protected internal UpdateArgs(UpdateState updateState, UpdateFileInfo updateFileInfo, int filesCount, int currentIndex, DownloadInfo downloadInfo = null) { UpdateState = updateState; UpdateFileInfo = updateFileInfo; FilesCount = filesCount; CurrentIndex = currentIndex; DownloadInfo = downloadInfo; }
internal static bool CheckFileIsUpdate(UpdateFileInfo updateFileInfo) { bool result = false; //Console.WriteLine($"文件名:{updateFileInfo.FileName},路径:{updateFileInfo.FilePath},版本:{updateFileInfo.FileVersion},大小:{updateFileInfo.FileSize},MD5:{updateFileInfo.MD5HashStr},检测方式:{updateFileInfo.VerificationType}"); string fileName = updateFileInfo.FilePath; if (fileName.StartsWith(@"\")) { fileName = fileName.Trim('\\'); } string checkFile = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fileName); if (File.Exists(checkFile)) { if (updateFileInfo.VerificationType == VerificationType.Version) { FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(checkFile); WriteLog_Information("检查文件更新,检测方式:{0},文件:{1},服务器版本:{2},本地版本:{3}", updateFileInfo.VerificationType, checkFile, updateFileInfo.FileVersion, fileVersionInfo.FileVersion); if (fileVersionInfo.FileVersion != updateFileInfo.FileVersion) { result = true; } else { result = false; } } else { string md5Hash = MD5Hash.GetMD5HashFromFile(checkFile); WriteLog_Information("检查文件更新,检测方式:{0},文件:{1},服务器MD5Hash:{2},本地MD5Hash:{3}", updateFileInfo.VerificationType, checkFile, updateFileInfo.MD5HashStr, md5Hash); if (md5Hash != updateFileInfo.MD5HashStr) { result = true; } else { result = false; } } } else { WriteLog_Information("检查文件更新,文件:{0} 本地文件不存在", checkFile); result = true; } if (result) { WriteLog_Information("\t\t文件:{0} 信息与服务器不一致,需要更新", checkFile); } else { WriteLog_Information("\t\t文件:{0} 信息与服务器一致,不需要更新", checkFile); } return(result); }
private void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0) { UpdateFileInfo fileInfo = comboBox1.SelectedItem as UpdateFileInfo; if (richTextBox1.SelectionLength > 0) { richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.SelectionStart + richTextBox1.SelectionLength; } richTextBox1.SelectedText = $"文件名:{fileInfo.FileName},文件版本:{fileInfo.FileVersion}"; } }
public async Task <bool> DownloadFile(UpdateFileInfo file, ProgressBar pBar, string destFileName) { var fullPath = Path.Combine(_settings.LocalUltimaPath, destFileName); var uri = file.Uri; using (var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result) { response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); using (Stream contentStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(), fileStream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 8192, true)) { var totalRead = 0L; var totalReads = 0L; var buffer = new byte[8192]; var isMoreToRead = true; var percentage = 0; do { var read = await contentStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (read == 0) { isMoreToRead = false; } else { await fileStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read); totalRead += read; totalReads += 1; var percentageTotal = (int)Math.Round( ((decimal)totalRead / (file.SizeInKb * 10)), 0); if (percentageTotal > percentage) { pBar.Tick(); percentage = percentageTotal; } } }while (isMoreToRead); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Projects the UpdateFileInfo into a <see cref="FileCacheEntry"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The <see cref="UpdateFileInfo"/> received from remote</param> /// <param name="fileName">Filename stored on local FS</param> /// <returns>true when added</returns> public bool AddFile(UpdateFileInfo file, string fileName) { if (SavedFiles == null) { SavedFiles = new List <FileCacheEntry>(); } SavedFiles.Add(new FileCacheEntry() { FileName = fileName, Name = file.Name, Revision = file.Revision }); return(true); }
//获取差异文件 public ArrayList getDiffFiles(PatchInfo other) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, UpdateFileInfo> info in other.fileList) { string key = info.Key; UpdateFileInfo newInfo = info.Value; UpdateFileInfo curInfo = null; fileList.TryGetValue(key, out curInfo); if (curInfo != null && curInfo.equal(newInfo)) { continue; } list.Add(key); } return(list); }
private bool CheckFileMd5(UpdateFileInfo file) { using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) { using (var stream = File.OpenRead(".\\" + file.LocalFilePath)) { string filehash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(stream)).Replace("-", string.Empty); if (filehash == file.FileMD5Hash) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } } }
private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { saveFileDialog.FileName = "update.json"; saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Console.WriteLine(saveFileDialog.FileName); List <VersionInfo> versionInfos; if (oldUpdateInfo != null) { versionInfos = new List <VersionInfo>(oldUpdateInfo.VersionInfos); } else { versionInfos = new List <VersionInfo>(); } List <UpdateFileInfo> fileInfos = new List <UpdateFileInfo>(newUpdateInfo.FileInfos); UpdateFileInfo fileInfo = fileInfos.Find(f => f.FileName == Form_UpdateConfig.MainExe); if (fileInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show($"未包含主程序 {Form_UpdateConfig.MainExe}"); return; } versionInfos.Add(new VersionInfo() { Index = versionInfos.Count + 1, Version = fileInfo.FileVersion, UpdateDescribe = richTextBox1.Text.Replace("\n", "\r\n"), UpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") }); VersionInfo[] vis = versionInfos.ToArray(); Array.Sort(vis); newUpdateInfo.VersionInfos = vis; string json = Json.JsonSerialize(newUpdateInfo); Console.WriteLine(json); File.WriteAllText(saveFileDialog.FileName, json); } } }
private bool UpdateFileProcess(UpdateFileInfo _nuFile, string stUpdateName) { //改显示信息 RaiseUpdateProgress(string.Format("正在下载{0}文件{1}版本...", _nuFile.FileName, _nuFile.AvailableVersion)); //下载 DirectoryInfo diDest = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)); string stPath = diDest.Parent.FullName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _nuFile.FileName + ".zip"; if (this.downloadFile(_nuFile.AppFileURL, stPath)) { //XtraMessageBox.Show("Downloaded New File"); string stDest = diDest.Parent.FullName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + stUpdateName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!Directory.Exists(stDest)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(stDest); } stDest += _nuFile.FileName; //Extract Zip File try { //this.unzip(stPath, stDest); DecompressFile(stPath, stDest); } catch (Exception e) { RaiseUpdateError(string.Format("解压升级文件{0}失败!\n自动更新过程失败!\n {1}", _nuFile.AppFileURL, e.Message)); return(false); } //Delete Zip File File.Delete(stPath); //Restart App if Necessary //If true, the app will restart automatically, if false the app will use the RestartForm to prompt the user, if RestartForm is null, it doesn't restart //else don't restart } else { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Проверка наличия обновлений /// </summary> /// <returns>bool, UpdateFileInfo. Если true то UpdateFileInfo заполнен из файла обновления</returns> public static (bool, UpdateFileInfo) IsEnableUpdate() { SetLauncherContext sContext = new SetLauncherContext(); var result = false; UpdateFileInfo ufInfo = new UpdateFileInfo(); if (Directory.Exists(sContext.Settings.PathToUpdate)) { var filePath = sContext.Settings.PathToUpdate + sContext.Settings.FileInfo; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { var json = File.ReadAllText(filePath); ufInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdateFileInfo>(json); if (ufInfo.Build > sContext.Settings.Build) { result = true; } } } return(result, ufInfo); }
private void GridFiles_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var filterList = AppContext.FilterList.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var filePaths = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as string[]; if (filePaths != null && filePaths.Length > 0) { var updateFiles = bindingSource.DataSource as List <UpdateFileInfo>; foreach (var item in filePaths) { if (filterList.Any(x => item.Contains(x))) { continue; } if (!File.Exists(item)) { continue; } if (updateFiles.Exists(x => x.FilePath == item)) { continue; } if (!item.StartsWith(this.Config.ClientRootPath)) { UpdateLog($"文件 {item}不在客户端根目录下,无法添加"); continue; } var fileInfo = new UpdateFileInfo(); fileInfo.FilePath = item; fileInfo.RelativePath = item.Replace(this.Config.ClientRootPath, "").TrimStart('\\'); bindingSource.Add(fileInfo); } } }
//从文本文件读取信息 public void loadContent(string path) { fileList.Clear(); string ret = null; path += "/files.txt"; try { ret = File.ReadAllText(path); string[] fileContent = ret.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < fileContent.Length; i++) { UpdateFileInfo fileInfo = new UpdateFileInfo(fileContent[i]); fileList[fileInfo.filePath] = fileInfo; } isVaild = true; } catch { Debug.Log(" 没有找到文件 files.txt"); } storePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); }
private void CheckNextFile() { try { _currentServerFile++; if (_currentServerFile == _serverFiles.Count()) { OpenVPMobile(); return; } if (_serverFiles != null || _serverFiles.Count() > 0) { UpdateFileInfo f = _serverFiles[_currentServerFile]; CurrentFile = "Checking file: " + Path.GetFileName(f.FileName); string filePath = Path.Combine(CurrentMobileDirectory, f.RelativeFilePath); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); } if (!File.Exists(filePath) || File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filePath).CompareTo(f.FileDate) < 0) { Logging.LogMessage(Logging.LogType.Info, f.FileName + " - Local: " + File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filePath).ToString("MM/dd hh:mm:ss.ffff") + " || Server: " + f.FileDate.ToString("MM/dd hh:mm:ss.ffff")); CurrentFile = "Updating file: " + Path.GetFileName(f.FileName); MobileService.GetMainUpdateFileAsync(f.RelativeFilePath, filePath); } else { CheckNextFile(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Error checking file"; Logging.LogMessage(Logging.LogType.Error, message, ex); } }
