public Grid <Domain> Search(long tenantId, int?page, string search, bool modelStateValid)
            // Construct grid object that will be returned
            Grid <Domain> grid = new Grid <Domain> {
                Search = search, NoItemsMessage = DomainResource.NoDomainsMessage

            // Get search grid action buttons
            Button createDomainButton = new Button
                Text          = DomainResource.CreateDomainButtonLabel,
                Icon          = Icon.Create,
                UrlParameters = new UrlParameters {
                    ControllerName = "domains", ActionName = "create"

            grid.Buttons = new List <Button> {

            // Grid paging URL parameters
            grid.UrlParameters = new UrlParameters
                ControllerName = "domains",
                ActionName     = "search",
                RouteValues    = new { search = search }

            // If model state valid, get list of domains that will be used to populate grid
            if (modelStateValid)
                // Get domains to display in grid
                grid.SearchParameters = new SearchParameters
                    PageIndex = page == null ? 0 : page.Value - 1,
                    PageSize  = 10,
                    Search    = search
                grid.SearchResult = _domainService.Search(tenantId, grid.SearchParameters);

                // Set action that is performed when user clicks on domain in grid
                UrlParameters itemUrlParameters = new UrlParameters {
                    ControllerName = "domains", ActionName = "update"

                // Set domain property and route value that are used to render action links
                List <RoutePropertyPair> routePropertyPairs = new List <RoutePropertyPair> {
                    new RoutePropertyPair {
                        PropertyName = DomainPropertyNames.DomainId, RouteValueName = "domainid"

                // Get grid columns
                grid.Columns = _gridColumnService.GetGridColumns <Domain>(itemUrlParameters, routePropertyPairs, DomainPropertyNames.Url, DomainPropertyNames.RedirectUrl);

            // Return the result
Example #2
        public ThreadsViewModel GetThreadsViewModel(Page page, long tenantId, long?userId, long elementId, int?pageIndex)
            int           threadsPerPage = _forumConfigurationService.ThreadsPerPage;
            ForumThreads  threads        = _forumService.ListThreads(tenantId, elementId, pageIndex == null ? 0 : (int)pageIndex - 1, threadsPerPage);
            UrlParameters urlParameters  = new UrlParameters {
                RouteName = "ReadPage", RouteValues = new { pageid = page.PageId, description = page.Name }
            ThreadsViewModel viewModel = new ThreadsViewModel
                Threads = threads,
                Pager   = new Pager {
                    PageIndex = pageIndex == null ? 1 : (int)pageIndex, Total = threads.Total, PageSize = threadsPerPage, UrlParameters = urlParameters
                PageCounts       = new List <int>(),
                ShowCreateThread = (userId == null) || _forumAuthorizer.UserCanCreateThread(tenantId, elementId, userId.Value)

            if (viewModel.ShowCreateThread)
                viewModel.CreateThreadUrl = GetCreateThreadUrl(page, userId.HasValue);
            int postsPerPage = _forumConfigurationService.PostsPerPage;

            foreach (ForumThreadExtended threadExtended in threads)
                viewModel.PageCounts.Add(postsPerPage == 0 ? 1 : ((threadExtended.Thread.Replies - 1) / postsPerPage) + 1);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reemplaza los valores correspondientes a los parámetros de los endpoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">endpoint</param>
        /// <param name="urlParameters">parámetros a reemplazar en la URL</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ConvertUrl(this string url, UrlParameters urlParameters, bool?addField = null)
            var listPropertyCase = GenericPropertyEntity <UrlParameters> .ModelProperty(urlParameters);

