Example #1
        public List <ConsultationStatus> ConsultationGetPatientsByStatus(DataConnection pclsCache, string DoctorId, int Status)
            List <ConsultationStatus> items = new List <ConsultationStatus>();

            if (Status == 7)
                for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
                    List <ConsultationStatus> item = new List <ConsultationStatus>();
                    item = new UsersMethod().ConsultationGetPatientsByStatus(pclsCache, DoctorId, i);
                    if (item != null)
            else if (Status == 8)
                for (int i = 6; i > 3; i--)
                    List <ConsultationStatus> item = new List <ConsultationStatus>();
                    item = new UsersMethod().ConsultationGetPatientsByStatus(pclsCache, DoctorId, i);
                    if (item != null)
                items = new UsersMethod().ConsultationGetPatientsByStatus(pclsCache, DoctorId, Status);
        /// <summary>
        /// 浙大接收接口处理 LY 2015-10-31
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VitalSigns"></param>
        /// <param name="revUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalName"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalIP"></param>
        /// <param name="DeviceType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HttpResponseMessage VitalSignFromZKY(VitalSignFromDevice VitalSigns)
            int    ret           = 9;
            var    HeaderList    = Request.Headers.ToList();
            string HeaderContent = "";
            KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > Header = HeaderList.Find(delegate(KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > x)
                return(x.Key == "Token");

            if (Header.Key != null)
                HeaderContent = Header.Value.First();
            if (HeaderContent != "#zjuBME319*")
                return(new ExceptionHandler().SetData(Request, ret));
            ret = repository.VitalSignFromZKY(pclsCache, VitalSigns);
            if (ret == 1)
                string UserId = new UsersMethod().GetIDByInput(pclsCache, "PhoneNo", VitalSigns.mobilephone);
                string Note   = repository.PushNotification("android", UserId, "新的体征信息已输入,请查看");
            return(new ExceptionHandler().SetData(Request, ret));
        /// <summary>
        /// 浙大输出接口 LY 2015-10-29
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PatientId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TypeAndName> GetPatientInfo(DataConnection pclsCache, string PatientId)
            List <TypeAndName> List      = new List <TypeAndName>();
            PatBasicInfo       BasicInfo = new UsersRepository().GetPatBasicInfo(pclsCache, PatientId);
            TypeAndName        NewLine1  = new TypeAndName
                Type = "name",
                Name = BasicInfo.UserName

            TypeAndName NewLine2 = new TypeAndName
                Type = "age",
                Name = BasicInfo.Age

            TypeAndName NewLine3 = new TypeAndName
                Type = "sex",
                Name = BasicInfo.Gender

            string      Height   = new VitalInfoRepository().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, PatientId, "Height", "Height_1");
            TypeAndName NewLine4 = new TypeAndName
                Type = "height",
                Name = Height

            string      Weight   = new VitalInfoRepository().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, PatientId, "Weight", "Weight_1");
            TypeAndName NewLine5 = new TypeAndName
                Type = "weight",
                Name = Weight

            string      PhoneNumber = new UsersMethod().GetPhoneNoByUserId(pclsCache, PatientId);
            TypeAndName NewLine6    = new TypeAndName
                Type = "mobilephone",
                Name = PhoneNumber

Example #4
        public List <ConsultationHid> GetConsultationDataByHidPid4(DataConnection pclsCache, string HealthCoachId, string PatientId, int status)
            List <ConsultationHid> items = new List <ConsultationHid>();

            items = new UsersMethod().GetConsultationDataByHid(pclsCache, HealthCoachId);
            List <ConsultationHid> res1 = new List <ConsultationHid>();
            List <ConsultationHid> res2 = new List <ConsultationHid>();

            foreach (ConsultationHid item in items)
                if (item.PatientId == PatientId)

            foreach (ConsultationHid item in res1)
                int statustemp = item.Status;
                if (status == 7)
                    if ((statustemp == 1) || (statustemp == 2) || (statustemp == 3))
                        if (item != null)
                if (status == 8)
                    if ((statustemp == 4) || (statustemp == 5) || (statustemp == 6))
                        if (item != null)
                    if (status == statustemp)

