Example #1
        private void LinkAdvanced_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.groupAdvancedOptions.Visible)
                if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Advanced settings will not be applied if you close them. Would you like to close them?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    if (chkSkipCountryLabelCheck.Visible)
                        chkSkipCountryLabelCheck.Checked = true;
                    this.groupAdvancedOptions.Visible = false;
                    this.linkAdvancedOptions.Text     = "Display advanced options";
                    txtParentVersion.Text             = string.Empty;
                    chkUseRemote.Checked = false;
                    chkUseLocal.Checked  = true;

                    this.Size = new Size(539, 147);
                this.groupAdvancedOptions.Visible = true;
                this.linkAdvancedOptions.Text     = "Hide advanced options.";
                this.Size = new Size(539, 267);
                txtParentVersion.Enabled       = false;
                btnSelectParentVersion.Enabled = false;
        void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dgvSwitchablePolicies.SelectedRows.Count != 1)

                //deleting an existing switchable policy may need to require an update of country files (which is too complex here)
                //example: delete bun*_??: all switches defined for the matching policies of the country would have to be changed from 'switch' to 'toggle'
                //removal in the country files however only takes place on closing the SetPolicySwitchesForm with 'OK' - thus this warning
                VarConfig.SwitchablePolicyRow switchablePolicyRow = (dgvSwitchablePolicies.SelectedRows[0].Tag as VarConfig.SwitchablePolicyRow);
                if (switchablePolicyRow.RowState != DataRowState.Added && UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(_noUpdateInCountriesWarning, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)

            catch (Exception exception)

            dgvSwitchablePolicies.Update(); //if gridview is not updated it looks weired (text of two rows are displayed in one)
        private static void SetExtensionPrivateGlobal(string extName, bool set)
            string message = "Setting components of extension '" + extName + "' to " + (set ? "private" : "'not private'");

            if (EM_AppContext.Instance.IsAnythingOpen(false))
                if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(message + " requires all countries to be closed." + Environment.NewLine + "All open countries will be closed.",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                EM_AppContext.Instance.CloseAllMainForms(false, false);
            if (EM_AppContext.Instance.IsAnythingOpen(false))
                return;                                               // user may have refused to save changes for an open country
            using (ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(SetPrivate_BackgroundEventHandler, message, new Tuple <string, bool>(extName, set)))
                if (progressIndicator.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowSuccess(message + " successfully accomplished.");
        private void ChangeNameInExchangeRatesConfig(CountryConfig.SystemRow systemRow, string oldSystemName)
            ExchangeRatesConfigFacade excf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetExchangeRatesConfigFacade(false); if (excf == null)
            bool anyChange = false;

            foreach (ExchangeRatesConfig.ExchangeRatesRow exchangeRate in
                     from er in excf.GetExchangeRates() where er.Country.ToLower() == systemRow.CountryRow.ShortName.ToLower() &&
                     ExchangeRate.ValidForToList(er.ValidFor).Contains(oldSystemName.ToLower()) select er)
                if (!anyChange && UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Do you want to update the system name in the global exchange rate table?" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                          "Note that, if no exchange rate is found for a system name, the exchange rate is assumed to be 1.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
                exchangeRate.ValidFor = ExchangeRate.RemoveFromValidFor(exchangeRate.ValidFor, oldSystemName);
                exchangeRate.ValidFor = ExchangeRate.AddToValidFor(exchangeRate.ValidFor, systemRow.Name); anyChange = true;
            if (anyChange)
 void btnDeleteYear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cmbYearToDelete.Text == string.Empty)
         UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Please select a year."); return;
     if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to delete this column?\n\nNote: you will not be able to undo this action or any action before this.",
                                 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
     for (int index = table.Columns.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
         if (table.Columns[index].HeaderText == cmbYearToDelete.Text)
     foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
         row[0] = row[0];                                     // this is to make sure the deleted column counts as a DataSet change...
     dataSet.AcceptChanges(); undoManager.Reset(); columnsChanged = true;
        void btnRemoveUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <ExtUserRightInfo> usersToRemove = new List <ExtUserRightInfo>(); string userNames = string.Empty;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvUsers.SelectedRows)
                ExtUserRightInfo extUserInfo = row.Tag as ExtUserRightInfo;
                VCAdministrator.AddUnitToMessage(ref userNames, extUserInfo.userInfo.username);
                if (!extUserInfo.added)
                    usersToRemove.Add(extUserInfo);                     //user only needs to be removed via API if it wasn't added during this session of the dialog

