protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { preurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("urldata"); width = Request.QueryString["w"]; lang = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["lang"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (!IsPostBack) { if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["g"]) == 1) { txtSoDienThoaiTang.Focus(); } //Detail DataTable dtDetail = RTController.GetRingToneDetailByIDHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); //end detail lnkCateChannel.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetRingToneCategoryUrl(lang.ToString(), width, dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_RTCategoryID"].ToString()); lnkHomeChannel.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetRingToneHomeUrl(lang.ToString(), width); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ringtoneprice");; if (lang == 1) { lnkHomeChannel.Text = "NHẠC"; lnkCateChannel.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["Title_Unicode"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrTenAnh.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); ltrCasy.Text = Resources.Resource.wCaSy + dtDetail.Rows[0]["ArtistNameUnicode"].ToString(); if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["AlbumNameUnicode"].ToString() != "unknown") { ltrNhom.Text = "Album: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AlbumNameUnicode"].ToString(); } //ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wLuotTai + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Download"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrGiaTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTai + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien; //ltrGiaTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTang + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien; lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTaiVe + "</span>"; ltrGuiTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGuiTang; ltrCungTheLoai.Text = Resources.Resource.rNhacCungTheLoai; } else { lnkCateChannel.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrTenAnh.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); ltrCasy.Text = Resources.Resource.wCaSy_KD + dtDetail.Rows[0]["ArtistName"].ToString(); if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["AlbumName"].ToString() != "unknown") { ltrNhom.Text = "Album: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AlbumName"].ToString(); } //ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wLuotTai_KD + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Download"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrGiaTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTai_KD + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD; //ltrGiaTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTang_KD + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD; lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTaiVe_KD + "</span>"; ltrGuiTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGuiTang_KD; ltrCungTheLoai.Text = Resources.Resource.rNhacCungTheLoai_KD; } lnkTai.NavigateUrl = "../Download.aspx?id=" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_RTItemID"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; //Other if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tpage"])) { tpage = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["tpage"]); } int totaltopdownload = 0; DataTable dtltopdownload = RTController.GetAllRingToneByCategoryAndDisplayTypeHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_RTCategoryID"]), 0, pagesize, tpage, out totaltopdownload); rptCungTheLoai.DataSource = dtltopdownload; rptCungTheLoai.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptTopdownload_ItemDataBound); rptCungTheLoai.DataBind(); Paging1.totalrecord = totaltopdownload; Paging1.pagesize = pagesize; Paging1.numberpage = pagenumber; Paging1.defaultparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"]; Paging1.queryparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "&tpage="; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gameprice"); preurl = AppEnv.GetSetting("urldata"); width = Request.QueryString["w"]; lang = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["lang"]); hotro = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["hotro"]); //hotro = 1; catID = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"]); if (AppEnv.GetSetting("freecate").IndexOf("," + catID + ",") > -1) { freecate = true; } _info = Get_User_Agent_Info(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["serviceList"] != null) { _arrService = Session["serviceList"] as string[]; } if (_arrService != null) { if (_arrService.Length > 0) { string dkGame = string.Format(AppEnv.GetSetting("S2DK_Game")); foreach (var item in _arrService) { if (item == dkGame) { pnlDkGame.Visible = false; } } } } if (catID == 22) { Price = "0"; } else { Price = AppEnv.GetSetting("gameprice"); } DataTable catInfo = GameController.GetCategoryByCatIDHasCache(catID); if (lang == 1) { lnkCateChannel.Text = catInfo.Rows[0]["Title_Unicode"].ToString().ToUpper(); } else { lnkCateChannel.Text = catInfo.Rows[0]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper(); } lnkCateChannel.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameCategoryUrlNew(lang.ToString(), width, catID.ToString(), hotro.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cpage"])) { curpage = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cpage"]); } //start category list int totalrecord = 0; //if (hotro == 1) //{ // rptlstCategory.DataSource = GameController.GetAllGameByCateTypeAndAgent(Session["telco"].ToString(), catID, (int)Constant.Game.Category, _info, pagesize, curpage, out totalrecord); //} //else //{ // rptlstCategory.DataSource = GameController.GetAllGameByCategoryAndDisplayTypeHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), catID, (int)Constant.Game.Category, pagesize, curpage, out totalrecord); //} var dt = new DataTable(); dt = GameController.GetAllGameByCateTypeAndAgent(Session["telco"].ToString(), catID, (int)Constant.Game.Category, _info, pagesize, curpage, out totalrecord); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt = GameController.GetAllGameByCategoryAndDisplayTypeHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), catID, (int)Constant.Game.Category, pagesize, curpage, out totalrecord); } rptlstCategory.DataSource = dt; rptlstCategory.ItemDataBound += rptlstCategory_ItemDataBound; rptlstCategory.DataBind(); Paging1.totalrecord = totalrecord; Paging1.pagesize = pagesize; Paging1.numberpage = pagenumber; Paging1.defaultparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&catid=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + "&hotro=" + Request.QueryString["hotro"]; Paging1.queryparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&catid=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + "&hotro=" + Request.QueryString["hotro"] + "&cpage="; //end category list }
protected void HienThiNoiDung(Boolean thuchien) { pnlNoiDung.Visible = true; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dtDetail = HinhNenController.GetWallpaperDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); if (thuchien) { if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong + " hình nền " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + " (" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + ")"; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr_KD; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong_KD + " hình nền " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + " (" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + ")"; } lnkDownload.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "1", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_CategoryID"]) == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { chitietGiaodich = "Thu phap: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, lnkDownload.NavigateUrl, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 15); } else { chitietGiaodich = "Hinh nen: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, lnkDownload.NavigateUrl, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 1); } HinhNenController.SetDownloadCounter(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); } else { //Thông báo lỗi thanh toán if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan_KD; } if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_CategoryID"]) == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { chitietGiaodich = "Thu phap: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 15, messageReturn); } else { chitietGiaodich = "Hinh nen: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 1, messageReturn); } //--Thông báo lỗi thanh toán } //log charging ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("--------------------------------------------------"); logger.Debug("MSISDN:" + Session["msisdn"].ToString()); logger.Debug("Dich vu: Hinh nen - parameter: " + price + " - Ten: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + " - id: " + id); logger.Debug("Wallpaper Url:" + lnkDownload.NavigateUrl); logger.Debug("IP:" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress); logger.Debug("Error:" + messageReturn); logger.Debug("Current Url:" + Request.RawUrl); //end log }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldprice"); telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"" + UrlProcess.TheThaoHome() + "\" >BÓNG ĐÁ</a>"; //linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrl(lang, "home", width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >BONG DA<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { //if (width == 0) // width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; //ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; gameid = ThethaoController.GetAll_Sport87DetailByGame87ID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"])).Rows[0]["PK_Game87_ID"].ToString(); DataSet ds87detail = ThethaoController.GetAll_Sport87_DetailBy_PK_Game87ID(gameid); if (!ConvertUtility.ToBoolean(ds87detail.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IsFull"])) { pnlThongBao.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrTitle.