private Actions(PurchaseActions pActions, UserActions uActions, StoreActions sActions, NotificationManager notification) { Purchase = pActions; User = uActions; Store = sActions; Notification = notification; }
public void AuthenticateUser_4() { UserProfile UserProfileObj = new UserProfile(); UserProfileObj.SetEmail("*****@*****.**"); List <string> token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); if (token.Count == 0) { // token count = 0 means that the account is not logged in or all sessions destroyed // generate the token UserProfileObj.SetPassword("aA!12345"); LoginUserReponse response = new UserActions().LoginUserAction(UserProfileObj); token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); } UserProfileObj.SetToken(token[token.Count - 1].ToString()); DataSet GotOutput; try { GotOutput = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetUserToken(); } catch (Exception) { GotOutput = null; } Assert.AreEqual(int.Parse(GotOutput.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()) > 0, true); }
public void Post([FromBody] MUser value) { UserActions ua = new UserActions(); value.Role_FK = 3; ua.AddUser(value); }
//牌を引く private int DrawCard(int turn, AI[] ai, bool usual) { if (usual) { hands[turn].Add(deck.DrawCard()); //手番のプレイヤーの手牌に追加 } else { hands[turn].Add(deck.DrawKanCard()); //手番のプレイヤーの手牌に追加 } ShowOrHideHand_Only(turn); //手番プレイヤーの手牌を表示 if (turn == 0 && UserActions.Playing()) { UserActions.SelectingDiscard(); if (AI.CanClosedKan(hands[0]).Count >= 1) { UserActions.canClosedKan = true; } if (AI.CanAddKan(hands[0], calls[0]).Count >= 1) { UserActions.canAddKan = true; } return(AI.WAIT_INPUT); } else { return(ai[turn].DecideDiscardOrKan(hands[turn], calls[turn])); } }
protected void PerformAction(UserActions action) { switch (action) { case UserActions.Help: userNeedsDirections = true; break; case UserActions.Create: CreateTask(); break; case UserActions.Display: Display(); break; case UserActions.Complete: CompleteTask(); break; case UserActions.Load: //list = file.Load(input.Arguments); break; case UserActions.Save: file.Save(list, input); break; } }
private void CompleteAction(UserActions action) { if (!isVolatile && stateMachine.SetSystemState(action)) { ModifyPage(stateMachine.GetSystemState()); } }
public void Ti_PL() { if (((phases.GetTurn() + 1) % 4 == 0 && UserActions.Playing())) { Ti(); } }
// GET: User public ActionResult Index() { var userBL = new UserActions(); var userData = userBL.UserList(); return(View(userData)); }
//ポン private void Pon() { if (callPlayer == 0 && UserActions.Playing()) { if (cards.Pon(phases.GetTurn(), callPlayer, AI.Bonus5(UserActions.GetIndexOnly())) == false) { return; } methodsTimer.Reset(); } else { cards.Pon(phases.GetTurn(), callPlayer, ai[callPlayer].GetUseBonusCardForPon()); methodsTimer.AddTimer(Discard, Times.Wait_DrawToDiscard()); } phases.ChangeTurn_Call(callPlayer); UserActions.ResetCanCall(); UserActions.ResetSelect(); if (callPlayer == 0 && UserActions.Playing()) { UserActions.SelectingDiscard(); } }
public void GetTokenList_4() { UserProfile UserProfileObj = new UserProfile(); UserProfileObj.SetEmail("*****@*****.**"); UserProfileObj.SetPassword("aA!12345"); List <string> TokenList = null; try { TokenList = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); if (TokenList.Count == 0) { // token count = 0 means that the account is not logged in or all sessions destroyed // generate the token LoginUserReponse response = new UserActions().LoginUserAction(UserProfileObj); TokenList = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); } } catch (Exception) { TokenList = null; } Assert.AreEqual(TokenList.Count > 0, true); }
