public AuthenticationResult Login(string username, string password) { AuthenticationResult result = new AuthenticationResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { result.ErrorMessage = InvalidUserMessage; return(result); } var user = UserList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email.Equals(username.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && x.Password.Equals(password)); if (user is null) { result.ErrorMessage = InvalidUserMessage; return(result); } var claims = new List <Claim>() { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Name), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.Email), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, user.Role.ToString()), }; result.IsAuthenticated = true; result.AccessToken = JwtService.GenerateToken(claims); return(result); }
// ++++++++++ START PORTFOLIOS +++++++++++++ // GET: UserProfile/PublicPortfolios public ActionResult PublicPortfolios(string username) { User user = new User(); UserProfile up = new UserProfile() { Portfolio = new Portfolio(), Portfolios = new PortfolioList(), User = new User() }; UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); up.User = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == username.ToLower()); Guid ID = up.User.CheckIfUsernameExists(up.User.Username); if (ID != Guid.Empty) { up.User.LoadById(ID); up.Portfolios.LoadbyUser(up.User); } else { } return(View(up)); }
// GET: PublicProjects public ActionResult PublicProjects(string username) { UserProfile up = new UserProfile() { Projects = new ProjectList(), User = new User() }; UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); up.User = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == username.ToLower()); Guid ID = up.User.CheckIfUsernameExists(up.User.Username); if (ID != Guid.Empty) { up.Projects.LoadbyUserID(ID); up.User.LoadById(ID); //IDK if this is needed yet } else { //No user id was passed in! } return(View(up)); }
// ==================== END EDIT ===================== // ==================== START PUBLIC ===================== // GET: PublicProject public ActionResult PublicProject(string username, string projectName) { User user = new User(); ProjectList pl = new ProjectList(); ScreenshotProjects sp = new ScreenshotProjects() { Project = new Project(), Privacy = new Privacy(), ScreenshotList = new ScreenshotList(), User = new User(), Status = new Status() }; UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); sp.User = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == username.ToLower()); Guid userId = user.CheckIfUsernameExists(sp.User.Username); pl.LoadbyUserID(userId); sp.Project = pl.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == projectName.ToLower()); if (sp.Project != null) { // Project doesnt exist sp.User.LoadById(userId); sp.ScreenshotList.LoadbyProjectID(sp.Project.Id); } else { //Project exists } return(View(sp)); }
// GET: PublicProfile public ActionResult PublicProfile(string username) { UserProfile up = new UserProfile { Projects = new ProjectList(), Portfolios = new PortfolioList(), User = new User() }; UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); up.User = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == username.ToLower()); Guid idOfUser = up.User.CheckIfUsernameExists(up.User.Username); if (idOfUser != Guid.Empty) { up.User.LoadById(idOfUser); } //If the username doesn't exist, it's sent into the view with an invalid user with an empty guid and it will trigger a profile not found message. up.Projects.LoadbyUser(up.User); up.Portfolios.LoadbyUser(up.User); return(View(up)); }
private static User LoadUser() { UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); User user = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Email == "*****@*****.**"); return(user); }
public void LoadById() { UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); User user = new User(); user.LoadById(users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == "*****@*****.**").Id); Assert.AreEqual("Test", user.FirstName); }
public void DeleteTest() { UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); User user = users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstName == "Updated"); int actual = user.Delete(); Assert.IsTrue(actual > 0); }
private void RemoveFriendButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = sender as Button; User u2 = b.BindingContext as User; _service.RemoveFriendAsync(MainMenu.CurrentUser, u2); FriendsListView.ItemsSource = null; _friends.Remove(_friends.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == u2.Id)); FriendsListView.ItemsSource = _friends; }
public void Delete() { UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); User user = new User(); user.LoadById(users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == "*****@*****.**").Id); int rowsAffected = user.Delete(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsAffected == 1); }
public AdminWindowViewModel() { RunList = new ObservableCollection <Run>(); IsTaskReadOnly = true; IsUserReadOnly = true; IsMarketReadOnly = true; SaveTaskCommand = new SaveTaskCommand(this); SaveMarketCommand = new SaveMarketCommand(this); ChangeTaskCommand = new ChangeTaskCommand(this); CancelSaveTaskCommand = new CancelSaveTaskCommand(this); ContactDeveloperCommand = new ContactDeveloperCommand(this); ResetTaskCommand = new ResetTaskCommand(this); CreateReportCommand = new CreateReportCommand(this); CloseCommand = new CloseWindowCommand(); MaximizeCommand = new MaximizeWindowCommand(); MinimizeCommand = new MinimizeWindowCommand(); CreateUserCommand = new CreateUserCommand(this); ChangeUserCommand = new ChangeUserCommand(this); SaveUserCommand = new SaveUserCommand(this); CancelUserCommand = new CancelUserCommand(this); RemoveUserCommand = new RemoveUserCommand(this); TaskIndex = 0; UserIndex = 0; MarketIndex = 0; DevList = new List <User>(UserManager.GetUserByGroup(UserGroup.Dev, RunTimeContext.Context.DatabaseContext)); MarketList = new ObservableCollection <Market>(MarketManager.GetAllMarkets(RunTimeContext.Context.DatabaseContext)); TaskList = new ObservableCollection <Task>(TaskManager.GetAllTasks(RunTimeContext.Context.DatabaseContext)); SetUserList(); SelectedTask = TaskList.FirstOrDefault(); SelectedUser = UserList.FirstOrDefault(); SelectedMarket = MarketList.FirstOrDefault(); StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); EndDate = DateTime.Now; TaskFilter = TaskList.FirstOrDefault(); MarketFilter = MarketList.FirstOrDefault(); DevFilter = DevList.FirstOrDefault(); }
