public async Task WhenHandlingCommand_ThenGetTodoFromRepository()
            // Arrange
            var todo    = CreateTodo();
            var request = Create();

            todoRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetByIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))

            // Act
            await sut.Handle(request, default);

            // Assert
            todoRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.GetByIdAsync(request.Id), Times.Once);
Example #2
        public async Task UpdateTodoCommandHandlerTestShouldReturnGenericCommandResultObject()
            var command = new UpdateTodoCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Teste", "Teste");

            var todo = new TodoItem("Teste", true, DateTime.Now, "Teste");

            var handler = new UpdateTodoCommandHandler(_toDoRepositoryMock.Object);

            _toDoRepositoryMock.Setup(a => a.GetById(command.Id)).ReturnsAsync(todo);
            _toDoRepositoryMock.Setup(a => a.Update(todo)).ReturnsAsync(todo);

            var result = await handler.Handle(command, new CancellationToken());

            result.Message.Should().Be("Tarefa salva");
Example #3
        private static void WorkWithCommandsWithoutIoc()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\n-- No IoC --");

            // Line up some commands to execute
            var itemToCreateThenChange = new Todo {
                Caption = "Feed cat", Category = "Etc"
            var cmd1 = new CreateTodoCommand {
                Data = new Todo {
                    Caption = "I SHOULD BE DELETED", Category = "Etc"
            };                                                                                                          // id will become 1
            var cmd2 = new CreateTodoCommand {
                Data = itemToCreateThenChange
            };                                                                  // id will become 2
            var cmd3 = new CreateTodoCommand {
                Data = new Todo {
                    Caption = "Pay bills", Category = "Etc"
            };                                                                                                // id will become 3
            var cmd4 = new CreateTodoCommand {
                Data = new Todo {
                    Caption = "I DO NOT PASS THE FILTER", Category = "Uncategorized"
            };                                                                                                                        // id will become 3
            var updateCommand = new UpdateTodoCommand {
                Data = new Todo {
                    Id = itemToCreateThenChange.Id, Category = itemToCreateThenChange.Category, Caption = "Feed BOTH cats"
            var deleteCommand = new DeleteTodoCommand {
                Id = 1
            };                                                    // delete milk

            // Prepare the handlers
            var createHandler = new CreateTodoCommandHandler(new CachedRepository <Todo>());
            var updateHandler = new UpdateTodoCommandHandler(new CachedRepository <Todo>());
            var deleteHandler = new DeleteTodoCommandHandler(new CachedRepository <Todo>());
            // Example using a decorator. We're instantiating the decorator manually here but the idea is to it with IoC.
            // This decorator outputs some logging to to Console.Out.
            var decorating_deleteHandler = new LoggingCommandHandlerDecorator <DeleteTodoCommand>(deleteHandler, (ILogger) new ConsoleLogger());

            // Create something then queue it for deletion
            deleteCommand.Id = cmd1.Output;

                , createHandler.Handle(cmd3)
                , createHandler.Handle(cmd4)


            // Example using a queryhandler to deliver results
            var qhandler = new FindTodosByCategoryQueryHandler(new CachedRepository <Todo>());
            var query    = new FindTodosByCategoryQuery {
                Category = "Etc"
            var queryResult = qhandler.Handle(query);

            // Only two items should show up since we deleted one, and one doesn't match the query.