            List <Tuple <string, object> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, object> >();
            string newUrl = string.Empty;

            foreach (var item in listPropertyCase.Where(x => x.Item2 != null))
                string parametro = "{" + item.Item1 + "}";
                string value     = item.Item2.ToString();

                if (!url.Contains(parametro) && addField == true)

                url = url.Replace(parametro, value);

            newUrl = url;

            if (newUrl.Contains("?") && addField == true)
                var param = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (var item in tuples)
                    param.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2.ToString());

                newUrl = new Uri(QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(url, param)).ToString();
Example #4
        public static void SetPrincipal()
            IKickPrincipal principal = null;
            FormsIdentity  identity;
            UrlParameters  urlParameters = UrlParametersHelper.GetUrlParameters(HttpContext.Current.Request);

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated)
                identity = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;

                User userProfile;
                urlParameters.SecurityToken = (((FormsIdentity)identity).Ticket).UserData;
                try {
                    userProfile = UserCache.GetUser(urlParameters.SecurityToken);
                    principal = new AuthenticatedKickPrincipal(identity, userProfile);
                } catch {
                    //TODO: Log an exception
                    principal = new AnonymousKickPrincipal(new GuestIdentity(), UserCache.GetUser(null));
                principal = new AnonymousKickPrincipal(new GuestIdentity(), UserCache.GetUser(null));

            HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
        public void AddUrlParameters(string key, string value)
            CoreValidator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(key, nameof(key));
            CoreValidator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(value, nameof(value));

            UrlParameters.Add(key, value);
Example #6
        public void DeleteUrlParametersInjection(UrlParameters inputType)
            var optionHandler  = new OptionManager();
            var urlParamerters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var options        = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >()
                new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    ["id"] = Common.GetOptionsByCurrentContext("parentOptionCreateResponse").SingleOrDefault().Id.ToString(),

            if (inputType == UrlParameters.Operation)
                urlParamerters["operation"] = Common.sqlInjection;
                urlParamerters["operation"] = "delete";
                urlParamerters["physical"]  = Common.sqlInjection;

            var response = optionHandler.DeleteOptions(options, urlParamerters);

            PrAssert.That(response, PrIs.ErrorResponse().And.HttpCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest).And.ErrorCode((int)ResultCode.InvalidParameter));
        public GetLeaderboardRequest(ulong guildId, int limit = 100)
            UrlParameters.Add(new PluginLevelUrlParam());
            UrlParameters.Add(new LeaderboardUrlParam(guildId));

            QueryParameters.Add(new LimitQueryParam(limit));
 public WorkspaceProjectRequestConfig(long workspaceId, bool?active = null, bool actualHours = false, bool onlyTemplates = false)
     : base($"{workspaceId}/projects")
     UrlParameters.Add("active", active?.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("actual_hours", actualHours.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("only_templates", onlyTemplates.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Actualiza caso de la aplicación Service Desk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Parámetros para actualizar caso </param>
        /// <param name="user">Usuario autenticado</param>
        /// <returns>estado caso actualizado</returns>
        public async Task <OutputResponseCaseAsdkV8Dto> Update(InputUpdateCaseDto input)
            UrlParameters parameterUrl = new UrlParameters
                itemType = input.CaseType,
                idCase   = input.CaseId,
                userId   = Principal.User()?.Id,

            string uriCreateCase = ConfigurationService.UrlUpdateCase.ConvertUrl(parameterUrl);
            string endpoint      = ConfigurationService.UrlServiceDesk + uriCreateCase;

            UpdateCaseV8 updateCase = input.MapperModel(new UpdateCaseV8());

            List <AnswerGeneralV8Api> listProperty = new List <AnswerGeneralV8Api>();

            listProperty.FillProperties(updateCase, true);

            List <AnswerGeneralV8Api> answerApi = await ConnectionService.PostAsync <List <AnswerGeneralV8Api> >(Principal.User()?.KeyAuthorization, endpoint, listProperty);

            OutputResponseCaseAsdkV8Dto answerUpdate = answerApi.ConvertModel(new OutputResponseCaseAsdkV8Dto());

            if (input.AdditionalFields?.Count > 0 && answerUpdate?.ItemId > 0)
                await UpdateAdditionalFields(input.AdditionalFields, answerUpdate.ItemId, input.CaseType);

        public SummaryReportConfig(string userAgent, long workspaceId, DateTime?since = null,
                                   DateTime?until                 = null, BillableOptions?billableOptions = null, IList <int> clientIds        = null,
                                   IList <int> projectIds         = null, IList <int> userIds             = null, IList <int> memberOfGroupIds = null,
                                   IList <int> orMemberOfGroupIds = null, IList <int> tagIds              = null, IList <int> taskIds          = null,
                                   IList <int> timeEntryIds       = null, string description              = null, bool withoutDescription      = false,
                                   SummaryOrderField?orderField   = null, bool orderDescending            = false, bool distinctRates          = false,
                                   bool rounding = false, DisplayHours?displayHours                       = null) : base(ReportType.Summary, userAgent, workspaceId, since,
                                                                                                                         until, billableOptions, clientIds, projectIds, userIds, memberOfGroupIds, orMemberOfGroupIds, tagIds,
                                                                                                                         taskIds, timeEntryIds, description, withoutDescription, orderField?.UrlRepresentation(), orderDescending,
                                                                                                                         distinctRates, rounding, displayHours)
            if (typeof(TGrouping).GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ToggleApiUrlValueAttribute)) is
                ToggleApiUrlValueAttribute groupingAttribute)
                UrlParameters.Add("grouping", groupingAttribute.UrlValue);

            if (typeof(TSubgrouping).GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ToggleApiUrlValueAttribute)) is
                ToggleApiUrlValueAttribute subGroupingAttribute)
                UrlParameters.Add("subgrouping", subGroupingAttribute.UrlValue);

            // Note that we default these to true to simplify the resulting model
            UrlParameters.Add("subgrouping_ids", "true");
            UrlParameters.Add("grouped_time_entry_ids", "true");
Example #11
        private static string FormatUrl(string baseUrl, UrlParameters urlParameters)
            var urlString = new StringBuilder();

            urlString.Append(FormatBaseUrl(baseUrl, urlParameters.SubDomain, urlParameters.Folder));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlParameters.Id))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlParameters.Controller))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlParameters.Action))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlParameters.QueryString))

Example #12
        public string GenerateCohortDetailsUrl(uint?ukprn, string accountId, string cohortRef, bool isEmptyCohort = false,
                                               string journeyData = "")
            var queryString = isEmptyCohort && ukprn.HasValue ? $"?providerId={ukprn}" : "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(journeyData))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(journeyData))
                    queryString = $"?journeyData={journeyData}";
                    queryString += $"&journeyData={journeyData}";

            var urlParameters = new UrlParameters
                Id = ukprn.HasValue && !isEmptyCohort?ukprn.Value.ToString() : accountId,
                         Controller  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cohortRef) ? "unapproved/add" : $"apprentices/{cohortRef}",
                         Action      = isEmptyCohort ? "" : string.IsNullOrEmpty(cohortRef) ? "assign" : "details",
                         Folder      = ukprn.HasValue && !isEmptyCohort ? "" : "commitments/accounts",
                         QueryString = queryString

            var baseUrl = GetBaseUrl();

            return(FormatUrl(baseUrl, urlParameters));
Example #13
        public string AddUrlParameter(string paramKey, string paramValue)
            // alpha, alphaValue
            string returnValue = string.Empty;

            List <UrlParameter> urlParams    = this.UrlParameters;
            UrlParameters       urlParameter = urlParams.Where(x => x.Key == paramKey).SingleOrDefault()

                                               if (urlParameter != null)

            urlParams.Add(new UrlParameter()
                Key   = paramKey,
                Value = paramValue

            // [0] Key = alpha, Value = alphaValue
            // [1] Key = beta, Value = betaValue
            // [2] Key = gamma, Value = gammaValue

            for (int i = 0; i < urlParams.Count(); i++)
                returnValue += i == 0 ? "?" : "&";
                returnValue += urlParams[i].Key + "=" + urlParams[i].Value;