private async Task AssignRole(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cacheable, SocketReaction reaction, IGuildUser user, UserActions action) { string message; switch (action) { case UserActions.ClassC: await user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(_classCRoleId)); message = $"**Přijat nový člen {user.Mention}!** [{user.Id}]\n" + $"```{cacheable.Value.Content}```"; break; case UserActions.Int: await user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(_intRoleId)); message = $"**Přijat nový *INT* člen {user.Mention}!** [{user.Id}]\n" + $"```{cacheable.Value.Content}```"; break; case UserActions.Underage: message = $"**Uživatel {user.Mention} pod věkovou hranicí!** [{user.Id}]\n" + $"```{cacheable.Value.Content}```"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(action), action, null); } await reaction.Message.Value.DeleteAsync(); await((ISocketMessageChannel)_client.GetChannel(_loggingChannelId)).SendMessageAsync(message); Logger.LogInformation("{ReactionUser} made action in #welcome: {Message}", reaction.User, message); }
public void OrderDetailsByTypeAndStatus_10() { IUserProfile UserProfileObj = new UserProfile(); UserProfileObj.SetEmail("*****@*****.**"); List <string> token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); if (token.Count == 0) { // token count = 0 means that the account is not logged in or all sessions destroyed // generate the token UserProfileObj.SetPassword("Root@123"); LoginUserReponse response = new UserActions().LoginUserAction(UserProfileObj); token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); } UserProfileObj.SetToken(token[token.Count - 1].ToString()); IOrder OrderObj = new Order(); OrderObj.SetOrderType("Individual"); OrderObj.SetStatusName("ABCD"); IOrderDetailsDataLayer OrderDetailsDataLayerObj = new OrderDetailsDataLayer(UserProfileObj, OrderObj); DataSet Output = OrderDetailsDataLayerObj.FetchOrderDetailsByTypeAndStatus(); Assert.AreEqual(Output.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0, true); }
public List <UserActions> GetUserActions (List <FileEmployee> fileEmployees, FileDayActions dayActions) { var ids = new List <string>(); var result = new List <UserActions>(); foreach (var employee in fileEmployees) { ids.Add(employee.EmployeeId); } var dbEmployees = _context.Employees .Where(e => ids.Contains(e.EmployeeId)) .ToList(); foreach (var userActions in dayActions.UsersActions) { var newUserActions = new UserActions(userActions); newUserActions.Employee = dbEmployees.Where (e => e.EmployeeId == userActions.EmployeeId).Single(); result.Add(newUserActions); } return(result); }
public void Post([FromBody] MUser value) { UserActions ua = new UserActions(); value.Role = "Зареєстрований"; ua.AddUser(value); }
public void OrderDetailsByTypeAndStatus_9() { int ExpectedOutput = -2; int GotOutput = 0; IUserProfile UserProfileObj = new UserProfile(); UserProfileObj.SetEmail("*****@*****.**"); List <string> token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); if (token.Count == 0) { // token count = 0 means that the account is not logged in or all sessions destroyed // generate the token UserProfileObj.SetPassword("Root@123"); LoginUserReponse response = new UserActions().LoginUserAction(UserProfileObj); token = new SecurityDataLayer(UserProfileObj).GetTokenList(); } UserProfileObj.SetToken(token[token.Count - 1].ToString()); IOrder OrderObj = new Order(); OrderObj.SetOrderType("Individual"); OrderObj.SetStatusName(""); IOrderDetailsDataLayer OrderDetailsDataLayerObj = new OrderDetailsDataLayer(UserProfileObj, OrderObj); try { DataSet Output = OrderDetailsDataLayerObj.FetchOrderDetailsByTypeAndStatus(); } catch (Exception) { GotOutput = -2; } Assert.AreEqual(GotOutput, ExpectedOutput); }
