public void PostClienteApp1() { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json") .Build(); var repo = new RepositorioCliente(config); var controler = new UpdatesController(repo); var eventos = GetEventsList(); var result = controler.PostCliente(eventos); Assert.IsType <OkResult>(result); }
public void AddUpdateTest() { // Arrange var fakeRepo = new FakeUpdateRepository(); var controller = new UpdatesController(fakeRepo); var update = new Update() { UpdateTitle = "Update Title", UpdateText = "UPDATE TEXT" }; // Act controller.NewUpdate(update); // Assert // Ensure that the review was added to the repository var retrievedUpdate = fakeRepo.Updates.ToList()[0]; Assert.Equal(0, System.DateTime.Now.Date.CompareTo(retrievedUpdate.UpdateDate.Date)); }
public UpdatesControllerTests() { _configMock = new Mock <IConfiguration>(); _updatesMock = new Mock <IUpdaterService>(); _statusModel = new StatusModel() { FailedResultsQuantity = 101, Finalizing = true, IsUpdatingInProgress = false, IsUpdatingPaused = true, LastCompletedTime = new DateTime(2000, 01, 02), LastError = "some_error", LastStartedTime = new DateTime(2000, 01, 03), LastUpdatedVessel = "some_vessel", MemoryMegabytesUsage = 152.66F, ReurnedVesselsInCurrent = 34623, TotalResultsQuantity = 190300, UpdatingDatabase = true, MissingStatuses = 2, MissingSpeeds = 1, MissingLongs = 0, MissingLats = 3, MissingEtas = 4, MissingActivityTimes = 5, MissingAreas = 6, MissingCourses = 7, MissingDestinations = 8, MissingDraughts = 9 }; _configMock.SetupGet(mock => mock[It.Is <string>(s => s == "Authentication:Key")]).Returns("test_security_key"); _updatesMock.Setup(mock => mock.PauseUpdating()).Returns(true); _updatesMock.Setup(mock => mock.StopUpdatingAsync()).ReturnsAsync(true); _updatesMock.Setup(mock => mock.GetUpdatingStatus()).Returns(_statusModel); _updatesMock.Setup(mock => mock.UpdateSingleVesselAsync(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>())).ReturnsAsync(true); _controller = new UpdatesController(_configMock.Object, _updatesMock.Object); }