private void GenerateUpdateInfoFile() { try { string[] filesPaths = Directory.GetFiles(FolderPathOut + "Upadate\\", "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); List <UpdateFileInfo> updateFileInfo = new List <UpdateFileInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < filesPaths.Length; i++) { string HASH = GetMD5HashFromFile(filesPaths[i]); UpdateFileInfo fileInfo = new UpdateFileInfo(); fileInfo.FileMD5Hash = HASH; fileInfo.LocalFilePath = filesPaths[i].Substring((FolderPathOut + "Upadate\\").Length); updateFileInfo.Add(fileInfo); RasePatchGenerateProgressEvent(new PatchMakerGeneratingEventArgs() { countFiles = filesPaths.Length, currentDone = i }); } string outFile = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateFileInfo, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(FolderPathOut + "updateInfo.json", outFile); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show($"Error:{e.ToString()}"); } }
void CheckUpdateDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { const string serverPath = ""; const string serverPathTools = ""; string tempPath = AppSettings.TempPath; if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { WebClient downloader = new WebClient { UseDefaultCredentials = true }; Stream onlineUpdateFile; try { onlineUpdateFile = downloader.OpenRead(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException exception) { Log.Error(exception); e.Result = false; return; } if (onlineUpdateFile == null) { e.Result = false; return; } using (UpdateFileInfo updateFile = Updater.LoadUpdateFileFromStream(onlineUpdateFile)) { if (updateFile.Core.PackageVersion.CompareTo(AppSettings.GetAppVersion()) > 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "Core", LocalVersion = AppSettings.GetAppVersion().ToString(4), ServerVersion = updateFile.Core.PackageVersionStr, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Core.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPath + updateFile.Core.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.MainApp, Destination = AppSettings.AppPath }); } if (updateFile.Updater.PackageVersion.CompareTo(AppSettings.UpdaterVersion) > 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "Updater (UAC Compatible)", LocalVersion = AppSettings.UpdaterVersion.ToString(4), ServerVersion = updateFile.Updater.PackageVersionStr, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Updater.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPath + updateFile.Updater.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Updater, Destination = AppSettings.UpdaterPath }); } if ( String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.AviSynthPlugins.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastAviSynthPluginsVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "AviSynth Plugins", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastAviSynthPluginsVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.AviSynthPlugins.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.AviSynthPlugins.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPath + updateFile.AviSynthPlugins.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.AviSynthPlugins, Destination = AppSettings.AvsPluginsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Profiles.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastProfilesVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "Profiles", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastProfilesVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.Profiles.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Profiles.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPath + updateFile.Profiles.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Profiles, Destination = AppSettings.CommonAppSettingsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.X264.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastx264Ver) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "x264", LocalVersion = AppSettings.Lastx264Ver, ServerVersion = updateFile.X264.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.X264.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.X264.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.X26464.