Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            var manageruserName = await _applicationDbContext.ManagerUsers.FirstOrDefaultAsync(mu => mu.ManagerId == AddManagerUser.ManagerUserManagerId && mu.Id == AddManagerUser.ManagerUserUserId);

            if (manageruserName == null)
                return(NotFound($"Not found manager user with id {AddManagerUser.ManagerUserUserId} in manager {AddManagerUser.ManagerUserManagerId}"));

            UserManagerUser userManagerUser = new UserManagerUser();

            userManagerUser.ManagerUserManagerId = AddManagerUser.ManagerUserManagerId;
            userManagerUser.ManagerUserName      = manageruserName.Name;
            userManagerUser.UserId = UserView.Id;

            await _applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToPage("./Edit", new { id = UserView.Id }));
Example #2
 public UserManagerUserViewModel(UserManagerUser user, UserManagerProfile profile, UserManagerProfileLimitation limitation = null)
     UserModel              = user;
     ProfileModel           = profile;
     ProfileLimitationModel = limitation ?? new UserManagerProfileLimitation();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Subsribe to related events
        /// </summary>
        private void SubscribeEvents()
            #region Add User Event

            _eventAggregator.GetEvent <AddUserManagerUserEvent>().Subscribe(async userVm =>
                if (userVm == null)

                var user = new UserManagerUser
                    Customer    = userVm.BasicViewModel.Customers[userVm.BasicViewModel.SelectedCustomerIndex],
                    Name        = userVm.BasicViewModel.Username,
                    Password    = userVm.BasicViewModel.Password,
                    Comment     = userVm.BasicViewModel.Comment,
                    SharedUsers = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userVm.BasicViewModel.SharedUsers) ? userVm.BasicViewModel.SharedUsers : "unlimited"

                var done = await _userManagerClient.AddUserAsync(user);
                var msg  = done ? "User Add Successfully!" : "Fail Adding User!";
                _eventAggregator.GetEvent <NotificationEvent>().Publish(new NotificationEventArgs(msg, null, new SideNotificationViewModel("UserManager Users", msg)));

                if (done && userVm.ProfileViewModel.ActivateUserNow && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userVm.ProfileViewModel.SelectedProfile?.Name))
                    done = await _userManagerClient.ActivateUser(user, userVm.ProfileViewModel.SelectedProfile.Name);
                    msg  = done ? "User Activated Successfully!" : "Fail Activating User!";
                    _eventAggregator.GetEvent <NotificationEvent>().Publish(new NotificationEventArgs(msg, null, new SideNotificationViewModel("UserManager Users", msg)));

                // Adds to the users list
                Users.Add(new UserManagerUserViewModel(user, userVm.ProfileViewModel.ActivateUserNow ? userVm.ProfileViewModel?.SelectedProfile?.ProfileModel : null, userVm.ProfileViewModel?.SelectedProfile?.LimitationModel));


            #region Add Multiple Users Event

            _eventAggregator.GetEvent <AddMultipleUserManagerUsersEvent>().Subscribe(async usersVm =>
                // Fetches the users count from the user
                var countObj = await _dialogService.ShowInputAsync("Add UserManager Users", "Enter the count of the users you want to add");
                if (countObj == null)

                int count;
                if (!int.TryParse(countObj.ToString(), out count))
                    _eventAggregator.GetEvent <NotificationEvent>().Publish(new NotificationEventArgs("Invalid input!"));

                // Shows a progress dialog
                var dialog = await _dialogService.ShowProgressAsync("Adding users", $"Adding user - of {count}");

                // Gets the customer name
                var customer = usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.Customers[usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.SelectedCustomerIndex];

                // Created an empty list to contain the created users
                var created = new List <UserManagerUserViewModel>();

                // Gets if the user wants to activate the created users now
                var activateNow = usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.ActivateUserNow;

                // Starts adding
                for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < count;)
                    // Breaks if the user has canceled the operation
                    if (dialog.IsCanceled)

                    // Generates the username and the password
                    string name, password;
                    if (usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsUsernameRandomlyGenerated)
                        var nameKind = usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsUsernameLettersOnly
                            ? RandomStringKind.CharactersOnly
                            : usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsUsernameNumbersOnly
                                ? RandomStringKind.NumbersOnly
                                : RandomStringKind.Mixed;
                        name = StringUtils.GetRandomString(nameKind,
                        name = $"{usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.UsernameStartCharacters}{int.Parse(usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.UsernameStartNumber) + j++}";

                    // Reloops if the generated username is exits
                    if (Users.Any(u => u.Username == name))

                    // Genrates the password
                    if (usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsPasswordTheSameAsUsername)
                        password = name;
                        var passKind = usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsPasswordLettersOnly ? RandomStringKind.CharactersOnly : usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.IsPasswordNumbersOnly ? RandomStringKind.NumbersOnly : RandomStringKind.Mixed;
                        password     = StringUtils.GetRandomString(passKind, int.Parse(usersVm.UsernameAndPasswordViewModel.PasswordLength));

                    // Updates the progress dialog message
                    dialog.SetMessage($"Adding user ( {i + 1} : {name} ) of {count}");
                    dialog.SetProgress((double)i / count);

                    // Inits new user
                    var user = new UserManagerUser
                        Name        = name,
                        Password    = password,
                        Customer    = "admin",
                        SharedUsers = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.SharedUsers.Trim()) ? usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.SharedUsers : "unlimited"

                    // Adds it to the created list if successed on adding it to the server
                    if (await _userManagerClient.AddUserAsync(user))
                        created.Add(new UserManagerUserViewModel(user, null));

                    // Increases the counter if every thing is ok

                // Activates the created users ( if user has choosed to )
                if (usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.ActivateUserNow)
                    // Gets the selected profile by the user
                    var profile = usersVm.ProfileAndOwnerViewModel.SelectedProfile;

                    // Skips if the user is null or its name is not valid
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile?.Name.Trim()))
                        goto skip;

                    // Updates the progress dialog message
                    dialog.SetTitle("Activating Users");

                    // Starts the activating proccess
                    for (var i = 0; i < created.Count; i++)
                        dialog.SetMessage($"Activating User \"{created[i].Username}\"...");
                        dialog.SetProgress((double)i / created.Count);

                        if (await _userManagerClient.ActivateUser(created[i].UserModel, profile.Name))
                            created[i].ProfileModel = profile.ProfileModel;


                // Closes the progress dialog
                await dialog.CloseAsync();

                // Adds created users to the view

                // Shows a summury notification
                _eventAggregator.GetEvent <NotificationEvent>().Publish(new NotificationEventArgs($"Added {created.Count} Users Successfully!", null, new SideNotificationViewModel("UserManager Users", $"Added {created.Count} Users Successfully!")));