            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to remove user(s) " + userNames + " from project?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvUsers.SelectedRows)
 private void ExchangeRatesForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
     if (DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel && dgvRates.HasChanges() &&
         UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to close without saving?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
         e.Cancel = true;
Example #8
 private bool AcceptRestrictions()
     if (EM_AppContext.Instance.IsAnythingOpen(false))
         UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Deleting extensions needs all countries to be closed."); return(false);
     return(UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Please note that the necessary changes for countries using this/these extension(s) are accomplished once the country is next opened (automatically, but with a user request).",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK);
        private bool EM3_Transform()
                lock (transformLock)
                    string transformerErrors = string.Empty;

                    foreach (string country in countriesToTransform)
                        EM3Country.Transform(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles, country, out List <string> errors);
                        foreach (string error in errors)
                            transformerErrors += error + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (string addOn in addOnsToTransform)
                        EM3Country.TransformAddOn(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles, addOn, out List <string> errors);
                        foreach (string error in errors)
                            transformerErrors += error + Environment.NewLine;

                    EM3Global.Transform(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles, out List <string> gErrors);
                    foreach (string error in gErrors)
                        transformerErrors += error + Environment.NewLine;

                    EM3Variables.Transform(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles, out List <string> vErrors);
                    foreach (string error in vErrors)
                        transformerErrors += error + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (transformerErrors == string.Empty)
                    return(UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Errors on transforming to EM3 structure:" + Environment.NewLine + transformerErrors + Environment.NewLine +
                                                   "Do you want to continue?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes);
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Errors on transforming to EM3 structure:" + Environment.NewLine + exception.Message +
                                               Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to continue?",
                                               MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes);
        internal static void UpdateCountryFiles(Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <string, string> > > changesCountryFiles, Form showWaitCursorForm = null)
                if (showWaitCursorForm == null)
                    showWaitCursorForm = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetActiveCountryMainForm();
                showWaitCursorForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                bool showOpenWarning = true;
                foreach (var ccChange in changesCountryFiles)
                    string         country    = ccChange.Key;
                    EM_UI_MainForm ccMainForm = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetCountryMainForm(country);
                    if (ccMainForm != null)
                        if (showOpenWarning)
                            switch (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(country.ToUpper() + " is open." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                            "Updating exchange rates requires a reset of the undo-functionality." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                            "That means you will not be able to undo any of your changes so far." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                            "Do you still want to update exchange rates of " + country.ToUpper() + "?" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                            "(Press Cancel to not be requested with respect to further open countries.)", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                            case DialogResult.No: continue;

                            case DialogResult.Cancel: showOpenWarning = false; break;
                        ccMainForm.GetUndoManager().Commit(); ccMainForm.GetUndoManager().Reset();
                    CountryConfigFacade ccf = CountryAdministrator.GetCountryConfigFacade(country);
                    foreach (var change in ccChange.Value)
                        ccf.GetSystemRowByName(change.Item1).ExchangeRateEuro = change.Item2;

