Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// If the registration is of type "sip_registration_uri", then the
 /// contents are an opaque string containing the URI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sip_uri">The SIP URI to be stored</param>
 private SipRegistration(String sip_uri, UsageManager manager) {
   if (sip_uri == null || sip_uri.Length == 0)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("SIP URI can not be null or size = 0");
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION;
   type = SipRegistrationType.sip_registration_uri;
   data = new SipRegistrationData(sip_uri);
   length = (UInt16)(sip_uri.Length + 2); // +2 for preceding length value (short)
   myManager = manager;
Example #2
 public AccessList(UsageManager manager) {
   myManager = manager;
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.ACCESS_LIST;
   length = 0;
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Deserializes AccessControlList Kind from byte stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rm">Not used.</param>
    /// <param name="reader">Binary reader containing message byte stream.</param>
    /// <param name="usage_size">Not used. ACL has fix length.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IUsage FromReader(ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long usage_size) {
      codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.ACCESS_LIST;
      UInt16 len = 0; // for opaque string lengths
      try {
        /* read resource_name*/
        len = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
        resource_name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len), 0, len);
        /* read length of PDU */
        length = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
        /* read to_user value */
        len = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
        string to_uri = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len), 0, len);
        /* read kindId to be shared */
        UInt32 kindId = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)reader.ReadInt32());
        /* read allow_delegation flag */
        Boolean allow_delegation = (reader.ReadByte() == 0 ? false : true);
        /* Create ACL data */
        data = new AccessListData(kindId, to_uri, allow_delegation);

        usage_size = usage_size - (length + 1);

      catch (Exception ex) {
            String.Format("AccessList FromReader(): {0}", ex.Message));
      return this;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a DisCoRegistration from byte stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rm">Not used.</param>
 /// <param name="reader">
 /// The binary reader containing the entire RELOAD message</param>
 /// <param name="usage_size">Not used. DisCoReg has fixed length</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IUsage FromReader(ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long usage_size) {
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.DISCO;
   UInt16 len = 0; // used for length of opaque values            
   try {
     /* lenght of resource name and resource name */
     len = (UInt16)(Conv.NetworkToHostOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
     resourceName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len), 0, len);
     /* length of rest PDU */
     length = (UInt16)(Conv.NetworkToHostOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
     /* length of coordiate and coordinate */
     len = (UInt16)(Conv.NetworkToHostOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
     string coord = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len), 0, len);
     /* node_id of remote peer */
     NodeId nodeId = new NodeId(reader.ReadBytes(ReloadGlobals.NODE_ID_DIGITS));
     /* Instanciate DisCo data */
     data = new DisCoRegistrationData(coord, nodeId);
     usage_size = usage_size - (length + 1);
   catch (Exception ex) {
         String.Format("DisCoRegistration FromBytes(): {0}", ex.Message));
   return this;
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// This contructor instanciates an Access List Kind.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="resource_name">The Name of the Resource to be shared.</param>
    /// <param name="kindId">The Kind Id of the Resource to be shared.</param>
    /// <param name="to_user"></param>
    /// <param name="to_user"></param>
    /// <param name="allow_delegation"></param>
    private AccessList(string resource_name, string to_user,
        UInt32 kindId, Boolean allow_delegation, UsageManager manager) {

      if (resource_name == null || kindId == 0 || to_user == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("An Access List does not allow null parameter.");
      codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.ACCESS_LIST;
      this.resource_name = resource_name;
      length = (UInt16)(resource_name.Length + 2);
      length += (UInt16)2; // KindId            
      length += (UInt16)(to_user.Length + 2);
      length += (UInt16)1; // Boolean allow_delegation
      length += 2; // the length itself

      data = new AccessListData(kindId, to_user, allow_delegation);

      myManager = manager;
 public Request(Machine machine, Usage_Code_Point codePoint = 0, int type=0, string[] args = null) {
   this.machine = machine;
   this.CodePoint = codePoint;
   this.type = type;
   this.args = args;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// This contructor should be taken if you want to create a DisCoRegistration from wire.
 /// </summary>        
 public DisCoRegistration(UsageManager manager) {
   myManager = manager;
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.DISCO;
   length = 0;
Example #8
    public IUsage FromReader(ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long usage_size) //REDIR_SERVICE_PROVIDER
      codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.REDIR_SERVICE_PROVIDER;