private void GenerateIncidence() { try { User user = UserActions.GetUser(); string valId; Console.WriteLine("GET PENDING VALIDATION"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); ListPendingValidations(user); Console.WriteLine("INSERT PENDING TO VALIDATE SERVICE ID OR BLANK TO EXIT : "); valId = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valId)) { ShowServicesMenu(); return; } if (CommonLib.ValidateNumEntrance(valId)) { IncidenceDetails(long.Parse(valId)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUserProfile UserProfileObj = new UserProfile(); UserProfileMenuResponse ProfileMenu = new UserProfileMenuResponse(); try { ProfileMenu.IsProfileAvailable = false; if (CookieProxy.Instance().HasKey("t")) { UserProfileObj.SetToken(CookieProxy.Instance().GetValue("t").ToString()); if (CookieProxy.Instance().HasKey("um")) { ProfileMenu = new UserActions(UserProfileObj).GetProfileMenu(CookieProxy.Instance().GetValue("um").ToString()); } else { ProfileMenu = new UserActions(UserProfileObj).GetProfileMenu(null); } if (ProfileMenu.ShouldReupdate) { RemoveProfileCookie(); ProfileMenu = new UserActions(null).GetProfileMenu(null); } CookieProxy.Instance().SetValue("um", new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ProfileMenu), DateTime.Now.AddDays(2)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProfileMenu.IsProfileAvailable = false; } Response.Write(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ProfileMenu)); }
public ActionResult Create(User obj) { var userBL = new UserActions(); userBL.AddUser(obj); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
//チー private void Ti() { int tiPlayer = (phases.GetTurn() + 1) % 4; if (tiPlayer == 0 && UserActions.Playing()) { if (cards.Ti(phases.GetTurn(), UserActions.handIndexes_forCall) == false) { return; } UserActions.ResetSelect(); methodsTimer.Reset(); phases.ChangeTurn_Default(); UserActions.SelectingDiscard(); } else { cards.Ti(phases.GetTurn(), ai[tiPlayer].GetCallIndexesForTi()); phases.ChangeTurn_Default(); methodsTimer.AddTimer(Discard, Times.Wait_DrawToDiscard()); } UserActions.ResetCanCall(); }
private void setPartyCustomActions(bool isgroup, string groupId) { userService.GetAllUserActionTypes((res, exp) => appController.BeginInvokeOnDispatcher(() => { HideBusyIndicator(); if (exp == null) { res.ForEach(c => { UserActions.Add((int)c, true); }); PrivilegeList.Where(all => UserActions.Where(c => c.Value).Select(c => c.Key).Contains((int)all.ActionType)) .ToList().ForEach(p => p.IsGrant = true); PrivilegeList.Where(all => UserActions.Where(c => !c.Value).Select(c => c.Key).Contains((int)all.ActionType)) .ToList().ForEach(p => p.IsGrant = false); } else { appController.HandleException(exp); } }), Party.PartyName, isgroup, groupId); //PrivilegeList.Where(all => Party.CustomActions.Where(c => c.Value).Select(c => c.Key).Contains(all.ActionType.Id)) // .ToList().ForEach(p => p.IsGrant = true); // PrivilegeList.Where(all => Party.CustomActions.Where(c => !c.Value).Select(c => c.Key).Contains(all.ActionType.Id)) // .ToList().ForEach(p => p.IsDeny = true); }
private void InitEntrypoints(UserActions action) { ApplicationEntryPoints.Clear(); switch (action) { case UserActions.New: var rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(SelectedFolder.FullPath); var entrypoints = rootDirectory.GetFiles("*.exe") .Union(rootDirectory.GetFiles($"*.{Constants.DeployFileExtension}")) .ToArray(); foreach (var entrypointFile in entrypoints) { ApplicationEntryPoints.Add(ReferenceUtils.GetNormalFilePath(entrypointFile.Name)); } SelectedEntrypoint = entrypoints.Select(entry => entry.Name).FirstOrDefault(); break; case UserActions.Update: var entrypoint = SelectedFolder.ApplicationManifest?.EntryPoint; if (entrypoint != null) { ApplicationEntryPoints.Add(entrypoint.TargetPath); SelectedEntrypoint = entrypoint.TargetPath; } break; } }