                // ?alpha=alphaValue&beta=betaValue&gamma=gammaValue

Example #14
        public async Task <OutputParametersDto> GetSLA(int serviceId, int itemType)
            UrlParameters urlParameters = new UrlParameters
                serviceId = serviceId,
                itemType  = itemType

            List <Parameters> listSla = new List <Parameters>();

            foreach (var url in ConfigurationService.UrlSlAs)
                string uri = url.ConvertUrl(urlParameters);

                string endpoint = ConfigurationService.UrlServiceDesk + uri;

                Parameters parameter = await ConnectionService.GetAsync <Parameters>(token, endpoint, Constants.NameHeaderTokenASDK_V9);


            return(new OutputParametersDto
                Parameters = listSla
Example #15
 protected ReportConfig(ReportType reportType, string userAgent, long workspaceId, DateTime?since = null, DateTime?until = null, BillableOptions?billableOptions = null,
                        IList <int> clientIds        = null, IList <int> projectIds = null, IList <int> userIds = null,
                        IList <int> memberOfGroupIds = null, IList <int> orMemberOfGroupIds = null, IList <int> tagIds = null,
                        IList <int> taskIds          = null, IList <int> timeEntryIds = null, string description         = null,
                        bool withoutDescription      = false, string orderField       = null, bool orderDescending       = false,
                        bool distinctRates           = false, bool rounding           = false, DisplayHours?displayHours = null) :
     UrlParameters.Add("user_agent", userAgent);
     UrlParameters.Add("workspace_id", workspaceId);
     UrlParameters.Add("since", since?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
     UrlParameters.Add("until", until?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
     UrlParameters.Add("billable", billableOptions?.UrlRepresentation());
     UrlParameters.Add("client_ids", (clientIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", clientIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("project_ids", (projectIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", projectIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("user_ids", (userIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", userIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("member_of_group_ids", (memberOfGroupIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", memberOfGroupIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("or_member_of_group_ids", (orMemberOfGroupIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", orMemberOfGroupIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("tag_ids", (tagIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", tagIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("task_ids", (taskIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", taskIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("time_entry_ids", (timeEntryIds == null) ? null : string.Join(",", timeEntryIds));
     UrlParameters.Add("description", description);
     UrlParameters.Add("without_description", withoutDescription.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("order_field", orderField);
     UrlParameters.Add("order_descending", orderDescending.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("distinct_rates", distinctRates.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("rounding", rounding.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
     UrlParameters.Add("display_hours", displayHours?.UrlRepresentation());
Example #16
 public RegistrationLoggingBehavior(
     IContainer container,
     IBehaviorChain behaviorChainChain, Logger logger,
     HttpRequestMessage requestMessage,
     HttpResponseMessage responseMessage,
     HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders,
     HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration,
     HttpRequestContext httpRequestContext,
     ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
     ActionMethod actionMethod,
     RouteDescriptor routeDescriptor,
     RequestCancellation requestCancellation,
     UrlParameters urlParameters,
     QuerystringParameters querystringParameters,
     SomeType someInstance)
     BehaviorChain = behaviorChainChain;
        public void DeleteInvalidUrlParametersOption(UrlParameters urlParameter, InvalidOptionCases inputType)
            var deleteParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var optionHandler    = new OptionManager();
            var options          = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var urlParams        = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var value            = OptionData.InvalidOptionMapper[inputType];

            deleteParameters["id"] = Common.GetOptionsByCurrentContext("parentOptionCreateResponse").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            if (!(inputType == InvalidOptionCases.Missing && urlParameter == UrlParameters.Operation))
                if (urlParameter == UrlParameters.Operation)
                    urlParams["operation"] = value;
                    urlParams["operation"] = "delete";
                    urlParams["physical"]  = value;

            var response = optionHandler.DeleteOptions(options, urlParams);

