Example #1
        public static async Task ChangeAccountInfo(string id, ApplicationUser user)
            var cntx = Cntx;
            UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
            var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, id);

            if (u == null)
            u.FirstName = user.FirstName;
            u.LastName  = user.LastName;
            if (u.IsFirstNameModified || u.IsLastNameModified)
                await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u });
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email))
                UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
                var mb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id);

                if (mb != null)
                    mb.Email = user.Email;
                    if (mb.IsEmailModified)
                        await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { mb });
        public static async Task <MemberCallback[]> UserConnectionClosed(string userId, string languages)
            var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var cntx  = Cntx;

            cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
            var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);

            if (memb != null)
                memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                List <MemberCallback> callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>();
                if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks != null)
                    foreach (var c in memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks)
                        c.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                        c.ConnectionID      = null;
                        c.IsDisconnected    = true;
                        c.LastActiveDate    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });

                return((from d in callbacks where d.ConnectionID != null && !d.IsDisconnected select d).ToArray());
        public static async Task<MemberCallback> OnUserConnected(string hubId, string userId, string connectId, string languages)
            var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var cntx = Cntx;
            cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
            var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);
            if (memb != null)
                memb.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (languages != null)
                    memb.AcceptLanguages = languages;
                List<MemberCallback> callbacks;
                if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null)
                    callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>();
                    callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks);
                var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == "System" select d).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cbk == null)
                    cbk = new MemberCallback
                        ApplicationID = AppId,
                        UserID = userId,
                        HubID = hubId,
                        ChannelID = "System",
                        ConnectionID = connectId,
                        IsDisconnected = false,
                        LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow
                    // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified.
                    // and the service will not save the change!
                    cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                    cbk.ConnectionID = connectId;
                    cbk.IsDisconnected = false;
                    cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // other more explicit way of doing so is given in the following:
                    //cbk.ConnectionID = connectId;
                    //cbk.IsConnectionIDModified = true;
                    //cbk.IsDisconnected = false;
                    //cbk.IsIsDisconnectedModified = true;
                    //cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //cbk.IsLastActiveDateModified = true;
                memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk };
                    await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });
                catch (Exception ex)

                return cbk;
            return null;
Example #4
        public static async Task <dynamic> ChangeMemberStatus(string adminId, string uid, string status)
            UserAppMemberSet s = new UserAppMemberSet();

            if (!(from d in s.MemberStatusValues where d == status select d).Any())
                return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0b8472f8e1a556b4c90b516e2df1917b", "Status '{0}' is not known."), status) }
            CallContext cctx = Cntx;

                UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();

                UserSet us    = new UserSet();
                var     admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId);

                if (admin.ID == uid)
                    return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0bdf4ebe91cd037e986f8260069292be", "You shouldn't lock yourself out.") }
                User u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, uid);

                if (u.Status != us.StatusValues[0])
                    return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("b13fb15f7b82c3438ee9e09ae6a5ba2a", "The user is locked globally. It can not be changed in a particular application.") }
                var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId);

                var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(uid);

                if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor)
                    return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" }
                UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsrv = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
                UserAppMember             um    = await umsrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, uid);

                if (um == null)
                    return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("65318cf0e6b4b76ee9ec91f92405cbb8", "Member not found!") }
                um.MemberStatus     = status;
                um.LastStatusChange = DateTime.UtcNow;
                await umsrv.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, s, new UserAppMember[] { um });

                return(new { ok = true, msg = "" });
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) });
 public static async Task<bool> UpdateMemeberIcon(string id, string mineType, DateTime lastModified, byte[] imgdata)
     UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
     var um = umsvc.LoadEntityByKey(Cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id);
     if (um == null)
         return false;
     um.IconImg = imgdata;
     um.IsIconImgLoaded = true;
     um.IsIconImgModified = true;
     um.IconMime = mineType;
     um.IconLastModified = lastModified;
     var result = await umsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(Cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { um });
     return (result.ChangedEntities[0].OpStatus & (int)EntityOpStatus.Updated) > 0;
Example #6
        public static async Task <bool> UpdateMemeberIcon(string id, string mineType, DateTime lastModified, byte[] imgdata)
            UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var um = umsvc.LoadEntityByKey(Cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id);

