public IActionResult Decline(string ID)
            UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable varCollab = new DataTable();
            varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select ACL.ID,AC.UserID, ACL.LinkedUserID, AC.FileDirectoryID as Audio,CT.Description as Category,SCT.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as MasterOwner, AC.ShortDescription,(SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as CollaboName  from App_Users  Where ID = ACL.LinkedUserID ) CollaboName, ACL.NewUpload as ResponseAudio  from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] ACL" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN[dbo].[App_Collaborations] AC ON AC.ID = ACL.CollaboID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN Lk_SubCategoryTypes SCT ON SCT.ID = AC.SubCategoryID" +
                                                " Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON  CT.ID = AC.CategoryID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = AC.UserID" +
                                                " Where ACL.ID = " + ID);

            var UserID = varCollab.Rows[0][1].ToString();
            var Collaboree = varCollab.Rows[0][2].ToString();
            var CollaboID = varCollab.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            DataTable varUpdatePoints = new DataTable();
            varUpdatePoints = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction(" Update [dbo].[App_Users] " +
                                                    " Set [Credits] = [Credits] - 1" +
                                                    " Where [ID] = " + UserID);

            varUpdatePoints = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction(" Update [dbo].[App_Users] " +
                                                      " Set [Credits] = [Credits] + 1" +
                                                      " Where [ID] = " + Collaboree);

            varUpdatePoints = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction(" Update [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] " +
                                                      " Set [StatusID] = 1003 " +
                                                      " Where [ID] = " + CollaboID);

            return RedirectToAction("Completed");
        public IActionResult Completed()
            var EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();
            UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable varUser = new DataTable();
            varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID);
            var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            DataTable varCollab = new DataTable();
            varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select ACL.ID, AC.FileDirectoryID as Audio,CT.Description as Category,SCT.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as MasterOwner, AC.ShortDescription,(SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as CollaboName  from App_Users  Where ID = ACL.LinkedUserID ) CollaboName, ACL.NewUpload as ResponseAudio  from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] ACL" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN[dbo].[App_Collaborations] AC ON AC.ID = ACL.CollaboID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN Lk_SubCategoryTypes SCT ON SCT.ID = AC.SubCategoryID" +
                                                " Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON  CT.ID = AC.CategoryID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = AC.UserID" +
                                                " Where AC.APPTypeID = " + CategoryID + " AND AC.UserID = " + EntityID + "  AND ACL.StatusID = 3 ");
            var varMessages = varCollab.Rows.Count;
            DataTable varCategories = new DataTable();
            varCategories = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Description from Lk_CategoryTypes Where APPID =  " + CategoryID);

            DataTable varPending = new DataTable();
            varPending = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Count(CollaboID) as Pending from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] Where LinkedUserID  = " + EntityID + " AND StatusID = 3");

            DataTable varSubCategories = new DataTable();
            varSubCategories = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Description from Lk_SubCategoryTypes Where APPID =  " + CategoryID);

            UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails();
            Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations();

            userDetails = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows
                           select new UserDetails
                               Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(),
                               LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(),
                               Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(),
                               Pending = varPending.Rows[0][0].ToString(),
                               Messages = varMessages.ToString(),
                               varCollaborations = (from DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows
                                                    select new Collaborations
                                                        ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString()),
                                                        Category = row2["Category"].ToString(),
                                                        SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString(),
                                                        Name = row2["MasterOwner"].ToString(),
                                                        Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString(),
                                                        Description = row2["ShortDescription"].ToString(),
                                                        ResposeAudio = row2["ResponseAudio"].ToString(),
                               varCategory = (from DataRow row2 in varCategories.Rows
                                              select new Category
                                                  Description = row2["Description"].ToString(),
                               varSubCategory = (from DataRow row2 in varSubCategories.Rows
                                                 select new SubCategory
                                                     Description = row2["Description"].ToString(),
            return View(new List<UserDetails> { userDetails });
Example #3
        public IActionResult Add(string Category, string SubCategory, string Name, string Description, string Audio)
            var          EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();
            UsersQueries ex       = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    varUser  = new DataTable();

            varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID);
            var AppCategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            DataTable Categorydata = new DataTable();

            Categorydata = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_CategoryTypes Where Description = '" + Category + "';");
            var varCategoryID = Categorydata.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            DataTable SubCategorydata = new DataTable();

            SubCategorydata = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_SubCategoryTypes Where Description = '" + SubCategory + "';");
            var varSubCategoryID = SubCategorydata.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            var CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Insert into App_Collaborations (CategoryID,SubCategoryID,ShortDescription,FileDirectoryID,UserID,StatusID,APPTypeID,CreatedBy,CreatedDate,UpdatedBy,UpdatedDate) Values " +

 public IActionResult submit(string ID, string ResposeAudio)
     UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries();
     DataTable varUser = new DataTable();
     varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Update [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] SET [NewUpload] = '" + ResposeAudio.Replace("100%", "70%").Replace("300", "100") + "', StatusID = 3 Where ID = " + ID);
     return RedirectToAction("Index", "Collaboration");
        public IActionResult Login(string Email, string Password)
            UsersQueries Test = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    dt   = new DataTable();

            dt = Test.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from User Where EmailAddress = '" + Email + "' AND Password = '******'");
            var ID = "";