      UInt16 namespacelength;
      string nameSpace;
      UInt16 level;
      UInt16 node;
      NodeId serviceProviderID;

      try {
        uint length = (UInt32)(System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)reader.ReadInt32()));

        UInt16 serviceProviderID_len = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()));
        serviceProviderID = new NodeId(reader.ReadBytes(serviceProviderID_len));

        namespacelength = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()));

        nameSpace = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(namespacelength)); //ASCII for wireshark dissector

        level = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()));

        node = (UInt16)(System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()));

        string resourceName = (nameSpace + "," + level + "," + node);

        RedirServiceProvider serviceProvider = new RedirServiceProvider(serviceProviderID, resourceName, nameSpace, level, node, myManager);

        return serviceProvider;
      catch (Exception ex) {
        throw ex;
Example #9
 /// <summary>
  /// This contructor should be taken if you want to create a RedirServiceProvider from wire.
  /// </summary>        
  public CertificateStore(bool bnode)
    codePoint = bnode ? Usage_Code_Point.CERTIFICATE_STORE_BY_NODE : Usage_Code_Point.CERTIFICATE_STORE_BY_USER;
    byNode = bnode;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// This contructor should be taken if you want to create a RedirServiceProvider from wire.
 /// </summary>        
 public RedirServiceProvider(UsageManager manager) {
   myManager = manager;
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.REDIR_SERVICE_PROVIDER;
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// This constructor instantiates a RedirServiceProvider
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serviceProvider">The NodeId of the ServiceProvider.</param>
    /// <param name="resourceName">resourceName is "nameSpace,level,node"</param>
    /// <param name="level">level in Redir Tree</param>
    /// <param name="node">node in Redir Tree</param>
    public RedirServiceProvider(NodeId serviceProvider, string resourceName, string nameSpace, UInt16 level, UInt16 node, UsageManager manager) {
      if (serviceProvider == null || nameSpace == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("RedirServiceProvider does not accept null parameters");

      codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.REDIR_SERVICE_PROVIDER;
      data = new RedirServiceProviderData(serviceProvider, nameSpace, level, node);

      myManager = manager;
      this.resourceName = resourceName;
Example #12
    public void GatherCommandsInQueue(string command, Usage_Code_Point codePoint, int type, NodeId viaGateway, bool CommandFinished = false, params object[] arguments)  //TODO: combine to one single method
      IUsage usage = null;
      StoredDataSpecifier specifier = null;