Example #5
        public List <ConsultationHid> GetConsultationDataByHidPid3(DataConnection pclsCache, string HealthCoachId, string PatientId)
            List <ConsultationHid> items = new List <ConsultationHid>();

            items = new UsersMethod().GetConsultationDataByHid(pclsCache, HealthCoachId);
            List <ConsultationHid> res = new List <ConsultationHid>();

            foreach (ConsultationHid item in items)
                if (item.PatientId == PatientId)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 浙大接收接口处理 LY 2015-10-31
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VitalSigns"></param>
        /// <param name="revUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalName"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalIP"></param>
        /// <param name="DeviceType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int VitalSignFromZKY(DataConnection pclsCache, VitalSignFromDevice VitalSigns)
            string UserId       = new UsersMethod().GetIDByInput(pclsCache, "PhoneNo", VitalSigns.mobilephone);
            string revUserId    = UserId;
            string TerminalName = "DeviceFromZKY";
            string TerminalIP   = new CommonFunction().getRemoteIPAddress();
            int    DeviceType   = 4;
            int    RecordDate   = Convert.ToInt32(VitalSigns.dailyinfos.date.Replace("-", ""));
            int    ret          = 0;

            foreach (BloodPressureInfos Line in VitalSigns.dailyinfos.bloodpressureinfos)
                if (Line.high != "" && Line.low != "" && Line.time != "")
                    int RecordTime = Convert.ToInt32(Line.time.Substring(0, 5).Replace(":", ""));
                    ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Bloodpressure", "Bloodpressure_1", Line.high, "mmHg", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (ret == 0)
                    ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Bloodpressure", "Bloodpressure_2", Line.low, "mmHg", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (ret == 0)
            foreach (BloodSugarInfos Line in VitalSigns.dailyinfos.bloodsugarinfos)
                if (Line.glu != "" && Line.time != "")
                    int RecordTime = Convert.ToInt32(Line.time.Substring(0, 5).Replace(":", ""));
                    if (Line.type == 0)
                        ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "BloodSugar", "BloodSugar_10", Line.glu, "mmol/l", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (Line.type == 1)
                        ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "BloodSugar", "BloodSugar_11", Line.glu, "mmol/l", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (ret == 0)
            foreach (ECGInfos Line in VitalSigns.dailyinfos.ecginfos)
                if (Line.bpm != "" && Line.time != "")
                    int RecordTime = Convert.ToInt32(Line.time.Substring(0, 5).Replace(":", ""));
                    ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "HeartRate", "HeartRate_1", Line.bpm, "次/分", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (ret == 0)
            foreach (BreatheInfos Line in VitalSigns.dailyinfos.breatheinfos)
                if (Line.time != "")
                    int RecordTime = Convert.ToInt32(Line.time.Substring(0, 5).Replace(":", ""));
                    ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "BreathStatus", "Oximetry", Line.oximetry.ToString(), "", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                    if (ret == 0)
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 浙大输出接口 LY 2015-10-29
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PatientId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetPatientInfo(DataConnection pclsCache, string PatientId)
            List <TypeAndName> List = new List <TypeAndName>();

            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "ubid",
                Name = "DW0101111447049158"
            PatBasicInfo BasicInfo = new UsersRepository().GetPatBasicInfo(pclsCache, PatientId);

            if (BasicInfo == null)
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "name",
                Name = BasicInfo.UserName
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "age",
                Name = BasicInfo.Age
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "sex",
                Name = BasicInfo.Gender
            string PhoneNumber = new UsersMethod().GetPhoneNoByUserId(pclsCache, PatientId);

            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "mobilephone",
                Name = PhoneNumber
            ValueTime H = new ValueTime();

            H = new VitalInfoRepository().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, PatientId, "Height", "Height_1");
            string Height = H.Value;

            ValueTime W = new ValueTime();

            W = new VitalInfoRepository().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, PatientId, "Weight", "Weight_1");
            string Weight = W.Value;

            ValueTime Wa = new ValueTime();

