public void CheckSerilizingAndDeserializeingOfVersionObject() { var versionObject = VersionObject.GetVersionObject(); versionObject.Clear(); versionObject.VersionData.VersionName = "aaa"; versionObject.VersionData.VersionDescription = "bbb"; versionObject.VersionData.VersionChanges.Add("c1"); versionObject.VersionData.VersionChanges.Add("c2"); var file = File.Create("aa.txt"); file.Close(); versionObject.ListOfFiles.Add(new FileInformation("aa.txt")); Update.MoveWithReplaceInNaroCad("Version.XML", "Version1.XML"); Program.SerializeToXml(versionObject); versionObject.Clear(); versionObject = UpdateLogic.DeserializeFromXml("Version.XML"); Assert.IsTrue(versionObject.VersionData.VersionName == "aaa", "Version name not correct."); Assert.IsTrue(versionObject.VersionData.VersionDescription == "bbb", "Version description not correct."); Assert.IsTrue(versionObject.VersionData.VersionChanges[0] == "c1", "Version Change 1 not correct."); Assert.IsTrue(versionObject.VersionData.VersionChanges[1] == "c2", "Version Change 2 not correct."); Assert.IsTrue(versionObject.ListOfFiles[0].SourcePath == "aa.txt", "Source path not correct."); Update.MoveWithReplaceInNaroCad("Version1.XML", "Version.XML"); File.Delete("aa.txt"); }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); path = new PathLogic(); updater = new UpdateLogic(); remote = new RemoteLogic(); skinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance; skinManager.AddFormToManage(this); skinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT; skinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.BlueGrey800, Primary.BlueGrey900, Primary.BlueGrey500, Accent.LightBlue200, TextShade.WHITE); // Show tooltips listViewMods.ShowItemToolTips = true; // Upgrade settings from previous version if (Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired) { Properties.Settings.Default.Upgrade(); Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } var modList = Properties.Settings.Default.ModsList.Split(','); foreach (var mod in modList) { if (!defaultMods.Contains(mod)) { defaultMods.Add(mod.ToLower()); } } }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); path = new PathLogic(); updater = new UpdateLogic(); remote = new RemoteLogic(); }
protected virtual void Awake() { //SetStates _logic = LOGIC.Default; _group = GROUP.None; _state = STATE.Generalize; //Load Resources _prefabGroup = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Group") as GameObject; //init objects _listCollidedSWindows = new List <SWindow>(); _ray = new Ray(); _rayPosition =; _parent = transform.parent; //Position & Looker Init _updateLogic = null; _updateLogic += UpdateDefaultLogic; _updateGrouping = UpdateCheckingGrouping; _currentScale = _targetScale = transform.localScale; _currentPosition = _targetPosition = transform.position; _currentLooker = _targetLooker = transform.position + transform.forward; //added components InitComponent <Rigidbody>(InitRigidBody); InitComponent <BoxCollider>(InitBoxCollider); }
public virtual void OnClicked(Vector3 pos, Vector3 forward) { //Set Status _logic = LOGIC.Clicked; if (_state != STATE.Generalize) { return; } //Set Grouping Status if (_group != GROUP.Done) { _group = GROUP.Ready; } _currentPosition = transform.position; _targetPosition = pos; _currentLooker = transform.position + transform.forward; _targetLooker = pos + forward; _updateLogic = null; _updateLogic += UpdateGrapedLogic; _boxCollider.size = _boxColliderSizeDraged; = _boxColliderCenterDraged; _boxCollider.isTrigger = true; }
private void SetState(StateID newStateID) { State newState = this.states[(int)newStateID]; this.stateID = newStateID; this.updateLogic = newState.updateLogic; pressed[GameInput.Inventory] = () => this.SetNextState(newState.nextStateID); }
public void CheckDeleteFileMethod() { var file = File.Create("aaa.txt"); file.Close(); UpdateLogic.DeleteFile("aaa.txt"); Assert.IsTrue(!File.Exists("aaa.txt"), "File still exists on disk."); }
private void SetState(StateID newStateID) { State newState = states[(int)newStateID]; this.stateID = newStateID; this.updateLogic = newState.updateLogic; onOpen = () => SetNextState(newState.onOpenStateID); onClose = () => SetNextState(newState.onCloseStateID); }
public static int Compress(string sourcePath, string destinationPath) { var filedata = MeshTopoShapeInterpreter.FileToData(sourcePath); var compressedData = MeshTopoShapeInterpreter.Pack(filedata); var str = Convert.ToBase64String(compressedData); UpdateLogic.MakeSureThatDestinationDirectoriesExist(destinationPath, UpdateLogic.CurrentPath); File.WriteAllBytes(destinationPath, compressedData); return(str.GetHashCode()); }