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastx26464Ver) != 0 && Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "x264 (64 bit)", LocalVersion = AppSettings.Lastx26464Ver, ServerVersion = updateFile.X26464.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.X26464.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.X26464.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.FFMPEG.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastffmpegVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "ffmpeg", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastffmpegVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.FFMPEG.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.FFMPEG.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.FFMPEG.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.FFMPEG64.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastffmpeg64Ver) != 0 && Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "ffmpeg (64 bit)", LocalVersion = AppSettings.Lastffmpeg64Ver, ServerVersion = updateFile.FFMPEG64.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.FFMPEG64.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.FFMPEG64.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Eac3To.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lasteac3ToVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "eac3to", LocalVersion = AppSettings.Lasteac3ToVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.Eac3To.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Eac3To.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.Eac3To.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.LsDvd.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastlsdvdVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "lsdvd", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastlsdvdVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.LsDvd.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.LsDvd.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.LsDvd.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MKVToolnix.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMKVMergeVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "MKVToolnix", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastMKVMergeVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.MKVToolnix.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.MKVToolnix.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.MKVToolnix.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Mplayer.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMplayerVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "MPlayer", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastMplayerVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.Mplayer.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Mplayer.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.Mplayer.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.TSMuxeR.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastTSMuxerVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "TSMuxeR", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastTSMuxerVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.TSMuxeR.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.TSMuxeR.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.TSMuxeR.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MjpegTools.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMJPEGToolsVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "mjpegtools", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastMJPEGToolsVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.MjpegTools.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.MjpegTools.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.MjpegTools.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.DVDAuthor.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastDVDAuthorVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "DVDAuthor", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastDVDAuthorVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.DVDAuthor.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.DVDAuthor.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.DVDAuthor.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MP4Box.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMp4BoxVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "MP4Box", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastMp4BoxVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.MP4Box.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.MP4Box.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.MP4Box.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.HcEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastHcEncVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "HCEnc", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastHcEncVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.HcEnc.