            if (um == null)
            um.IconImg           = imgdata;
            um.IsIconImgLoaded   = true;
            um.IsIconImgModified = true;
            um.IconMime          = mineType;
            um.IconLastModified  = lastModified;
            var result = await umsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(Cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { um });

            return((result.ChangedEntities[0].OpStatus & (int)EntityOpStatus.Updated) > 0);
 public static async Task ChangeAccountInfo(string id, ApplicationUser user)
     var cntx = Cntx;
     UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
     var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, id);
     if (u == null)
     u.FirstName = user.FirstName;
     u.LastName = user.LastName;
     if (u.IsFirstNameModified || u.IsLastNameModified)
         await usvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u });
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email))
         UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
         var mb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, id);
         if (mb != null)
             mb.Email = user.Email;
             if (mb.IsEmailModified)
                 await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { mb });
        public static async Task <ConnectionStatus> UserConnected(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages)
            var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var cntx  = Cntx;

            cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
            var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);

            if (memb != null)
                memb.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                memb.LastActivityDate  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                memb.AcceptLanguages   = languages;
                List <MemberCallback> callbacks;
                if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null)
                    callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>();
                    callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks);
                var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == peerId select d).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cbk == null)
                    cbk = new MemberCallback
                        ApplicationID  = AppId,
                        UserID         = userId,
                        HubID          = hubId,
                        ChannelID      = peerId,
                        ConnectionID   = connectId,
                        IsDisconnected = false,
                        LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow
                    // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified.
                    // and the service will not save the change!
                    cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                    cbk.ConnectionID      = connectId;
                    cbk.IsDisconnected    = false;
                    cbk.LastActiveDate    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk };
                await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });

                UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
                var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId);

                memb.UserRef = u;

                var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId);

                ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus();
                status.me = cbk;
                MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy();
                var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId);

                if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected)
                    MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy();
                    var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, 3);

                    var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId);

                    if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected)
                        status.peerNotifier = notifier;
                        status.status       = PeerStatus.Notifiable;
                    MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification
                        ID            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Title         = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("20dc5913998d0e9ed01360475e46a0f9", "{0} invites you to chat, is waiting ...", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), u.Username),
                        CreatedDate   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        PriorityLevel = 0,
                        ReadCount     = 0,
                        ApplicationID = AppId,
                        TypeID        = 3,
                        UserID        = peerId
                    n.NoticeMsg          = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false }";
                    n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true;
                    MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy();
                    var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n });

                    status.noticeType  = ntype.TypeName;
                    status.noticeMsg   = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false }";
                    status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID;
                    UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy();
                    UserAssociation             utop  = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId);

                    DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (utop == null)
                        utop = new UserAssociation
                            TypeID        = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId,
                            FromUserID    = userId,
                            ToUserID      = peerId,
                            CreateDate    = dt,
                            AssocCount    = 1,
                            LastAssoc     = dt,
                            InteractCount = 0,
                            Votes         = 0
                    UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId);

                    if (ptou == null)
                        ptou = new UserAssociation
                            TypeID        = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId,
                            FromUserID    = peerId,
                            ToUserID      = userId,
                            CreateDate    = dt,
                            AssocCount    = 1,
                            LastAssoc     = dt,
                            InteractCount = 0,
                            Votes         = 0
                    await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop, ptou });

                    status.status = PeerStatus.Connected;
                if (peerCb != null)
                    peerCb.UserAppMemberRef = peerMb;
                status.peer = peerCb;
Example #9
        public override async Task <TUser> FindAsync(string userName, string password)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                string cacheKey = "userLoginState:" + userName;
                var    error    = HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] as AuthFailedEventArg;
                if (error != null)
                    ErrorsHandler(userName, error);
            CallContext      cctx = _cctx.CreateCopy();
            UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
            UserSet          us   = new UserSet();
            var lu = await usvc.LoadEntityByNatureAsync(cctx, userName);

            if (lu == null || lu.Count == 0)
                var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                    FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.UnknownUser,
                    FailMessage = ResourceUtils.GetString("3488820581565e9098c46152335ebb24", "Your don't have an account in the present system, please register!")
                ErrorsHandler(userName, err);
            var u = lu[0];

