protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uname = txt_emailid.Text; string oldpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_oldpwd.Text); string newpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_newpwd.Text); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns a table if given email id and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(uname, oldpassword); if (dt != null) { string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); bool ispwdupdated = checkuser.UpdatePassword(userid, newpassword); if (ispwdupdated) { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.PwdChangeSuccess; } else { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } else { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.LoginFail; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } }
public bool UpdatePassword(string oldpwd, string newpwd) { dt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string emailid = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); string validuser = LoginUser(emailid, oldpwd); if (validuser != "nouser") { string newpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(newpwd); try { IUser updatepassword = new UserItems(); bool ispwdupdated = updatepassword.UpdatePassword(userid, newpassword); return(ispwdupdated); } catch { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
private void InitListViewModel(UserItemsViewModel viewModel, UserItems list) { foreach (var item in viewModel.Items) { InitBaseItemViewModel(item); } }
public string LoginUser(string emailid, string password) { //string flag = string.Empty; string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(password); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns datatable if username and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(emailid, encryptedpwd); if (dt != null) { //flag = "Existing User"; this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; return(emailid); } else { //flag = "Invalid User"; return("nouser"); } } catch (Exception ex) { //flag = "Error: " + ex; return("nouser"); } //return flag; }
/// <summary> Удалить пользователя. </summary> /// <param name="user"> Пользователь для удаления. </param> private void RemoveUser(User user) { var userItem = UserItems.Where(u => u.Content == user).SingleOrDefault(); Users.Remove(user); UserItems.Remove(userItem); }
protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string luname = txt_lusername.Text; string lpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_lpassword.Text); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns datatable if username and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(luname, lpassword); if (dt != null) { this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; //lbl_login.Text = "Log In Successfull"; Response.Redirect("~/homepage.aspx"); //txt_lusername.Enabled = txt_lpassword.Enabled = false; } else { lbl_login.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.LoginFail; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_login.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } }
public static int checkPid(int Pid) { IUser checkPid = new UserItems(); int count = checkPid.checkPurchaseId(Pid); return(count); }
public IActionResult List(String Act, int ItemId, int CategoryId) { UserItems uI = new UserItems(); uI.MyItems = _context.Items.OrderBy(x => x.ItemId).ToList(); uI.TheName = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserName"); uI.TheRole = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserRole"); if (uI.TheName != null) { Item item = _context.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemId == ItemId); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId")); bool has = _iLikedListRepository.HasList(userId, ItemId); if (Act == "Like") { LikedList likedList = new LikedList { CategoryId = CategoryId, ItemId = ItemId, likedItems = new List <Item> { item }, UserId = userId }; _context.LikedItems.Add(likedList); _context.SaveChanges(); } if (Act == "Buy") { BuyList BuyList = new BuyList { CategoryId = CategoryId, ItemId = ItemId, BuyItemLists = new List <Item> { item }, UserId = userId }; _context.BuyListItems.Add(BuyList); _context.SaveChanges(); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Main")); } return(View(uI)); }
public DataManager() { UserItems = _LoadJsonFile <UserItem>("australian_users_items.json"); Bundles = _LoadJsonFile <Bundle>("bundle_data.json"); UserReviews = _LoadJsonFile <UserReview>("australian_user_reviews.json"); UserItems = UserItems.GroupBy(x => x.user_id).Select(x => x.First()).ToList(); }
private static void GetUserInformation() { IsGettedUserInfo = true; string json = Methods.GetJsonText("" + Username); User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserItems>(json); }
public IActionResult Delete(UserItems userItemList) { //delete function //Delete Row //Add cost of item back to user funds (Updating Database) //db.SaveChanges(); return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 页面加载或是导航显示的时候 需要执行的初始化操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="parsObjects"></param> public void NavOnLoad(params object[] parsObjects) { UserItems.Clear(); CurrentSelectUser = new UserInfoViewModel(); NavOnLoadUserInfo(); NavOnLoadPrivilege(); RequestAllUserInfomation(); }