                    if (ccMainForm != null)
                        ccMainForm.GetUndoManager().Commit(); ccMainForm.GetUndoManager().Reset(); ccMainForm.WriteXml();
            catch (Exception)
            finally { showWaitCursorForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
Example #11
 void UpratingIndicesForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
     if (DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
         if (dgvDataSet.GetChanges() != null || undoManager.HasChanges() || columnsChanged)
             if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to close without saving?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                 e.Cancel = true;
Example #12
 internal static bool GetSupportedSystemInfo(string systemName, List <AddOnSystemInfo> totalAOSystemInfo,
                                             out List <AddOnSystemInfo> supportedAOSystemInfo)
     supportedAOSystemInfo = new List <AddOnSystemInfo>();
     foreach (AddOnSystemInfo addOnSystemInfo in totalAOSystemInfo)
         if (IsSystemSupported(systemName, addOnSystemInfo))
     return(supportedAOSystemInfo.Count() <= 1 || UserInfoHandler.GetInfo($"Warning: add-on {supportedAOSystemInfo[0]._addOnShortName} contains more than one system running with {systemName} ({supportedAOSystemInfo[0]._addOnSystemName}, {supportedAOSystemInfo[1]._addOnSystemName})", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK);
 void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!verifyNumericValues())
         UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Cell(s) with invalid value found!");
     else if (!haveEmptyCells() || UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Empty cell(s) found; they will be treated as n/a when running the model." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                           "Do you want to correct?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
         mainForm.PerformAction(new IndirectTaxesAction(this), false);
         DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Example #14
        private static bool CheckSysNameYearMatch(string systemName, int year)
            if (year < 0)
            string yYear = year.ToString(), sYear = EM_Helpers.ExtractSystemYear(systemName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sYear) || yYear == sYear)
            return(UserInfoHandler.GetInfo($"Year does not match with year suggested by system name ({yYear} vs. {sYear})" +
                                           Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to correct?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No);
        void btnAddYear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            keepUndoData = false;
            string year = updwnYearToAdd.Value.ToString();

            if (GetExistingYears().Contains(year))
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError(year + " already exits."); return;
            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to add a new column?\n\nNote: you will not be able to undo this action or any action before this.",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
            AddYearColumn(year); keepUndoData = true; dataSet.AcceptChanges(); undoManager.Reset(); columnsChanged = true;
        public static bool GetRangeValues(out List <double> rangeValues, double start, double end, double step, bool showResults = false)
            rangeValues = new List <double>();

            if (start > end)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Start must not be higher than end (" + start.ToString() + ">" + end.ToString() + ")"); return(false);

            int absMaxCount = showResults ? ALPHA_RANGE_MAX_SHOW // template allows for 50+2 (the 2 are for CPI+MII,
                                          : ALPHA_RANGE_MAX;     // thus in fact it'll be 52 if they are not selected)

            for (double d = start; d <= end && rangeValues.Count <= ALPHA_RANGE_MAX + 1; d += step)
                if (d == 0)
                    if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The range contains zero." + Environment.NewLine + "Should zero be skipped?",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)

            if (rangeValues.Count == 0)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("The range contains no numbers."); return(false);
            if (rangeValues.Count <= ALPHA_RANGE_MAX_SHOW)
                return(true);                                           // consider 50 as 'reasonable' (?) and do not issue a warning
            // if template is not shown, allow for 500, but still warn if more than 50; if template is shown 50 is max, as the template does not allow for more (see above)
            string cnt     = rangeValues.Count <= ALPHA_RANGE_MAX + 1 ? rangeValues.Count.ToString() : "too many";
            string message = "The range contains " + cnt + " numbers." + Environment.NewLine
                             + "Allowed are " + ALPHA_RANGE_MAX_SHOW + " for 'Run Only' and " + ALPHA_RANGE_MAX + " for 'Run & Show Results'.";

            if (rangeValues.Count > absMaxCount)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError(message); return(false);
            return(UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(message + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to continue?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes);
 private void deleteSelectedRows()
     if (table.SelectedRows.Count < 1 || UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to remove the selected row(s)?\n\nNote: you will not be able to undo this action or any action before this.",
                                                                 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
     keepUndoData = false;
     foreach (DataGridViewRow vrow in table.SelectedRows)
         if (!vrow.IsNewRow)
             dataTable.Rows.Remove((vrow.DataBoundItem as DataRowView).Row);                   // ignore delete for the empty new row
     keepUndoData = true; dataSet.AcceptChanges(); undoManager.Reset(); columnsChanged = true;
 internal bool CloseAnythingOpen()
     if (IsAnythingOpen() || IsVariablesFormOpen())
         if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("All open countries/add-ons/variables need to be closed. Proceed?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
         if (IsAnythingOpen() || IsVariablesFormOpen()) // check again in case something was not closed
             UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Problems with automatic closing - please close all countries/add-ons/variables manually.");
        private static void SetExtensionPrivateCountry(string cc, EM_UI_MainForm mainForm, string extName, bool set)
            bool isLocal = (from e in GetDataConfig(cc).Extension where e.Name.ToLower() == extName.ToLower() || e.ID == extName select e).Any();