            if (!u.IsApproved)
                var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                    FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.ApprovalNeeded,
                    FailMessage = ResourceUtils.GetString("3bdf31486d76404d69c73b90c790f9be", "Your account is pending for approval, please wait!")
                ErrorsHandler(userName, err);
            if (u.Status != us.StatusValues[0])
                var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                    FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.UserAccountBlocked,
                    FailMessage = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0bcd70b0b005df9491a0623280ee1f4d", "Your account is in the state of being [{0}], please contact an administrator!"), u.Status)
                ErrorsHandler(userName, err);
            UserAppMemberSet          membs = new UserAppMemberSet();
            UserAppMemberServiceProxy mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, app.ID, u.ID);

            if (memb == null)
                var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                    FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.MemberNotFound,
                    FailMessage = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("d084974602e8940a962aad7d00bf7b3e", "You are not currently a member of \"{0}\", please register."), string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.DisplayName) ? app.Name : app.DisplayName)
                ErrorsHandler(userName, err);
            if (memb.MemberStatus != membs.MemberStatusValues[0])
                if (memb.MemberStatus != membs.MemberStatusValues[3])
                    var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                        FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.MembershipBlocked,
                        FailMessage = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("3508707fb8263c95b4c022dd0468235b", "Your membership in \"{0}\" is in the state of being [{1}], please contact an administrator!"), string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.DisplayName) ? app.Name : app.DisplayName, memb.MemberStatus)
                    ErrorsHandler(userName, err);
                    var      windowStart = u.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart.HasValue ? u.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart.Value : DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime windowEnd   = windowStart.AddSeconds((Store as UserStore <TUser>).PasswordAttemptWindow);
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow <= windowEnd)
                        var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                            FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.MembershipFrozen,
                            FailMessage = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("99529364b5dfda1d15a5859cd49c5a7c", "Maximum login attemps for \"{0}\" exceeded, please try again later!"), string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.DisplayName) ? app.Name : app.DisplayName)
                        ErrorsHandler(userName, err, false);
                        memb.MemberStatus               = membs.MemberStatusValues[0];
                        memb.IsMemberStatusModified     = true;
                        memb.LastStatusChange           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        memb.IsLastStatusChangeModified = true;
                        await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, membs, new UserAppMember[] { memb });

                        var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                            FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.MembershipRecovered,
                            FailMessage = ResourceUtils.GetString("8cdaed0e2a0dd2e31c4960412351d4b5", "Your membership status is restored, please try again!")
                        if (u.FailedPasswordAttemptCount != 0)
                            u.FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0;
                            usvc.EnqueueNewOrUpdateEntities(cctx, us, new User[] { u });
                        ErrorsHandler(userName, err, false);
            TUser user = new TUser();

            var found = await base.FindAsync(userName, password);

