private async Task <XmlDocument> getConcludeAttackDocAsync(Raid raid, int Attack, User user, string sessionId)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //(1) the xml declaration is recommended, but not mandatory
            XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
            XmlElement     root           = doc.DocumentElement;

            doc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, root);

            //(2) string.Empty makes cleaner code
            XmlElement document = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "document", string.Empty);


            XmlElement work = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "work", string.Empty);


            work.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "answer", string.Empty));

            var UserRaid = await _context.UserRaids.Where(ur => ur.UserId == user.Id && ur.RaidId == raid.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (UserRaid == null)
                UserRaid        = new UserRaid();
                UserRaid.Id     = Guid.NewGuid();
                UserRaid.UserId = user.Id;
                UserRaid.RaidId = raid.Id;
                UserRaid.CallId = sessionId;

            var rand       = new Random();
            var critAttack = rand.Next(1, 3);

            if (Attack == critAttack)
                UserRaid.damage = user.ExpPoints * 2;
                work.AppendChild(addSpeak(doc, $"Your attack was a critical hit! You contributed {UserRaid.damage} damage to the monster!"));
                UserRaid.damage = user.ExpPoints;
                work.AppendChild(addSpeak(doc, $"You hit the monster! You contributed {UserRaid.damage} damage to the monster!"));

            work.AppendChild(addSpeak(doc, $"Please wait for the rest of the party to finish attacking the monster"));
            work.AppendChild(addWait(doc, 10));
            work.AppendChild(addDialURL(doc, $""));


        public async Task <ActionResult> GetRaid(
            [FromQuery(Name = "caller_id_number")] string PhoneNumber,
            [FromQuery(Name = "session_id")] string SessionId,
            [FromQuery(Name = "Attacking")] Boolean Attacking      = false,
            [FromQuery(Name = "Attack")] int Attack                = 0,
            [FromQuery(Name = "DoneAttacking")] Boolean DoneAttack = false
            PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.Replace("+", "");

            var log = new CallLog()
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber,
                UUID        = SessionId,
                Time        = DateTime.UtcNow,


            var user = _context.Users.Where(u => u.PhoneNumber == PhoneNumber).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

            // Handle no known user
            if (user == null)
                return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getUnknownDoc().OuterXml), "text/xml"));

            var onRaid = _context.UserRaids.Where(ur => ur.CallId == SessionId && ur.UserId == user.Id).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

            var nextRaid = _context.Raid.Where(r => r.Date >= DateTime.UtcNow).OrderBy(r => r.Date).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

            // Check if inside an actual raid
            if (onRaid != null)
                var activeRaid = _context.Raid.Find(onRaid.RaidId);

                if (activeRaid == null)
                    return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getNoRaid(user).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

                if (DoneAttack == true)
                    var raiders = await _context.UserRaids.Where(ur => ur.RaidId == activeRaid.Id).ToListAsync();

                    return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((await getConclueRaidDoc(activeRaid, raiders, user)).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

                if (Attack > 0)
                    return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((await getConcludeAttackDocAsync(activeRaid, Attack, user, SessionId)).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

                if (Attacking == true)
                    return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getStartAttackDoc(activeRaid).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

                var activeRaiders = _context.UserRaids.Where(UR => UR.RaidId == activeRaid.Id).Include(r => r.User).ToList();
                return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getStartRaidDoc(activeRaid, activeRaiders).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

            if (nextRaid != null && onRaid == null)
                var RaidUser = new UserRaid();
                RaidUser.RaidId = nextRaid.Id;
                RaidUser.UserId = user.Id;
                RaidUser.CallId = SessionId;


                var userRaids = _context.UserRaids.Where(ur => ur.RaidId == nextRaid.Id).ToList();
                return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getWelcomeDoc(user, nextRaid, userRaids).OuterXml), "text/xml"));

            return(File(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(getUnknownDoc().OuterXml), "text/xml"));