            Wa = new VitalInfoRepository().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, PatientId, "Waistline", "Waistline_1");
            string Waistline = Wa.Value;

            if (Height == null)
                Height = "";
            if (Weight == null)
                Weight = "";
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "height",
                Name = Height
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "weight",
                Name = Weight
            List.Add(new TypeAndName
                Type = "birthday",
                Name = BasicInfo.Birthday.Insert(4, "-").Insert(7, "-")
            if (Waistline != null)
                List.Add(new TypeAndName
                    Type = "waistline",
                    Name = Waistline
                string BasicJson = "{";
                foreach (TypeAndName Line in List)
                    BasicJson = BasicJson + '"' + Line.Type + '"' + ':' + '"' + Line.Name + '"' + ',';
                BasicJson  = BasicJson.TrimEnd(',');
                BasicJson += "}";
                byte[] bytedata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BasicJson);
                string content  = Convert.ToBase64String(bytedata, 0, bytedata.Length);
                content = "type=docapp&action=004&content=" + content + "&contentkey=#HQ*" + content;
                string         Url     = "http://qacsupport.duapp.com/port/port.php";
                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);
                request.Method      = "POST";
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
                request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
                //request.Timeout = 10000;
                Stream reqstream = request.GetRequestStream();
                reqstream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                HttpWebResponse response      = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                Stream          streamReceive = response.GetResponseStream();
                Encoding        encoding      = Encoding.UTF8;
                StreamReader    streamReader  = new StreamReader(streamReceive, encoding);
                string          strResult     = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (WebException ex)
                using (WebResponse response = ex.Response)
                    HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)response;
                    Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", httpResponse.StatusCode);
                    using (Stream data = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
                            string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取风险评估所需输入 LY 2015-10-13
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RiskInput GetRiskInput(DataConnection pclsCache, string UserId)
            int    Age            = 1;    //年龄默认1岁(避免出现0岁)
            int    Gender         = 0;    //性别男
            int    Height         = 0;    //身高176cm
            int    Weight         = 0;    //体重69千克
            int    AbdominalGirth = 0;    //腹围
            int    Heartrate      = 0;    //心率
            int    Parent         = 0;    //父母中至少有一方有高血压
            int    Smoke          = 0;    //不抽烟
            int    Stroke         = 0;    //没有中风
            int    Lvh            = 0;;   //有左心室肥大
            int    Diabetes       = 0;    //有伴随糖尿病
            int    Treat          = 0;    //高血压是否在治疗(接受过)没有
            int    Heartattack    = 0;    //有过心脏事件(心血管疾病)
            int    Af             = 0;    //没有过房颤
            int    Chd            = 0;    //有冠心病(心肌梗塞)
            int    Valve          = 0;    //没有心脏瓣膜病
            double Tcho           = 0;    //总胆固醇浓度5.2mmol/L
            double Creatinine     = 0;    //肌酐浓度140μmoI/L
            double Hdlc           = 0;    //高密度脂蛋白胆固醇1.21g/ml
            int    SBP            = 0;    //当前收缩压
            int    DBP            = 0;    //当前舒张压
            int       piParent      = 0;  //父母中至少有一方有高血压
            int       piSmoke       = 0;  //不抽烟
            int       piStroke      = 0;  //没有中风
            int       piLvh         = 0;; //有左心室肥大
            int       piDiabetes    = 0;  //有伴随糖尿病
            int       piTreat       = 0;  //高血压是否在治疗(接受过)没有
            int       piHeartattack = 0;  //有过心脏事件(心血管疾病)
            int       piAf          = 0;  //没有过房颤
            int       piChd         = 0;  //有冠心病(心肌梗塞)
            int       piValve       = 0;  //没有心脏瓣膜病
            BasicInfo BaseList      = new UsersMethod().GetBasicInfo(pclsCache, UserId);

            if (BaseList != null)
                if (BaseList.Birthday != "" && BaseList.Birthday != "0" && BaseList.Birthday != null)
                    Age = new UsersMethod().GetAgeByBirthDay(pclsCache, Convert.ToInt32(BaseList.Birthday));//年龄
                if (BaseList.Gender != "" && BaseList.Gender != "0" && BaseList.Gender != null)
                    Gender = Convert.ToInt32(BaseList.Gender);//性别
            if (Gender <= 2)
                Gender = Gender - 1;
                Gender = 0;
            if (Gender == 1)//为计算方便,性别值对调
                Gender = 0;
                Gender = 1;
            string Weight1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_02", 1);

            if (Weight1 != "" && Weight1 != "0" && Weight1 != null)
                Weight = Convert.ToInt32(Weight1);
            string Height1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_01", 1);