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrThongBao.Text = ds87detail.Tables[1].Rows[0]["ContentValue"].ToString(); btnCo.Visible = false; btnKhong.Visible = false; //} //else //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; // ltrThongBao.Text = UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(ds87detail.Tables[1].Rows[0]["ContentValue"].ToString()); // btnCo.Visible = false; // btnKhong.Visible = false; //} } else { if (WapController.W4A_Subscriber_IsActive(ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["msisdn"]), 2)) { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } // Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) { messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { //gameid = ThethaoController.GetAll_Sport87DetailByGame87ID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"])).Rows[0]["PK_Game87_ID"].ToString(); if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.thethao + "9" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; //Xiên if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "2") { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("xiencode") + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("xiencommandcode") + "</b> để nhận chuỗi kèo xiên sáng nhất" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } //Trận cầu vàng if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "4") { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldcode") + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldcommandcode") + "</b> để nhận thông tin về trận cầu ngon ăn nhất" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } //Tài Xỉu sáng nhất if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "5") { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtxcode") + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtxcommandcode") + "</b> để nhận thông tin Tài Xỉu sáng nhất" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } //Trên dưới sáng nhất if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "6") { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtdcode") + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtdcommandcode") + "</b> để nhận thông tin Trên Dưới sáng nhất" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } //Sáng nhất giải if (",1,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,".LastIndexOf("," + Request.QueryString["id"] + ",") >= 0) { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sangcode") + " <ma tran></b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sangcommandcode") + "</b> để nhận thông tin Kèo sáng nhất giải" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } //} //else //{ // ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; // if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "2") // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("xiencode") + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("xiencommandcode") + "</b> de nhan chuoi keo xien sang nhat" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; // if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "4") // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldcode") + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldcommandcode") + "</b> de nhan thong tin ve tran cau ngon an nhat" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "5") // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtxcode") + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtxcommandcode") + "</b> de nhan thong tin Tai Xiu sang nhat" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "6") // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtdcode") + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tvtdcommandcode") + "</b> de nhan thong tin Tren Duoi sang nhat" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // if (",1,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,".LastIndexOf("," + Request.QueryString["id"] + ",") >= 0) // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sangcode") + " <ma tran></b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sangcommandcode") + "</b> de nhan thong tin Keo sang nhat giai" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; //} } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": var charging = new Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("NotEnoughMoney")) //Not Enough Money { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingOptimizeNotEnoughMoney(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"], out logPrice); price = logPrice; } if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("SystemOverload")) //System Over Load { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingSystemOverload(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageReturn) && messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } break; } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videoprice"); lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetVideoHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >VIDEO<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; DataTable dtDetail = VideoController.GetVideoDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VID"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocommandcode") + "</b> để tải video <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VID"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocommandcode") + "</b> de tai video <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "VID", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "VIDEOGIFT", "VIDEO_GIFT"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "VIDEOGIFT", "VIDEO_GIFT", price, "D", "VID", Request.QueryString["id"]); ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("---" + messageReturn + "---"); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); level = Request.QueryString["l"]; if (level == "3") { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("hoangdaothangprice"); ProductId = "RELAXADVISESEX"; ProductKey = "ADVISE_SEX"; } else { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("hoangdaoprice"); ProductId = "RELAXADVISEBOOK"; ProductKey = "ADVISE_BOOK"; } telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetHoangdaoHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString()) + "\" >TỬ VI<a>"; linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetHoangdaoHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString()) + "\" >TU VI<a>"; string chitietGiaodich = "Hoang dao: level:" + level + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) {// Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.hoangdao + level + id.ToString() + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; switch (level) { case "1": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRD <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8279</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo ngày. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn: HRD 07*11 gửi 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; case "2": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRW <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8279</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo tuần. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn HRW 07*11 gửi 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; case "3": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRM <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8579</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo tháng. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn: HRM 07*11 gửi 8579" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; } } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; switch (level) { case "1": ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRD <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8279</b> de xem hoang dao theo ngay. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRD 07*11 gui 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; break; case "2": ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRW <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8279</b> de xem hoang dao theo tuan. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRW 07*11 gui 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; break; case "3": ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRM <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8579</b> de xem hoang dao theo thang. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRM 07*11 gui 8579" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; break; } } } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrTitle.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu.Replace("xxx", price); ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu + "tử vi hoàng đạo"; btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo; btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong; } else { ltrTitle.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu_KD.Replace("xxx", price); ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu_KD + "tu vi hoang dao"; btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo_KD; btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong_KD; } } } } }
protected void rptlastest_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemIndex < 0) { return; } DataRowView curData = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgAvatar = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgAvatar"); HyperLink lnkAvatar = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkAvatar"); HyperLink lnkTenAnh = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTenAnh"); Literal ltrTheloai = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTheloai"); Literal ltrLuottai = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLuottai"); HyperLink lnkTai = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTai"); HyperLink lnkTang = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTang"); string sGioiThieu; if (lang == 1) { lnkTenAnh.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + curData["GameNameUnicode"].ToString() + "</span>"; ltrTheloai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai + curData["Web_Name"].ToString(); sGioiThieu = curData["DescriptionUnicode"].ToString(); if (sGioiThieu.Length > 120) { sGioiThieu = sGioiThieu.Substring(0, sGioiThieu.LastIndexOf(" ", 110)) + "..."; } ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu + sGioiThieu; lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"orange bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTai + "</span>"; lnkTang.Text = "<span class=\"orange bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTang + "</span>"; } else { lnkTenAnh.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + curData["GameName"].ToString() + "</span>"; ltrTheloai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai_KD + UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Web_Name"].ToString()); sGioiThieu = curData["Description"].ToString(); if (sGioiThieu.Length > 120) { sGioiThieu = sGioiThieu.Substring(0, sGioiThieu.LastIndexOf(" ", 110)) + "..."; } ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu_KD + sGioiThieu; lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"orange bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTai_KD + "</span>"; lnkTang.Text = "<span class=\"orange bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTang_KD + "</span>"; } lnkTang.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDetailUrl(lang.ToString(), "detail", width, curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString(), "0") + "&g=1"; if (MobileUtils.CheckValidModel(curData["ModelSupport"].ToString(), _info)) { //lnkTai.NavigateUrl = "../Download.aspx?id=" + curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; lnkTai.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadUrl(lang.ToString(), width, curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString(), "0"); } else { lnkTai.NavigateUrl = ""; if (lang == 1) { lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wKhongHoTro; } else { lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wKhongHoTro_KD; } } lnkAvatar.NavigateUrl = lnkTenAnh.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDetailUrl(lang.ToString(), "detail", width, curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString(), "0"); WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver ws = new WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver(); ws.GenerateAvatarThumnail(curData["Avatar"].ToString(), 60, 70); imgAvatar.ImageUrl = preurl + MultimediaUtility.GetAvatarThumnail(curData["Avatar"].ToString(), 60, 70).Replace("~", ""); //imgAvatar.ImageUrl = preurl + curData["Avatar"].ToString().Replace("~", ""); if (curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString() == "1402" || curData["W_GameItemID"].ToString() == "1401") { ltrTheloai.