protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        JobHandle jobHandle;

        // Increment the frame count on all active TriggerVolume components
        JobHandle updateVolumesJobHandle = new UpdateTriggerVolumesJob().Schedule(this, inputDeps);

        // Get the number of TriggerEvents so that we can allocate a native array
        m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0] = 0;
        JobHandle getTriggerEventCountJobHandle = new GetTriggerEventCount()
            pCounter = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
        }.Schedule(m_StepPhysicsWorldSystem.Simulation, ref m_BuildPhysicsWorldSystem.PhysicsWorld, inputDeps);


        // Get the list of overlapping bodies
        var triggerEntities = new NativeArray <TriggerEntities>(m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0], Allocator.TempJob);

        m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0] = 0;
        JobHandle listTriggerEventEntitiesJobHandle = new ListTriggerEventEntitiesJob
            PhysicsVelocityGroup = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsVelocity>(true),
            VolumeGroup          = GetComponentDataFromEntity <TriggerVolume>(true),
            TriggerEntities      = triggerEntities,
            pCounter             = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
        }.Schedule(m_StepPhysicsWorldSystem.Simulation, ref m_BuildPhysicsWorldSystem.PhysicsWorld, updateVolumesJobHandle);

        // Increment the frame count on the OverlappingTriggerVolume components
        // that are still present in the TriggerEvent list
        var       overlappingGroup           = GetComponentDataFromEntity <OverlappingTriggerVolume>();
        JobHandle updateOverlappingJobHandle = new UpdateOverlappingJob
            TriggerEntites       = triggerEntities,
            TriggerEntitiesCount = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
            OverlappingGroup     = overlappingGroup,

        // Add OverlappingTriggerVolume components to any Entity that has
        // just entered a trigger volume
        var       triggerGroup    = GetComponentDataFromEntity <TriggerVolume>(true);
        JobHandle addNewJobHandle = new AddNewOverlappingJob
            CommandBuffer        = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer(),
            TriggerEntities      = triggerEntities,
            TriggerEntitiesCount = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
            TriggerGroup         = triggerGroup,
            OverlappingGroup     = overlappingGroup,


        // Remove the OverlappingTriggerVolume component from any Entity
        // that did not have its frame count incremented and so will be behind
        // the frame count of the associated trigger. i.e. it has left the trigger volume
        JobHandle removeOldJobHandle = new RemoveOldOverlappingJob
            CommandBuffer       = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer(),
            OverlappingEntities = OverlappingGroup.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob),
            TriggerGroup        = triggerGroup,
            OverlappingGroup    = overlappingGroup,


        jobHandle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(addNewJobHandle, removeOldJobHandle);

    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // Get the number of TriggerEvents so that we can allocate a native array
        m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0] = 0;
        JobHandle getTriggerEventCountJobHandle = new GetTriggerEventCount
            NumTriggerEvents = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
        }.Schedule(m_StepPhysicsWorldSystem.Simulation, ref m_BuildPhysicsWorldSystem.PhysicsWorld, Dependency);


        // Increment the frame count for all TriggerVolumes
        // This frame count is compared with the overlapping entity frame count so that we can tell if an entity has left the volume.
        JobHandle updateVolumesJobHandle = Entities
                                           .ForEach((ref TriggerVolume triggerVolume) => triggerVolume.CurrentFrame++).ScheduleParallel(Dependency);

        // Get the list of overlapping bodies
        var triggerEntities = new NativeArray <TriggerEntities>(m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0], Allocator.TempJob);

        m_TriggerEntitiesIndex[0] = 0;
        JobHandle listTriggerEventEntitiesJobHandle = new ListTriggerEventEntitiesJob
            PhysicsVelocityGroup = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsVelocity>(true),
            VolumeGroup          = GetComponentDataFromEntity <TriggerVolume>(true),
            TriggerEntities      = triggerEntities,
            NumTriggerEntities   = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
        }.Schedule(m_StepPhysicsWorldSystem.Simulation, ref m_BuildPhysicsWorldSystem.PhysicsWorld, updateVolumesJobHandle);

        // Increment the frame count on the OverlappingTriggerVolume components
        // that are still present in the TriggerEvent list
        var       overlappingGroup           = GetComponentDataFromEntity <OverlappingTriggerVolume>();
        JobHandle updateOverlappingJobHandle = new UpdateOverlappingJob
            TriggerEntites       = triggerEntities,
            TriggerEntitiesCount = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
            OverlappingGroup     = overlappingGroup,

        // Add OverlappingTriggerVolume components to any Entity that has
        // just entered a trigger volume
        var       triggerGroup    = GetComponentDataFromEntity <TriggerVolume>(true);
        JobHandle addNewJobHandle = new AddNewOverlappingJob
            CommandBuffer        = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer(),
            TriggerEntities      = triggerEntities,
            TriggerEntitiesCount = m_TriggerEntitiesIndex,
            TriggerGroup         = triggerGroup,
            OverlappingGroup     = overlappingGroup,


        // Remove the OverlappingTriggerVolume component from any Entity
        // that did not have its frame count incremented and so will be behind
        // the frame count of the associated trigger. i.e. it has left the trigger volume
        JobHandle removeOldJobHandle = new RemoveOldOverlappingJob
            CommandBuffer       = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer(),
            OverlappingEntities = OverlappingGroup.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob),
            TriggerGroup        = triggerGroup,
            OverlappingGroup    = overlappingGroup,


        Dependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(addNewJobHandle, removeOldJobHandle);