            if (Height1 != "" && Height1 != "0" && Height1 != null)
                Height = Convert.ToInt32(Height1);
            string BMIStr = ((double)Weight / ((double)Height * (double)Height) * 10000).ToString("f2");
            double BMI    = double.Parse(BMIStr);
            string AbdominalGirth1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_13", 1);

            if (AbdominalGirth1 != "" && AbdominalGirth1 != "0" && AbdominalGirth1 != null)
                AbdominalGirth = Convert.ToInt32(AbdominalGirth1);
            string Heart = new VitalInfoMethod().GetLatestPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, "HeartRate", "HeartRate_1");

            if (Heart != "" && Heart != "0" && Heart != null)
                Heartrate = Convert.ToInt32(Heart);
            string Parent1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1002_01", 1);

            if (Parent1 != "" && Parent1 != "0" && Parent1 != null)
                Parent   = Convert.ToInt32(Parent1);
                piParent = Parent;
            if (Parent > 1)
                Parent = 0;
            string Smoke1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1005_04", 1);

            if (Smoke1 != "" && Smoke1 != "0" && Smoke1 != null)
                Smoke   = Convert.ToInt32(Smoke1);
                piSmoke = Smoke;
            if (Smoke > 1)
                Smoke = 0;
            string Stroke1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_07", 1);

            if (Stroke1 != "" && Stroke1 != "0" && Stroke1 != null)
                Stroke   = Convert.ToInt32(Stroke1);
                piStroke = Stroke;
            if (Stroke > 1)
                Stroke = 0;
            string Lvh1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_09", 1);

            if (Lvh1 != "" && Lvh1 != "0" && Lvh1 != null)
                Lvh   = Convert.ToInt32(Lvh1);
                piLvh = Lvh;
            if (Lvh > 1)
                Lvh = 0;
            string Diabetes1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1002_02", 1);

            if (Diabetes1 != "" && Diabetes1 != "0" && Diabetes1 != null)
                Diabetes   = Convert.ToInt32(Diabetes1);
                piDiabetes = Diabetes;
            if (Diabetes > 1)
                Diabetes = 0;
            string Treat1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1003_02", 1);

            if (Treat1 != "" && Treat1 != "0" && Treat1 != null)
                Treat   = Convert.ToInt32(Treat1);
                piTreat = Treat;
            if (Treat > 1)
                Treat = 0;
            string Heartattack1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_04", 1);

            if (Heartattack1 != "" && Heartattack1 != "0" && Heartattack1 != null)
                Heartattack   = Convert.ToInt32(Heartattack1);
                piHeartattack = Heartattack;
            if (Heartattack > 1)
                Heartattack = 0;
            string Af1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_05", 1);

            if (Af1 != "" && Af1 != "0" && Af1 != null)
                Af   = Convert.ToInt32(Af1);
                piAf = Af;
            if (Af > 1)
                Af = 0;
            string Chd1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_02", 1);

            if (Chd1 != "" && Chd1 != "0" && Chd1 != null)
                Chd   = Convert.ToInt32(Chd1);
                piChd = Chd;
            if (Chd > 1)
                Chd = 0;
            string Valve1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1001_06", 1);

            if (Valve1 != "" && Valve1 != "0" && Valve1 != null)
                Valve   = Convert.ToInt32(Valve1);
                piValve = Valve;
            if (Valve > 1)
                Valve = 0;
            string Tcho1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_09", 1);

            if (Tcho1 != "" && Tcho1 != "0" && Tcho1 != null)
                Tcho = Convert.ToDouble(Tcho1);
            string Creatinine1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_08", 1);

            if (Creatinine1 != "" && Creatinine1 != "0" && Creatinine1 != null)
                Creatinine = Convert.ToDouble(Creatinine1);
            string Hdlc1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_10", 1);

            if (Hdlc1 != "" && Hdlc1 != "0" && Hdlc1 != null)
                Hdlc = Convert.ToDouble(Hdlc1);
            string SBP1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_05", 1);

            if (SBP1 != "" && SBP1 != "0" && SBP1 != null)
                SBP = Convert.ToInt32(SBP1);
            string DBP1 = new ModuleInfoMethod().PsBasicInfoDetailGetValue(pclsCache, UserId, "M1", "M1006_06", 1);