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // User_AgentInfo info = Get_User_Agent_Info(); width = info.resolution_width; if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(width) == 0 || ConvertUtility.ToInt32(width) >= 480) { width = ConvertUtility.ToString((int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard); } //query param int is3g = 0; string msisdn = MobileUtils.GetMSISDN(out is3g); //#region Hai them vao ngay 16/02/2012 //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(msisdn) && Session["msisdn"] == null) // msisdn = this.GetVietnamobileMsisdn(); //#endregion Session["is3g"] = is3g; #region MSISDN if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msisdn) && MobileUtils.CheckOperator(msisdn, "vietnammobile")) { Session["telco"] = Constant.T_Vietnamobile; Session["msisdn"] = msisdn; WapController.WapUserLog(msisdn, 0, string.Empty, 1); } else { Session["msisdn"] = null; Session["telco"] = Constant.T_Undefined; } #endregion //#region Sport Game Hero //if(AppEnv.isMobileBrowser()) //{ // DataTable dtUrl = WapController.VnmGetUrl(); // if (dtUrl != null && dtUrl.Rows[0]["IsLog"].ToString() == "1") // { // if (Session["msisdn"] != null) // { // DataTable dt = WapController.VnmCheckBlackList(Session["msisdn"].ToString()); // if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) // { // string resUrl = dtUrl.Rows[0]["ResUrl"].ToString(); // Response.Redirect(resUrl); // } // } // } //} //#endregion string urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + UrlProcess.GetWapHomeUrl("1", width).Replace("~", ""); if (AppEnv.isMobileBrowser()) { string model = AppEnv.GetUserAgent(); if (model == "high") { urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/trang-chu.aspx"; //urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/login.aspx"; } else { urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/Wap/Default.aspx?lang=1&w=320"; } } else { urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/Wap/Default.aspx?lang=1&w=320"; } logger.Debug(urlRes); //urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/login.aspx"; //urlRes = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + "/trang-chu.aspx"; Response.Redirect(urlRes); //Response.Redirect("NotFound.aspx"); //if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(AppEnv.GetSetting("NewUrl")) == 1) //{ // Response.Redirect(AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + UrlProcess.GetWapHomeUrlNew("1", width).Replace("~", "")); //} //else //{ // Response.Redirect(AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault") + UrlProcess.GetWapHomeUrl("1", width).Replace("~", "")); // //Response.Redirect("showpopup.aspx"); //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("appprice"); lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; hotro = Request.QueryString["hotro"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetAppHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString(), hotro).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >PHẦN MỀM<a>"; linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetAppHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString(), hotro).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >PHAN MEM<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; DataTable dtDetail = PhanmemController.GetAPPDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["Web_Name"].ToString() == "Vmg_zone") { price = "15000"; } if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.ungdungchung + id.ToString() + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("appcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppID"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("appcommandcode") + "</b> để tải phần mềm <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppNameUnicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("appcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppID"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("appcommandcode") + "</b> de tai phan mem <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppName"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } else { //pnlThongBao.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu + "phần mềm " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppNameUnicode"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong; //} //else //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu_KD.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu_KD + "phan mem " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["AppName"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo_KD; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong_KD; //} pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "APP", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "APPDOWN", "APP_DOWN"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "APPDOWN", "APP_DOWN", price, "D", "APP", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } }
protected void btnTang_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Response.Redirect(UrlProcess.GetGameSendGiftUrl(lang.ToString(), width, Request.QueryString["id"], txtSoDienThoaiTang.Text.Trim(), hotro)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { preurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("urldata"); width = Request.QueryString["w"]; lang = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["lang"]); hotro = Request.QueryString["hotro"]; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (!IsPostBack) { _info = Get_User_Agent_Info(); if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["g"]) == 1) { txtSoDienThoaiTang.Focus(); } //Detail DataTable dtDetail = GameController.GetGameDetailByIDHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); //end detail if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { lnkCateChannel.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameCategoryUrl(lang.ToString(), width, dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameCategoryID"].ToString(), hotro); lnkHomeChannel.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameHomeUrl(lang.ToString(), width, hotro); price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gameprice"); if (id == 1402 || id == 1401) { ltrNhom.Visible = false; price = "5000"; } if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("freecate").IndexOf("," + dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameCategoryID"].ToString() + ",") > -1) { freecate = true; } if (freecate == true) { ltrGiaTai.Visible = false; } if (lang == 1) { lnkCateChannel.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["Title_Unicode"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrTenAnh.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameNameUnicode"].ToString(); ltrNhom.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Web_Name"].ToString(); ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wLuotTai + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Download"].ToString().ToUpper(); //ltrGiaTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTai + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien; //ltrGiaTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTang + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien; ltrGioiThieu.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu + dtDetail.Rows[0]["DescriptionUnicode"].ToString(); lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTaiVe + "</span>"; ltrGuiTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGuiTang; ltrCungTheLoai.Text = Resources.Resource.gGameCungTheLoai; } else { lnkCateChannel.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper(); ltrTenAnh.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameName"].ToString(); ltrNhom.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai_KD + UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(dtDetail.Rows[0]["Web_Name"].ToString()); ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wLuotTai_KD + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Download"].ToString().ToUpper(); //ltrGiaTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTai_KD + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD; //ltrGiaTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGiaTang_KD + price + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD; ltrGioiThieu.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu_KD + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); lnkTai.Text = "<span class=\"bold\">" + Resources.Resource.wTaiVe_KD + "</span>"; ltrGuiTang.Text = Resources.Resource.wGuiTang_KD; ltrCungTheLoai.Text = Resources.Resource.gGameCungTheLoai_KD; } if (MobileUtils.CheckValidModel(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ModelSupport"].ToString(), _info)) { lnkTai.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadUrl(lang.ToString(), width, dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameItemID"].ToString(), hotro.ToString()); //lnkTai.NavigateUrl = "../Download.aspx?id=" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameItemID"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; } else { lnkTai.Visible = false; } WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver ws = new WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver(); ws.GenerateAvatarThumnail(dtDetail.Rows[0]["Avatar"].ToString(), 120, 141); imgDetail.ImageUrl = preurl + MultimediaUtility.GetAvatarThumnail(dtDetail.Rows[0]["Avatar"].ToString(), 120, 141).Replace("~", ""); //imgDetail.ImageUrl = preurl + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Avatar"].ToString().Replace("~", ""); //Other wallpaper if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tpage"])) { tpage = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["tpage"]); } int totaltopdownload = 0; DataTable dtltopdownload = GameController.GetAllGameByCategoryAndDisplayTypeHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameCategoryID"]), 0, pagesize, tpage, out totaltopdownload); rptCungTheLoai.DataSource = dtltopdownload; rptCungTheLoai.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptCungTheLoai_ItemDataBound); rptCungTheLoai.DataBind(); Paging1.totalrecord = totaltopdownload; Paging1.pagesize = pagesize; Paging1.numberpage = pagenumber; Paging1.defaultparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "&hotro=" + Request.QueryString["hotro"]; Paging1.queryparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "&hotro=" + Request.QueryString["hotro"] + "&tpage="; //end lastest wallpaper } } }
