Example #1
 public BusinessService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, OrderRepository orderRepo, BusinessRepository businessRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
     _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;
     _orderRepo       = orderRepo;
     _businessRepo    = businessRepo;
     _userManager     = userMan;
 public BusinessService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, OrderRepository orderRepo, BusinessRepository businessRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
     _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;
     _orderRepo = orderRepo;
     _businessRepo = businessRepo;
     _userManager = userMan;
 //public CustomerService(OrderRepository orderRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
 public CustomerService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, OrderRepository orderRepo, CustomerRepository customerRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
     _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;
     _orderRepo = orderRepo;
     _customerRepo = customerRepo;
     _userManager = userMan;
Example #4
 public ShopProductController(ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository
                              , IConfiguration configuration
                              , ProductRepostitory productRepostitory
                              , ProductPackageDetailsRepostitory productPackageDetailsRepostitory
                              , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository
                              , ManageBankService manageBankService
                              , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository
                              , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository
                              , UserRepository userRepository
                              , ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository
                              , ProductUnitRepository productUnitRepository
                              , LogRepository logRepository
                              , WarehouseProductCheckRepository warehouseProductCheckRepository
                              , SmsRestClient smsRestClient
                              , OstanRepository ostanRepository)
     _bankConfig                       = configuration.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Get <BankConfig>();
     _shopProductRepository            = shopProductRepository;
     _configuration                    = configuration;
     _productRepostitory               = productRepostitory;
     _productPackageDetailsRepostitory = productPackageDetailsRepostitory;
     _shopOrderRepository              = shopOrderRepository;
     _manageBankService                = manageBankService;
     _usersPaymentRepository           = usersPaymentRepository;
     _userAddressRepository            = userAddressRepository;
     _userRepository                   = userRepository;
     _shopOrderPaymentRepository       = shopOrderPaymentRepository;
     _productUnitRepository            = productUnitRepository;
     _logRepository                    = logRepository;
     _warehouseProductCheckRepository  = warehouseProductCheckRepository;
     _smsRestClient                    = smsRestClient;
     _ostanRepository                  = ostanRepository;
Example #5
        public static void Delete(Guid userID)
            // first check if we have the right to delete that user - authorization

Example #6
 //public CustomerService(OrderRepository orderRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
 public CustomerService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, OrderRepository orderRepo, CustomerRepository customerRepo, ApplicationUserManager userMan)
     _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;
     _orderRepo       = orderRepo;
     _customerRepo    = customerRepo;
     _userManager     = userMan;
Example #7
 public UserAddressRepositoryTest()
     DbContextInMemory = GetInMemoryDbContext();
     MappingConfig     = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile(new MappingsProfile()); });
     Mapper            = MappingConfig.CreateMapper();
     LoggerMock        = new Mock <ILogger <UserAddressRepository> >();
     UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest = new UserAddressRepository(DbContextInMemory, Mapper, LoggerMock.Object);
Example #8
 public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDbContext contex)
     _contex     = contex;
     Categories  = new CategoryRepository(_contex);
     Orders      = new OrderRepository(_contex);
     Products    = new ProductRepository(_contex);
     CartItems   = new CartRepository(_contex);
     UserAddress = new UserAddressRepository(_contex);
Example #9
 public ActionResult AddressRemove(string id)
     if (id != null)
         var uar = new UserAddressRepository();
 public ShopOrderRepository(DatabaseContext dbContext
                            , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository
                            , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository
                            , IDbConnection connection
                            , WarehouseProductCheckRepository warehouseProductCheckRepository) : base(dbContext)
     _userAddressRepository           = userAddressRepository;
     _shopProductRepository           = shopProductRepository;
     _connection                      = connection;
     _warehouseProductCheckRepository = warehouseProductCheckRepository;
Example #11
 public ActionResult NewOrderAddress(UserAddress model, string selectedShipper)
     ViewData["SelectedShipper"] = selectedShipper;
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var user = userManager.FindByName(User.Identity.Name);
         model.UserId = user.Id;
         var uar = new UserAddressRepository();
     return(RedirectToAction("OrderAddress", new { selectedShipper = selectedShipper }));
 public UserOrderController(ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository
                            , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository
                            , UserRepository userRepository
                            , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository
                            , ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository)
     _shopOrderRepository        = shopOrderRepository;
     _shopProductRepository      = shopProductRepository;
     _userRepository             = userRepository;
     _userAddressRepository      = userAddressRepository;
     _shopOrderPaymentRepository = shopOrderPaymentRepository;
Example #13
        public UnitOfWork(OnlineStoreContext context)
            _context = context;

            UserAddress = new UserAddressRepository(_context);
            Products    = new ProductRepository(_context);

