public async Task Spoiler() { if (_tournamentChannels.Contains(Context.Channel.Id)) { // Silently ignore. return; } var lastSeedRequest = (await UserSeedRepository.GetById(Context.User.Id))?.LastSeedRequest; if (!lastSeedRequest.HasValue) { await ReplyAsync("You haven't generated any seeds recently."); return; } var spoilerLogFilename = MMRService.GetSpoilerLogPath(lastSeedRequest.Value); if (File.Exists(spoilerLogFilename)) { var result = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(spoilerLogFilename); File.Delete(spoilerLogFilename); } else { await ReplyAsync("Spoiler log not found."); } }
public async Task Spoiler() { if (_tournamentChannels.Contains(Context.Channel.Id)) { // Silently ignore. return; } var userSeedEntity = await UserSeedRepository.GetById(Context.User.Id); if (userSeedEntity == null) { await ReplyAsync("You haven't generated any seeds recently."); return; } var(_, _, _, spoilerLogPath, _) = MMRService.GetSeedPaths(userSeedEntity.LastSeedRequest, userSeedEntity.Version ?? ""); if (File.Exists(spoilerLogPath)) { var result = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(spoilerLogPath); File.Delete(spoilerLogPath); } else { await ReplyAsync("Spoiler log not found."); } }
private async Task GenerateSeed(string settingPath) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var userSeedEntity = new UserSeedEntity { UserId = Context.User.Id, LastSeedRequest = now }; await UserSeedRepository.Save(userSeedEntity); var messageResult = await ReplyNoTagAsync("Generating seed..."); new Thread(async() => { try { var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); var(patchPath, hashIconPath, spoilerLogPath, version) = await _mmrService.GenerateSeed(now, settingPath, async(i) => { if (i < 0) { stopwatch.Start(); await ModifyNoTagAsync(messageResult, mp => mp.Content = "Generating seed..."); } else { await ModifyNoTagAsync(messageResult, mp => mp.Content = $"You are number {i + 1} in the queue."); } }); stopwatch.Stop(); var filesToSend = new List <FileAttachment> { new FileAttachment(patchPath), new FileAttachment(hashIconPath) }; await ModifyNoTagAsync(messageResult, mp => { mp.Content = $"Completed in {stopwatch.Elapsed}"; mp.Attachments = filesToSend; }); File.Delete(patchPath); File.Delete(hashIconPath); userSeedEntity.Version = version; await UserSeedRepository.Save(userSeedEntity); } catch { await UserSeedRepository.DeleteById(Context.User.Id); await ModifyNoTagAsync(messageResult, mp => mp.Content = "An error occured."); } }).Start(); }
private async Task <bool> VerifySeedFrequency() { var lastSeedRequest = (await UserSeedRepository.GetById(Context.User.Id))?.LastSeedRequest; if (lastSeedRequest.HasValue && (DateTime.UtcNow - lastSeedRequest.Value).TotalHours < 6) { await ReplyNoTagAsync("You may only request a seed once every 6 hours."); return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task Seed([Remainder] string settingName = null) { if (_tournamentChannels.Contains(Context.Channel.Id)) { // Tournament seed var mentionedUsers = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.DistinctBy(u => u.Id); if (mentionedUsers.Any(u => u.Id == Context.User.Id)) { await ReplyAsync("Cannot generate a seed for yourself."); return; } if (mentionedUsers.Count() < 2) { await ReplyAsync("Must mention at least two users."); return; } var tournamentSeedReply = await ReplyAsync("Generating seed..."); new Thread(async() => { try { (var patchPath, var hashIconPath, var spoilerLogPath) = await MMRService.GenerateSeed(DateTime.UtcNow, null); if (File.Exists(patchPath) && File.Exists(hashIconPath) && File.Exists(spoilerLogPath)) { foreach (var user in mentionedUsers) { await user.SendFileAsync(patchPath, "Here is your tournament match seed! Please be sure your Hash matches and let an organizer know if you have any issues before you begin."); await user.SendFileAsync(hashIconPath); } await Context.User.SendFileAsync(spoilerLogPath); await Context.User.SendFileAsync(hashIconPath); File.Delete(spoilerLogPath); File.Delete(patchPath); File.Delete(hashIconPath); await tournamentSeedReply.ModifyAsync(mp => mp.Content = "Success."); } else { throw new Exception("MMR.CLI succeeded, but output files not found."); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO log exception. await tournamentSeedReply.ModifyAsync(mp => mp.Content = "An error occured."); } }).Start(); return; } var lastSeedRequest = (await UserSeedRepository.GetById(Context.User.Id))?.LastSeedRequest; if (lastSeedRequest.HasValue && (DateTime.UtcNow - lastSeedRequest.Value).TotalHours < 6) { await ReplyAsync("You may only request a seed once every 6 hours."); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settingName)) { settingName = MMRService.GetSettingsPath(Context.Guild.Id, settingName); if (!File.Exists(settingName)) { await ReplyAsync("Setting not found."); return; } } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; await UserSeedRepository.Save(new UserSeedEntity { UserId = Context.User.Id, LastSeedRequest = now }); var messageResult = await ReplyAsync("Generating seed..."); new Thread(async() => { try { (var patchPath, var hashIconPath, var spoilerLogPath) = await MMRService.GenerateSeed(now, settingName); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(patchPath); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(hashIconPath); File.Delete(patchPath); File.Delete(hashIconPath); await messageResult.DeleteAsync(); } catch { await UserSeedRepository.DeleteById(Context.User.Id); await messageResult.ModifyAsync(mp => mp.Content = "An error occured."); } }).Start(); }