Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object. If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group can update the data.
		/// </summary>
		public static void UpdateSharedGroupData(UpdateSharedGroupDataRequest request, UpdateSharedGroupDataCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)
			if (AuthKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must be logged in to call this method");

			string serializedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);
			Action<string,string> callback = delegate(string responseStr, string errorStr)
				UpdateSharedGroupDataResult result = null;
				PlayFabError error = null;
				ResultContainer<UpdateSharedGroupDataResult>.HandleResults(responseStr, errorStr, out result, out error);
				if(error != null && errorCallback != null)
				if(result != null)
					if(resultCallback != null)
			PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Client/UpdateSharedGroupData", serializedJSON, "X-Authorization", AuthKey, callback);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object. If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group can update the data.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateSharedGroupData(UpdateSharedGroupDataRequest request, UpdateSharedGroupDataCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
            if (_authKey == null) throw new Exception("Must be logged in to call this method");

            string serializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);
            Action<CallRequestContainer> callback = delegate(CallRequestContainer requestContainer)
                ResultContainer<UpdateSharedGroupDataResult>.HandleResults(requestContainer, resultCallback, errorCallback, null);
            PlayFabHTTP.Post("/Client/UpdateSharedGroupData", serializedJson, "X-Authorization", _authKey, callback, request, customData);
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object. If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group (and the server) can update the data.
		/// </summary>
		public static void UpdateSharedGroupData(UpdateSharedGroupDataRequest request, UpdateSharedGroupDataCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
			if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

			string serializedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);
			Action<string,PlayFabError> callback = delegate(string responseStr, PlayFabError pfError)
				UpdateSharedGroupDataResult result = null;
				ResultContainer<UpdateSharedGroupDataResult>.HandleResults(responseStr, ref pfError, out result);
				if(pfError != null && errorCallback != null)
				if(result != null)
					result.CustomData = customData;
					result.Request = request;
					if(resultCallback != null)
			PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Server/UpdateSharedGroupData", serializedJSON, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback);
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object. If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group (and the server) can update the data.
		/// </summary>
		public static void UpdateSharedGroupData(UpdateSharedGroupDataRequest request, UpdateSharedGroupDataCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)
			if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

			string serializedJSON = JsonWriter.Serialize (request, Util.GlobalJsonWriterSettings);
			Action<string,string> callback = delegate(string responseStr, string errorStr)
				UpdateSharedGroupDataResult result = null;
				PlayFabError error = null;
				ResultContainer<UpdateSharedGroupDataResult>.HandleResults(responseStr, errorStr, out result, out error);
				if(error != null && errorCallback != null)
				if(result != null)
					if(resultCallback != null)
			PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Server/UpdateSharedGroupData", serializedJSON, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback);