSceneChanged(s_Scene.m_Setting); } catch (Exception) { NewScene(VCConfig.FirstSceneSetting); VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.CORRUPT_ISO); return; } if (OnSceneCreate != null) { OnSceneCreate(s_Scene); } Debug.Log("VCE load iso " + path + " sceneid = " + s_SceneId.ToString()); // Show status VCEStatusBar.ShowText("Load".ToLocalizationString() + " ISO [" + path + "] " + "Complete".ToLocalizationString() + " !", 10, true); }
void OnSelectDbClick() { if (m_IsFolder) { if (Directory.Exists(m_FilePath)) { m_ParentList.m_Path = m_FilePath; m_ParentList.RefreshIsoList(); } else { VCEStatusBar.ShowText("This folder does not exist".ToLocalizationString() + "!", 2f, false); m_ParentList.RefreshIsoList(); } } else { if (File.Exists(m_FilePath)) { if (VCEHistory.s_Modified) { s_IsoToLoad = m_FilePath.Substring(VCConfig.s_IsoPath.Length); VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.LOAD_QUERY); } else { VCEditor.LoadIso(m_FilePath.Substring(VCConfig.s_IsoPath.Length)); } } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MISSING_ISO); VCEStatusBar.ShowText("ISO file is missing".ToLocalizationString() + "!", 2f, false); m_ParentList.RefreshIsoList(); } } }
internal static void SendFile(SteamUploadEventHandler callBackSteamUploadResult, string name, string desc, byte[] preData, byte[] data, string[] tags, bool sendToServer = true, int id = -1, ulong fileId = 0, bool free = false) { ulong hash = CRC64.Compute(data); bool ret = false; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_EMPTY_NAME); LogManager.Error("File name cannot be null."); return; } if (!SteamUser.BLoggedOn()) { LogManager.Error("log back in steam..."); return; } bool bPublish = !sendToServer; if (SteamRemoteStorage.FileExists(hash.ToString() + "_preview")) { //file exist,don't publish it; } if (!SteamRemoteStorage.IsCloudEnabledForAccount()) { throw new Exception("Account cloud disabled."); } if (!SteamRemoteStorage.IsCloudEnabledForApp()) { throw new Exception("App cloud disabled."); } if (!bPublish) { SteamFileItem item = new SteamFileItem(callBackSteamUploadResult, name, desc, preData, data, hash, tags, bPublish, sendToServer, id, fileId, free); item.StartSend(); } else { SendIsoCache iso = new SendIsoCache(); = id; iso.hash = hash; = name; iso.preData = preData; iso.sendToServer = sendToServer; iso.tags = tags; = data; iso.desc = desc; iso.callBackSteamUploadResult = callBackSteamUploadResult; iso.bPublish = bPublish; if (AddToIsoCache(iso)) { LobbyInterface.LobbyRPC(ELobbyMsgType.UploadISO, hash, SteamMgr.steamId.m_SteamID); } else { return; } } VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_NETWORK); ret = true; } catch (Exception e) { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_NETWORK_FAILED); Debug.LogWarning("workshop error :" + e.Message); ToolTipsMgr.ShowText(e.Message); } finally { if (!ret && callBackSteamUploadResult != null) { callBackSteamUploadResult(id, false, hash); } } }
void OnDelClick() { s_IsoToDelete = m_FilePath; VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.DELETE_ISO); }
/// <summary> /// Sends this creation to player (Create ItemObject). /// A creation can be send only once! /// </summary> public int SendToPlayer(out ItemObject item, bool pay = true) { // Check item = null; if (m_Attribute.m_Type == ECreation.Null) { return(0); } if (m_Prefab == null) { return(0); } #if PLANET_EXPLORERS if (Pathea.PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer == null) { return(0); } ItemProto itemProto = ItemProto.Mgr.Instance.Get(m_ObjectID); // Sending item to player. int retval = 1; if (!pay) { item = ItemMgr.Instance.CreateItem(m_ObjectID); return(retval); } Pathea.PlayerPackageCmpt pkg = Pathea.PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.GetCmpt <Pathea.PlayerPackageCmpt>(); SlotList slotList = pkg.package.GetSlotList((ItemAsset.ItemPackage.ESlotType)itemProto.tabIndex); if (slotList.GetVacancyCount() > 0) { item = ItemMgr.Instance.CreateItem(m_ObjectID); // single if (slotList.Add(item, true)) { if (!VCEditor.Instance.m_CheatWhenMakeCreation && !Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsSingleBuild) { // Player must pay for it ! foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kvp in m_Attribute.m_Cost) { if (kvp.Value > 0) { pkg.package.Destroy(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } } } } else { VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.EXPORT_FULL); retval = -1; } // GUI Synchronization GameUI.Instance.mItemPackageCtrl.ResetItem(); #endif // Instance Data //m_Hp = m_Attribute.m_Durability; //m_Fuel = m_Attribute.m_MaxFuel; return(retval); }
public void OnDelClick() { s_CurrentDelMat = m_Material; VCEMsgBox.Show(VCEMsgBoxType.MATERIAL_DEL_QUERY); }
public static void DoSaveForOverwrite() { bool result = VCEditor.s_Scene.SaveIsoAs(s_SaveTargetForOverwrite); VCEMsgBox.Show(result ? VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_OK : VCEMsgBoxType.SAVE_FAILED); }