            if (!isLocal)
                switch (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Do you want to perform this private-setting-action for all countries? Click" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                "'Yes' to perform the action for all countries" + "," + Environment.NewLine +
                                                "'No' to perform the action only for " + cc + ".", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                case DialogResult.Cancel: return;

                case DialogResult.Yes: SetExtensionPrivateGlobal(extName, set); return;

                case DialogResult.No: break;
            mainForm.PerformAction(new ExtensionSetPrivateAction(extName, cc, set));
        void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool reload = false;

            if (EMPath.AddSlash(EM_AppContext.Instance.GetUserSettingsAdministrator().Get().EuromodFolder).ToLower() != EMPath.AddSlash(cmbEuromodFolder.Text).ToLower())
                if (!EM_AppContext.Instance.CloseAnythingOpen())
                    return;                                              // if there are any countries/add-ons/variables open, try to close them
                reload = true;

            if (!Directory.Exists(cmbEuromodFolder.Text))
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError(cmbEuromodFolder.Text + " is not a valid path.");

            if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.AddSlash(cmbEuromodFolder.Text) + EMPath.Folder_Countries_withoutPath()))
                if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo($"'{cmbEuromodFolder.Text}' does not (yet) contain the {DefGeneral.BRAND_TITLE} file structure."
                                            + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to change the 'Project Folder'?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

            if (reload)
                EM_AppContext.Instance.SetBrand();                          // allow UI to show another look, i.e. present a brand alternative to EUROMOD
                EM_AppContext.Instance.UpdateAllCountryMainFormGalleries(); //only the empty main form is open and must be updated
                EM_AppContext.Instance.UpdateMainFormCaption();             //set title (of single open mainform) to "EUROMOD Version (Path)"

        internal static void RenameOutputFiles(CountryConfigFacade countryConfigFacade, CountryConfig.SystemRow systemRow, string oldSystemName, bool request = false)
            //search policies Output_Std_cc and Output_Std_HH_cc
            //CountryConfig.PolicyRow policyRow = countryConfigFacade.GetPolicyRowByName(systemRow.ID, standardOutputPolicyName);
            //if (policyRow == null) continue;
            //within these policies search for function(s) DefOutput
            //List<CountryConfig.FunctionRow> defOutputFunctionRows = countryConfigFacade.GetFunctionRowsByPolicyIDAndFunctionName(policyRow.ID, DefFun.DefOutput);

            var defOutputFunctionRows = from f in countryConfigFacade.GetCountryConfig().Function
                                        where f.PolicyRow.SystemID == systemRow.ID && f.Name.ToLower() == DefFun.DefOutput.ToLower()
                                        select f;

            foreach (CountryConfig.FunctionRow defOutputFunctionRow in defOutputFunctionRows)
                //within these functions search for parameter File
                CountryConfig.ParameterRow parameterRow = countryConfigFacade.GetParameterRowByName(defOutputFunctionRow.ID, DefPar.DefOutput.File);
                if (parameterRow == null)

                //if parameter file found replace system name (e.g. rename UK_2009_std to UK_2009_reform_std)
                int index = parameterRow.Value.ToLower().IndexOf(oldSystemName.ToLower());
                if (index < 0)
                string newOutputName = parameterRow.Value.Substring(0, index) + systemRow.Name + parameterRow.Value.Substring(index + oldSystemName.Length);
                if (request)
                    if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Do you want to adapt the names of output-files to the new system name?" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                string.Format("(e.g. '{0}' to '{1}')", parameterRow.Value, newOutputName), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        request = false; // do not ask again for any other output-policy
                        return;  // do not rename
                parameterRow.Value = newOutputName;
Example #22
        void btnRemoveBundles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lvBundles.CheckedItems.Count == 0)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Please select the bundles you want to remove."); return;

            string warningContent = (_removeReleases) ? Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "This will remove an already commited merge!" : string.Empty;

