Example #1
        public static UserReportDay GetUserTeamRPT(string userid, string btime, string endtime, string username = "")
            string whereSql = " ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                whereSql += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like '%" + userid +
                            "%') and Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like '%'+ (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName = '" +
                            username + "')+'%')";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid))
                    whereSql += "  and( UserID ='" + userid + "' or Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like'%" + userid + "%') )";
            string sql = string.Format(@"
declare @today nvarchar(25)='{0}'
declare @endtoday nvarchar(25)='{1}'
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#userreport') is not null
drop table #userreport

select UserID,LoginName,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) UserPoint,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalPay,
 cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalDraw,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalPayMent, cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalWin,
cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalReturn,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalZHReturn,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalActive,
cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalXJ,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalFenH,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalRiGZ,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) SumFee 
into #userreport
from M_Users 
where Status <>9 and UserID !='993b30f7-a8c4-49f9-b2bc-0b629d34bb76' {2}

update a set TotalPay= b.Num from  #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(1,14) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalPayMent= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(4,5) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID
update a set TotalWin= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType=8 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID

update a set TotalDraw= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType=2 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalReturn= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType=17 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set UserPoint= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType=7 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalZHReturn= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(6,9) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID  
update a set TotalActive= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(20,21,22) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalXJ= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(23) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalRiGZ= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(18) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set TotalFenH= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord where  PlayType in(19) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set SumFee= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select sum(isnull(c.AccountFee,'0'))+min(a.AccountFee) as Num,a.Userid from UserAccount a left join 
    Userrelation b on charindex(a.userid,Parents)>0 
    left join UserAccount c   on c.UserID=b.UserID 
	group  by a.userid

) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update  #userreport set TotalPayMent=TotalPayMent-TotalZHReturn

if object_id('tempdb..#list') is not null
drop table #list

select row_number() over( order by b.Autoid desc) id,b.Type,b.AutoID,b.UserID,b.SafeLevel,
TotalPayMent,TotalWin,TotalReturn,YL ,TotalActive ,TotalXJ,TotalRiGZ,TotalFenH
into #list
b.LoginName,min(c.AccountFee) AccountFee,SUM(UserPoint) UserPoint,
SUM(TotalPay) TotalPay,0-SUM(TotalDraw) TotalDraw,SUM(TotalPayMent) TotalPayMent,
SUM(TotalWin) TotalWin,SUM(TotalReturn) TotalReturn, max(isnull(SumFee,0)) SumFee,
0-SUM(TotalPayMent)+SUM(UserPoint)+SUM(TotalWin)+SUM(TotalReturn)+Sum(TotalActive)+Sum(TotalRiGZ)+Sum(TotalFenH) YL ,
Sum(TotalActive) TotalActive ,Sum(TotalXJ) TotalXJ,Sum(TotalRiGZ) TotalRiGZ,Sum(TotalFenH) TotalFenH
from #userreport a  
join M_Users b on a.userid=b.userid 
join UserAccount c on b.userid=c.userid 
group by  b.LoginName  
) a
join M_Users b on a.LoginName=b.LoginName 

select '{3}' as UserID,
sum(AccountFee) AccountFee,SUM(UserPoint) UserPoint,max(SumFee) SumFee,0 SafeLevel,
SUM(TotalPay) TotalPay,SUM(TotalDraw) TotalDraw,SUM(TotalPayMent) TotalPayMent,SUM(TotalWin) TotalWin,
SUM(TotalReturn) TotalReturn, Sum(YL) YL ,Sum(TotalActive) TotalActive ,Sum(TotalXJ) TotalXJ,
Sum(TotalRiGZ) TotalRiGZ,Sum(TotalFenH) TotalFenH 
from #list
", btime + " 00:00:00", endtime + " 23:59:59", whereSql, userid);

            DataSet       ds       = UserOrdersDAL.GetDataSet(sql);
            UserReportDay listpage = new UserReportDay();