            Orders     = new OrderRepository(_context);
            OrderItems = new OrderItemRepository(_context);

            ShoppingCarts     = new ShoppingCartRepository(_context);
            ShoppingCartItems = new ShoppingCartItemRepository(_context);
Example #14
 public BaseWorkArea(CoreDbContext context) : base(context)
     User         = new UserRepository(context);
     Permission   = new PermissionRepository(context);
     UserAddress  = new UserAddressRepository(context);
     Media        = new MediaRespository(context);
     DataItem     = new DataItemRepository(context);
     Setting      = new SettingRepository(context);
     UrlSlug      = new UrlSlugRepository(context);
     District     = new DistrictRepository(context);
     SiteSettings = new SiteSettingsRepository(context);
     SiteHost     = new SiteHostRepository(context);
Example #15
 public BaseWorkArea(CoreDbContext context) : base(context)
     User           = new UserRepository(context);
     Permission     = new PermissionRepository(context);
     RolePermission = new BaseRepository <RolePermissionEntity>(context);
     RoleModule     = new BaseRepository <RoleModuleEntity>(context);
     UserAddress    = new UserAddressRepository(context);
     Media          = new MediaRespository(context);
     Setting        = new SettingRepository(context);
     UrlSlug        = new UrlSlugRepository(context);
     District       = new DistrictRepository(context);
     SiteSettings   = new SiteSettingsRepository(context);
     SiteHost       = new SiteHostRepository(context);
Example #16
            public async void Should_return_nullexception_when_address_is_null()
                // Arrange
                Address address           = null;
                int     userId            = 1;
                var     DbContextInMemory = GetInMemoryDbContext();
                var     LoggerMock        = new Mock <ILogger <UserAddressRepository> >();
                var     UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest = new UserAddressRepository(DbContextInMemory, Mapper, LoggerMock.Object);

                var result = UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest.CreateAsync(userId, address);

                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await result);
Example #17
        public ActionResult GetAll()
                IEnumerable <User>        users     = UserRepository.GetAll();
                IEnumerable <UserAddress> addresses = UserAddressRepository.GetAll();

                return(View(Models.UserFacade.Build(users, addresses)));
            // catch(BusinessLayer.AuthorizationException) // display authorization response
            catch (Exception e)
                // Should return an exception relative result if the user needs to know about it.
                // Otherwise, just log the exception.
 public ProfileController(UserRepository userRepository
                          , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository
                          , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository
                          , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository
                          , ProductUnitRepository productUnitRepository
                          , TreeRepository treeRepository
                          , ProductRepostitory productRepostitory
                          , ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository)
     _userRepository             = userRepository;
     _shopOrderRepository        = shopOrderRepository;
     _shopProductRepository      = shopProductRepository;
     _userAddressRepository      = userAddressRepository;
     _productUnitRepository      = productUnitRepository;
     _treeRepository             = treeRepository;
     _productRepostitory         = productRepostitory;
     _shopOrderPaymentRepository = shopOrderPaymentRepository;
Example #19
        public ActionResult AddToOrderAddress(string id, string shipper)
            var uar     = new UserAddressRepository();
            var address = uar.SelectById(id);

            if (id == null || address == null)
            if ((Order)Session["Order"] == null)
            var order = (Order)Session["Order"];

            order.UserAddress = address;
            order.ShippingId  = shipper;
            Session["Order"]  = order;
Example #20
            public async void Should_return_Address_when_userId_exist()
                // Arrange
                var userId            = 1;
                var userEntity        = UserAddressDataEntity;
                var DbContextInMemory = GetInMemoryDbContext();
                var LoggerMock        = new Mock <ILogger <UserAddressRepository> >();
                var UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest = new UserAddressRepository(DbContextInMemory, Mapper, LoggerMock.Object);

                var result = await UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest.ReadAsync(userId);

                Assert.Equal(userEntity.Address.Address1, GetValue("Address1"));
                Assert.Equal(userEntity.Address.Address2, GetValue("Address2"));

