Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads the survey asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The survey response.</param>
        /// <returns>A task to await the completion of the upload.</returns>
        public static async Task UploadAsync(this UploadedItem <SurveyResponseModel> response)
                DependencyService.Get <IMetricsManagerService>().TrackEvent("UploadSurveyResponse");
                await SurveyCloudService.SubmitSurveyResponseAsync(response.Item);

                response.Uploaded = DateTime.Now;
                await response.SaveAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                DependencyService.Get <IMetricsManagerService>().TrackException("UploadSurveyResponseFailed", ex);
Example #2
 public Task SaveAsync()
Example #3
        private async void NextQuestion()
            // Add empty answers if necessary
            var questionResponse = _response.Item.QuestionResponses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.QuestionID == CurrentQuestion?.QuestionID);

            if (questionResponse == null)
                _response.Item.QuestionResponses.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponseModel
                    QuestionID = CurrentQuestion.QuestionID,

            // Check if we should prompt in case the user did not fill out the additional information field
            var shouldPrompt    = false;
            var questionAnswers = CurrentQuestion.AnswerChoices.ToDictionary(a => a.AnswerChoiceID, a => a);

            foreach (var answer in CurrentAnswers)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer.AdditionalAnswerData))
                    SurveyQuestionAnswerChoiceModel questionAnswer;
                    if (questionAnswers.TryGetValue(answer.AnswerChoiceID, out questionAnswer) && questionAnswer.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat != AnswerFormat.None)
                        shouldPrompt = true;

            // Prompt the user if any additional information entries are empty
            if (shouldPrompt)
                var shouldContinue = await App.DisplayAlertAsync(
                    "Incomplete Answer",
                    "At least one answer requires more information, are you sure you want to continue?",

                if (!shouldContinue)

            var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "CurrentQuestionID", CurrentQuestion?.QuestionID.ToString() },

            DependencyService.Get <IMetricsManagerService>().TrackEvent("SurveyNextQuestion", properties, null);

            // Save the response
            await _response.SaveAsync();

            // Create a lookup table for all the currently selected answers
            var currentAnswerIds = new HashSet <int>(CurrentAnswers.Select(a => a.AnswerChoiceID));

            // Get a reference to any matching question answer model from the survey question
            var matchingAnswer = CurrentQuestion.AnswerChoices.FirstOrDefault(a => currentAnswerIds.Contains(a.AnswerChoiceID));

            // Set the next question to the next question identifier from the question answer model if available;
            // otherwise, set the next question to the next highest question number
            var nextQuestionIndex = QuestionIndex(matchingAnswer?.NextQuestionID) ?? NextQuestion(CurrentQuestion.QuestionNum);

            _index = nextQuestionIndex ?? _index + 1;

            // End the survey if the matching question answer disqualifies the survey, or if there are no more questions
            if ((matchingAnswer?.EndSurvey ?? false) || nextQuestionIndex == null)

            QuestionChanged?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());