public void UpdateCheckingGrouping() { if (_group == GROUP.Done) { return; } _ray.origin = transform.position + _rayPosition; _ray.direction = -transform.forward; //Search Object For Grouping if (_group == GROUP.Ready && Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hit, 1.0f) && _hit.transform != null && _hit.transform.GetComponent <SWindow>()._group != GROUP.Done) { SWindow coord = _hit.transform.GetComponent <SWindow>(); if (coord != null && coord == _groupingCoord) { _groupingTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (_groupingTimer > 1.0f) { if (_groupingCoord is SWindowGroup) { _swTmp = _groupingCoord as SWindowGroup; } else { Vector3 targetPosition = (transform.position + _groupingCoord.transform.position) * 0.5f; Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, _groupingCoord.transform.rotation, 0.5f); Transform parent = GameObject.Find("_Windows").transform; GameObject go = Instantiate(_prefabGroup, targetPosition, targetRotation, parent); _swTmp = go.GetComponent <SWindowGroup>(); go.SetActive(true); } _groupingTimer = 0.0f; _updateGrouping = UpdateCreatingGrouping; } } else { _groupingCoord = coord; _groupingTimer = 0.0f; } } else { _groupingCoord = null; } }
public virtual void DoGrouping(Transform parent) { _parent = parent; _group = GROUP.Done; _targetPosition = parent.position; _targetLooker = parent.forward; _updateLogic = null; _updateLogic += UpdateGroupingLogic; }
public void CheckCreateListOfFilesToBeDeletedMethod() { var oldList = new List <string> { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" }; var newList = new List <string> { "aaa", "bbb", "ddd" }; var list = UpdateLogic.CreateListOfFilesToBeDeleted(oldList, newList); Assert.IsTrue(list[0] == Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + "ccc", "List of files to be deleted is generated incorectly."); }
public virtual void UnGrouping() { _parent = null; _group = GROUP.None; _updateLogic = null; if (_logic == LOGIC.Grabed) { _updateLogic += UpdateGrapedLogic; } else { _updateLogic += UpdateDefaultLogic; } }
private void Save_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BaseLogic baselogic = new BaseLogic(); UpdateLogic updatelogic = new UpdateLogic(); TableUpdateViewModel data = new TableUpdateViewModel(); InsertLogic Insert_Logic = new InsertLogic(); if (_generic.PHDAssignmentViewModel.EndDate == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете Крайна Дата"); return; } if (_generic.PHDAssignmentViewModel.StartDate == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете Начална Дата"); return; } if (_generic.PHDAssignmentViewModel.id_department == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете Катедра на Обучение"); return; } if (_generic.PersonsViewModel.FirstName == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете Първо Име"); return; } if (_generic.PersonsViewModel.LastName == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете Фамилия"); return; } if (_generic.PersonsViewModel.id_gender == null) { MessageBox.Show("Моля въведете ПОЛ"); return; } if (EditData == null) { Insert_Logic.Insert_Entry(_generic); } else { updatelogic.Update_Entry(_generic,; } Close(); }
private void UpdaterSetup() { var optionsSetup = ActionsGraph[InputNames.OptionsSetupInput].Get <OptionsSetup>(); var optionsSection = optionsSetup.UpdateSectionNode(OptionSectionNames.Updater); var haveToUpdate = false; // optionsSection.GetBoolValue(0); var updateNightly = false; // optionsSection.GetBoolValue(1); var RibbonPanel = ActionsGraph[InputNames.FastToolbarInput].Get <StackPanel>(); var uppdateLogic = new UpdateLogic(ActionsGraph, haveToUpdate, updateNightly, RibbonPanel); var updaterThread = new Thread(UpdateLogic.Main); updaterThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); updaterThread.Start(uppdateLogic); }
private static void CreateCompressedFiles() { UpdateLogic.DeleteDirectory(UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesDirectory); UpdateLogic.CreateDirectory(UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesDirectory); foreach (var file in FileList.GetFileList().ListOfFiles) { if (file.Hash == Compress(file.SourcePath, UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesDirectory + file.DestinationPath + UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesExtension).ToString()) { //File.Delete(compressedFilesDirectoryPath + file.DestinationPath + compressedFilesExtension); } } Compress(UpdateLogic.VersionFileName, UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesDirectory + UpdateLogic.VersionFileName + UpdateLogic.CompressedFilesExtension); }