public void UpdateTest() { UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); User user = users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstName == "New"); user.FirstName = "Updated"; user.Update(); user.LoadById(); Assert.AreEqual(user.FirstName, "Updated"); }
public Boolean addNewStaffMember(string firstname, string lastname, object userType, string pps, string phone, string email, int hod) { string userID = firstname + "." + lastname; // some validation on userID. No duplicate userIDs; //IUser duplicateUser = this.StaffList.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == userID.Trim()); //if (duplicateUser != null) // return false; //else //{ try { int count = 0; string id = userID; foreach (IUser user in UserList) { if (user.FirstName.Equals(firstname) && user.LastName.Equals(lastname)) { count++; } } if (count == 1) { } else { count--; userID += count.ToString(); } IStaff theUser = UserFactory.GetStaffMember(userID, hod, pps, email, phone, userType.ToString()); IUser usernameDetails = UserList.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == theUser.UserID); theUser.FirstName = usernameDetails.FirstName; theUser.LastName = usernameDetails.LastName; StaffList.Add(theUser); // Add a reference to the newly created object to the Models UserList DataLayer.addNewStaffMemberToDB(theUser); //Gets the DataLayer to add the new user to the DB. return(true); } catch (System.Exception excep) { return(false); } //} }
private void LoadInitDataFromServer() { try { string message = string.Empty; UserList = PharmacyDatabaseService.AllUsers(out message).OrderBy(r => r.Employee.Name).ToList(); RoleList = PharmacyDatabaseService.AllRoles(out message).ToList(); SelectedUser = UserList.FirstOrDefault();//给个默认 } catch (Exception ex) { ex = new Exception("获取用户或角色数据失败!", ex); Log.Error(ex); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } }
// ----------------------------------- START PORTFOLIO ------------------------------------------ // GET: PublicPortfolio public ActionResult PublicPortfolio(string username, string portfolioName) { User user = new User(); UserProfile up = new UserProfile() { Portfolio = new Portfolio(), Portfolios = new PortfolioList(), Projects = new ProjectList(), Privacies = new PrivacyList(), User = new User() }; UserList users = new UserList(); users.Load(); up.User = users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == username.ToLower()); Guid userId = user.CheckIfUsernameExists(up.User.Username); if (userId != Guid.Empty) { PortfolioList pl = new PortfolioList(); pl.LoadbyUserID(userId); up.Portfolio = pl.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlFriendlyName == portfolioName.ToLower()); if (up.Portfolio != null && up.Portfolio.Id != Guid.Empty) { up.User.LoadById(userId); up.Projects.LoadbyPortfolioID(up.Portfolio.Id); } else { // Portfolio doesnt exit (cleaned portfolio name passed // TO DO: ADD LOGIC FOR THIS? } } else { // Username passed doesnt exist (cleaned username passed) // TO DO: ADD LOGIC FOR THIS? } return(View(up)); }
void Reset() { filter = new UserFilter(); AddressCities = new AddressCityList().Cities; SelectedAddressCity = AddressCities.FirstOrDefault(); Users = new UserList(filter).Users; if (User.CurrentUser == null) { SelectedUser = Users.FirstOrDefault(); } else { SelectedUser = User.CurrentUser; } }
/// <summary> /// Удаляет выбранного пользователя /// </summary> private void ShowAsseccQuestionWindow(object parameter) { if (MessageBox.Show(@"Вы действительно хотите удалить данных данного пользователя ?", @"Подтверждение", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } CloseWindowCommand.Execute(null); using (var dataBase = new UserService()) { dataBase.DeleteUser(User.Id); } var removedElement = UserList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == User.Id); UserList.Remove(removedElement); }
public FriendRequestsViewModel(FriendRequests friendRequests, tblUser userLogedIn) { view = friendRequests; User = userLogedIn; userService = new UserService(); var listOfUsers = userService.GetUsers().Where(u => u.UserID != User.UserID).ToList(); using (SocialNetworkDbEntities context = new SocialNetworkDbEntities()) { tblUser userInDb = (from x in context.tblUsers where x.UserID == User.UserID select x).First(); UserList = userInDb.tblUsers.ToList(); } SelectedUser = UserList.FirstOrDefault(); }
public void Insert() { UserList us = new UserList(); us.Load(); User user = us.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == "*****@*****.**"); Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio() { Description = "Test", Name = "Test", PortfolioImage = "Test", UserId = user.Id }; int rowsInserted = portfolio.Insert(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); }
public User GetUserByID(Guid userID) { return(UserList.FirstOrDefault((user) => user.ID == userID)); }
void Find() { Users = new UserList(filter).Users; SelectedUser = Users.FirstOrDefault(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public User_Detail GetUser(int userId) { var model = UserList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.UserId == userId); return(model); }
public void RemoveUser(object user) { UserList.Remove(user as UserViewModel); SelectedUser = UserList.FirstOrDefault(); }