                object GetValue(string Name)
Example #21
 public ManageOrdersController(ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository
                               , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository
                               , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository
                               , UsersAccessRepository usersAccessRepository
                               , ShopOrderDetailsRepository shopOrderDetailsRepository
                               , UserRepository userRepository
                               , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository,
                               ShopOrderStatusRepository shopOrderStatusRepository,
                               SmsRestClient smsRestClient,
                               ProductUnitRepository productUnitRepository,
                               ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository) : base(usersAccessRepository)
     _shopOrderRepository        = shopOrderRepository;
     _usersPaymentRepository     = usersPaymentRepository;
     _shopProductRepository      = shopProductRepository;
     _shopOrderDetailsRepository = shopOrderDetailsRepository;
     _userRepository             = userRepository;
     _userAddressRepository      = userAddressRepository;
     _shopOrderStatusRepository  = shopOrderStatusRepository;
     _smsRestClient              = smsRestClient;
     _productUnitRepository      = productUnitRepository;
     _shopOrderPaymentRepository = shopOrderPaymentRepository;
Example #22
            public async void Should_return_object_when_address_created()
                int     userId            = 1;
                var     DbContextInMemory = GetInMemoryDbContext();
                var     LoggerMock        = new Mock <ILogger <UserAddressRepository> >();
                var     UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest = new UserAddressRepository(DbContextInMemory, Mapper, LoggerMock.Object);
                Address address      = UserDataEntity;
                var     resultObject = new Address
                    Address1    = "1601 Hood Avenue",
                    Address2    = "dolore in adipisicing et",
                    City        = "San Diego",
                    CountryCode = "11",
                    PinCode     = "92103",
                    StateId     = 1,
                    IsVerified  = false

                var result = await UserAddressRepositoryUnderTest.CreateAsync(userId, address);

                Assert.Equal(resultObject.Address1, GetValue("Address1"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.Address2, GetValue("Address2"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.City, GetValue("City"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.CountryCode, GetValue("CountryCode"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.PinCode, GetValue("PinCode"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.StateId, GetValue("StateId"));
                Assert.Equal(resultObject.IsVerified, GetValue("IsVerified"));

                object GetValue(string Name)
 public MemberApiController(UserRepository userRepo, MacAddressRepository macAddressRepo, UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, ApiAccessUserSessionRepository apiUserSessionRepo)
     UserRepository           = userRepo;
     MacAddressRepository     = macAddressRepo;
     ApiUserSessionRepository = apiUserSessionRepo;
Example #24
 public AccountApiController(UserRepository userRepo, MacAddressRepository macAddressRepo, UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo)
     UserRepository       = userRepo;
     MacAddressRepository = macAddressRepo;
Example #25
        protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
            var userAddresses = new UserAddress[]
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 1,
                    FirstName    = "John",
                    LastName     = "Smith",
                    Phone        = "555-444-3156",
                    AddressLine1 = "1234 Broadway St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Spring",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77386
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 2,
                    FirstName    = "Adam",
                    LastName     = "Berger",
                    Phone        = "111-666-2458",
                    AddressLine1 = "6545 Merak St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Conroe",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77301
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 3,
                    FirstName    = "Nick",
                    LastName     = "Fersman",
                    Phone        = "455-678-7772",
                    AddressLine1 = "3156 Palm St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Katy",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77449
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 4,
                    FirstName    = "Bob",
                    LastName     = "Shulz",
                    Phone        = "345-233-6768",
                    AddressLine1 = "7899 Main St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Pasadena",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77501
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 5,
                    FirstName    = "Greg",
                    LastName     = "Stein",
                    Phone        = "655-112-3444",
                    AddressLine1 = "7860 Main St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Pasadena",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77501
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 6,
                    FirstName    = "Edward",
                    LastName     = "Brigg",
                    Phone        = "112-322-6644",
                    AddressLine1 = "3345 Mapple St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Katy",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77449
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 7,
                    FirstName    = "Mark",
                    LastName     = "Carpenter",
                    Phone        = "789-456-1233",
                    AddressLine1 = "4455 Pine St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Spring",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77386
                new UserAddress
                    Id           = 8,
                    FirstName    = "Rick",
                    LastName     = "White",
                    Phone        = "333-124-3566",
                    AddressLine1 = "3311 Hollow St",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    City         = "Conroe",
                    State        = "Texas",
                    Zipcode      = 77501

            var orders = new Order[]
                new Order
                    Id             = 1,
                    ServiceName    = "Electricity",
                    OrderDate      = new DateTime(2015, 11, 26, 10, 30, 0),
                    CompletionDate = new DateTime(2015, 11, 28, 12, 30, 0),
                    Price          = 84.53m,
                    ServiceQuality = 4,
                    IsApproved     = false,
                    IsCompleted    = false
                new Order
                    Id             = 2,
                    ServiceName    = "Plumbing",
                    OrderDate      = new DateTime(2015, 10, 26, 09, 17, 54),
                    CompletionDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 26, 17, 10, 44),
                    Price          = 112.31m,
                    ServiceQuality = 5,
                    IsApproved     = false,
                    IsCompleted    = false
                new Order
                    Id             = 3,
                    ServiceName    = "Pool",
                    OrderDate      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 04, 09, 11, 32),
                    CompletionDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 05, 16, 22, 37),
                    Price          = 874.22m,
                    ServiceQuality = 4,
                    IsApproved     = false,
                    IsCompleted    = false
                new Order
                    Id             = 4,
                    ServiceName    = "Roof",
                    OrderDate      = new DateTime(2015, 11, 09, 09, 07, 32),
                    CompletionDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 04, 17, 55, 21),
                    Price          = 1245.14m,
                    ServiceQuality = 3,
                    IsApproved     = false,
                    IsCompleted    = false
                new Order
                    Id             = 5,
                    ServiceName    = "Replace Electric Wire",
                    OrderDate      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 09, 08, 12, 46),
                    CompletionDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 12, 17, 33, 07),
                    Price          = 68.47m,
                    ServiceQuality = 4,
                    IsApproved     = false,
                    IsCompleted    = false