            if (DBP1 != "" && DBP1 != "0" && DBP1 != null)
                DBP = Convert.ToInt32(DBP1);
            double Hyperother = -0.15641 * Age - 0.20293 * Gender - 0.19073 * Smoke - 0.16612 * Parent - 0.03388 * BMI;
            int HarvardRiskInfactor = 0;

            if (Gender == 1)
                if (Age <= 39)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 19;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age <= 44 && Age >= 40)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 7;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Age <= 49 && Age >= 45)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 7;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 7;
                else if (Age <= 54 && Age >= 50)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 11;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age <= 59 && Age >= 55)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 14;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age <= 64 && Age >= 60)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 18;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age <= 69 && Age >= 65)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 22;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 25;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Tcho < 5)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Tcho >= 5.0 && Tcho <= 5.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Tcho >= 6.0 && Tcho <= 6.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Tcho >= 7.0 && Tcho <= 7.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Tcho >= 8.0 && Tcho <= 8.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 7;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 9;
                if (Height < 145)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Height >= 145 && Height <= 154)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Height >= 155 && Height <= 164)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Height >= 165 && Height <= 174)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                if (Creatinine < 50)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Creatinine >= 50 && Creatinine <= 69)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Creatinine >= 70 && Creatinine <= 89)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Creatinine >= 90 && Creatinine <= 109)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Chd == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 8;
                if (Stroke == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 8;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                if (Age <= 39)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 13;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age <= 44 && Age >= 40)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 12;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age <= 49 && Age >= 45)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 11;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 9;
                else if (Age <= 54 && Age >= 50)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 10;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 14;
                else if (Age <= 59 && Age >= 55)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 10;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 18;
                else if (Age <= 64 && Age >= 60)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 9;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 23;
                else if (Age <= 69 && Age >= 65)
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 9;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 27;
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 8;
                        HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 32;
                if (Tcho < 5)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Tcho >= 5.0 && Tcho <= 5.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Tcho >= 6.0 && Tcho <= 6.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Tcho >= 7.0 && Tcho <= 7.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Tcho >= 8.0 && Tcho <= 8.9)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                if (Height < 145)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Height >= 145 && Height <= 154)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Height >= 155 && Height <= 164)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Height >= 165 && Height <= 174)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                if (Creatinine < 50)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Creatinine >= 50 && Creatinine <= 69)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Creatinine >= 70 && Creatinine <= 89)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Creatinine >= 90 && Creatinine <= 109)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Chd == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 8;
                if (Stroke == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 8;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    HarvardRiskInfactor = HarvardRiskInfactor + 9;
            double FraminghamRiskInfactor = 0.0;

            if (Gender == 1)                                                                   //男性
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Age) * 3.06117;     //性别
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Tcho) * 1.12370;    //总胆固醇
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Hdlc) * (-0.93263); //高密度脂蛋白胆固醇
                if (Smoke == 1)
                    FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + 0.65451;//抽烟
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + 0.57367;//抽烟
            else //女性
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Age) * 2.3288;//性别
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Tcho) * 1.20904;    //总胆固醇
                FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + Math.Log(Hdlc) * (-0.70833); //高密度脂蛋白胆固醇
                if (Smoke == 1)
                    FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + 0.52873;//抽烟
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    FraminghamRiskInfactor = FraminghamRiskInfactor + 0.69154;//抽烟
            int StrokeRiskInfactor = 0;

            if (Gender == 1) //男性
                if (Age <= 56)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age >= 57 && Age <= 59)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Age >= 60 && Age <= 62)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Age >= 63 && Age <= 65)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Age >= 66 && Age <= 68)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Age >= 69 && Age <= 72)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age >= 73 && Age <= 75)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age >= 76 && Age <= 78)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 7;
                else if (Age >= 79 && Age <= 81)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 8;
                else if (Age >= 82 && Age <= 84)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 9;
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 10;
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 2;
                if (Smoke == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Heartattack == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Af == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 5;
            else //女性
                if (Age <= 56)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age >= 57 && Age <= 59)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Age >= 60 && Age <= 62)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Age >= 63 && Age <= 64)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Age >= 65 && Age <= 67)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Age >= 68 && Age <= 70)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age >= 71 && Age <= 73)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age >= 74 && Age <= 76)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 7;
                else if (Age >= 77 && Age <= 78)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 8;
                else if (Age >= 79 && Age <= 81)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 9;
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 10;
                if (Diabetes == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Smoke == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Heartattack == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 2;
                if (Af == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 6;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    StrokeRiskInfactor = StrokeRiskInfactor + 4;
            int HeartFailureRiskInfactor = 0;

            if (Gender == 1) //男性
                if (Age <= 49)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age >= 50 && Age <= 54)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Age >= 55 && Age <= 59)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Age >= 60 && Age <= 64)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Age >= 65 && Age <= 69)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Age >= 70 && Age <= 74)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age >= 75 && Age <= 79)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age >= 80 && Age <= 84)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 7;
                else if (Age >= 85 && Age <= 89)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 8;
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 9;
                if (Heartrate <= 54)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Heartrate >= 55 && Heartrate <= 64)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Heartrate >= 65 && Heartrate <= 79)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Heartrate >= 80 && Heartrate <= 89)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Heartrate >= 90 && Heartrate <= 104)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 4;
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 5;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 4;
                if (Chd == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 8;
                if (Valve == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 5;
                if (Smoke == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
            else //女性
                if (Age <= 49)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Age >= 50 && Age <= 54)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Age >= 55 && Age <= 59)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                else if (Age >= 60 && Age <= 64)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 3;
                else if (Age >= 65 && Age <= 69)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 4;
                else if (Age >= 70 && Age <= 74)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 5;
                else if (Age >= 75 && Age <= 79)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 6;
                else if (Age >= 80 && Age <= 84)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 7;
                else if (Age >= 85 && Age <= 89)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 8;
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 9;
                if (Heartrate < 60)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (Heartrate >= 60 && Heartrate <= 79)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (Heartrate >= 80 && Heartrate <= 104)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 3;
                if (Lvh == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 5;
                if (Chd == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 6;
                if (Valve == 1)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 6;
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                    if (Smoke == 1)
                        HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 6;
                if (BMI < 21)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 0;
                else if (BMI >= 21 && BMI <= 25)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 1;
                else if (BMI > 25 && BMI <= 29)
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 2;
                    HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor + 3;
            RiskInput Input = new RiskInput();

            Input.Age                      = Age;
            Input.Gender                   = Gender;
            Input.Height                   = Height;
            Input.Weight                   = Weight;
            Input.AbdominalGirth           = AbdominalGirth;
            Input.BMI                      = BMI;
            Input.Heartrate                = Heartrate;
            Input.Parent                   = Parent;
            Input.Smoke                    = Smoke;
            Input.Stroke                   = Stroke;
            Input.Lvh                      = Lvh;
            Input.Diabetes                 = Diabetes;
            Input.Treat                    = Treat;
            Input.Heartattack              = Heartattack;
            Input.Af                       = Af;
            Input.Chd                      = Chd;
            Input.Valve                    = Valve;
            Input.Tcho                     = Tcho;
            Input.Creatinine               = Creatinine;
            Input.Hdlc                     = Hdlc;
            Input.Hyperother               = Hyperother;
            Input.HarvardRiskInfactor      = HarvardRiskInfactor;
            Input.FraminghamRiskInfactor   = FraminghamRiskInfactor;
            Input.StrokeRiskInfactor       = StrokeRiskInfactor;
            Input.HeartFailureRiskInfactor = HeartFailureRiskInfactor;
            Input.SBP                      = SBP;
            Input.DBP                      = DBP;
            Input.piParent                 = piParent;
            Input.piSmoke                  = piSmoke;
            Input.piStroke                 = piStroke;
            Input.piLvh                    = piLvh;
            Input.piDiabetes               = piDiabetes;
            Input.piTreat                  = piTreat;
            Input.piHeartattack            = piHeartattack;
            Input.piAf                     = piAf;
            Input.piChd                    = piChd;
            Input.piValve                  = piValve;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a token is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsTokenValid(string token)
            bool result = false;

                // Base64 decode the string, obtaining the token:username:timeStamp.
                string key = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(token));