            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
        public static List <OrderReport> GetLotterySumOrder(string cpcode, string userid, string type, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount, ref OrderReport listpage, int self = -1, string begintime = "", string endtime = "", string username = "")
            string sqlwhere = " status in(0,1,2,4) ";
            string uwhere   = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                sqlwhere += " and Type like '%" + type + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cpcode))
                sqlwhere += " and cpcode='" + cpcode + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                if (self > 0)
                    if (self == 0)
                        uwhere += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where ParentID='" + userid + "')  and LoginName = '" + username + "'";
                    else if (self == 1)
                        uwhere += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like '%" + userid + "%') and Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like '%'+ (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName = '" + username + "')+'%')";
                        uwhere += " and( Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like'%" + userid +
                                  "%') and  ( LoginName = '" + username +
                                  "' or Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parentid in (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName = '" +
                                  username + "') )) )";
                    uwhere += " and( Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like'%" + userid + "%') and  ( LoginName = '" + username +
                              "' or Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like '%'+ (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName ='" + username + "')+'%') ) )";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid))
                    if (self > 0)
                        if (self == 0)
                            uwhere += " and UserID='" + userid + "' ";
                        if (self == 1)
                            uwhere += " and UserID in(select UserID from UserRelation where ParentID='" + userid + "') ";
                            uwhere += " and UserID in(select UserID from UserRelation where Parents like '%" + userid + "%')";
                        uwhere += " and (UserID in(select UserID from UserRelation where Parents like '%" + userid + "%') or UserID='" + userid + "' )";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begintime))
                sqlwhere += " and CreateTime>='" + begintime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endtime))
                sqlwhere += " and CreateTime<='" + endtime + " 23:59:59:999'";
            bool      isdesc = true;
            string    sql    = string.Format(@"
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#orderreport') is not null
drop table #orderreport

select  row_number() over( order by Autoid asc) Autoid,UserID,LoginName,UserName,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) as DWDFee,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) as DXDSFee,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) as LHHFee  
into #orderreport
from M_Users 
where Status <>9 and UserID !='993b30f7-a8c4-49f9-b2bc-0b629d34bb76' {1}

update a set DWDFee= b.Num from  #orderreport a join (
	select  SUM(PayFee) as Num,UserID from LotteryOrder where  {0} and Type like '%1DWEID_%' 
	group by UserID 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set DXDSFee= b.Num from  #orderreport a join (
	select  SUM(PayFee) as Num,UserID from LotteryOrder where  {0} and Type like '%1QUWEIX_2DXDS_%' 
	group by UserID 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set LHHFee= b.Num from  #orderreport a join (
	select  SUM(PayFee) as Num,UserID from LotteryOrder where  {0} and Type like '%1QUWEIX_2LHDOU_%' 
	group by UserID 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

declare @totalcount int=0,@pagecount int=0

select @totalcount=count(1) from #orderreport

set @pagecount=CEILING(@totalCount * 1.0/{3})

select @totalcount totalcount ,@pagecount pagecount 

select * from #orderreport where Autoid>=({2}-1)*{3} and Autoid<={2}*{3}

select 0 autoid, '' UserName,'' LoginName,
sum(DXDSFee) DXDSFee,SUM(LHHFee) LHHFee,SUM(DWDFee) DWDFee,0 SafeLevel
from #orderreport
", sqlwhere, uwhere, pageIndex, pageSize);
            DataSet   ds     = UserOrdersDAL.GetDataSet(sql);
            DataTable dt1    = ds.Tables[0];

            totalCount = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["totalcount"].ToString());
            pageCount  = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["pagecount"].ToString());
            List <OrderReport> list = new List <OrderReport>();

            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
                OrderReport model = new OrderReport();

            listpage = new OrderReport();
            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[2].Rows)
Example #3
        public static List <UserReportDay> GetUserRPTList(string userid, int pageindex, int pagesize, int isxj, ref int totalcount, ref int pagecount, string btime, string endtime,
                                                          ref UserReportDay listpage, string username = "")
            string whereSql = " ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                if (isxj == 0)
                    whereSql += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where ParentID='" + userid + "')  and LoginName = '" + username + "'";
                else if (isxj == 1)
                    whereSql += " and( Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like'%" + userid + "%') and  ( LoginName = '" + username + "' or Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parentid in (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName = '" + username + "') )) )";
                    whereSql += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where parents like '%" + userid +
                                "%') and Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like '%'+ (select top 1 UserID from M_Users where  LoginName = '" +
                                username + "')+'%')";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid))
                    if (isxj == 0)
                        whereSql += " and UserID = '" + userid + "'";
                    else if (isxj == 1)
                        whereSql += " and( UserID = '" + userid + "' or Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where ParentID='" + userid + "') ) ";
                        whereSql += " and  Userid in (select userid from Userrelation where Parents like '%" + userid + "%') ";
            string sql = string.Format(@"
declare @today nvarchar(25)='{0}'
declare @endtoday nvarchar(25)='{1}'
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#userreport') is not null
drop table #userreport