            context.UserAddresses.AddOrUpdate(a => a.Id, userAddresses);

            context.Orders.AddOrUpdate(o => o.Id, orders);

            CustomerRepository customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(context);

            var john = customerRepo.FindByCustomerEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (john == null)
                john = new CustomerUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"
                customerRepo.Add(john, "Password!1");

            var adam = customerRepo.FindByCustomerEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (adam == null)
                adam = new CustomerUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"
                customerRepo.Add(adam, "Password!2");

            var fersman = customerRepo.FindByCustomerEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (fersman == null)
                fersman = new CustomerUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"
                customerRepo.Add(fersman, "Password!3");

            var bob = customerRepo.FindByCustomerEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (bob == null)
                bob = new CustomerUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"
                customerRepo.Add(bob, "Password!4");

            BusinessRepository businessRepo = new BusinessRepository(context);

            var greg = businessRepo.FindByBusinessEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (greg == null)
                greg = new BusinessUser()
                    UserName        = "******",
                    Email           = "*****@*****.**",
                    CompanyName     = "Stein Plumbing",
                    ServiceCategory = "Plumbing",
                    Description     = "Residential and business plumbing"
                businessRepo.Add(greg, "Password!11");

            var edward = businessRepo.FindByBusinessEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (edward == null)
                edward = new BusinessUser()
                    UserName        = "******",
                    Email           = "*****@*****.**",
                    CompanyName     = "Brigg Electricity",
                    ServiceCategory = "Electricity",
                    Description     = "All kinds of electric repairs"
                businessRepo.Add(edward, "Password!12");

            var mark = businessRepo.FindByBusinessEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (mark == null)
                mark = new BusinessUser()
                    UserName        = "******",
                    Email           = "*****@*****.**",
                    CompanyName     = "Blue Pools",
                    ServiceCategory = "Pool",
                    Description     = "New pools and repair, rennovation"
                businessRepo.Add(mark, "Password!13");

            var rick = businessRepo.FindByBusinessEmail("*****@*****.**");

            if (rick == null)
                rick = new BusinessUser()
                    UserName        = "******",
                    Email           = "*****@*****.**",
                    CompanyName     = "White Roofing",
                    ServiceCategory = "Roof",
                    Description     = "Roof rennovation and repairs"
                businessRepo.Add(rick, "Password!14");

            UserAddressRepository addressRepo = new UserAddressRepository(context);
            var address1  = addressRepo.FindById(1, null);
            var address2  = addressRepo.FindById(2, null);
            var address3  = addressRepo.FindById(3, null);
            var address4  = addressRepo.FindById(4, null);
            var address11 = addressRepo.FindById(5, null);
            var address12 = addressRepo.FindById(6, null);
            var address13 = addressRepo.FindById(7, null);
            var address14 = addressRepo.FindById(8, null);

            address1.User  = john;
            address2.User  = adam;
            address3.User  = fersman;
            address4.User  = bob;
            address11.User = greg;
            address12.User = edward;
            address13.User = mark;
            address14.User = rick;

            OrderRepository orderRepo = new OrderRepository(context);

            var order1 = orderRepo.FindById(1, null);
            var order2 = orderRepo.FindById(2, null);
            var order3 = orderRepo.FindById(3, null);
            var order4 = orderRepo.FindById(4, null);
            var order5 = orderRepo.FindById(5, null);

            order1.Business = edward;
            order1.Customer = fersman;
            order2.Business = greg;
            order2.Customer = bob;
            order3.Business = mark;
            order3.Customer = adam;
            order4.Business = rick;
            order4.Customer = john;
            order5.Business = edward;
            order5.Customer = john;

Example #26
        public ApplicationUserService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, DbContext context)
            _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;

            _userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context));
 public UserAddressServices(UserAddressRepository repo)
     _repo = repo;
 public UserAddressServices(UserAddressRepository repo)
     _repo = repo;
        public ApplicationUserService(UserAddressRepository userAddressRepo, DbContext context)
            _userAddressRepo = userAddressRepo;

            _userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context));