public void UpdateCreatingGrouping() { _ray.origin = transform.position + _rayPosition; _ray.direction = -transform.forward; //Search Object For Grouping if (_group == GROUP.Ready) { if ( Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hit, 1.0f) && _hit.transform != null && (_hit.transform.GetComponent <SWindow>() == _groupingCoord || _hit.transform.GetComponent <SWindow>() == _swTmp)) { return; } else { if (_groupingCoord != _swTmp) { _swTmp.Remove(); _swTmp = null; } _groupingCoord = null; _updateGrouping = UpdateCheckingGrouping; return; } } else { if (_groupingCoord != _swTmp) { _swTmp.AddSWindow(_groupingCoord); } _swTmp.AddSWindow(this); _swTmp.Setup(); //Fix & _swTmp = null; _groupingCoord = null; _updateGrouping = UpdateCheckingGrouping; return; } }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); path = new PathLogic(); updater = new UpdateLogic(); remote = new RemoteLogic(); listViewMods.ShowItemToolTips = true; // Show tooltips var modList = Properties.Settings.Default.ModsList.Split(','); foreach (var mod in modList) { if (!defaultMods.Contains(mod)) { defaultMods.Add(mod.ToLower()); } } }
public virtual void OnReleased(Vector3 pos, Vector3 forward) { //Set Status _logic = LOGIC.Released; if (_state != STATE.Generalize) { return; } //Set Grouping Status if (_group != GROUP.Done) { _group = GROUP.None; } //Set Transform _targetPosition = pos; _targetLooker = transform.position + transform.forward; //Clear CollidedWindows List _listCollidedSWindows.Clear(); if (_group == GROUP.Done) { _updateLogic = null; _updateLogic += UpdateGroupingLogic; } else { _updateLogic = null; _updateLogic += UpdateDefaultLogic; } _boxCollider.size = _boxColliderSizeReleased; = _boxColliderCenterReleased; _boxCollider.isTrigger = false; }
public void Setup() { _boxCollider.enabled = true; _update = () => { _childrenList.ForEach((sw) => { if ((sw.TargetPosition - transform.position).sqrMagnitude > 1.4f) { sw.UnGrouping(); _childrenList.Remove(sw); Refresh(); if (_childrenList.Count < 2) { Remove(); } } }); }; }
public bool Init(ILogic logic, object obj) { //Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; m_bBeginDown = false; m_Logic = (UpdateLogic)logic; SceneObjMgr.Instance.LoadInnerUpdateBackMat(); Object go = Resources.Load("InnerRes/UI/Progress_bar"); Object eft = Resources.Load("InnerRes/Effect/Progressbar_Effect"); GameObject eftObj = GameObject.Instantiate(eft) as GameObject; m_Progressbar = GameObject.Instantiate(go) as GameObject; m_Progressbar.transform.SetParent(SceneObjMgr.Instance.UIPanelTransform, false); eftObj.transform.SetParent(m_Progressbar.transform.GetChild(2), false); m_ProgressEffect = eftObj.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; m_ProgressEffect.SetActive(false); GlobalEffectMgr.SetEffectOnUI(eftObj); m_ProgressSlider = m_Progressbar.transform.GetComponent <UISlider>(); m_ProgressLabel = m_Progressbar.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <UILabel>(); m_str = StringTable.GetString("check_wait"); return(true); }
private void BindState(StateID stateID, UpdateLogic stateUpdateLogic, StateID nextStateID) { this.states[(int)stateID] = new State(stateUpdateLogic, nextStateID); }
public void CheckDeleteFileMethodWhenFileDoesNotExist() { UpdateLogic.DeleteFile("aaa.txt"); Assert.IsTrue(!File.Exists("aaa.txt"), "File exists on disk."); }
public State(UpdateLogic updateLogic, StateID onOpenStateID, StateID onCloseStateID) { this.updateLogic = updateLogic; this.onOpenStateID = onOpenStateID; this.onCloseStateID = onCloseStateID; }
private void BindState(StateID stateID, UpdateLogic stateUpdateLogic, StateID onOpenStateID, StateID onCloseStateID) { states[(int)stateID] = new State(stateUpdateLogic, onOpenStateID, onCloseStateID); }
public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { _updateLogic = UpdateLogic.GetInstance(TestEnvironment.Package); Assert.IsNotNull(_updateLogic); }
protected virtual void OnUpdateLogic(float lastFrameTimeInSecond) { UpdateLogic?.Invoke(this, lastFrameTimeInSecond); }
public State(UpdateLogic updateLogic, StateID nextStateID) { this.updateLogic = updateLogic; this.nextStateID = nextStateID; }