select UserID,LoginName,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) UserPoint,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalPay,
 cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalDraw,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalPayMent, cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalWin,
cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalReturn,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalZHReturn,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalActive,
cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalXJ,cast(0 as decimal(18,4))  TotalFenH,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) TotalRiGZ,cast(0 as decimal(18,4)) SumFee 
into #userreport
from M_Users 
where Status <>9 and UserID !='993b30f7-a8c4-49f9-b2bc-0b629d34bb76' {2}

update a set TotalPay= b.Num from  #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(1,14) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalPayMent= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(4,5) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID
update a set TotalWin= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType=8 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID

update a set TotalDraw= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType=2 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalReturn= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType=17 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set UserPoint= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType=7 and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalZHReturn= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(6,9) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID  
update a set TotalActive= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(20,21,22) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalXJ= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(23) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 
update a set TotalRiGZ= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock) where  PlayType in(18) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set TotalFenH= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select  SUM(AccountChange) as Num,UseriD from AccountOperateRecord (nolock)  where  PlayType in(19) and 
	CreateTime >=@today and CreateTime<=@endtoday
	group by UseriD 
) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update a set SumFee= b.Num from   #userreport a join (
	select sum(isnull(c.AccountFee,'0'))+min(a.AccountFee) as Num,a.Userid from UserAccount (nolock)  a left join 
    Userrelation b on charindex(a.userid,Parents)>0 
    left join UserAccount c   on c.UserID=b.UserID 
	group  by a.userid

) b on a.UserID=b.userID 

update  #userreport set TotalPayMent=TotalPayMent-TotalZHReturn

if object_id('tempdb..#list') is not null
drop table #list

select row_number() over( order by b.Autoid asc) id,b.Type,b.AutoID,b.UserID,b.SafeLevel,
TotalPayMent,TotalWin,TotalReturn,YL ,TotalActive ,TotalXJ,TotalRiGZ,TotalFenH
into #list
b.LoginName,min(c.AccountFee) AccountFee,SUM(UserPoint) UserPoint,
SUM(TotalPay) TotalPay,0-SUM(TotalDraw) TotalDraw,SUM(TotalPayMent) TotalPayMent,
SUM(TotalWin) TotalWin,SUM(TotalReturn) TotalReturn, max(isnull(SumFee,0)) SumFee,
0-SUM(TotalPayMent)+SUM(UserPoint)+SUM(TotalWin)+SUM(TotalReturn)+Sum(TotalActive)+Sum(TotalRiGZ)+Sum(TotalFenH) YL ,
Sum(TotalActive) TotalActive ,Sum(TotalXJ) TotalXJ,Sum(TotalRiGZ) TotalRiGZ,Sum(TotalFenH) TotalFenH
from #userreport a  
join M_Users b on a.userid=b.userid 
join UserAccount c on b.userid=c.userid 
group by  b.LoginName  
) a
join M_Users b on a.LoginName=b.LoginName 

declare @totalcount int=0,@pagecount int=0

select @totalcount=count(1) from #list

set @pagecount=CEILING(@totalCount * 1.0/{4})

select @totalcount totalcount, @pagecount pagecount

select *
from #list where id>({3}-1)*{4} and id<={3}*{4}

sum(AccountFee) AccountFee,SUM(UserPoint) UserPoint,max(SumFee) SumFee,0 SafeLevel,
SUM(TotalPay) TotalPay,SUM(TotalDraw) TotalDraw,SUM(TotalPayMent) TotalPayMent,SUM(TotalWin) TotalWin,
SUM(TotalReturn) TotalReturn, Sum(YL) YL ,Sum(TotalActive) TotalActive ,Sum(TotalXJ) TotalXJ,
Sum(TotalRiGZ) TotalRiGZ,Sum(TotalFenH) TotalFenH 
from #list
", btime + " 00:00:00", endtime + " 23:59:59", whereSql, pageindex, pagesize);

            DataSet   ds  = UserOrdersDAL.GetDataSet(sql);
            DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[0];

            totalcount = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["totalcount"].ToString());
            pagecount  = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["pagecount"].ToString());
            List <UserReportDay> list = new List <UserReportDay>();

            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
                UserReportDay model = new UserReportDay();

            listpage = new UserReportDay();
            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[2].Rows)