            PrAssert.That(response, PrIs.ErrorResponse().And.HttpCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest).
                          And.ErrorCode((inputType == InvalidOptionCases.Missing && urlParameter == UrlParameters.Operation) ? (int)ResultCode.ParameterInsufficient : (int)ResultCode.InvalidValue));
Example #18
        public void Run()
            Console.Title = "Server: " + _serverId;
            Console.WriteLine("Running base version");
            var freezeUtilities       = new FreezeUtilities();
            var serverParameters      = UrlParameters.From(_serverUrl);
            var serverService         = new ServerService(_storage, freezeUtilities, _serverUrl, DelayMessage);
            var nodeService           = new NodeService(freezeUtilities, DelayMessage, RegisterServers, RegisterPartitions);
            var registerSlavesService = new SlaveRegisteringService(_storage);

            AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
            var server = new Grpc.Core.Server {
                Services =
                    BaseSlaveService.BindService(new BaseSlaveServerService(_storage))
                Ports =
                    new ServerPort(serverParameters.Hostname,
                                   serverParameters.Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure)

            Console.WriteLine("Server " + _serverId + " listening on port " + serverParameters.Port);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// usage https://subDomain.baseUrl/folder/id/controller/action?queryString
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="urlParameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GenerateAddApprenticeUrl(UrlParameters urlParameters)
            var baseUrl = _configuration["AuthType"].Equals("employer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                ? _options.EmployerApprenticeUrl
                : _options.ApprenticeUrl;

            return(FormatUrl(baseUrl, urlParameters));
Example #20
 protected override BWebServiceResponse OnRequestPP(HttpListenerContext _Context, Action <string> _ErrorMessageAction = null)
     if (UrlParameters.ContainsKey("secret") && UrlParameters["secret"] == InternalCallPrivateKey)
         return(Process(_Context, _ErrorMessageAction));
     return(BWebResponse.Forbidden("You are trying to access to a private service."));
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Sestaví url s parametrama
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parametry</param>
        /// <returns>URL dotaz</returns>
        private string BuildUrl(string url, UrlParameters parameters)
            var builder = new UriBuilder(url);

            parameters.Add("api_key", this.apikey);
            builder.Query = Helpers.EncodeDictionary(parameters);

Example #22
 public UrlParameterBinder(
     RouteDescriptor routeDescriptor,
     ArgumentBinder argumentBinder,
     UrlParameters urlParameters)
     _argumentBinder  = argumentBinder;
     _routeDescriptor = routeDescriptor;
     _urlParameters   = urlParameters;
Example #23
 public string GetUrl(UrlParameters urlParameters)
     if (urlParameters.IsRoute)
         return(GetRouteUrl(urlParameters, null));
         return(GetActionUrl(urlParameters, null));
Example #24
 public string GetUrl(UrlParameters urlParameters, object routeValues)
     if (urlParameters.IsRoute)
         return(GetRouteUrl(urlParameters, routeValues));
         return(GetActionUrl(urlParameters, routeValues));
Example #25
        public void CompilePageModel(string model, string param = "", string param2 = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model))
                this.Errors.Add("model cannot be empty in CompilePageModel");

            using (var CSharpProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider())
                StringCompilerModel stringCompilerModel = this._AddModelToCodeTemplate(model);