      if (command.Equals("Store"))
			StoreKindData kindData;
			usage = m_UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, type, arguments);
			//foreach (UInt32 kindId in usage.Kinds)    TODO:
                //kindData = new StoreKindData(kindId, 0, new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(kindId, true)));
                kindData = new StoreKindData(usage.KindId, 0, new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(true)));
			if (CommandFinished == true)
				if (viaGateway != null)
					storeViaGateway.Add(gatheredStoreDatas, viaGateway);
				gatheredStoreDatas = new List<StoreKindData>();
		if (command.Equals("Fetch"))
            //UInt32[] kinds = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).Kinds; TODO: cleanup
            UInt32 kind = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).KindId;
			// To further garantee SIP Usage with Telefonenumbers
			if (codePoint == Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION && arguments[0].ToString().StartsWith("+"))
				string FetchUrl = "";
				ReloadConfigResolve res = new ReloadConfigResolve(m_ReloadConfig);
                FetchUrl = res.ResolveNaptr(arguments[0].ToString());
				if (FetchUrl == null)
					ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_WARNING, "DNS Enum fallback to sip uri analysis");
                    FetchUrl = arguments[0].ToString();
					FetchUrl = FetchUrl.TrimStart(' ');
					FetchUrl = FetchUrl.Replace(" ", "");
          FetchUrl = "sip:" + FetchUrl + "@" + m_ReloadConfig.OverlayName;
					arguments[0] = FetchUrl;
            //foreach (UInt32 kindId in kinds)      TODO: cleanup
                specifier = m_UsageManager.createSpecifier(kind, arguments);
			if (CommandFinished == true)
				if (viaGateway != null)
					fetchViaGateway.Add(gatheredSpecifiers, viaGateway);
				gatheredSpecifiers = new List<StoredDataSpecifier>();
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// This method gathers all Kinds that will be sent withon one single request.
 /// @precondition: The storing data MUST have the same Resource Name.
 /// @precondition: The the command MUST be the same. (e.g., ONLY store | fetch)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Store | Fetch</param>
 /// <param name="codePoint">The Identifier for the Usage to be performed</param>
 /// <param name="type">Some Usages define differents types (see sip usage). Place here that value in Usage spec.</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">argument[0] Resource Name
 ///                         If SIP Registration: args[1] = uri | contact prefs
 ///                         If DisCo Registration: args[1] TODO
 ///                         If Access List: args[1] = kinId
 ///                                         args[2] = from_user
 ///                                         args[3] = to_user
 ///                                         args[4] = allow_delegation</param>
 public void GatherCommands(string command, Usage_Code_Point codePoint,
     int type, params object[] arguments) {
   IUsage usage = null;
   StoredDataSpecifier specifier = null;
   /* Check  plausibility of user commands */
   if (m_ReloadConfig.CommandQueuePort.ItemCount > 0 &&
      command != (string)m_ReloadConfig.CommandQueuePort.Test()) {
     throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
         "Your command {0} is not the same as previews command {1}.",
   /* Process store command */
   if (command.Equals("Store")) {
     StoreKindData kindData;
     usage = m_UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, type, arguments);
     kindData = new StoreKindData(usage.KindId,
                                  0, // mok! TODO generation management
                                  new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(true)));
   /* Process fetch command */
   if (command.Equals("Fetch")) {
     string[] str_arguments = arguments.Select(item => (string)item).ToArray();
     UInt32 kind = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).KindId;
     // To further garantee SIP Usage with Telefonenumbers
     if (codePoint == Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION &&
         str_arguments[0].StartsWith("+")) {
       string FetchUrl = "";
       ReloadConfigResolve res = new ReloadConfigResolve(m_ReloadConfig);          
       FetchUrl = res.ResolveNaptr(str_arguments[0]);
       if (FetchUrl == null) {
           "DNS Enum fallback to sip uri analysis");
         FetchUrl = str_arguments[0];
         FetchUrl = FetchUrl.TrimStart(' ');
         FetchUrl = FetchUrl.Replace(" ", "");
         FetchUrl = "sip:" + FetchUrl + "@" + m_ReloadConfig.OverlayName;
       arguments[0] = FetchUrl;
     specifier = m_UsageManager.createSpecifier(kind, str_arguments);
 public StoreRequest(Machine machine, Usage_Code_Point codePoint = 0, int type=0, string[] args = null)
   : base(machine, codePoint, type, args) {
Example #15
 private SipRegistration(String contact_prefs, List<Destination> destination_list, UsageManager manager) {
   if (contact_prefs == null || destination_list == null || destination_list.Count == 0)
     throw new ArgumentException("SipRegistration does not allow null parameter or destination list < 1");
   type = SipRegistrationType.sip_registration_route;
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION;
   length = (UInt16)(contact_prefs.Length + 2);
   length += (UInt16)(ReloadMessage.GetDestListNetLength(destination_list) + 2); // + 2 destList preceeding "length" value
   data = new SipRegistrationData(contact_prefs, destination_list);
   myManager = manager;
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// This method creates Usages. Use this if your intending to Store or Delete Kinds in the Overlay.
    /// If type and arguments are null, it returns an empty usage obejct of the specified Usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kindId"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments">argument[0] Resource Name
    ///                         If SIP Registration: args[0] = uri | contact prefs
    ///                         If DisCo Registration: args[1] TODO
    ///                         If Access List: args[1] = kindId
    ///                                         args[2] = from_user
    ///                                         args[3] = to_user
    ///                                         args[4] = allow_delegation</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IUsage CreateUsage(Usage_Code_Point usageCode, int? type, params object[] arguments) {

      if (type == null && arguments == null) {
        return usages[usageCode];
      return usages[usageCode].Create(type, arguments);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Use this constructor just to have a SipRegistration object.
 /// </summary>
 public SipRegistration(UsageManager manager) {
   myManager = manager;
   codePoint = Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION;
   //length = 0;
    public void storeVia(string NameSpace, Usage_Code_Point codePoint, int type, string[] args) {

      StoreRequest req = new StoreRequest(machine, codePoint, type, args);

      if (gateWayCache.ContainsKey(NameSpace) == true) {
        req.fire(NameSpace, gateWayCache[NameSpace]);
      else {