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.HcEnc.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.HcEnc.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.OggEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastOggEncVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "OggEnc2", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastOggEncVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.OggEnc.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.OggEnc.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.OggEnc.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.OggEncLancer.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastOggEncLancerVer) != 0 && AppSettings.UseOptimizedEncoders) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "OggEnc2 (Lancer)", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastOggEncLancerVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.OggEncLancer.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.OggEncLancer.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.OggEncLancer.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Lame.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastLameVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "Lame", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastLameVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.Lame.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.Lame.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.Lame.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.VpxEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastVpxEncVer) != 0) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "VP8 Encoder", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastVpxEncVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.VpxEnc.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.VpxEnc.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.VpxEnc.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.BDSup2Sub.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastBDSup2SubVer) != 0 && AppSettings.JavaInstalled) { _tempToolCollection.Add(new ToolVersions { ToolName = "bdsup2sub", LocalVersion = AppSettings.LastBDSup2SubVer, ServerVersion = updateFile.BDSup2Sub.PackageVersion, FileName = Path.Combine(tempPath, updateFile.BDSup2Sub.PackageName), DownloadUri = serverPathTools + updateFile.BDSup2Sub.PackageName, DownloadType = AppType.Encoder, Destination = AppSettings.ToolsPath }); } } } e.Result = true; }
public bool DownLoad() { if (Tool.Int(Tool.GetUpdateXmlValue("isStartUsing")) != 1) { // 不启用返回true return(true); } bool blnRet = false; //文件路径 string strCurrDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); //Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string strTempDir = strCurrDir + "\\Temp_Update"; //WCF代理 ProxyUpdate proxy = new ProxyUpdate(); try { frmInit frmStart = new frmInit(); frmStart.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); #region 比较版本号 decimal decLocalVersion = 0; string strLocalVersion = Tool.GetUpdateXmlValue("version"); decimal.TryParse(strLocalVersion.Replace(".", ""), out decLocalVersion); decimal decSvcVersion = 0; string strSvcVersion = string.Empty; proxy.Service.GetVersion(ref strSvcVersion); decimal.TryParse(strSvcVersion.Replace(".", ""), out decSvcVersion); bool blnAllDown = false; int intDiff = (int)(decSvcVersion - decLocalVersion); if (intDiff <= 0) { frmStart.Dispose(); frmStart = null; return(true); } if (intDiff == 1) { blnAllDown = false; } else { blnAllDown = true; } #endregion #region 更新列表 List <string> lstFile = proxy.Service.GetUpdateFileList(blnAllDown); if (lstFile == null || lstFile.Count == 0) { frmStart.Dispose(); frmStart = null; return(true); } int intPos = 0; int intTotal = lstFile.Count(); UpdateFileInfo objFileInfo = null; List <UpdateFileInfo> lstFileInfo = new List <UpdateFileInfo>(); foreach (string str in lstFile) { objFileInfo = new UpdateFileInfo(); intPos = str.LastIndexOf("\\"); if (intPos >= 0) { objFileInfo.SubDirectory = str.Substring(0, intPos); objFileInfo.FileName = str.Substring(intPos + 1); } else { objFileInfo.SubDirectory = string.Empty; objFileInfo.FileName = str; } lstFileInfo.Add(objFileInfo); } frmStart.Dispose(); frmStart = null; frmUpdate frm = new frmUpdate(); frm.progressBarControl.Properties.Maximum = intTotal; frm.lblFile.Text = "准备下载文件..."; frm.