                // try to compile model and invoke Execute method
                var providerResult = CSharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(stringCompilerModel.CopilerParams, stringCompilerModel.Template);
                    var modelClassType = providerResult.CompiledAssembly.GetType("ModelClass");
                    var classInstance  = Activator.CreateInstance(modelClassType);
                    // Method ModelClass.Execute has two parameters UrlParameters and HttpContext
                    var urlParameters = new UrlParameters
                        Param       = param,
                        Param2      = param2,
                        Url         = HttpContext.Current != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request.Url : null,
                        QueryString = HttpContext.Current != null?HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToDictionary() : null
                    var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
                    // Invoke ModelClass.Execute method with paramaters UrlParameters and HttpContext
                    // Method returns an object that will be parsed as JSON to pass to the view
                    object output = modelClassType.GetMethod("Execute").Invoke(classInstance, new object[] { urlParameters, httpContext });
                    this.JsonResult = output.ToString();
                } // end try compile model
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.JsonResult = "{ \"Error\" : \"failed to compile model\" }";
                    if (providerResult.Errors.HasErrors)
                        for (var i = 0; i < providerResult.Errors.Count; i++)
                            var errorLine = providerResult.Errors[i].Line > 4 ? providerResult.Errors[i].Line - 4 : providerResult.Errors[i].Line;
                            // need to adjust error lines since ui editor is offset
                            if (errorLine > 6)
                                errorLine = errorLine - 7;
                            this.Errors.Add(string.Format("Model Compile Error: {0}, Line: {1}", providerResult.Errors[i].ErrorText, errorLine));
                } // end catch
            }     // end using CSharpCodeProvider
 public DetailedReportConfig(string userAgent, long workspaceId, DateTime?since = null,
                             DateTime?until                 = null, BillableOptions?billableOptions = null, IList <int> clientIds        = null,
                             IList <int> projectIds         = null, IList <int> userIds             = null, IList <int> memberOfGroupIds = null,
                             IList <int> orMemberOfGroupIds = null, IList <int> tagIds              = null, IList <int> taskIds          = null,
                             IList <int> timeEntryIds       = null, string description              = null, bool withoutDescription      = false,
                             DetailedOrderField?orderField  = null, bool orderDescending            = false, bool distinctRates          = false, bool rounding = false,
                             DisplayHours?displayHours      = null) : base(ReportType.Detailed, userAgent, workspaceId, since, until, billableOptions, clientIds,
                                                                           projectIds, userIds, memberOfGroupIds, orMemberOfGroupIds, tagIds, taskIds, timeEntryIds, description,
                                                                           withoutDescription, orderField?.UrlRepresentation(), orderDescending, distinctRates, rounding, displayHours)
     UrlParameters.Add("page", 1);
Example #27
        private IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetCreateUserEmailSubstitutions(long tenantId, string email, string alias, Token confirmToken)
            UrlParameters urlParameters = _authenticationUrlService.GetConfirmSetPasswordUrlParameters(tenantId, confirmToken);
            string        confirmUrl    = _webHelperService.GetUrl(urlParameters);
            Dictionary <string, string> substitutions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            substitutions.Add(AliasKeyword, alias);
            substitutions.Add(EmailKeyword, email);
            substitutions.Add(ConfirmUrl, confirmUrl);
            substitutions.Add(ConfirmExpires, confirmToken.Expiry.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " GMT");
        private IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetCreatePostSubstitutions(string email, string alias, long postId, int?page, string subject, string postAlias)
            UrlParameters urlParameters = _forumUrlService.GetCreatePostUrlParameters(postId, page);
            string        forumUrl      = _webHelperService.GetUrl(urlParameters);
            Dictionary <string, string> substitutions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            substitutions.Add(ALIAS_KEYWORD, alias);
            substitutions.Add(EMAIL_KEYWORD, email);
            substitutions.Add(FORUM_URL, forumUrl);
            substitutions.Add(THREAD_SUBJECT, subject);
            substitutions.Add(POST_ALIAS, postAlias);
Example #29
        private string GetRouteUrl(UrlParameters urlParameters, object routeValues)
            UrlRouteContext routeContext = new UrlRouteContext
                Fragment  = urlParameters.Fragment,
                Host      = urlParameters.HostName,
                Protocol  = urlParameters.Protocol,
                RouteName = urlParameters.RouteName,
                Values    = routeValues != null ? routeValues : urlParameters.RouteValues
            IUrlHelper urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(_actionContextAccessor.ActionContext);

Example #30
        public void AddUrlParameter(string key, string value)
            CoreValidator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(key, nameof(key));
            CoreValidator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(value, nameof(value));

            if (!UrlParameters.ContainsKey(key))
                this.UrlParameters.Add(key, value);
                this.UrlParameters[key] = value;