Example #1
        private void GamesData(MyContext db)
            Field <GamesDataType>(
                description: "Submit a move to a game",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <MoveGameInputType> > {
                Name = "input"
                resolve: _ => {
                var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext;
                var input   = _.GetArgument <MoveGameDTO>("input");

                var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId));
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play.");

                byte[] binaryid;
                    binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(input.id);
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again.");

                //Does this game id exist?
                var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid));
                if (game == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + input.id + ") does not appear to exist.");

                if (game.Closed)
                    throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible.");

                //Load the latest game state
                Game gameobj;
                    gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

                //Is the move legal?
                Game newgameobj;
                    newgameobj = gameobj.Move(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId), input.move);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("Your move was not accepted. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

                //Build game object
                var uginput = new UpdateGameInput
                    Gameobj = newgameobj,
                    Gamerec = game,
                    Mover   = user.OwnerId
                DBFuncs.UpdateGame(db, uginput);

            Field <GamesDataPreviewType>(
                description: "Preview a move to a game",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <MoveGameInputType> > {
                Name = "input"
                resolve: _ => {
                var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext;
                var input   = _.GetArgument <MoveGameDTO>("input");

                var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId));
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play.");

                byte[] binaryid;
                    binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(input.id);
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again.");

                //Does this game id exist?
                var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid));
                if (game == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + input.id + ") does not appear to exist.");

                if (game.Closed)
                    throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible.");

                //Load the latest game state
                Game gameobj;
                    gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

                //Is the move legal?
                Game newgameobj;
                    newgameobj = gameobj.Move(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId), input.move);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("Your move was not accepted. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

            Field <GamesDataChatType>(
                description: "Post a new chat message to a game",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <NewChatInputType> > {
                Name = "input"
                resolve: _ => {
                var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext;
                var input   = _.GetArgument <NewChatDTO>("input");

                var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId));
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can chat in games.");

                byte[] binaryid;
                    binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(input.id);
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again.");

                //Does this game id exist?
                var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid));
                if (game == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + input.id + ") does not appear to exist.");

                var rec = new GamesDataChats
                    ChatId  = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(),
                    GameId  = binaryid,
                    OwnerId = user.OwnerId,
                    Message = input.message
            Field <GamesDataType>(
                description: "Resign from a game in progress",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResignGameInputType> > {
                Name = "input"
                resolve: _ => {
                var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext;
                var input   = _.GetArgument <ResignGameDTO>("input");

                var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId));
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play.");

                if (!input.confirmed)
                    throw new ExecutionError("You must set `confirmed` to `true` to proceed. This action cannot be undone!");

                byte[] binaryid;
                    binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(input.id);
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again.");

                //Does this game id exist?
                var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid));
                if (game == null)
                    throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + input.id + ") does not appear to exist.");

                if (game.Closed)
                    throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible.");

                //Load the latest game state
                Game gameobj;
                    gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

                //Is the move legal?
                Game newgameobj;
                    newgameobj = gameobj.Resign(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExecutionError("The resignation failed. The game code said the following: " + e.Message);

                //Build game object
                var uginput = new UpdateGameInput
                    Gameobj = newgameobj,
                    Gamerec = game,
                    Mover   = user.OwnerId
                DBFuncs.UpdateGame(db, uginput);