private void ShotWithoutIntellegence(ref UserActions chosenAction) { do { UserInterface.ShowMessage(_enemyTurn); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (CheckExit()) { chosenAction = UserActions.GameOver; break; } RandomCoords.SearchRandomCoords(_playerMap); _isTargetPlayer = _playerMap.HitTarget(ref _isAlivePlayerAfterRigthShoot); int cursorLeft = UserInterface.DISTANCE_BETWEEN_MAP; int cursorTop = UserInterface.START_TOP_CURSOR; UserInterface.PrintShipPlayer(_playerMap, cursorLeft, cursorTop); UserInterface.ShowResultOfShot(_isAlivePlayerAfterRigthShoot, _isTargetPlayer); UserInterface.PrintExitSymbol(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1500); bool shipSearched = _playerMap.SearchShips(); if (!shipSearched) { break; } } while (_isTargetPlayer); }
// - mors public void EditEvent(UserActions EventName) { if (!Box) { return; } switch (EventName) { case UserActions.Action: // Box.UserAction(); break; case UserActions.Come: Box.UserStay(); break; // + mors case UserActions.Spawn: Box.OnSpawn(); break; // - mors default: return; } }
protected void LoginBtnID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserActions regu = new UserActions(); string s = regu.userLogin(LoginTextBoxID.Text + "", PasswordTextBoxID.Text); if (s == PasswordTextBoxID.Text) { Response.Redirect("/Account/Login.aspx"); //result.Visible = true; //result.Text = "Suceesfully retrived data :" + s; } else if (s == "User is **NOT REGISTERED** yet") { result.Visible = true; result.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; result.Text = s; } else { result.Visible = true; result.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue; result.Text = "You have entered **WRONG PASSWORD**"; } }
public string Post([FromBody] string value) { UserActions u1 = new UserActions(); string i = u1.GetUsers().Where(o => o.Login == value).FirstOrDefault().UserID.ToString(); return(i); }
public HomeController(IndieContext context, UserManager <User> userManager, SignInManager <User> signInManager) { this.context = context; _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; actions = new UserActions(); }
public override void OnDestroy() { Hide(); base.OnDestroy(); UserActions.UnsubscribeAll(); Finish(); }
//Esta función es llamada por los items de los menues contextuales void ContextMenuActions(object o) { //Como GenericMenu.AddItem() pide una función que devuelva void y reciba un object, //hay que upcastear de object al tipo de variable u objeto que estas queriendo usar. UserActions a = (UserActions)o; switch (a) { case UserActions.addProductNode: AddNode <ProductNode>(new Rect(_mousePosition.x, _mousePosition.y, 300, 250), GetNewId()); break; case UserActions.addConnection: BeginInteractiveConnectionMode(); break; case UserActions.deleteNode: DeleteNode(); break; case UserActions.addComparisonNode: AddNode <ComparativeNode>(new Rect(_mousePosition.x, _mousePosition.y, 180, 100), GetNewId()); break; case UserActions.addConnectionAsFalse: BeginInteractiveConnectionMode(false); break; case UserActions.resetScroll: ResetScroll(); break; } NotifyChangesWereMade(); }
IEnumerator Start() { _instance = this; // create a sample store using the UserState class as a model for the state var userStore = new RuxStore <UserState>(UserState.GetDefaultState <UserState>(), new UserProvider()); // create an instance of our Actions var userActions = new UserActions(userStore); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); // subscribe to state changes userStore.onStateChanged += (UserState obj) => { if (UITextBindings.ContainsKey("Text")) { UITextBindings["Text"].text = obj.ToString(); } ; // Debug.Log("CALLBACK <color=green>" + obj.ToString() + "</color>"); }; // fire some actions! userActions.Login("adminwrong", "test"); userActions.Login("adminwrong", "test123123"); userActions.Login("admin", "test"); userActions.Login("admin", "test"); }