            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to irrevocably delete " +
                                        (lvBundles.CheckedItems.Count == 1 && warningContent == string.Empty ? "this item?" : "these items?" +
                                         warningContent), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)

            List <ReleaseInfo> bundles = new List <ReleaseInfo>();

            foreach (ListViewItem item in lvBundles.CheckedItems)
                bundles.Add(item.Tag as ReleaseInfo);

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            bool success = _vcAPI.RemoveReleases(bundles, _vcAPI.vc_projectInfo.ProjectId);

            if (success)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowSuccess("Removal accomplished.");
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;

        void dgvSwitchablePolicies_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.ColumnIndex < 0 || dgvSwitchablePolicies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value == null)

                string newValue = dgvSwitchablePolicies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString();
                VarConfig.SwitchablePolicyRow switchablePolicy = dgvSwitchablePolicies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Tag as VarConfig.SwitchablePolicyRow;

                //changing the name pattern (e.g. yem_??) of an existing switchable policy may need to require an update of country files (which is too complex here)
                //example: change yem_?? to yem*_??: the switches already set for this country would apply to more policies (the long name is not visible, therefore no problem changing it)
                //updating in the country files however only takes place on closing the SetPolicySwitchesForm with 'OK' - thus this warning
                if (e.ColumnIndex == colNamePattern.Index &&
                    switchablePolicy.RowState != DataRowState.Added &&
                    newValue != switchablePolicy.NamePattern &&
                    UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(_noUpdateInCountriesWarning, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
                    dgvSwitchablePolicies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value = switchablePolicy.NamePattern;

                if (e.ColumnIndex == colLongName.Index)
                    switchablePolicy.LongName = newValue;
                else if (e.ColumnIndex == colNamePattern.Index)
                    switchablePolicy.NamePattern = newValue;
            catch (Exception exception)
Example #24
 void btnCreateInfoFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Directory.Exists(txtInfoOutputFolder.Text))
         UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Please select an existing Output Folder."); return;
     if (txtInfoOutputFile.Text.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0)
         UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Output File contains invalid characters."); return;
     if (!txtInfoOutputFile.Text.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx"))
         txtInfoOutputFile.Text += ".xlsx";
     infoFilePath = Path.Combine(txtInfoOutputFolder.Text, txtInfoOutputFile.Text);
     if (File.Exists(infoFilePath) &&
         UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Should the existing file be overwritten?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
     selectedFunction = CREATE_INFO_FILE;
     DialogResult     = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
        private static DialogResult GenerateHICPTable(out List <HICPConfig.HICPRow> hicps)
            DialogResult choice = UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The HICP Table does not yet exist. Do you want to automatically generate it by extracting HICPs from country tables?",

            hicps = choice == DialogResult.Cancel ? null : new List <HICPConfig.HICPRow>();
            if (choice != DialogResult.Yes)
                return(choice);                            // if user's choice was No (or even on error in assessing HICPs below) show the empty HICP table (i.e. hicps != null)
            HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(true); if (hcf == null)

                return(DialogResult.Cancel);                                                                                      // bad error - shouldn't happen
                ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(GetCountryHICPs_BackgroundEventHandler, "Assessing Country Info ...");
                if (progressIndicator.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    return(choice);                                                                        // user cancelled the generation - show empty HICP table
                List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> > hicpInfo = progressIndicator.Result as List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> >;
                if (hicpInfo == null) // an exception was thrown while loading countries
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowError(string.Format("Generating HICP Table failed with the following error:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, progressIndicator.Result.ToString()));
                    return(choice); // show empty HICP table
                if (hcf.RefreshHICPs(hicpInfo) && hcf.WriteXML())
                    hicps = hcf.GetHICPs();
            catch (Exception exception) { UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception); return(choice); }
Example #26
        public void CheckForGeneralChanges(string changeCausingUserSettingsPath)
                if (_currentSettings == null || _bkupCurrentSettings == null)