protected void rptlstResult_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemIndex < 0) { return; } if (e.Item.ItemIndex < pagesize - 1) { Literal lit = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litBlank"); lit.Text = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"f5f5f5\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/imagesnew/blank.gif\" width=\"5\" height=\"9\" /></td></tr></table>"; } DataRowView curData = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem; Image imgAvatar = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgAvatar"); HyperLink lnkAvatar = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkAvatar"); HyperLink lnkTenAnh = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTenAnh"); Literal ltrTheloai = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTheloai"); Literal ltrLuottai = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLuottai"); HyperLink lnkTai = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTai"); string sGioiThieu; if (lang == 1) { lnkTenAnh.Text = curData["AppNameUnicode"].ToString(); ltrTheloai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai + curData["Web_Name"]; sGioiThieu = curData["DescriptionUnicode"].ToString(); if (sGioiThieu.Length > 120) { sGioiThieu = sGioiThieu.Substring(0, sGioiThieu.LastIndexOf(" ", 110)) + "..."; } ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu + sGioiThieu; lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTai; } else { lnkTenAnh.Text = curData["AppName"].ToString(); ltrTheloai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTheLoai_KD + UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Web_Name"].ToString()); sGioiThieu = curData["Description"].ToString(); if (sGioiThieu.Length > 120) { sGioiThieu = sGioiThieu.Substring(0, sGioiThieu.LastIndexOf(" ", 110)) + "..."; } ltrLuottai.Text = Resources.Resource.wGioiThieu_KD + sGioiThieu; lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wTai_KD; } if (MobileUtils.CheckValidModel(curData["ModelSupport"].ToString(), _info)) { lnkTai.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetAppDownloadUrlNew(lang.ToString(), width, curData["W_AppItemID"].ToString(), hotro.ToString()); } else { lnkTai.NavigateUrl = ""; if (lang == 1) { lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wKhongHoTro; } else { lnkTai.Text = Resources.Resource.wKhongHoTro_KD; } } lnkAvatar.NavigateUrl = lnkTenAnh.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetAppDetailUrlNew(lang.ToString(), "detail", width, curData["W_AppItemID"].ToString(), hotro.ToString()); WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver ws = new WapXzone_VNM.CreateAvatar.MOReceiver(); ws.GenerateAvatarThumnail(curData["Avatar"].ToString(), 36, 48); imgAvatar.ImageUrl = preurl + MultimediaUtility.GetAvatarThumnail(curData["Avatar"].ToString(), 36, 48).Replace("~", ""); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchoprice"); telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrlNew(lang, "home", width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >BÓNG ĐÁ<a>"; linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrlNew(lang, "home", width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >BONG DA<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; gameid = Request.QueryString["id"];//ThethaoController.GetSport_GameDetailBySportID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"])).Rows[0]["PK_Game_ID"].ToString(); DataTable sportinfo = ThethaoController.GetSport_GameDetailByID(gameid); // Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) { messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { //gameid = ThethaoController.GetSport_GameDetailBySportID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"])).Rows[0]["PK_Game_ID"].ToString(); if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.thethao + "8" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchocode") + " " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchocommandcode") + "</b> để nhận kết quả chờ trận đấu" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchocode") + " " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchocommandcode") + "</b> de nhan ket qua cho tran dau" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } else { //pnlThongBao.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDangKyDichVu + "kết quả chờ trận đấu " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Team_Name1"].ToString() + " - " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Team_Name2"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong; //} //else //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDichVu_KD.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanDangKyDichVu_KD + "ket qua cho tran dau " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Team_Name1"].ToString() + " - " + sportinfo.Rows[0]["Team_Name2"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo_KD; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong_KD; //} pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "KQCHO", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "FOOTBALLRESULT", "FOOTBALL_RESULT"); //Dungnt sua ngay 10/11 tu FOOTBALLRESULT thanh LOTOSOICAU //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "LOTOSOICAU", "SOICAU"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "LOTOSOICAU", "SOICAU", price, "D", "KQCHO", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageReturn) && messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { width = Request.QueryString["w"]; preurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("urldata"); tvprice = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tipprice"); tkprice = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ykcgprice"); kqcprice = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchoprice"); if (!IsPostBack) { lang = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["lang"]); if (lang == 1) { ltrTitle.Text = "TIÊU ĐIỂM THỂ THAO"; lnkCacTinKhac.Text = "Các tin khác »"; //ltrGia.Text = "(" + Resources.Resource.wThongBaoGia + "Tư vấn " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tipprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien + ", Thống kê " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ykcgprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien + ", KQ chờ " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchoprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien + ")"; } else { //ltrGia.Text = "(" + Resources.Resource.wThongBaoGia_KD + "Tu van " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tipprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD + ", Thong ke " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ykcgprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD + ", KQ cho " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqchoprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD + ")"; } DataTable tbThueBao = WapController.W4A_Subscriber_GetInfo(ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["msisdn"]), 2); if (tbThueBao.Rows.Count > 0) { if (lang == 1) { ltrDangKy.Text = "Thuê bao ngày"; lnkDangKy.Text = "Hạn sử dụng tới " + ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(tbThueBao.Rows[0]["ExpiredDate"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); } else { ltrDangKy.Text = "Thue bao ngay"; lnkDangKy.Text = "Han su dung toi " + ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(tbThueBao.Rows[0]["ExpiredDate"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); } lnkDangKy.NavigateUrl = string.Empty; } else { if (lang == 1) { ltrDangKy.Text = "Đăng ký sử dụng trọn gói dịch vụ bóng đá. Giá: " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("bongdathangprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien + "/ngày."; lnkDangKy.Text = "<span class=\"blue bold\">» Đăng ký «</span>"; } else { ltrDangKy.Text = "Dang ky su dung tron goi dich vu bong da. Gia: " + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("bongdathangprice") + Resources.Resource.wDonViTien_KD + "/ngay."; lnkDangKy.Text = "<span class=\"blue bold\">» Dang ky «</span>"; } lnkDangKy.NavigateUrl = "../DangKy.aspx?lang=" + lang.ToString() + "&w" + width; } lnkCacTinKhac.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetLastestNewsTheThaoSo(lang.ToString(), width); lnkTranCauVang.NavigateUrl = "../TuVanDacBiet.aspx?id=4&lang=" + lang.ToString() + "&w" + width; lnkTuVanDacBiet.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrl(lang.ToString(), "tvdb", width); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cpage"])) { curpage = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cpage"]); } //DataTable dtlatest = TintucController.GetTopNewsHasCache(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thethao_zoneiddefaut")), 3); DataTable dtlatest = ThethaoController.GetHomeNewsHasCache(); if (dtlatest != null && dtlatest.Rows.Count > 0) { rptNewLastest.DataSource = dtlatest; rptNewLastest.ItemDataBound += rptNewLastest_ItemDataBound; rptNewLastest.DataBind(); } int totalrecord = 0; DataTable dtlstTip = ThethaoController.GetAllGameByTip(pagesize, curpage, out totalrecord); rptTrancaudinh.DataSource = dtlstTip; rptTrancaudinh.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptTrancaudinh_ItemDataBound); rptTrancaudinh.DataBind(); Pagging1.totalrecord = totalrecord; Pagging1.pagesize = pagesize; Pagging1.numberpage = pagenumber; Pagging1.defaultparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&tpage=" + Request.QueryString["tpage"]; Pagging1.queryparam = "?lang=" + Request.QueryString["lang"] + "&display=" + Request.QueryString["display"] + "&w=" + Request.QueryString["w"] + "&tpage=" + Request.QueryString["tpage"] + "&cpage="; } }
protected void HienThiNoiDung(Boolean thuchien) { pnlNoiDung.Visible = true; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dtDetail = MusicController.GetItemDetailHasCache(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); chitietGiaodich = "Nhạc: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); SoDT = MobileUtils.ToSTDMobileNumber(SoDT); if (thuchien) { DataTable dtKhuyenMai = MusicController.GetItemDetailRandom(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); string khuyenmaiID = ConvertUtility.ToString(dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["W_MItemID"]); lnkKhuyenMai.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "2", khuyenmaiID, SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(khuyenmaiID)); if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = "ÂM NHẠC"; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); //lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wTangThanhCong + " bản nhạc " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); lnkKhuyenMai.Text = "Nhạc tặng: " + dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = "AM NHAC"; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); //lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wTangThanhCong_KD + " ban nhac " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); lnkKhuyenMai.Text = "Nhac tang: " + dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); }; string url = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "2", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); MTInfo mtInfo = new MTInfo(); Random random = new Random(); //Thông báo cho người được tặng mtInfo.User_ID = SoDT; mtInfo.Service_ID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ringtonecommandcode"); mtInfo.Command_Code = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ringtonecode"); mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); mtInfo.Total_Message = 1; mtInfo.Message_Index = 0; mtInfo.IsMore = 0; mtInfo.Content_Type = 0; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Message = "Ban nhan duoc qua tang nhac chuong " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + " tu so dien thoai " + "0" + Session["msisdn"].ToString().Remove(0, 2); MTController.SmsMtInsert(mtInfo); //MT thong bao cho nguoi gui tang biet mtInfo.Content_Type = 0; mtInfo.User_ID = Session["msisdn"].ToString(); mtInfo.Message = "Ban da gui tang thanh cong nhac chuong " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + " toi so dt " + SoDT; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); MTController.SmsMtInsert(mtInfo); //Build waplink send to customer and insert to MT table mtInfo.User_ID = SoDT; mtInfo.Message = "Tai nhac chuong duoc tang theo dia chi: " + url; mtInfo.Content_Type = 8; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); MTController.SmsMtInsert(mtInfo); if (free != true) { Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, url, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 2); MusicController.SetDownloadCounter(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); } } else { //Thông báo lỗi thanh toán if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan_KD; } Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 2, messageReturn); //--Thông báo lỗi thanh toán } //log charging if (free != true) { ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("--------------------------------------------------"); logger.Debug("MSISDN: " + Session["msisdn"].ToString()); logger.Debug("So gui tang: " + SoDT); logger.Debug("Dich vu: Am nhac - parameter: " + price + " - Ten: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString() + " - id: " + id); logger.Debug("Am nhac Url:" + lnkDownload.NavigateUrl); logger.Debug("IP:" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress); logger.Debug("Error:" + messageReturn); logger.Debug("Current Url:" + Request.RawUrl); } //end log }