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ID = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                //var IDe = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();

                CookieOptions cookies = new CookieOptions();
                cookies.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
                Response.Cookies.Append("ID", ID, cookies);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DashBoard"));
Example #6
        public IActionResult Reg(string FirstName, string LastName, string EmailAddress, string PhoneNo, string Password, string RetypePassword, string ApplicationType)
            UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    dt = new DataTable();

            dt = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where EmailAddress = '" + EmailAddress + "'");

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                var       CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                DataTable apptype     = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction($"Select ID from Lk_ApplicationTypes Where Description = '{ApplicationType}'");
                ex.ExecuteQueryFunction($"Insert into App_Users(ApplicationTypeID,FirstName,LastName,EmailAddress,Password,Tel,Credits,CreatedBy,CreatedDate,UpdatedBy,UpdatedDate) Values ( " +
                                        $"'{apptype.Rows[0][0].ToString()}','{ FirstName}','{LastName}','{EmailAddress}','{Password}','{PhoneNo}',{30},'{"APP"}','{CreatedDate}','{"APP"}','{CreatedDate}')");
Example #7
        public IActionResult Collabo(string ID)
            var          EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();
            UsersQueries ex       = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    varUser  = new DataTable();

            varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID);
            var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            DataTable CoLlaboDetails = new DataTable();

            var CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Insert into App_Collaborations_Linked (CollaboID,ShortDescription,StatusID,LinkedUserID,CreatedBy,CreatedDate,UpdatedBy,UpdatedDate) Values " +

Example #8
        public IActionResult UserCollaborations()
            var          EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();
            UsersQueries ex       = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    varUser  = new DataTable();

            varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID);
            var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            DataTable varCollab = new DataTable();

            varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select C.ID, CT.Description as Category,SC.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as Name, C.FileDirectoryID as Audio,C.ShortDescription as Description  from App_Collaborations C " +
                                                "Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON  CT.ID = C.CategoryID" +
                                                " Left Join Lk_SubCategoryTypes SC ON SC.ID = C.SubCategoryID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = C.UserID" +
                                                " Where C.APPTypeID = " + CategoryID + " AND UserID = " + EntityID + ";");

            UserDetails    userDetails = new UserDetails();
            Collaborations collabs     = new Collaborations();

            userDetails = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows
                           select new UserDetails
                Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(),
                LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(),
                Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(),
                varCollaborations = (from DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows
                                     select new Collaborations
                    ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString()),
                    Category = row2["Category"].ToString(),
                    SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString(),
                    Name = row2["Name"].ToString(),
                    Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString(),
                    Description = row2["Description"].ToString(),
            return(View(new List <UserDetails> {
Example #9
        public IActionResult Create()
            var          EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString();
            UsersQueries ex       = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable    varUser  = new DataTable();

            varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID);
            var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            DataTable Category = new DataTable();

            Category = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_CategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID + ";");
            //var varCategoryID
            DataTable SubCategory = new DataTable();

            SubCategory = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_SubCategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID + ";");
            Upload         UploadData = new Upload();
            Collaborations collabs    = new Collaborations();

            UploadData = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows
                          select new Upload
                Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(),
                LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(),
                Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(),
                varCategory = (from DataRow row2 in Category.Rows
                               select new Category
                    Description = row2["Description"].ToString(),
                varSubCategory = (from DataRow row2 in SubCategory.Rows
                                  select new SubCategory
                    Description = row2["Description"].ToString(),

            return(View(new List <Upload> {
        public IActionResult open(string ID)
            UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries();
            DataTable varCollab = new DataTable();
            varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select ACL.ID, AC.FileDirectoryID as Audio,CT.Description as Category,SCT.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as MasterOwner, AC.ShortDescription,(SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as CollaboName  from App_Users  Where ID = ACL.LinkedUserID ) CollaboName, ACL.NewUpload as ResponseAudio  from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] ACL" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN[dbo].[App_Collaborations] AC ON AC.ID = ACL.CollaboID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN Lk_SubCategoryTypes SCT ON SCT.ID = AC.SubCategoryID" +
                                                " Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON  CT.ID = AC.CategoryID" +
                                                " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = AC.UserID" +
                                                " Where ACL.ID = " + ID);
            Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations();
            foreach (DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows)
                collabs.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString());
                collabs.Category = row2["Category"].ToString();
                collabs.SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString();
                collabs.Name = row2["MasterOwner"].ToString();
                collabs.Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString();
                collabs.Description = row2["ShortDescription"].ToString();
                collabs.ResposeAudio = row2["ResponseAudio"].ToString();

            return View(collabs);