public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.loginMain = new WebAppLoginMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.myprof = new MyProfile(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.loginMain = new WebAppLoginMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.diaryMain = new DiaryMain(this.driver); this.bookingsummary = new BookingSummaryMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.loginMain = new WebAppLoginMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.admin = new AdministrationMain(this.driver); this.bookingsMain = new BookingsMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void TestSetUp() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.register = new Register(this.driver); this.forgotpass = new ForgotPassword(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.myprofile = new MyProfile(this.driver); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.homepage = new HomepageMain(this.driver); this.mybookings = new MyBookings(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.homepage = new HomepageMain(this.driver); this.attendees = new AttendeesMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { //Init driver and call classes this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.loginMain = new WebAppLoginMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.BREMain = new BusinessRuleSettingsMain(this.driver); this._bookingSummaryMain = new BookingSummaryMain(this.driver); this.newBookingMain = new NewBookingMain(this.driver); this.adminMain = new AdministrationMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.myprofile = new MyProfile(this.driver); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.homepage = new HomepageMain(this.driver); = new ServicesMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); this.attendees = new AttendeesMain(this.driver); = new BookingMain(this.driver); this.mybookings = new MyBookings(this.driver); this.webappLogin = new WebAppLoginMain(this.driver); this.webappStatus = new StatusMain(this.driver); this.admin = new AdministrationMain(this.driver); this.webAppBookingsMain = new BookingsMain(this.driver); this.webAppBookingSearchMain = new BookingSearchMain(this.driver); this.webAppBookingSummaryMain = new BookingSummaryMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); this.editBookingMain_s = new EditBookingMain(this.driver); this.NewBookingMain = new NewBookingMain(this.driver); }
public void SetupTest() { this.driver = new ChromeDriver(); this.myprofile = new MyProfile(this.driver); this.login = new LoginMain(this.driver); this.homepage = new HomepageMain(this.driver); this.utilities = new UtilitiesMain(this.driver); utilities.ReportSetup(); //utilities.ConsoleOutput(); //Report Setup But this is moved to Utilities. Using it from there. /* string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().CodeBase; * string actualPath = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("bin")); * string projectPath = new Uri(actualPath).LocalPath; * string reportPath = projectPath + "Reports\\Build v6.4.1(Fuji) " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm") + ".html"; * extent = new ExtentReports(reportPath, true); * extent.AddSystemInfo("Host Name", "PC 47"); * extent.AddSystemInfo("Environment", "QA"); * extent.AddSystemInfo("User Name", "Mohit Sharma"); * string file = @"F:\Automation Testing\QuickBook Automation Team Code\QuickBookAutomation\UnitTests\Reports\extent-config.xml"; * extent.LoadConfig(file);*/ }