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); try { if (Directory.Exists(strTempDir)) { Directory.Delete(strTempDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(strTempDir); byte[] bytFile = null; FileStream fileStream = null; for (int i = 0; i < lstFileInfo.Count; i++) { objFileInfo = lstFileInfo[i]; frm.lblFile.Text = "更新进度(" + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "/" + intTotal.ToString() + ") : " + objFileInfo.FileName; Application.DoEvents(); if (objFileInfo.SubDirectory != string.Empty) { if (!Directory.Exists(strTempDir + "\\" + objFileInfo.SubDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strTempDir + "\\" + objFileInfo.SubDirectory); } } try { bytFile = proxy.Service.DownLoadFile(objFileInfo.SubDirectory + "\\" + objFileInfo.FileName); if (bytFile != null) { objFileInfo.FileValue = bytFile; objFileInfo.TempFilePath = strTempDir + "\\" + objFileInfo.SubDirectory + "\\" + objFileInfo.FileName; objFileInfo.WorkFilePath = strCurrDir + "\\" + objFileInfo.SubDirectory + "\\" + objFileInfo.FileName; fileStream = new FileStream(objFileInfo.TempFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew); fileStream.Write(bytFile, 0, bytFile.Length); fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); fileStream = null; } else { MessageBox.Show("下载文件: " + objFileInfo.FileName + " 失败。", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("下载文件: " + objFileInfo.FileName + " 失败。\r\n\r\n" + e.Message, "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } frm.progressBarControl.EditValue = i + 1; Application.DoEvents(); } #region 更新本地文件 frm.lblFile.Text = "下载完毕,更新本地文件请稍候..."; Application.DoEvents(); foreach (UpdateFileInfo objFile in lstFileInfo) { if (objFile.SubDirectory != string.Empty) { if (!Directory.Exists(strCurrDir + "\\" + objFile.SubDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strCurrDir + "\\" + objFile.SubDirectory); } } if (File.Exists(objFile.WorkFilePath)) { if (blnAllDown) { if (VerifyMd5Hash(GetMd5Hash(GetFile(objFile.WorkFilePath)), GetMd5Hash(objFile.FileValue))) { continue; } } File.SetAttributes(objFile.WorkFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(objFile.WorkFilePath); } File.Move(objFile.TempFilePath, objFile.WorkFilePath); } // 更新本地版本号 UpdateVersion(strSvcVersion); #endregion #region 注册文件 Ver:1.0 if (decLocalVersion == 10) { string strBatFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\RegOcx.bat"; if (File.Exists(strBatFile)) { frm.lblFile.Text = "注册控件,请稍候..."; Application.DoEvents(); Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = strBatFile; p.Start(); if (p.HasExited) { p.Kill(); } } } #endregion #region 释放 frm.Hide(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; Application.DoEvents(); #endregion blnRet = true; } catch (Exception objEx) { MessageBox.Show(objEx.Message); frm.Hide(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; return(false); } #endregion } finally { proxy = null; if (Directory.Exists(strTempDir)) { Directory.Delete(strTempDir, true); } } return(blnRet); }
//添加文件信息 public void addFileInfo(string content) { UpdateFileInfo info = new UpdateFileInfo(content); fileList[info.filePath] = info; }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //取源目录文件列表 string SourcePath = this.be_SourceDir.EditValue.ToString(); string DownloadUrl = this.te_URL.EditValue.ToString(); string TargetPath = this.be_TargetDir.EditValue.ToString() + "\\"; string SourceConfigFile = this.buttonEdit1.EditValue.ToString(); if (SourcePath == "" || DownloadUrl == "" || TargetPath == "" || SourceConfigFile == "") { MessageBox.Show("请录入生成目录、源升级文件目录、源配置文件、下级网站地址等内容!"); return; } AssemblyName myAssemblyName = null; #region 生成DLL配置文件列表 //配置文件 AutoUpdateConfig _configFile = new AutoUpdateConfig(); _configFile.CurrentVersionfiles = new List <UpdateFileInfo>(); DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SourcePath); foreach (FileSystemInfo _fs in dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()) { string FileName = ""; string FileExt = ""; //如果是文件 if (_fs is FileInfo) { FileInfo fi = (FileInfo)_fs; FileName = fi.Name; //取得文件的扩展名 FileExt = fi.Extension.ToUpper(); if (FileExt == ".DLL" || FileExt == ".EXE") { string _packFileName = FileName + ".zip"; myAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(_fs.FullName); //比较版本号,如果有新版本,加入下载更新列表 string _downloadFileName = DownloadUrl + _packFileName; string TargetFileName = TargetPath + _packFileName; ZipFile(_fs.FullName, TargetFileName); UpdateFileInfo _ufi = new UpdateFileInfo(fi.Name, myAssemblyName.Version.ToString(), _downloadFileName); _configFile.CurrentVersionfiles.Add(_ufi); this.te_Out.EditValue = (string)this.te_Out.EditValue + "\r\n" + string.Format(" {0},{1},{2} ", _ufi.FileName, _ufi.AvailableVersion, _ufi.AppFileURL); Application.DoEvents(); } } } //生成配置文件 string _ConfigFileName = TargetPath + "UpdateVersion.xml"; if (File.Exists(_ConfigFileName)) { File.Delete(_ConfigFileName); } StreamWriter _fw = File.CreateText(_ConfigFileName); _fw.WriteLine(@"<VersionConfig>"); foreach (UpdateFileInfo _ufi in _configFile.CurrentVersionfiles) { _fw.WriteLine(string.Format("<FileName Name=\"{0}\" