Example #1
    protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (PageNumberQS > 0 && !LandingPageQS)

        bool   autoScroll = chkAutoScroll.Checked;
        string url        = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS + 1, false, autoScroll);

        if (PageNumberQS == 0)     //go to landing page
            url = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS + 1, true, autoScroll);
        if (PageNumberQS == 1 && LandingPageQS)
            url = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS, false, autoScroll);
        if (PageNumberQS == 25)     //TODO: Hardcoded pagesize.
            url = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS + 1, true, autoScroll);
        if (PageNumberQS == 26 && LandingPageQS)        //TODO: hardcoded pagesize.
            url = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS, false, autoScroll);

Example #2
        public virtual void Go(string projectionName)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Navigating.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                string link = new UrlCreator().CreateUrl(projectionName);

                LogWriter.Debug("Link: " + link);

Example #3
        public void Test_ResultAlreadyExists_True()
            string resultText = "Test message";

            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test/?Result=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(resultText);

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            bool alreadyExists = creator.ResultAlreadyExists(resultText);

            Assert.IsTrue(alreadyExists, "Returned false when it should have returned true.");
Example #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get()
            var products = ProductProducer.Products
                           .Select(product =>

            var response = new ResourceList <object>(products)
                                    .From <ProductController, object>("add", ctrl => ctrl.Post(null))
                                    .WithParams <ProductModel>());

            return(await Task.Run(() => Ok(response)));
Example #5
    private static bool CheckUrl(string Url)
            var request = WebRequest.Create(Url) as HttpWebRequest;

            using (var client = new MyWebClient())

                if (request == null)

                if (!AppSettings.Site.URLCheckerAllowRedirect && !UrlCreator.ExtractDomainUrl(Url).ToLower().Contains(UrlCreator.ExtractDomainUrl(client.ResponseUri.Host.ToLower())))
                    throw new MsgException(U4200.URLCHECKBAD + ": Attempted Redirection");

                //var sourcePage = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(client.DownloadString(Url)).Trim();
                //sourcePage = sourcePage.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

                //if (sourcePage.Contains("top.location!=self.location"))
                //    throw new MsgException(Resources.U4200.URLCHECKBAD);

                //Some pages send wrong formatted x-frame-options in headers like 'deny' or 'DENY,DENY' so have to use ToLower() and Contains
                var xFrameHeader = client.ResponseHeaders["X-Frame-Options"] != null ? client.ResponseHeaders["X-Frame-Options"].ToLower() : null;

                if (xFrameHeader != null && (xFrameHeader.Contains("deny") || xFrameHeader.Contains("sameorigin")))
                    throw new MsgException(U6011.WEBSITEDONTALLOWIFRAME);
        catch (UriFormatException ex)
            //Invalid Url
            throw new MsgException(Resources.U4200.URLCHECKBAD + ". " + ex.Message);
        catch (WebException ex)
            //Unable to access url
            throw new MsgException(Resources.U4200.URLCHECKBAD + ". " + ex.Message);
Example #6
        public void Test_CreateXsltUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string currentUrl      = "http://localhost/Test";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, currentUrl);

            string action = "TestAction";
            string type   = "TestType";

            string url = creator.CreateXsltUrl(action, type);

            string expected = "/Test/" + action + "-" + type + ".xslt.aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, url, "The returned URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #7
        private ResourceData <Product> CreateResourceDataOfProduct(Product product)
            var data = new ResourceData <Product>(product);

            data.Links.AddRange(new List <Link>
                .From <ProductController, object>("self", ctrl => ctrl.Get(product.Id)),
                .From <ProductController, object>("edit", ctrl => ctrl.Put(product.Id, null))
                .WithParams <ProductModel>(),
                .From <ProductController, object>("delete", ctrl => ctrl.Delete(product.Id)),
Example #8
        public void Test_CreateStandardUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action   = "MockAction";
            string typeName = "MockType";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string url = creator.CreateStandardUrl(action, typeName);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/Projector.aspx?a=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "&t=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "&f=Html";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #9
        public void Test_AddResult()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string currentUrl      = "http://localhost/Test";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, currentUrl);

            string original = "http://localhost/Test/Path/";

            string resultText    = "Test message";
            bool   resultIsError = false;

            string result = creator.AddResult(original, resultText, resultIsError);

            string expected = "http://localhost/Test/Path/?Result=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(resultText) + "&ResultIsError=" + resultIsError.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, "The resulting URL doesn't match what's expected.");
        public void Test_CreateExternalXmlUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);
            creator.Converter = new MockUrlConverter();
            creator.EnableFriendlyUrls = true;

            string url = creator.CreateExternalXmlUrl(action, typeName);

            string expectedUrl = originalUrl + "/" + action + "-" + typeName + ".xml.aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
        public void Test_AddResult()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string currentUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, currentUrl);

            string original = "http://localhost/Test/Path/";

            string resultText = "Test message";
            bool resultIsError = false;

            string result = creator.AddResult(original, resultText, resultIsError);

            string expected = "http://localhost/Test/Path/?Result=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(resultText) + "&ResultIsError=" + resultIsError.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, "The resulting URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #12
        public void Test_CreateFriendlyUrl_MatchProperty()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action   = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string propertyName = "ID";
            string dataKey      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            string url = creator.CreateFriendlyUrl(action, typeName, propertyName, dataKey);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "-" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(propertyName) + "--" + creator.PrepareForUrl(dataKey) + ".aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #13
        public void Test_CreateXmlUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action   = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            creator.EnableFriendlyUrls = true;

            string url = creator.CreateXmlUrl(action, typeName);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/" + action + "-" + typeName + ".xml.aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #14
        public void Test_CreateStandardUrl_MatchProperty()

            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action   = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string propertyName = "ID";
            string dataKey      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            string url = creator.CreateStandardUrl(action, typeName, propertyName, dataKey);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/Projector.aspx?a=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "&t=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "&f=Html&" + typeName + "-" + propertyName + "=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(dataKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #15
    protected void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //TODO: Son page'den geri dönmek isterse son sayfada update ederek dönme.
        if (PageNumberQS > 0 && !LandingPageQS)

        bool autoScroll = chkAutoScroll.Checked;
        var  url        = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS - 1, false, autoScroll);

        if (PageNumberQS == 1 || PageNumberQS == 26)
            if (!LandingPageQS)
                url = UrlCreator.BuildUrl(UserIDQS, PageNumberQS, true, autoScroll);
        public string AddQueryStrings(string path, Dictionary <string, string> queryStrings)
            string output = string.Empty;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Adding query strings to the path: " + path))
                output = path;

                UrlCreator urlCreator = new UrlCreator(ApplicationPath, path);

                foreach (string key in queryStrings.Keys)
                    string separator = "?";
                    if (path.IndexOf("?") > -1)
                        separator = "&";

                    LogWriter.Debug("Separator: " + separator);

                    if (output.IndexOf("?" + key + "=") == -1 &&
                        output.IndexOf("&" + key + "=") == -1)
                        LogWriter.Debug("Adding query string \"" + key + "=" + queryStrings[key] + "\"");

                        output = output + separator + urlCreator.PrepareForQueryString(key)
                                 + "=" + urlCreator.PrepareForQueryString(queryStrings[key]);

                        LogWriter.Debug("New path: " + output);
                        LogWriter.Debug("Query string key '" + key + "' found in path. Skipping append.");

                LogWriter.Debug("Output: " + output);
Example #17
        public void Test_CreateFriendlyUrl_IEntityParameter_UniqueEntity()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl     = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "View";

            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();

            article.ID    = Guid.NewGuid();
            article.Title = "Test article";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            creator.EnableFriendlyUrls = true;

            string url = creator.CreateFriendlyUrl(action, article);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/" + action + "-" + article.ShortTypeName + "/" + article.ID.ToString() + "/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(article.Title) + ".aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #18
 public string GetLink(string action, string type)
     return(UrlCreator.CreateUrl(action, type));
        public void Test_CreateXsltUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string currentUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, currentUrl);

            string action = "TestAction";
            string type = "TestType";

            string url = creator.CreateXsltUrl(action, type);

            string expected = "/Test/" + action + "-" + type + ".xslt.aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, url, "The returned URL doesn't match what's expected.");
        public void Test_ResultAlreadyExists_True()
            string resultText = "Test message";

            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test/?Result=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(resultText);

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            bool alreadyExists = creator.ResultAlreadyExists(resultText);

            Assert.IsTrue(alreadyExists, "Returned false when it should have returned true.");
        public void Test_CreateFriendlyUrl_IEntityParameter_UniqueEntity()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "View";

            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();
            article.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            article.Title = "Test article";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);
            creator.EnableFriendlyUrls = true;

            string url = creator.CreateFriendlyUrl(action, article);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/" + action + "-" + article.ShortTypeName + "/" + article.ID.ToString() + "/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(article.Title) + ".aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #22
 public static void Initialize(RouteSettings settings)
     resolver   = new ControllerResolver();
     urlCreator = new UrlCreator(settings.RootUrl);
Example #23
 public string GetStandardLink(string action, string type)
     return(UrlCreator.CreateStandardUrl(action, type));
        public void Test_CreateFriendlyUrl_MatchProperty()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string propertyName = "ID";
            string dataKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            string url = creator.CreateFriendlyUrl(action, typeName, propertyName, dataKey);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "-" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "/" + creator.PrepareForUrl(propertyName) + "--" + creator.PrepareForUrl(dataKey) + ".aspx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #25
 public string GetLink()
Example #26
 public string GetLink(string projectionName)
        public void Test_CreateStandardUrl_MatchProperty()

            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "Create";
            string typeName = "User";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string propertyName = "ID";
            string dataKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            string url = creator.CreateStandardUrl(action, typeName, propertyName, dataKey);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/Projector.aspx?a=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "&t=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "&f=Html&" + typeName + "-" + propertyName + "=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(dataKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
        public string AddQueryStrings(string path, Dictionary<string, string> queryStrings)
            string output = string.Empty;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Adding query strings to the path: " + path))
                output = path;

                UrlCreator urlCreator = new UrlCreator(ApplicationPath, path);

                foreach (string key in queryStrings.Keys)
                    string separator = "?";
                    if (path.IndexOf("?") > -1)
                        separator = "&";

                    LogWriter.Debug("Separator: " + separator);

                    if (output.IndexOf("?" + key + "=") == -1
                        && output.IndexOf("&" + key + "=") == -1)
                        LogWriter.Debug("Adding query string \"" + key + "=" + queryStrings[key] + "\"");

                        output = output + separator + urlCreator.PrepareForQueryString(key)
                            + "=" + urlCreator.PrepareForQueryString(queryStrings[key]);

                        LogWriter.Debug("New path: " + output);
                        LogWriter.Debug("Query string key '" + key + "' found in path. Skipping append.");

                LogWriter.Debug("Output: " + output);

            return output;
Example #29
 public string GetLink(string action, IEntity entity)
     return(UrlCreator.CreateUrl(action, entity));
        public void Test_CreateStandardUrl()
            string applicationPath = "/Test";
            string originalUrl = "http://localhost/Test";

            string action = "MockAction";
            string typeName = "MockType";

            UrlCreator creator = new UrlCreator(applicationPath, originalUrl);

            string url = creator.CreateStandardUrl(action, typeName);

            string expectedUrl = "/Test/Projector.aspx?a=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(action) + "&t=" + creator.PrepareForUrl(typeName) + "&f=Html";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, url, "The URL doesn't match what's expected.");
Example #31
    protected void CreateAdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SPanel.Visible = false;
        EPanel.Visible = false;

            if (URL.Enabled)
                throw new MsgException(U4200.CHECKURL);

            NewAdPackAdvert.Title       = InputChecker.HtmlEncode(Title.Text, Title.MaxLength, L1.TITLE);
            NewAdPackAdvert.Description = InputChecker.HtmlEncode(Description.Text, Description.MaxLength, L1.DESCRIPTION);

            NewAdPackAdvert.TargetUrl = URL.Text;

            Member admin = new Member(AppSettings.RevShare.AdminUsername);

            NewAdPackAdvert.CreatorUserId = User.Id;

            //No need to approve admin's adverts
            if (NewAdPackAdvert.CreatorUserId == admin.Id)
                NewAdPackAdvert.Status = AdvertStatus.Active;
                NewAdPackAdvert.Status = AdvertStatusExtensions.GetStartingStatus();

            NewAdPackAdvert.AddedAsType = PurchaseOption.Features.SurfAd;


            if (AppSettings.RevShare.AdPack.IsStartPageEnabled && PurchaseStartPageCheckBox.Checked)
                if (AdPackManager.GetNumberOfStartPagesPurchasedForDay(StartPageDateCalendar.SelectedDate) > 0)
                    throw new MsgException("You can't buy a Start Page for a selected date");

                User = Member.Current;
                Money startPagePrice = AppSettings.RevShare.AdPack.StartPagePrice;
                if (startPagePrice > User.PurchaseBalance)
                    throw new MsgException(L1.NOTENOUGHFUNDS);

                NewAdPackAdvert.StartPageDate = StartPageDateCalendar.SelectedDate;
                User.SubtractFromPurchaseBalance(startPagePrice, "Start Page");

                //Add to profit sources
                PoolDistributionManager.AddProfit(ProfitSource.StartPage, startPagePrice);


            //Clear all

            //Display info
            SPanel.Visible = true;
            if (User.Name == AppSettings.RevShare.AdminUsername)
                SText.Text = U3501.ADCREATED;
                SText.Text = U4200.ADAWAITSAPPROVAL;

        catch (MsgException ex)
            EPanel.Visible = true;
            EText.Text     = ex.Message;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Example #32
 public string GetLink(string action, string type, string propertyName, string dataKey)
     return(UrlCreator.CreateUrl(action, type, propertyName, dataKey));