                List <string> userSettingFullPaths; List <string> userSettingFolders = GetAvailableProjectPaths(out userSettingFullPaths);
                if (userSettingFullPaths.Count == 0 || // check if no other user-settings but the current
                    (userSettingFullPaths.Count == 1 && userSettingFullPaths.First().ToLower() == changeCausingUserSettingsPath.ToLower()))

                Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, object> > changedGeneralSettings = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, object> >();
                if (Get().OptionalWarnings != bkupGet().OptionalWarnings)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add("Optional Warnings",
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("OptionalWarnings", Get().OptionalWarnings));
                if (Get().AutoSaveInterval != bkupGet().AutoSaveInterval)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Autosave Interval: {0} min", Get().AutoSaveInterval / 60000),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("AutoSaveInterval", Get().AutoSaveInterval));
                if (Get().ParallelRunsAuto != bkupGet().ParallelRunsAuto)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Number of Parallel Executable-Runs: {0}", Get().ParallelRunsAuto ? "Auto" : "Custom"),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("ParallelRunsAuto", Get().ParallelRunsAuto));
                if (Get().ParallelRuns != bkupGet().ParallelRuns)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Number of Parallel Executable-Runs: Custom = {0}", Get().ParallelRuns),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("ParallelRuns", Get().ParallelRuns));
                if (Get().CloseInterfaceWithLastMainform != bkupGet().CloseInterfaceWithLastMainform)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Close Interface With Last Country: {0}", Get().CloseInterfaceWithLastMainform),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("CloseInterfaceWithLastMainform", Get().CloseInterfaceWithLastMainform));
                if (Get().VCLogInAtProjectLoad != bkupGet().VCLogInAtProjectLoad)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Version Control, Log In At ProjectLoad: {0}", Get().VCLogInAtProjectLoad ? "yes" : "no"),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("VCLogInAtProjectLoad", Get().VCLogInAtProjectLoad));

                if (!bkupGet().VCUseProxy&& Get().VCProxyURL != bkupGet().VCProxyURL&& Get().VCProxyPort != bkupGet().VCProxyPort)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Use Proxy: {0}", Get().VCUseProxy),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("VCUseProxy", Get().VCUseProxy));
                if (Get().VCProxyURL != bkupGet().VCProxyURL)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Version Control Proxy URL: {0}", Get().VCProxyURL),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("VCProxyURL", Get().VCProxyURL));
                if (Get().VCProxyPort != bkupGet().VCProxyPort)
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Version Control Proxy Port: {0}", Get().VCProxyPort),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("VCProxyPort", Get().VCProxyPort));
                if (Get().InputFolder != bkupGet().InputFolder&&
                    !Get().InputFolder.ToLower().StartsWith(Get().EuromodFolder.ToLower())) // only take into account if folder for data is not within current project
                    changedGeneralSettings.Add(string.Format("Input Folder: {0}", Get().InputFolder),
                                               new KeyValuePair <string, object>("InputFolder", Get().InputFolder));

                if (changedGeneralSettings.Count == 0)

                string request = string.Format("Should the following change{0} of your (current project's) user settings be transferred to all projects' user settings?", changedGeneralSettings.Count == 1 ? string.Empty : "s") + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (string descriptionChangedSetting in changedGeneralSettings.Keys)
                    request += "- " + descriptionChangedSetting + Environment.NewLine;
                if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo(request, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)

                for (int i = 0; i < userSettingFullPaths.Count; ++i)
                    if (userSettingFullPaths.First().ToLower() == changeCausingUserSettingsPath.ToLower())

