public void LogMemoryLeaks(string filepath) { #if DEBUG && DETECT_LEAKS if (LogLeaks) { var items = this.Leaks.Values.ToList(); // foreach(var it in items) { // List<string> newlines = new List<string>(); // var lines = it.stack.Split( // new[] { Environment.NewLine }, // StringSplitOptions.None // ); // // bool insert = false; // // foreach(var line in lines) { // // // if(line.Contains("FixedAllocator.cs:line")) { // insert = true; // } // else if(insert) { // newlines.Add(line); // } // } // // it.stack = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, newlines); // } if (File.Exists(filepath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filepath); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filepath, ""); foreach (var VARIABLE in items.GroupBy(s => s.stack).OrderByDescending(s => s.Count())) { string header = $"Count: {VARIABLE.Count().ToString()}, ids: ({string.Join(",", VARIABLE.Select(i =>})"; System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(filepath, new string[] { header, VARIABLE.Key }); } } #endif }
public override void CalculateValue(Document doc) { var paragraphUniqueWords = doc.UniqueWords[ParagraphIndex]; { var mostCommonWords = paragraphUniqueWords.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.Count()).Select(x => x.Key).Take(NumOfWords).ToList(); float sum = 0; MinValue = mostCommonWords.Select(x => x.Count()).Min(); MaxValue = mostCommonWords.Select(x => x.Count()).Max(); foreach (var VARIABLE in mostCommonWords) { if (MaxValue != MinValue) { sum += (VARIABLE.Count() - MaxValue) / (MaxValue - MinValue); } } Value = Math.Abs(sum / NumOfWords); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //HardCoded data from SRF (ParallelExecutionMode 2GB) string path = @"C:\Users\Jann\Downloads\download\hackzurich\SMD\data_export"; string pathWordList = @"C:\Users\Jann\Downloads\download\hackzurich\wordlists\viruswordlist.en.txt"; // Hackaton Timeslott var MINDATE = DateTime.Parse("2020-03-16"); var MAXDATE = DateTime.Parse("2020-03-30"); var lData = new List <InData>(); var listOutput = new List <string>(); // Extract the data from the 100 CSV files and select the relevant time slott var lFiles = new DirectoryInfo(path).GetFiles(); foreach (var file in lFiles) { if (file.Extension == ".csv") { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file.FullName, new UTF8Encoding(true)); var i = 0; foreach (var line in lines) { i++; var parts = line.Split(','); if (parts.Length > 9 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[2]) && i > 1 && DateTime.TryParse(parts[2], out var a)) { try { if (a > MINDATE && a < MAXDATE) { var temp = new InData(); = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[0]) ? " " : parts[0]; temp.Date = a; temp.Titel = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[5]) ? " " : parts[5]; temp.SubTitel = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[7]) ? " " : parts[7]; temp.rubrik = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[8]) ? " " : parts[8]; temp.Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[10]) ? " " : parts[10]; lData.Add(temp); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } } } var wordListin = File.ReadAllLines(pathWordList, new UTF8Encoding(true)); var wordListout = new List <string>(); foreach (var word in wordListin) { var a = word.ToUpper(); wordListout.Add(a); } // Check if Corona is in the news Artikle foreach (var data in lData) { data.isRelevant = false; data.isLausane = false; data.isGenf = false; data.isZurich = false; foreach (var word in wordListout) { if (data.Text.ToUpper().Contains(word) || data.SubTitel.ToUpper().Contains(word) || data.Titel.ToUpper().Contains(word)) { data.isRelevant = true; break; } } if (data.rubrik.ToUpper().Contains("ZÜRICH") || data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("ZÜRICH") || data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("ZURICH")) { data.isZurich = true; } if (data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("LAUSANNE") || data.rubrik.ToUpper().Contains("LAUSANNE")) { data.isLausane = true; } if (data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("GENF") || data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("GENEVA") || data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("GENEVA") || data.Text.ToUpper().Contains("GENF")) { data.isGenf = true; } } // Writte the CSV file string titel = "Day,All,AllRelevant,AllZurich,AllZHrelevant,AllGenf,AllGenfRelevant,AllLausane,AllLausneRelevant"; listOutput.Add(titel); var resGrupDays = lData.GroupBy(e => e.Date.Day); foreach (var VARIABLE in resGrupDays) { string temp = VARIABLE.Key + "," + VARIABLE.Count() + ","; var b = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isRelevant); temp += b + ","; var c = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isZurich); var d = VARIABLE.Count(y => (y.isZurich && y.isRelevant)); var e = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isLausane); var f = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isLausane && y.isRelevant); var g = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isGenf); var