Example #1
        public Task <SyncPeerAllocation> BorrowAsync(IPeerSelectionStrategy peerSelectionStrategy, string description = "", int timeoutMilliseconds = 0)
            SyncPeerAllocation allocation = new SyncPeerAllocation(peerSelectionStrategy);

            allocation.AllocateBestPeer(UsefulPeers.Where(p => !p.IsAllocated), new NodeStatsManager(new StatsConfig(), LimboLogs.Instance), SyncPeerTree, description);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     This is an important operation for long lasting allocations.
 ///     For example the full sync tends to allocate the same peer for many minutes and we use this method to ensure that
 ///     a newly arriving better peer can replace a currently selected one.
 ///     Consider that there are some external changes (e.g. node stats values change based on the sync transfer rates)
 ///     which may not be controlled from inside here, hence we decide to monitor the potential upgrades in a loop.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reason">Reason for the method invocation for the diagnostics</param>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if an irreplaceable allocation is being replaced by this method (internal implementation error).</exception>
 private void UpgradeAllocations(string reason)
     foreach ((SyncPeerAllocation allocation, _) in _replaceableAllocations)
         lock (_isAllocatedChecks)
             var unallocatedPeers = UsefulPeers.Where(p => !p.IsAllocated);
             allocation.AllocateBestPeer(unallocatedPeers, _stats, _blockTree, reason);
Example #3
        public async Task <SyncPeerAllocation> BorrowAsync(IPeerSelectionStrategy peerSelectionStrategy, string description = "", int timeoutMilliseconds = 0)
            int      tryCount  = 1;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            SyncPeerAllocation allocation = new SyncPeerAllocation(peerSelectionStrategy);

            while (true)
                lock (_isAllocatedChecks)
                    allocation.AllocateBestPeer(UsefulPeers.Where(p => !p.IsAllocated), _stats, _blockTree, "INIT");
                    if (allocation.HasPeer)
                        if (peerSelectionStrategy.CanBeReplaced)
                            _replaceableAllocations.TryAdd(allocation, null);


                bool timeoutReached = timeoutMilliseconds == 0 ||
                                      (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalMilliseconds > timeoutMilliseconds;
                if (timeoutReached)

                int waitTime = 10 * tryCount++;

                await _signals.WaitOneAsync(waitTime, CancellationToken.None);

                _signals.Reset(); // without this we have no delay