protected override void CreateEvent(UserActions action, CompleteType type) { var args = new RequestCompleteArgs(); args.Action = action; args.DisplayResponse = false; args.RefreshUI = false; args.LoggedIn = false; if (type == CompleteType.THREAD && action == UserActions.SUCCESS) { args.Response = successMessage; args.DisplayResponse = true; args.RefreshUI = true; } else if (type == CompleteType.THREAD && action == UserActions.FAILURE) { args.Response = failureMessage; args.DisplayResponse = true; } else { args.Response = timeoutMessage; args.DisplayResponse = true; } OnRequestComplete(args); }
public WebAPI(IRequestSender requestSender) { requestSender_ = requestSender; admin_ = new AdminActions (requestSender); appstore_ = new AppstoreActions (requestSender); chrome_web_store_ = new ChromeWebStoreActions (requestSender); facebook_ = new FacebookActions (requestSender); friends_ = new FriendsActions (requestSender); google_ = new GoogleActions (requestSender); info_ = new InfoActions (requestSender); items_ = new ItemsActions (requestSender); leaderboards_ = new LeaderboardsActions (requestSender); mail_ = new MailActions (requestSender); shop_ = new ShopActions (requestSender); scripts_ = new ScriptsActions (requestSender); tasks_ = new TasksActions (requestSender); user_ = new UserActions (requestSender); urbanairship_ = new UrbanairshipActions (requestSender); }
/// <summary> /// Add notification about action to db. /// </summary> /// <param name="userOneId">user one id.</param> /// <param name="userTwoId">user two id.</param> /// <param name="action">action.</param> /// <param name="actionTime">time of action.</param> /// <returns>true if operations success; otherwise, false.</returns> public static bool AddNotification(int userOneId, int userTwoId, UserActions action, DateTime actionTime) { using (var DBcontext = new LinqToSqlDataContext()) { // new notification Notification newNotification; switch (action) { case UserActions.AcceptFriendship: newNotification = new Notification { user_one = userOneId, user_two = userTwoId, time = actionTime, accept_friendship = true }; break; case UserActions.RejectFriendship: newNotification = new Notification { user_one = userOneId, user_two = userTwoId, time = actionTime, reject_friendship = true }; break; case UserActions.SendFriendshipRequest: newNotification = new Notification { user_one = userOneId, user_two = userTwoId, time = actionTime, send_friendship = true }; break; case UserActions.CancelFriendshipRequest: newNotification = new Notification { user_one = userOneId, user_two = userTwoId, time = actionTime, cancel_friendship = true }; break; case UserActions.RemoveFromFriends: newNotification = new Notification { user_one = userOneId, user_two = userTwoId, time = actionTime, remove_friend = true }; break; default: return false; } DBcontext.Notifications.InsertOnSubmit(newNotification); try { DBcontext.SubmitChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e); return false; } } }
public static void Log(int? UserId, UserActions action , string ActionDetails) { string Ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); Log(Ticks, Convert.ToString(UserId), Convert.ToString((int)action), ActionDetails); }
public UserStatus() { Action = UserActions.Editing; Template = null; }
//delegate void EndInvokeDelegate(IAsyncResult result); // ************************************** // LogUserEvent: UserActionEvent // ************************************** public static void LogUserEvent(UserActions action) { var user = Account.User(); if (SystemConfig.LogUserActions && user != null) { var actionEvent = new UserActionEvent() { UserActionId = (int)action, UserId = user.UserId, UserActionEventDate = DateTime.Now, SessionId = CurrentSessionId() }; LogActionEventDelegate<UserActionEvent> logActionEventDelegate = new LogActionEventDelegate<UserActionEvent>(LogEvent); logActionEventDelegate.BeginInvoke(actionEvent, null, null); } }