protected void btn_reg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbl_checkemail.Text == HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdAvailable) { //Check whether the Captcha text is correct or not if (this.txt_captcha.Text == this.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString()) { string uname = txt_username.Text; string emailid = txt_emailid.Text; string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_password.Text); bool verfyDomain = verifyDomain(emailid); bool chkEmail = sendEmail(emailid); if (verfyDomain && chkEmail) { BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj userObj = new BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj(); userObj.uname = uname; userObj.emailid = emailid; userObj.pwd = encryptedpwd; try { IUser userInsert = new UserItems(); //insert new user details in database with given values userInsert.insertUser(userObj); dt = userInsert.checklogin(emailid, encryptedpwd); this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; //lbl_register.Text = "Registration Successfull"; Response.Redirect("~/USER/ProfilePage.aspx"); } catch (Exception exp) { lbl_register.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + exp.Message; } } else { lbl_register.Text = "Registration Incomplete! Invalid email id or domain. Please provide valid email for regitration."; } } else { txt_captcha.Text = ""; lbl_captcha.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CaptchaError; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(7); txt_captcha.Focus(); } } else { txt_emailid.Focus(); } }
public IActionResult PurchaseItem(Items item) { ShopDBContext db = new ShopDBContext(); Users founduser = new Users(); Items foundItem = new Items(); PurchasedItems foundPurchasedItem = new PurchasedItems(); foreach (Users u in db.Users) { if (u.Id == HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("current")) { founduser = u; } } foreach (Items i in db.Items) { if (i.ProductName == item.ProductName) { foundItem = i; } } foreach (PurchasedItems d in db.PurchasedItems) { if (d.ProductName == item.ProductName && d.UserId == founduser.Id) { foundPurchasedItem = d; } } if (founduser.Funds > foundItem.Price) { founduser.Funds -= foundItem.Price; foundItem.Quantity -= 1; PurchasedItems purchasedItem = new PurchasedItems() { UserId = founduser.Id, ProductName = foundItem.ProductName, Description = foundItem.Description, ItemType = foundItem.ItemType, Quantity = 1 }; UserItems useritem = new UserItems() { ItemId = foundItem.ProductName, UserId = founduser.Id, }; db.Add(useritem); if (foundPurchasedItem.ProductName != null) { foundPurchasedItem.Quantity += 1; } else { db.Add(purchasedItem); } db.SaveChanges(); return(View("Shop", db)); } else { return(InsufficientFunds(founduser.Funds.ToString(), foundItem.Price.ToString())); } }
protected void btn_fsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check whether the entered captcha text is matched or not if (this.txt_captcha.Text == this.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString()) { string emailid = txt_femailid.Text; try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns table if given email id exists dt = checkuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt == null) { lbl_femailid.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdNull; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(HardCodedValues.BudhaConstants.RandomPasswordLength); lbl_captcha.Text = string.Empty; } else { //if email id exists, then generate a new random password string newpwd = GenerateRandomPassword(HardCodedValues.BudhaConstants.RandomPasswordLength); //encrypt the given password to store in database string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(newpwd); //update the new password in database bool ispwdupdated = checkuser.UpdatePassword(emailid, encryptedpwd); if (ispwdupdated) { //send the new password to the user email id sendEmail(emailid, newpwd); lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.PwdForgotSuccess; lbl_fsubmit.Font.Bold = true; } else { lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } } else { txt_captcha.Text = ""; lbl_captcha.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CaptchaError; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(7); txt_captcha.Focus(); } }
public void AddVideoView(VideoViewModel vm) { //UserItemsにVideoViewが無かったら追加する if (!UserItems.Contains(VideoView)) { AddUserTab(VideoView); } VideoView.Add(vm); SelectedTab = VideoView; }
public int GetItemAmount(int cid) { UserItems item = this.GetItem(cid); if (item != null) { return(item.num); } return(0); }
public IActionResult ToSaveDrink(UserItems Items, string dCategory) { string recipeCuisine = string.Empty; newItems.DrinkId = Items.DrinkId; string drinkCategory = dCategory; recipeCuisine = newCuisine.Cuisine1; return(RedirectToAction("GetRec", "Recommendations", drinkCategory, recipeCuisine)); }
public IActionResult GetById(string id) { var user = UserItems.Find(id); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(new ObjectResult(user)); }
private static void GetUserInformation() { ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; IsGettedUserInfo = true; string json = Methods.GetJsonText("" + Username); User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserItems>(json); }
public void RemoveUserItem() { var item = UserItems.FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { item.Count++; UserItems.Remove(item); } }
private void CreateDefaultUser() { var userItem = new User(); userItem.Name = "Администратор"; userItem.Password = "******"; userItem.IsAdmin = true; UserItems.Add(userItem); _userModel.Save(); }
private void Btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Txt_UserName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("请输入员工姓名"); return; } else if (Com_DepartmentID.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择所属部门"); return; } try { var item = new UserItems() { ObjectID = Txt_UserID.Text, UserName = Txt_UserName.Text, UserDepartmentID = Com_DepartmentID.SelectedValue.ToString(), IsEnable = Rbtn_Yes.Checked ? "Y" : "N" }; var result = IsEdit ? new UserQuery().UpdateUser(item) : new UserQuery().InsertUser(item); if (result) { MessageBox.Show("保存成功"); if (IsEdit) { this.Close(); } else { var unitId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); while (new UserQuery().GetUser(unitId) != null) { unitId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } Txt_UserID.Text = unitId; Txt_UserName.Text = String.Empty; } } } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show("保存失败," + exp.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("UserItemId,UserId,ItemId")] UserItems userItems) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(userItems); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(userItems)); }
public ActionResult List(UserFilterViewModel filterViewModel) { InitUserFilterViewModel(ref filterViewModel, true); var filter = Mapper.Map <UserFilter>(filterViewModel); UserItems list = _userRepository.GetUserItems(UserContext.User.Id, UserContext.User.OrganizationId, filter); UserItemsViewModel viewModel = Mapper.Map <UserItemsViewModel>(list); viewModel.Filter = filterViewModel; InitListViewModel(viewModel, list); return(View(Mvc.View.User.List, viewModel)); }
public IActionResult BuyList(String Act, int ItemId, int CategoryId) { UserItems uI = new UserItems(); uI.MyItems = _context.Items.OrderBy(x => x.ItemId).ToList(); uI.TheName = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserName"); uI.TheRole = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserRole"); if (uI.TheName != null) { Item item = _context.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemId == ItemId); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId")); bool has = _iBuyListReository.HasList(userId, ItemId); if (Act == "Like" && !has) { LikedList LikedList = new LikedList { CategoryId = CategoryId, ItemId = ItemId, likedItems = new List <Item> { item }, UserId = userId }; _context.LikedItems.Add(LikedList); _context.SaveChanges(); } if (Act == "Delete") { BuyList items = _context.BuyListItems.Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.ItemId == ItemId).FirstOrDefault(); _context.BuyListItems.Remove(items); _context.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("BuyList")); }
public IActionResult TransactionError(UserItems userItem) { string itemName = userItem.Item.Name; string itemDescription = userItem.Item.Description; decimal itemPrice = userItem.Item.Price; decimal?funds = userItem.User.Funds; ViewBag.ItemName = itemName; ViewBag.ItemPrice = itemPrice; ViewBag.UserFunds = funds; ViewBag.ItemDescription = itemDescription; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 修改用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateUser(UserItems user) { string sql = "Update table_user set UserName=@UserName, DepartmentID=@DepartmentID,IsEnable=@IsEnable where ObjectID=@ObjectID"; SQLiteParameter[] sqlparamter = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@ObjectID", user.ObjectID), new SQLiteParameter("@DepartmentID", user.UserDepartmentID), new SQLiteParameter("@UserName", user.UserName), new SQLiteParameter("@IsEnable", user.IsEnable), }; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sqlparamter) == 1); } /// <summary>
public async Task UserProfile(IUser user = null) { ulong userID = 0; if (user == null) { userID = (Context.Message.Author as IUser).Id; user = (Context.Message.Author as IUser); } else { userID = user.Id; } EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); using (var DBContext = new SqliteDbContext()) { MyUser current = DBContext.myUser.Where(x => x.UserID == userID).FirstOrDefault(); UserItems userItems = DBContext.userItems.Where(x => x.UserID == userID).FirstOrDefault(); var allitems = DBContext.userItems.AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.UserID == userID).Select(x => x.ItemID); List <string> list = new List <string>(); var itemInfo = from x in DBContext.userItems.AsEnumerable() where x.UserID == userID select new { id = x.ItemID, amount = x.Amount }; foreach (var item in itemInfo) { string name = DBContext.items.Where(x => x.ItemID == => x.IName).FirstOrDefault(); list.Add("---" + name + " " + item.amount + "x"); } embed.WithColor(Color.LightGrey); embed.WithAuthor("Profile"); string ret; ret = "**Name:** " + user.Username + "\n **Coins:** " + current.Coins + "\n **Items:** \n"; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { ret += list[i] + "\n"; } embed.WithDescription(ret); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool InsertUser(UserItems user) { string sql = "INSERT into table_user (ObjectID,DepartmentID,UserName,IsEnable,IsDelete) VALUES(@ObjectID,@DepartmentID,@UserName,@IsEnable,@IsDelete)"; SQLiteParameter[] sqlparamter = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@ObjectID", user.ObjectID), new SQLiteParameter("@DepartmentID", user.UserDepartmentID), new SQLiteParameter("@UserName", user.UserName), new SQLiteParameter("@IsEnable", user.IsEnable), new SQLiteParameter("@IsDelete", "N") }; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sqlparamter) == 1); }
public Inventory(int Userid) { DataTable Data = Engine.dbManager.ReadTable("SELECT * FROM members_furniture WHERE userid = '" + Userid + "'"); foreach (DataRow Row in Data.Rows) { UserItems Items = new UserItems() { ID = (int)Row["id"], FurniID = (int)Row["furniid"], Room = (int)Row["room"], Wall = Row["wall"].ToString(), X = (int)Row["x"], Y = (int)Row["y"], Z = (int)Row["z"] }; All.Add(Items.ID, Items); } }
public void UpdateUserItems(UserItems[] items) { if (items != null) { if (this._userItemsDic == null) { this._userItemsDic = new Dictionary<int, UserItems>(); } foreach (UserItems items2 in items) { if (this._userItemsDic.ContainsKey(items2.itemCid)) { this._userItemsDic[items2.itemCid] = items2; } else { this._userItemsDic.Add(items2.itemCid, items2); } } } }