            if (found == null)
                await(Store as UserStore <TUser>).UpdateFailureCountAsync(cctx, user, "password");
                var err = new AuthFailedEventArg
                    FailType    = AuthFailedTypes.InvalidCredential,
                    FailMessage = ResourceUtils.GetString("3a2a06b3a1f05cde765219211bf2e9be", "Invalid username or password.")
                ErrorsHandler(userName, err, false);
                u.LastLoginDate           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                u.IsLastLoginDateModified = true;
                usvc.EnqueueNewOrUpdateEntities(cctx, new UserSet(), new User[] { u });
                memb.LastActivityDate           = u.LastLoginDate;
                memb.IsLastActivityDateModified = true;
                mbsvc.EnqueueNewOrUpdateEntities(cctx, membs, new UserAppMember[] { memb });
 public static async Task<dynamic> ChangeMemberStatus(string adminId, string uid, string status)
     UserAppMemberSet s = new UserAppMemberSet();
     if (!(from d in s.MemberStatusValues where d == status select d).Any())
         return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0b8472f8e1a556b4c90b516e2df1917b", "Status '{0}' is not known."), status) };
     CallContext cctx = Cntx;
         UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
         UserSet us = new UserSet();
         var admin = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, adminId);
         if (admin.ID == uid)
             return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("0bdf4ebe91cd037e986f8260069292be", "You shouldn't lock yourself out.") };
         User u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, uid);
         if (u.Status != us.StatusValues[0])
             return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("b13fb15f7b82c3438ee9e09ae6a5ba2a", "The user is locked globally. It can not be changed in a particular application.") };
         var maxadmp = await GetMaxPriority(adminId);
         var maxup = await GetMaxPriority(uid);
         if (maxadmp.Major < maxup.Major || maxadmp.Major == maxup.Major && maxadmp.Minor < maxup.Minor)
             return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("0452f93e5e52c7eae26c4fac7aa2d5d7", "Denined! Your role level: {0} is less than the requested one."), maxadmp.Major.ToString() + "/" + maxadmp.Minor), newpwd = "" };
         UserAppMemberServiceProxy umsrv = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
         UserAppMember um = await umsrv.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cctx, ApplicationContext.App.ID, uid);
         if (um == null)
             return new { ok = false, msg = ResourceUtils.GetString("65318cf0e6b4b76ee9ec91f92405cbb8", "Member not found!") };
         um.MemberStatus = status;
         um.LastStatusChange = DateTime.UtcNow;
         await umsrv.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cctx, s, new UserAppMember[] { um });
         return new { ok = true, msg = "" };
     catch (Exception e)
         return new { ok = false, msg = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("49dfe380301a10e682f1b3bc09136542", "Exception: {0}"), e.Message) };
 public static async Task<ConnectionStatus> UserConnected(string noticeHubId, string hubId, string peerId, string userId, string connectId, string languages)
     var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
     var cntx = Cntx;
     cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
     var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);
     if (memb != null)
         memb.StartAutoUpdating = true;
         memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
         memb.AcceptLanguages = languages;
         List<MemberCallback> callbacks;
         if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null)
             callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>();
             callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks);
         var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == peerId select d).SingleOrDefault();
         if (cbk == null)
             cbk = new MemberCallback
                 ApplicationID = AppId,
                 UserID = userId,
                 HubID = hubId,
                 ChannelID = peerId,
                 ConnectionID = connectId,
                 IsDisconnected = false,
                 LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow
             // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified.
             // and the service will not save the change!
             cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true;
             cbk.ConnectionID = connectId;
             cbk.IsDisconnected = false;
             cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
         memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk };
         await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });
         UserServiceProxy usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
         var u = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId);
         memb.UserRef = u;
         var peerMb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, AppId, peerId);
         ConnectionStatus status = new ConnectionStatus();
         status.me = cbk;
         MemberCallbackServiceProxy mbcsvc = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy();
         UserAssociationServiceProxy uasvc = new UserAssociationServiceProxy();
         var peerCb = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, hubId, AppId, peerId);
         if (peerCb == null || peerCb.ConnectionID == null || peerCb.IsDisconnected)
             UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId);
             MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy ntsvc = new MemberNotificationTypeServiceProxy();
             var ntype = await ntsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, ApplicationContext.PrivateChatNoticeTypeId);
             var notifier = await mbcsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, "System", noticeHubId, AppId, peerId);
             if (notifier != null && notifier.ConnectionID != null && !notifier.IsDisconnected)
                 if (utop != null && utop.NoMessages != null && utop.NoMessages == true)
                     status.status = PeerStatus.InBlackList;
                 else if (utop != null && utop.DoNotNotify != null && utop.DoNotNotify == true)
                     status.status = PeerStatus.DoNotDisturb;
                 else if (utop != null && utop.NotifyButBlock != null && utop.NotifyButBlock == true)
                     status.peerNotifier = notifier;
                     status.status = PeerStatus.NotifyButBlock;
                     status.peerNotifier = notifier;
                     status.status = PeerStatus.Notifiable;
                 if (utop == null || utop.NoMessages == null || utop.NoMessages == false)
                     status.status = PeerStatus.LeaveMessage;
             MemberNotification n = new MemberNotification 
                 ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                 Title = string.Format(ResourceUtils.GetString("20dc5913998d0e9ed01360475e46a0f9", "{0} invites you to chat, is waiting ...", peerMb.AcceptLanguages), ""),
                 CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                 PriorityLevel = 0,
                 ReadCount = 0,
                 ApplicationID = AppId,
                 TypeID = ApplicationContext.PrivateChatNoticeTypeId,
                 UserID = peerId
             bool hasIcon = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(memb.IconMime);
             n.NoticeMsg = "{ \"peerId\": \"" + userId + "\", \"peer\": \"" + u.Username + "\", \"connectId\": \"" + connectId + "\", \"hasIcon\": " + (hasIcon ? "true" : "false") + ", \"msg\": \"" + n.Title + "\", \"isCancel\": false, ";
             if (utop != null && utop.NoMessages != null && utop.NoMessages == true)
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"noMessages\": true, ";
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"noMessages\": false, ";
             if (utop != null && utop.DoNotNotify != null && utop.DoNotNotify == true)
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"notDisturb\": true, ";
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"notDisturb\": false, ";
             if (utop != null && utop.NotifyButBlock != null && utop.NotifyButBlock == true)
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"keepNotified\": true }";
                 n.NoticeMsg += "\"keepNotified\": false }";
             n.IsNoticeDataLoaded = true;
             MemberNotificationServiceProxy nsvc = new MemberNotificationServiceProxy();
             var r = await nsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new MemberNotificationSet(), new MemberNotification[] { n });
             status.noticeType = ntype.TypeName;
             status.noticeMsg = n.NoticeMsg;
             status.noticeRecId = r.ChangedEntities[0].UpdatedItem.ID;
             DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
             UserAssociation utop = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, userId, peerId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId);
             if (utop == null)
                 utop = new UserAssociation
                     TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId,
                     FromUserID = userId,
                     ToUserID = peerId,
                     CreateDate = dt,
                     AssocCount = 1,
                     LastAssoc = dt,
                     InteractCount = 0,
                     Votes = 0
             UserAssociation ptou = await uasvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId, userId, ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId);
             if (ptou == null)
                 ptou = new UserAssociation
                     TypeID = ApplicationContext.ChatAssocTypeId,
                     FromUserID = peerId,
                     ToUserID = userId,
                     CreateDate = dt,
                     AssocCount = 1,
                     LastAssoc = dt,
                     InteractCount = 0,
                     Votes = 0
             await uasvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAssociationSet(), new UserAssociation[] { utop, ptou });
             status.status = PeerStatus.Connected;
         if (peerCb != null)
             peerCb.UserAppMemberRef = peerMb;
         status.peer = peerCb;
         return status;
     return null;
        public static async Task <MemberCallback> UserConnected(string hubId, string groupId, string userId, string connectId, string languages)
            var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
            var cntx  = Cntx;

            cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
            var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);

            if (memb != null)
                memb.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                memb.LastActivityDate  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                memb.AcceptLanguages   = languages;
                List <MemberCallback> callbacks;
                if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks == null)
                    callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>();
                    callbacks = new List <MemberCallback>(memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks);
                var cbk = (from d in callbacks where d.HubID == hubId && d.ChannelID == groupId select d).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cbk == null)
                    cbk = new MemberCallback
                        ApplicationID  = AppId,
                        UserID         = userId,
                        HubID          = hubId,
                        ChannelID      = groupId,
                        ConnectionID   = connectId,
                        IsDisconnected = false,
                        LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow
                    // it is very important to turn this on, otherwise the property will not be marked as modified.
                    // and the service will not save the change!
                    cbk.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                    cbk.ConnectionID      = connectId;
                    cbk.IsDisconnected    = false;
                    cbk.LastActiveDate    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // other more explicit way of doing so is given in the following:
                    //cbk.ConnectionID = connectId;
                    //cbk.IsConnectionIDModified = true;
                    //cbk.IsDisconnected = false;
                    //cbk.IsIsDisconnectedModified = true;
                    //cbk.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //cbk.IsLastActiveDateModified = true;
                memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks = new MemberCallback[] { cbk };
                await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });

                cbk.UserAppMemberRef = memb;
                if (memb.UserRef == null)
                    memb.UserRef = await mbsvc.MaterializeUserRefAsync(cntx, memb);
 public static async Task<MemberCallback[]> UserConnectionClosed(string userId, string languages)
     var mbsvc = new UserAppMemberServiceProxy();
     var cntx = Cntx;
     cntx.AcceptLanguages = languages;
     var memb = await mbsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, AppId, userId, null, null);
     if (memb != null)
         memb.LastActivityDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
         List<MemberCallback> callbacks = new List<MemberCallback>();
         if (memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks != null)
             foreach (var c in memb.ChangedMemberCallbacks)
                 c.StartAutoUpdating = true;
                 c.ConnectionID = null;
                 c.IsDisconnected = true;
                 c.LastActiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
         await mbsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserAppMemberSet(), new UserAppMember[] { memb });
         return (from d in callbacks where d.ConnectionID != null && !d.IsDisconnected select d).ToArray();
     return null;