protected void HienThiNoiDung(Boolean thuchien) { pnlNoiDung.Visible = true; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dtDetail = HinhNenController.GetWallpaperDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); SoDT = MobileUtils.ToSTDMobileNumber(SoDT); if (thuchien) { if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString(); //lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wTangThanhCong + " hình nền " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + " (" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + ") tới số điện thoại 0" + SoDT.Remove(0, 2); } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr_KD; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString(); //lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wTangThanhCong_KD + " hinh nen " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + " (" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + ") toi so dien thoai 0" + SoDT.Remove(0, 2); }; string url = UrlProcess.GetDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "1", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); MTInfo mtInfo = new MTInfo(); Random random = new Random(); //Thông báo cho người được tặng mtInfo.User_ID = SoDT; mtInfo.Service_ID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcommandcode"); mtInfo.Command_Code = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcode"); mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); mtInfo.Total_Message = 1; mtInfo.Message_Index = 0; mtInfo.IsMore = 0; mtInfo.Content_Type = 0; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Message = "Ban nhan duoc qua tang hinh nen " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " tu so dien thoai " + "0" + Session["msisdn"].ToString().Remove(0, 2); MTController.SMS_MTInsert(mtInfo); //MT thong bao cho nguoi gui tang biet mtInfo.Content_Type = 0; mtInfo.User_ID = Session["msisdn"].ToString(); mtInfo.Message = "Ban da gui tang thanh cong hinh nen " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " toi so dt " + SoDT; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); MTController.SMS_MTInsert(mtInfo); //Build waplink send to customer and insert to MT table mtInfo.User_ID = SoDT; mtInfo.Message = "Tai hinh nen duoc tang theo dia chi: " + url; mtInfo.Content_Type = 8; mtInfo.Message_Type = (int)Constant.MessageType.FREE; mtInfo.Request_ID = random.Next(100000000, 999999999).ToString(); MTController.SMS_MTInsert(mtInfo); //Lưu Transaction if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_CategoryID"]) == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { chitietGiaodich = "Thu phap: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, url, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 15); } else { chitietGiaodich = "Hinh nen: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, url, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 1); } HinhNenController.SetDownloadCounter(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); } else { //Thông báo lỗi thanh toán if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan_KD; } if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_CategoryID"]) == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { chitietGiaodich = "Thu phap: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 15, messageReturn); } else { chitietGiaodich = "Hinh nen: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 1, messageReturn); } //--Thông báo lỗi thanh toán } //log charging ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("--------------------------------------------------"); logger.Debug("MSISDN: " + Session["msisdn"].ToString()); logger.Debug("So gui tang: " + SoDT); logger.Debug("Dich vu: Hinh nen - parameter: " + price + " - Ten: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + " - id: " + id); logger.Debug("Wallpaper Url:" + lnkDownload.NavigateUrl); logger.Debug("IP:" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress); logger.Debug("Error:" + messageReturn); logger.Debug("Current Url:" + Request.RawUrl); //end log }
protected void rptlst_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemIndex < 0) { return; } string curData = (string)e.Item.DataItem; HyperLink lnkCity = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkCity"); DataTable info = XosoController.GetInfobyCompanyID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(curData)); Count = info.Rows.Count; Literal litBlank = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litBlank"); if (e.Item.ItemIndex < Count - 1) { litBlank.Text = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/imagesnew/blank.gif\" width=\"5\" height=\"9\" /></td></tr></table>"; } HyperLink lnkxkq = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkxkq"); HyperLink lnkkqc = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkkqc"); HyperLink lnksc = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnksc"); HyperLink lnks2DangKy = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkS2DangKy"); Panel pnlXoSoList = (Panel)e.Item.FindControl("pnlXsList"); if (_arrService != null) { if (_arrService.Length > 0) { string dkXoSo = string.Format(AppEnv.GetSetting("S2DK_XS"), info.Rows[0]["Company_Comment"]); foreach (var item in _arrService) { if (item == dkXoSo) { pnlXoSoList.Visible = false; } } } } if (lang == 1) { lnkCity.Text = info.Rows[0]["company_name"].ToString(); lnkkqc.Text = Resources.Resource.xsKQCho.Replace("<span class=\"orange bold\">", "").Replace("<span>", ""); lnksc.Text = Resources.Resource.xsSoiCau.Replace("<span class=\"orange bold\">", "").Replace("<span>", ""); lnks2DangKy.Text = "Nhận KQXS hàng ngày (500đ/ngày)"; } else { lnkCity.Text = UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(info.Rows[0]["company_name"].ToString()); lnkkqc.Text = Resources.Resource.xsKQCho_KD.Replace("<span class=\"orange bold\">", "").Replace("<span>", ""); lnksc.Text = Resources.Resource.xsSoiCau_KD.Replace("<span class=\"orange bold\">", "").Replace("<span>", ""); lnks2DangKy.Text = "Nhan KQXS hang ngay (500d/ngay)"; } lnkxkq.NavigateUrl = lnkCity.NavigateUrl = "../KQXSNew.aspx?id=" + info.Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString() + "&day=" + day + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; string content1 = cpid + "&" + Constant.xoso + curData + "@" + day + "&" + kqxsprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; lnkkqc.NavigateUrl = "../KQChoNew.aspx?id=" + info.Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; lnksc.NavigateUrl = "../SoiCauNew.aspx?id=" + info.Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; lnks2DangKy.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetS2RegisterXoSoUrl(lang.ToString(), width, info.Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString()); if (day == 0) { if (lang == 1) { lnkxkq.Text = Resources.Resource.xsKQKyTruoc + " (" + ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(XosoController.GetKQXSLastestDetailbyCompanyID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(info.Rows[0]["company_id"]))).Rows[0]["lot_time"]).ToString("dd/MM") + ")"; } else { lnkxkq.Text = Resources.Resource.xsKQKyTruoc_KD + " (" + ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(XosoController.GetKQXSLastestDetailbyCompanyID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(info.Rows[0]["company_id"]))).Rows[0]["lot_time"]).ToString("dd/MM") + ")"; } } else { lnkxkq.Text = "KQ " + "(" + ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-day)).ToString("dd/MM") + ")"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); SoDT = Request.QueryString["sdt"]; telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); catID = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"]); DataTable dtDetail = HinhNenController.GetWallpaperDetailByID(telCo, id); if (catID == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapprice"); } else { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallprice"); } linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetWallpaperHomeUrl(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >HÌNH NỀN<a>"; linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetWallpaperHomeUrl(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >HINH NEN<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; //Nếu số điện thoại không hợp lệ thì hướng dẫn if (!MobileUtils.IsMobileNumber(SoDT)) { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = Resources.Resource.wSoDienThoaiKhongHopLe; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = Resources.Resource.wSoDienThoaiKhongHopLe_KD; } return; } if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " " + SoDT + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcommandcode") + "</b> để gửi tặng hình nền <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + "</b>" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + " " + SoDT + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcommandcode") + "</b> de gui tang hinh nen <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + "</b>" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } else { //pnlThongBao.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanTangDichVu.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanTangDichVu + "hình nền " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong; //} //else //{ // ltrTitle.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; // //ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanTangDichVu_KD.Replace("xxx", price); // ltrThongBao.Text = Resources.Resource.wXacNhanTangDichVu_KD + "hinh nen " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString(); // btnCo.Text = Resources.Resource.btnCo_KD; // btnKhong.Text = Resources.Resource.btnKhong_KD; //} pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "WP", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "PICGIFT", "PIC_GIFT"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "PICGIFT", "PIC_GIFT", price, "D", "WP", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); level = Request.QueryString["l"]; if (level == "3") { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("hoangdaothangprice"); ProductId = "RELAXADVISESEX"; ProductKey = "ADVISE_SEX"; } else { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("hoangdaoprice"); ProductId = "RELAXADVISEBOOK"; ProductKey = "ADVISE_BOOK"; } telCo = AppEnv.CheckSessionTelco(); linkStr = "<a href=\"" + UrlProcess.HoangDaoHome() + "\" >TỬ VI</a>"; //linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetWallpaperHomeUrl(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >TU VI<a>"; //string chitietGiaodich = "Hoang dao: level:" + level + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); if (!IsPostBack) { //if (width == 0) // width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; //ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; #region Free Content if (AppEnv.GetSetting("FreeContent") == "1") { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } #endregion #region OLD if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) {// Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.hoangdao + level + id.ToString() + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; switch (level) { case "1": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRD <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8279</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo ngày. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn: HRD 07*11 gửi 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; case "2": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRW <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8279</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo tuần. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn HRW 07*11 gửi 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; case "3": ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HRM <dd*mm></b> gửi <b>8579</b> để xem hoàng đạo theo tháng. Ví dụ bạn sinh ngày 07 tháng 11, soạn: HRM 07*11 gửi 8579" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; break; } //} //else //{ // ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; // switch (level) // { // case "1": // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRD <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8279</b> de xem hoang dao theo ngay. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRD 07*11 gui 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // break; // case "2": // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRW <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8279</b> de xem hoang dao theo tuan. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRW 07*11 gui 8279" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // break; // case "3": // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HRM <dd*mm></b> gui <b>8579</b> de xem hoang dao theo thang. Vi du ban sinh ngay 07 thang 11, soan: HRM 07*11 gui 8579" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; // break; // } //} } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": var charging = new Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), ProductId, ProductKey, price, "D", "Tu vi", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("NotEnoughMoney")) //Not Enough Money { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingOptimizeNotEnoughMoney(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), ProductId, ProductKey, price, "D", "Tu vi", Request.QueryString["id"], out logPrice); price = logPrice; } if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("SystemOverload")) //System Over Load { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingSystemOverload(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), ProductId, ProductKey, price, "D", "Tu vi", Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageReturn) && messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } break; } } } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("goldprice"); telCo = AppEnv.CheckSessionTelco(); linkStr = "<a href=\"" + UrlProcess.TheThaoHome() + "\" >BÓNG ĐÁ</a>"; //linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrl(lang, "home", width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >BONG DA<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { //if (width == 0) // width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; //ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; #region Free Content if (AppEnv.GetSetting("FreeContent") == "1") { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } #endregion #region OLD DataTable dtGiai = ThethaoController.GetCompetitionGetByWID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"])); if (WapController.W4A_Subscriber_IsActive(ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["msisdn"]), 2)) { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } gameid = ThethaoController.GetCompetitionGetByWID(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"])).Rows[0]["CompetitionID"].ToString(); // Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) { messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { //Chưa xử lý string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.thethao + "5" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tkdbcode") + " " + dtGiai.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tkdbcommandcode") + "</b> để nhận thống kê đặc biệt của giải" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; //} //else //{ // ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tkdbcode") + " " + dtGiai.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("tkdbcommandcode") + "</b> de nhan thong ke dac biet cua giai" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; //} } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": var charging = new Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("NotEnoughMoney")) //Not Enough Money { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingOptimizeNotEnoughMoney(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"], out logPrice); price = logPrice; } if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("SystemOverload")) //System Over Load { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingSystemOverload(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "GAME87", Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageReturn) && messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } break; } } } #endregion } }
protected void HienThiNoiDung(Boolean thuchien, Boolean isLog) { pnlNoiDung.Visible = true; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dtDetail = MusicController.GetItemDetailHasCache(AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(), id); //chitietGiaodich = "Nhạc: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); chitietGiaodich = "Nhạc: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString(); if (thuchien) { DataTable dtKhuyenMai = MusicController.GetItemDetailRandom(AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(), id); string khuyenmaiID = ConvertUtility.ToString(dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["W_MItemID"]); lnkKhuyenMai.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(), "22", khuyenmaiID, SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(khuyenmaiID)); if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = "ÂM NHẠC"; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong + " bản nhạc " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); lnkKhuyenMai.Text = "Nhạc tặng: " + dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["SongNameUnicode"].ToString(); } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = "AM NHAC"; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong_KD + " ban nhac " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); lnkKhuyenMai.Text = "Nhac tang: " + dtKhuyenMai.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString(); } lnkDownload.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "22", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); if (free != true) { if (isLog) { Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, lnkDownload.NavigateUrl, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 2); } } MusicController.SetDownloadCounter(AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(), id); } else { //Thông báo lỗi thanh toán if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan_KD; } Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, Request.Url.ToString(), id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 2, messageReturn); //--Thông báo lỗi thanh toán } //log charging if (free != true) { if (isLog) { ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("--------------------------------------------------"); logger.Debug("MSISDN:" + Session["msisdn"].ToString()); logger.Debug("Dich vu: Am nhac - parameter: " + price + " - Ten: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString() + " - id: " + id); logger.Debug("Am nhac Url:" + lnkDownload.NavigateUrl); logger.Debug("IP:" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress); logger.Debug("Error:" + messageReturn); logger.Debug("Current Url:" + Request.RawUrl); } } //end log }
protected void rptlist_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemIndex < 0) { return; } DataRowView curData = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem; Label ltrGame = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("ltrGame"); Literal ltrTime = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTime"); HyperLink lnkTuVan = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkTuVan"); HyperLink lnkThongke = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkThongke"); HyperLink lnkKQCho = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkKQCho"); if (lang == 1) { if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(curData["Status"]) == 1) { ltrGame.Text = curData["Team_Name1"].ToString() + " ? - ? " + curData["Team_Name2"].ToString(); if (ThethaoController.GetDetail_YKCG_ByGameID(curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()).Rows.Count > 0) { //charing //string content1 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "6" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + tkprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkThongke.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content1, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); lnkThongke.NavigateUrl = "../ThongKe.aspx?id=" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; } else { lnkThongke.Enabled = false; } //charing DataTable tip = ThethaoController.GetDetail_Tip_ByGameID(curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()); if (tip.Rows.Count > 0) { //string content2 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "7" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + tvprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkTuVan.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content2, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); lnkTuVan.NavigateUrl = "../TuVan.aspx?id=" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; } else { lnkTuVan.Enabled = false; } //string content3 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "8" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + kqcprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkKQCho.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content3, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); lnkKQCho.NavigateUrl = "../KQCho.aspx?id=" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&lang=" + lang + "&w=" + width; } else { ltrGame.Text = curData["Team_Name1"].ToString() + " " + curData["Team1Score"].ToString() + " - " + curData["Team2Score"].ToString() + " " + curData["Team_Name2"].ToString(); lnkThongke.Enabled = false; lnkTuVan.Enabled = false; lnkKQCho.Enabled = false; } lnkTuVan.Text = "Tư vấn"; lnkThongke.Text = "Thống kê"; lnkKQCho.Text = "KQ chờ"; } else { if (ConvertUtility.ToInt32(curData["Status"]) == 1) { ltrGame.Text = UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Team_Name1"].ToString()) + " ? - ? " + UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Team_Name2"].ToString()); //charing //string content1 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "6" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + tkprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkThongke.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content1, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); //charing DataTable tip = ThethaoController.GetDetail_Tip_ByGameID(curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()); if (tip.Rows.Count > 0) { //string content2 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "7" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + tvprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkTuVan.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content2, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); } //string content3 = cpid + "&" + Constant.thethao + "8" + curData["Sport_Id"].ToString() + "&" + kqcprice + "&" + vmstransactionid; //lnkKQCho.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content3, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey"))); lnkThongke.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetCompetitionThongKeUrl(lang.ToString(), width, curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()); lnkTuVan.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetCompetitionTuVanUrl(lang.ToString(), width, curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()); lnkKQCho.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetCompetitionKQChoUrl(lang.ToString(), width, curData["PK_Game_ID"].ToString()); } else { ltrGame.Text = UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Team_Name1"].ToString()) + " " + curData["Team1Score"].ToString() + " - " + curData["Team2Score"].ToString() + " " + UnicodeUtility.UnicodeToKoDau(curData["Team_Name2"].ToString()); lnkThongke.Enabled = false; lnkTuVan.Enabled = false; lnkKQCho.Enabled = false; } } ltrTime.Text = ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(curData["StartTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["lang"]).ToString(); width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]).ToString(); //lnkWap3g.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetWapHomeUrlNew(lang, width); lnkWap3g.NavigateUrl = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault"); #region GET MSISDN if (Session["msisdn"] == null) { int is3g = 0; string msisdn1 = MobileUtils.GetMSISDN(out is3g); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msisdn1) && MobileUtils.CheckOperator(msisdn1, "vietnammobile")) { Session["telco"] = Constant.T_Vietnamobile; Session["msisdn"] = msisdn1; } else { Session["msisdn"] = null; Session["telco"] = Constant.T_Undefined; } } #endregion //if (!IsPostBack) //{ DataTable dtlatest = TintucController.GetTopNewsHasCache(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vnm_zoneid")), 3); count = dtlatest.Rows.Count; rptHotnews.DataSource = dtlatest; rptHotnews.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptHotnews_ItemDataBound); rptHotnews.DataBind(); string msisdn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["msisdn"]); if (lang == "1") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msisdn)) { ltrXinChao.Text = "Xin chào <span class=\"pink bold\">khách</span>"; } else { ltrXinChao.Text = "Xin chào thuê bao <span class=\"pink bold\">" + msisdn + "</span>"; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msisdn)) { ltrXinChao.Text = "Xin chao <span class=\"pink bold\">khach</span>"; } else { ltrXinChao.Text = "Xin chao thue bao <span class=\"pink bold\">" + msisdn + "</span>"; } lnkTrangChu.Text = "Trang chu"; //lnkGame.Text = lnkGame.Text; lnkNhac.Text = "Nhac"; //lnkKetQua.Text = "Hen ho"; } lnkTrangChu.NavigateUrl = AppEnv.GetSetting("WapDefault"); lnkGame.NavigateUrl = ""; lnkNhac.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetMusicHomeUrl(lang, width); //lnkKetQua.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetSportHomeUrl(lang, "home", width); //lnkKetQua.NavigateUrl = ""; string[] Kenh = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Split(new Char[] { '/' }); switch (Kenh[1].ToLower()) { case "music": ddlDataType.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "hinhnen": ddlDataType.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "game": ddlDataType.SelectedIndex = 2; break; case "phanmem": ddlDataType.SelectedIndex = 3; break; case "video": ddlDataType.SelectedIndex = 4; break; } DataTable dtAdv = WapController.WapVnmGetAdvByPosId(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(AppEnv.GetSetting("WapVnm_Top"))); if (dtAdv != null && dtAdv.Rows.Count > 0) { string url = AppEnv.GetSetting("urldata") + dtAdv.Rows[0]["Advertise_Path"]; string str = "<a class=\"noelbanner\" href=\"" + dtAdv.Rows[0]["Advertise_RedirectUrl"] + "\">"; if (AppEnv.isMobileBrowser()) { str += "<img width=\"" + "99%" + "\" height=\"" + dtAdv.Rows[0]["Advertise_Height"] + "\" src=\"" + url + "\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } else { str += "<img width=\"" + dtAdv.Rows[0]["Advertise_Width"] + "\" height=\"" + dtAdv.Rows[0]["Advertise_Height"] + "\" src=\"" + url + "\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } litAdvTop.Text = str; } //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videopriceView"); lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); telCo = AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(); linkStr = "<a href=\"" + UrlProcess.VideoHome() + "\" >VIDEO</a>"; //HienThiNoiDung(true,false);return; if (!IsPostBack) { //if (width == 0) // width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; //ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; #region Free Content if (AppEnv.GetSetting("FreeContent") == "1") { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } #endregion #region OLD if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) {// Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { DataTable dtDetail = VideoController.GetVideoDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.clipchung + "0" + id.ToString() + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VID"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocommandcode") + "</b> để tải video <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; //} //else //{ // ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VID"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("videocommandcode") + "</b> de tai video <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; //} } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; try { switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": var charging = new Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "VIDEOVIEW", "VIDEO_VIEW", price, "D", "VID", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("NotEnoughMoney")) //Not Enough Money { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingOptimizeNotEnoughMoney(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "VIDEOVIEW", "VIDEO_VIEW", price, "D", "VID", Request.QueryString["id"], out logPrice); price = logPrice; } if (messageReturn == AppEnv.GetSetting("SystemOverload")) //System Over Load { messageReturn = AppEnv.VnmChargingSystemOverload(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "VIDEOVIEW", "VIDEO_VIEW", price, "D", "VID", Request.QueryString["id"]); } ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("---" + messageReturn + "---"); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Debug("----------Lỗi charging----------------------"); logger.Debug("MSISDN:" + Session["msisdn"].ToString()); logger.Debug(ex.ToString()); logger.Debug("----------Lỗi charging----------------------"); } } } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqxsprice"); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); day = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["day"]); telCo = AppEnv.CheckFreeContentTelco(); linkStr = "<a href=\"" + UrlProcess.XoSoHome() + "\" >XỔ SỐ</a>"; //HienThiNoiDung(true,false); //return; if (!IsPostBack) { //if (width == 0) // width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; //ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; DataTable Detail = XosoController.GetKQXSDetailbyCompanyID(id, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-day)); #region Free Content if (AppEnv.GetSetting("FreeContent") == "1") { HienThiNoiDung(true, false); return; } #endregion #region OLD // Nếu có transactionid_old >> thuê bao mobifone đã thực hiện thanh toán if (Session["transactionid_old"] != null) { messageReturn = ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]); if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["debit_status"]) == "0") {// Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else {// Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } Session["transactionid_old"] = null; } else { if (telCo == Constant.T_Mobifone) { string content = Session["cpid"].ToString() + "&" + Constant.xoso + id.ToString() + "@" + day + "&" + price + "&" + Session["transactionid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vms3g") + "?link=" + Server.UrlEncode(EAS.EncryptData(content, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vmskey")))); } // if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; //if (lang == "1") //{ ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqxscode") + " " + Detail.Rows[0]["company_comment"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqxscommandcode") + "</b> để nhận kết quả xổ số mới nhất" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; //} //else //{ // ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; // ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqxscode") + " " + Detail.Rows[0]["company_comment"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("kqxscommandcode") + "</b> de nhan ket qua xo so moi nhat" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; //} } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": var charging = new Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "LOTOLASTRESULT", "LAST_RESULT", price, "D", "KQXS", Request.QueryString["id"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageReturn) && messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true, true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false, true); } break; } } } // DataSet ds = XosoController.GetDetail_LotAndOtherLot(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Detail.Rows[0]["lot_id"]), id, 6); rptOther.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; rptOther.ItemDataBound += rptOther_ItemDataBound;; rptOther.DataBind(); #endregion lblOther.Text = "XEM TIẾP"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gameprice"); lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; hotro = Request.QueryString["hotro"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (id == 1402 || id == 1401) { price = "15000"; } telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetGameHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString(), hotro).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >GAME<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; DataTable dtDetail = GameController.GetGameDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("freecate").IndexOf("," + dtDetail.Rows[0]["W_GameCategoryID"].ToString() + ",") > -1 || (",1712,1713,").IndexOf("," + id.ToString() + ",") > -1) { freecate = true; HienThiNoiDung(true); return; } if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gamecode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Game_Code"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gamecommandcode") + "</b> để tải game <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameNameUnicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; if (id == 1402 || id == 1401) { ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>HOT</b> gửi <b>333</b> để tải game <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameNameUnicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gamecode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["Game_Code"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("gamecommandcode") + "</b> de tai game <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameName"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; if (id == 1402 || id == 1401) { ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>HOT</b> gui <b>333</b> de tai game <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameNameUnicode"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "JG", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "GAMEDOWN", "GAME_DOWN", price, "D", "JG", Request.QueryString["id"] + "|Game: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["GameNameUnicode"]); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); if (totalrecord > 0 && pagesize > 0 && numberpage > 0) { totalpage = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalrecord / pagesize); int c = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)curpage / numberpage); int from = (c - 1) * numberpage + 1; int to = c * numberpage; if (to > totalpage) { to = totalpage; } ArrayList x = new ArrayList(); for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { x.Add(i); } rptPage.DataSource = x; rptPage.ItemDataBound += rptPage_ItemDataBound; rptPage.DataBind(); string url = Request.RawUrl; string[] arrUrl = url.Split('/'); string name = arrUrl[2]; int ct = (int)curpage / 5; if (1 < curpage) { if (name == "ket-qua-thi-dau") { //lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), 1.ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), 1.ToString()); //lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), (curpage - 1).ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), (curpage - 1).ToString()); } else { //lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), 1.ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoLichThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), 1.ToString()); //lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), (curpage - 1).ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoLichThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), (curpage - 1).ToString()); } } if (curpage < totalpage) { if (name == "ket-qua-thi-dau") { //lnkLast.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), totalpage.ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkLast.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), totalpage.ToString()); //lnkNext.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), (curpage + 1).ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkNext.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), (curpage + 1).ToString()); } else { //lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), 1.ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkFirst.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoLichThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), 1.ToString()); //lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoKetQuaThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), (curpage - 1).ToString(), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", "")); lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.TheThaoLichThiDauChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToString(arrUrl[3]), arrUrl[5].Replace(".aspx", ""), (curpage - 1).ToString()); } } } else { ltrNoData.Visible = true; lnkFirst.Visible = lnkPrev.Visible = lnkLast.Visible = lnkNext.Visible = false; if (Request.QueryString["lang"] == "1") { ltrNoData.Text = "Dữ liệu của mục này hiện đang được cập nhật."; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //preurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("urldata"); //price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("hoangdaoprice"); type = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"]); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string title = HoangdaoController.CungHoangdao[type, 1].ToUpper() + " (" + HoangdaoController.CungHoangdao[type, 2] + ")"; lblCatetoryName.Text = title; DateTime vTime = DateTime.Now; DataTable dtDetail; //Link ngay string ngayThang; if (vTime.Day < 10) { ngayThang = "0" + vTime.Day; } else { ngayThang = vTime.Day.ToString(); } if (vTime.Month < 10) { ngayThang += "0" + vTime.Month; } else { ngayThang += vTime.Month.ToString(); } dtDetail = HoangdaoController.GetByTypeAndDateHasCache(type, ngayThang); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["WapContent"].ToString() != "") { //linkNgay = UrlProcess.HoangDaoChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "ngay","1"); linkNgay = UrlProcess.HoangDaoDownload(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "1"); } } //Link tuan int week = (int)((vTime.Day + 6) / 7); if (week == 5) { week = 4; } dtDetail = HoangdaoController.GetByTypeAndMonthAndWeekHasCache(type, vTime.Month.ToString(), week.ToString()); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["WapContent"].ToString() != "") { //linkTuan = UrlProcess.HoangDaoChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "tuan","2"); linkTuan = UrlProcess.HoangDaoDownload(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "2"); } } //Link thang dtDetail = HoangdaoController.GetByTypeAndMonthHasCache(type, vTime.Month.ToString()); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtDetail.Rows[0]["WapContent"].ToString() != "") { //linkThang = UrlProcess.HoangDaoChiTiet(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "thang","3"); linkThang = UrlProcess.HoangDaoDownload(ConvertUtility.ToInt32(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()), "3"); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { catID = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["catid"]); if (catID == ConvertUtility.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapid"))) { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("thuphapprice"); } else { price = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallprice"); } lang = Request.QueryString["lang"]; width = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["w"]); id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); telCo = Session["telco"].ToString(); linkStr = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetWallpaperHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >HÌNH NỀN<a>"; linkStr_KD = "<a href=\"../" + UrlProcess.GetWallpaperHomeUrlNew(lang, width.ToString()).Replace("~/", "") + "\" >HINH NEN<a>"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (width == 0) { width = (int)Constant.DefaultScreen.Standard; } ltrWidth.Text = "<meta content=\"width=" + width.ToString() + "; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;\" name=\"viewport\" />"; DataTable dtDetail = HinhNenController.GetWallpaperDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); if (telCo == "Undefined") { pnlSMS.Visible = true; if (lang == "1") { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan; ltrSMS.Text = "Soạn tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + "</b> gửi <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcommandcode") + "</b> để tải hình nền <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + "</b> về máy" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G; } else { ltrHuongdan.Text = linkStr_KD + " » " + Resources.Resource.wHuongDan_KD; ltrSMS.Text = "Soan tin <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcode") + " " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WCode"].ToString() + "</b> gui <b>" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("wallcommandcode") + "</b> de tai hinh nen <b>" + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle"].ToString() + "</b> ve may" + Resources.Resource.wChon3G_KD; } } else { pnlThongBao.Visible = false; switch (Session["telco"].ToString()) { case "Vietnamobile": WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW charging = new WapXzone_VNM.Library.VNMCharging.VNMChargingGW(); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, "D", "WP", Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); //messageReturn = charging.PaymentVNM(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "PICDOWN", "PIC_DOWN"); messageReturn = charging.NavigatePaymentVnm(Session["msisdn"].ToString(), "PICDOWN", "PIC_DOWN", price, "D", "WP", Request.QueryString["id"] + "Thu phap: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["WTitle_Unicode"]); if (messageReturn == "1") { // Thanh toán thành công >> trả nội dung HienThiNoiDung(true); } else { // Thanh toán không thành công >> thông báo lỗi HienThiNoiDung(false); } break; } } } }
protected void HienThiNoiDung(Boolean thuchien) { pnlNoiDung.Visible = true; id = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dtDetail = VideoController.GetVideoDetailByID(Session["telco"].ToString(), id); chitietGiaodich = "Video: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle_Unicode"].ToString() + " -- id:" + id.ToString() + " -- newtransactionid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"]) + " -- old tranid: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_old"]); if (thuchien) { if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle_Unicode"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong + " video " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle_Unicode"].ToString(); } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr; lblTen.Text = dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle"].ToString(); lnkDownload.Text = Resources.Resource.wBamDeTai_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wMuaThanhCong_KD + " video " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle"].ToString(); }; string viewLink; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtDetail.Rows[0]["SmartPhonePath"].ToString())) { viewLink = dtDetail.Rows[0]["SmartPhonePath"].ToString(); } else { viewLink = dtDetail.Rows[0]["VMobilePath"].ToString(); } if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent != null) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("safari")) { lnkDownload.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("vnmviewIphone") + viewLink.Replace("~/", "/"); } else { lnkDownload.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "5", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); } } else { lnkDownload.NavigateUrl = UrlProcess.GetGameDownloadItem(Session["telco"].ToString(), "5", id.ToString(), SecurityMethod.MD5Encrypt(id.ToString())); } bool log = true; if (ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid_detail"]) == chitietGiaodich) { log = false; } Session["transactionid_detail"] = chitietGiaodich; if (log) { Transaction.Success(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, lnkDownload.NavigateUrl, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 5); } } else { //Thông báo lỗi thanh toán if (lang == "1") { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan; } else { ltrTieuDe.Text = linkStr + " » " + Resources.Resource.wThongBao_KD; ltrNoiDung.Text = Resources.Resource.wThongBaoLoiThanhToan_KD; } Transaction.Failure(Session["telco"].ToString(), Session["msisdn"].ToString(), price, lnkDownload.NavigateUrl, id.ToString(), chitietGiaodich, 5, messageReturn); //--Thông báo lỗi thanh toán } //log charging ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(Session["telco"].ToString()); logger.Info("Dich vu: Video - parameter: " + price + " - Ten: " + dtDetail.Rows[0]["VTitle"].ToString() + " - id: " + id); logger.Info("Video Url:" + lnkDownload.NavigateUrl); string clientIP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; if (Session["telco"].ToString() == Constant.T_Viettel) { clientIP = ConvertUtility.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Get("VX-Forwarded-For")); } logger.Info("IP:" + clientIP); logger.Info("Current Url:" + Request.RawUrl); logger.Info("Header: " + Request.Headers.ToString()); logger.Info("Current TransactionID: " + ConvertUtility.ToString(Session["transactionid"])); //end log }