public async Task LeaveAudio()
            await UsingAudioClient.StopAsync();

            UsingAudioClient  = null;
            UsingVoiceChannel = null;
            //ConnectedChannels.Remove(guild.Id, out info);

            //await Log(LogSeverity.Info, $"Disconnected from voice on {guild.Name}.");
        public async Task SendAudioAsync(IMessageChannel channel, string path)
            // Your task: Get a full path to the file if the value of 'path' is only a filename.
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                await channel.SendMessageAsync("File does not exist.");


            if (UsingAudioClient != null)
                //await Log(LogSeverity.Debug, $"Starting playback of {path} in {guild.Name}");
                using (var ffmpeg = CreateProcess(path))
                    using (var stream = UsingAudioClient.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Music))
                        try { await ffmpeg.StandardOutput.BaseStream.CopyToAsync(stream); }
                        finally { await stream.FlushAsync(); }