h = VARIABLE.Count(y => y.isGenf && y.isRelevant); temp += c + "," + d + "," + "," + e + "," + f + "," + g + "," + h; listOutput.Add(temp); } File.WriteAllLines("outputData_2.csv", listOutput, new UTF8Encoding(true)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region SomeTest string someString = "Jeffery Jiang's Book!! is 123ad!"; var someArray = someString.ToCharArray(); var result = someArray.Where(r => !char.IsPunctuation(r)); #endregion #region Exercise1 int[] n = { 1, 3, -2, -4, -7, -3, -8, 12, 19, 6, 9, 10, 14 }; var evenArray = n.Where(r => r % 2 != 0); foreach (var num in evenArray) { Console.WriteLine(num); } #endregion #region Exercise2 int[] n1 = { 1, 3, -2, -4, -7, -3, -8, 12, 19, 6, 9, 10, 14 }; var n1Output = n1 .Where(r => r % 2 == 0) .Average(r => r); Console.WriteLine(n1Output); #endregion #region Ex3 var n2Output = n.Where(r => r > 0) .Select(r => Math.Pow(r, 2)); foreach (var d in n2Output) { Console.WriteLine(d); } #endregion #region Ex4 int[] n4 = new[] { 3, 9, 2, 8, 6, 5 }; var n4Output = n4.Where(r => Math.Pow(r, 2) > 20); #endregion #region Ex5 int[] n5 = new int[] { 5, 9, 1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 7, 3, 7, 6, 8, 5, 4, 9, 6, 2 }; var n5Output = n5 .GroupBy(r => r); foreach (var group in n5Output) { Console.WriteLine($"Number: {group.Key} appears {group.Count()} times"); } #endregion #region Ex6 string n6 = "hello"; var n6Output = n6 .ToCharArray() .GroupBy(r => r); foreach (var group in n6Output) { Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key} appears {group.Count()}"); } #endregion #region Ex7 string[] cities = { "ROME", "LONDON", "NAIROBI", "CALIFORNIA", "ZURICH", "NEW DELHI", "AMSTERDAM", "ABU DHABI", "PARIS" }; var n7Output = cities.Where(r => r.StartsWith("A")).Where(r => r.EndsWith("I")); foreach (var city in n7Output) { Console.WriteLine(city); } #endregion #region Ex8 string n8 = "AABBccdd"; var n8Output = n8.Where(r => (r >= 65 && r <= 90)); foreach (var variable in n8Output) { Console.WriteLine(variable); } #endregion #region Ex9 char[] charArray = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' }; // var n9Output= charArray. #endregion #region Ex11 string filePath = "TextFile1.txt"; var textContainer = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); foreach (var s in textContainer) { string[] tempList = s.Split(" "); foreach (var s1 in tempList) { var tempLinqCollection = string.Join("", s1 .ToCharArray() // .Where(r=> !char.IsPunctuation(r)) .Where(r => r >= 'a' && r <= 'z' || r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') .ToArray()); stringList.Add(tempLinqCollection); } } var n10Output = stringList .Where(r => r.Length > 0) //to ignore "". .GroupBy(r => r) .OrderByDescending(r => r.Count()); foreach (var VARIABLE in n10Output) { Console.WriteLine($"{VARIABLE.Key} : {VARIABLE.Count()} times"); } #endregion #region Ex12 HeaviestMan string filePath2 = "swcharacters.txt"; List <Person> persionList = new List <Person>(); var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath2); foreach (var line in lines) { var information = line.Split(";"); //to ignore ',' var pureHeight = string.Join("", information[1] .ToCharArray() .Where(r => r >= 48 && r <= 57) .ToArray()); var pureMass = string.Join("", information[2] .ToCharArray() .Where(r => r >= 48 && r <= 57) .ToArray()); var pureAge = string.Join("", information[6] .ToCharArray() .Where(r => r >= 48 && r <= 57 || r == 46) .ToArray()); int.TryParse(pureHeight, out int height) ; int.TryParse(pureMass, out int mass); double.TryParse(pureAge, out double age); Person character = new Person() { Name = information[0], Height = height, Mass = mass, Hair_color = information[3], Skin_color = information[4], Eye_color = information[5], Birth_year = age, Gender = information[7] }; persionList.Add(character); } var orderedByMass = persionList .Where(r => r.Mass != 0) .OrderByDescending(r => r.Mass) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Heaviest character is {orderedByMass[0].Name} "); #endregion #region AverageHeightofMal var averageHight = persionList .Where(r => r.Gender.ToLower() == "male") .Average(r => r.Height); Console.WriteLine($"the average of male character is {averageHight} cm"); // 170.5645 #endregion #region AverageHeightofFemale var averageHightF = persionList .Where(r => r.Gender.ToLower() == "female") .Average(r => r.Height); Console.WriteLine($"The average height of female is {averageHightF}"); #endregion #region Age Distribution var femaleBelow21 = persionList .Where(r => r.Gender == "female") .Where(r => r.Birth_year < 21 && r.Birth_year > 0); var femaleAbove40 = persionList .Where(r => r.Gender == "female") .Where(r => r.Birth_year > 40); var femaleUnknowAge = persionList .Where(r => r.Gender == "female") .Where(r => r.Birth_year == 0); var ageDistributionDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >() { { "female", new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "below 21:", femaleBelow21.Count() }, { "Above 40", femaleAbove40.Count() }, { "unknown", femaleUnknowAge.Count() } } } }; #endregion }