                    UserSettings userSettings = ReadSettings(userSettingFullPaths[i]);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> changedGeneralSetting in changedGeneralSettings.Values)
                        string settingName = changedGeneralSetting.Key; object settingValue = changedGeneralSetting.Value;
                        userSettings.Settings.Rows[0][settingName] = settingValue;
                    SaveSettings(userSettings, userSettingFullPaths[i]);
            catch { } // do not jeopardise UI due to not being able to transfer user-setting
Example #27
        internal static bool IsOldStyleExtensions(string cc, out bool openReadOnly)
            openReadOnly = false; bool isOldStyle = false;
            // check for all policies with switch='switch' whether they are part of any extension ...
            foreach (CountryConfig.PolicyRow pol in from p in GetCountryConfig(cc).Policy where p.Switch == DefPar.Value.SWITCH select p)
                if (!(from ep in GetCountryConfig(cc).Extension_Policy where ep.PolicyID == pol.ID && !ep.BaseOff select ep).Any())
                    isOldStyle = true; break;
            if (!isOldStyle)

            // ... if not - suggest transformation to new style
            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The country needs to be updated to the new handling for Extensions (aka Switchable Policies)." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "If you click Cancel the country will be opened in read-only mode.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                openReadOnly = true; return(true);

            // transform to new style: this assumes that the 'switch' settings in the spine are ok and just adds policies to extensions, which fulfill the name-pattern requirements
            CountryConfigFacade ccf = CountryAdministrator.GetCountryConfigFacade(cc);

                foreach (GlobLocExtensionRow ext in GetGlobalExtensions())
                    foreach (CountryConfig.PolicyRow polRow in ccf.GetPolicyRowsOrderedAndDistinct())
                        string polName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(polRow.ReferencePolID) ? polRow.Name : ccf.GetPolicyRowByID(polRow.ReferencePolID).Name;
                        if (!EM_Helpers.DoesValueMatchPattern(ext.ShortName, polName))

                        foreach (CountryConfig.SystemRow sysRow in ccf.GetSystemRows())
                            CountryConfig.PolicyRow polSysRow = ccf.GetPolicyRowByOrder(polRow.Order, sysRow.ID);
                            if (!(from e in ccf.GetCountryConfig().Extension_Policy
                                  where e.ExtensionID == ext.ID & e.PolicyID == polSysRow.ID
                                  select e).Any()) // avoid double adding, which could actually only be caused by "playing"
                                ccf.GetCountryConfig().Extension_Policy.AddExtension_PolicyRow(ext.ID, polSysRow, false);
            catch (Exception exception)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception, "Adapting Extensions failed.", false);

Example #28
        internal static void CheckForRemovedGlobalExtensions(string cc, out bool openReadOnly)
            openReadOnly = false;
            List <string> existingExt = (from e in GetExtensions(cc) select e.ID).ToList();

            List <CountryConfig.Extension_PolicyRow>    delExtPol = new List <CountryConfig.Extension_PolicyRow>();
            List <CountryConfig.Extension_FunctionRow>  delExtFun = new List <CountryConfig.Extension_FunctionRow>();
            List <CountryConfig.Extension_ParameterRow> delExtPar = new List <CountryConfig.Extension_ParameterRow>();

            foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_PolicyRow ep in GetCountryConfig(cc).Extension_Policy)
                if (!existingExt.Contains(ep.ExtensionID))
            foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_FunctionRow ef in GetCountryConfig(cc).Extension_Function)
                if (!existingExt.Contains(ef.ExtensionID))
            foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_ParameterRow ep in GetCountryConfig(cc).Extension_Parameter)
                if (!existingExt.Contains(ep.ExtensionID))

            if (!delExtPol.Any() && !delExtFun.Any() && !delExtPar.Any())
            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The country needs to be updated for removed Global Extensions." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "If you click Cancel the country will be opened in read-only mode.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                openReadOnly = true; return;

                foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_PolicyRow dep in delExtPol)
                    if (dep.PolicyRow.Switch == DefPar.Value.SWITCH)
                        dep.PolicyRow.Switch = DefPar.Value.TOGGLE;
                foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_FunctionRow def in delExtFun)
                    if (def.FunctionRow.Switch == DefPar.Value.SWITCH)
                        def.FunctionRow.Switch = DefPar.Value.TOGGLE;
                foreach (CountryConfig.Extension_ParameterRow dep in delExtPar)

            catch (Exception exception)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception, "Adapting Extensions failed.", false);