// ToDo: More additional parameters which can be passed to the constructor of Thread/Post class
        public async Task <VBThread> CreateThreadAsync(VBUser author, string authorIpAddress, int forumId, string title, string text)
            // We check the forum first so that no thread is created when Forum id doesn't exist
            var forum = db.Forums.Find(forumId);

            if (forum == null)
                throw new Exception($"No forum with id #{forumId.ToString()} exists!");

            var post = new VBPost(author, title, text, authorIpAddress);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var thread = new VBThread(post.AuthorId.Value, post.AuthorName, post.Id, post.Id, forumId, post.AuthorId.Value, post.AuthorName, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, title);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            post.ThreadId = thread.Id;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            forum.LastPostId      = post.Id;
            forum.LastThreadId    = thread.Id;
            forum.LastThreadTitle = thread.Title;
            forum.LastPostDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            await userManager.IncrementPostCounterAsync(author.Id, post.Id, post.CreatedTime);

Example #2
        public async Task <VBSession> CreateAsync(VBUser user, int inForumId = 0, int inThreadId = 0, string location = "", int styleId = 0, int languageId = 0, bool saveChanges = true)
            var context = contextAccessor.HttpContext;
            var session = new VBSession()
                SessionHash    = GenerateHash(),
                IdHash         = GenerateIdHash(),
                IsBot          = false,
                UserId         = user.Id,
                UserAgent      = GetUserAgent(),
                LoggedInRaw    = user.Id > 0 ? 1 : 0,
                InForumId      = inForumId,
                InThreadId     = inThreadId,
                Location       = location,
                StyleId        = styleId,
                LanguageId     = languageId,
                Host           = GetClientIpAddress().ToString(),
                LastActivity   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ApiAccessToken = ""

            await CreateAsync(session);

Example #3
 public CreateReplyModel(VBUser author, int threadId, string text, string ipAddress, string title = "", bool updatePostCounter = true)
     Author            = author;
     ThreadId          = threadId;
     Text              = text;
     IpAddress         = ipAddress;
     Title             = title;
     UpdatePostCounter = updatePostCounter;
Example #4
        public async Task <bool> IsGlobalModeratorAsync(VBUser user)
            if (user.UserGroup.AdminPermissions.HasFlag(VBAdminFlags.IsModerator))

            var allGroups = await GetAllMemberGroupsAsync(user);

            return(allGroups.Any(group => group.AdminPermissions.HasFlag(VBAdminFlags.IsModerator)));
Example #5
        // ToDo: IP shouldn't be optional
        public VBPost(VBUser author, string title, string text, string ipAddress, int threadId = 0, bool allowSmilies = true, VBPostVisibleState visibility = VBPostVisibleState.Visible)
            ThreadId     = threadId;
            AuthorName   = author.UserName;
            AuthorId     = author.Id;
            Title        = title;
            Text         = text;
            IpAddress    = ipAddress;
            CreatedTime  = DateTime.Now;
            AllowSmilies = allowSmilies;

            Visibility = visibility;
Example #6
        async Task <VBSession> CreateGuestSessionAsync()
            var user = new VBUser()
                UserGroupId = guestUserGroupId

            user.UserGroup = await db.UserGroups.FindAsync(guestUserGroupId);

            // ToDo: Add session attributes like location
            var session = await CreateAsync(user);

            // Tracking for guest sessions is tricky and dangerous: We change the user attribute to a non existing one, which cause exceptions on save - so EF shouldn track them
            db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Detached;
            // CreateAsync only assign the UserId so that we don't insert dummy guest users here by those realtion
            session.User = user;
Example #7
        public async Task <List <VBUserGroup> > GetAllMemberGroupsAsync(VBUser user)
            if (user.UserGroup == null)
                throw new Exception($"UserGroup is null for {user.Id}");

            var groups = new List <VBUserGroup>()

            if (user.MemberGroupIds.Any())
                // ToDo: Load all groups in one query for better performance
                var memberGroups = await GetUserGroupsAsync(user.MemberGroupIds);

Example #8
        static void WarmUpManagers(VBThreadManager threadManager, VBSessionManager sessionManager, VBSettingsManager settingsManager, VBForumManager forumManager, VBUserManager userManager, VBThread thread, VBUser user, VBSession session)
            var managerThread = threadManager.GetThreadAsync(thread.Id, writeable: true).Result;
            var replys        = threadManager.GetReplysAsync(thread.Id, start: 0, count: 1).Result;
            var settings      = settingsManager.GetCommonSettings();

            if (session != null)
                // Do not update last activity since we're not in a http context => No request path avaliable
                var managerSession = sessionManager.GetAsync(session.SessionHash, updateLastActivity: false).Result;

            if (user != null)
                var forum = forumManager.GetCategoriesWhereUserCanAsync(user.UserGroup).Result;
                var randomUserFromManager = userManager.GetUserAsync(user.Id).Result;