                // Split the parts.
                string[] parts = key.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                if (parts.Length == 6)
                    // Get the hash message, username, and timestamp.
                    string hash      = parts[0];
                    string UserId    = parts[1];
                    string role      = parts[2];
                    string tokentime = parts[3] + ":" + parts[4] + ":" + parts[5];
                    //long ticks = long.Parse(tokentime);
                    //DateTime timeStamp = new DateTime(ticks);

                    DateTime timeStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(tokentime);

                    // Ensure the timestamp is valid.
                    bool expired = Math.Abs((DateTime.UtcNow - timeStamp).TotalMinutes) > _expirationMinutes;
                    if (!expired)
                        DataConnection pclsCache = new DataConnection();
                        Regex          dReg      = new Regex(@"^1[3578][01379]\d{8}$");
                        Regex          tReg      = new Regex(@"^1[34578][01256]\d{8}$");
                        Regex          yReg      = new Regex(@"^(134[012345678]\d{7}|1[34578][012356789]\d{8})$");
                        Regex          mail      = new Regex("^\\s*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+(\\.\\w+)*@(\\w+\\.)+\\w{2,5})\\s*$");
                        string         pwType    = "";
                        if (dReg.IsMatch(UserId) || tReg.IsMatch(UserId) || yReg.IsMatch(UserId))
                            pwType = "PhoneNo";
                        else if (mail.IsMatch(UserId))
                            pwType = "Email";
                        string UserIdCheck = new UsersMethod().GetIDByInputPhone(pclsCache, pwType, UserId);    //用手机号获取UserId
                        bool   exist       = new UsersMethod().CheckUserExist(pclsCache, UserIdCheck);
                        if (exist)
                            //string password = "******";
                            UserInfoByUserId list = new UserInfoByUserId();
                            list = new UsersMethod().GetUserInfoByUserId(pclsCache, UserIdCheck);
                            string password = "";
                            if (list != null)
                                password = list.Password;
                            // Hash the message with the key to generate a token.
                            string computedToken = GenerateToken(UserId, password, role, tokentime);

                            // Compare the computed token with the one supplied and ensure they match.
                            result = (token == computedToken);

        /// <summary>
        /// 浙大接收接口处理 LY 2015-10-31
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VitalSigns"></param>
        /// <param name="revUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalName"></param>
        /// <param name="TerminalIP"></param>
        /// <param name="DeviceType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int VitalSignFromZKY(DataConnection pclsCache, VitalSignFromDevice VitalSigns, string revUserId, string TerminalName, string TerminalIP, int DeviceType)
            string UserId     = new UsersMethod().GetIDByInput(pclsCache, "PhoneNo", VitalSigns.mobilephone);
            int    RecordDate = Convert.ToInt32(VitalSigns.DateTime.Split('|')[0]);
            int    RecordTime = Convert.ToInt32(VitalSigns.DateTime.Split('|')[1]);
            int    ret        = 0;

            if (VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_1.Type != "" && VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_1.Name != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Bloodpressure", "Bloodpressure_1", VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_1.Type, VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_1.Name, revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_2.Type != "" && VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_2.Name != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Bloodpressure", "Bloodpressure_2", VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_2.Type, VitalSigns.Bloodpressure_2.Name, revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.Pulserate_1.Type != "" && VitalSigns.Pulserate_1.Name != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Pulserate", "Pulserate_1", VitalSigns.Pulserate_1.Type, VitalSigns.Pulserate_1.Name, revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.Bloodglucose.Type != "" && VitalSigns.Bloodglucose.Name != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "BloodSugar", "BloodSugar_1", VitalSigns.Bloodglucose.Type, VitalSigns.Bloodglucose.Name, revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.Respiratoryrate.Type != "" && VitalSigns.Respiratoryrate.Name != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "BreathStatus", "Respiratoryrate", VitalSigns.Respiratoryrate.Type, VitalSigns.Respiratoryrate.Name, revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.ECG != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "ECG", "ECG_1", VitalSigns.ECG, "", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)
            if (VitalSigns.Activity != "")
                ret = new VitalInfoRepository().SetPatientVitalSigns(pclsCache, UserId, RecordDate, RecordTime, "Activity", "Activity_1", VitalSigns.Activity, "", revUserId, TerminalName, TerminalIP, DeviceType);
                if (ret == 0)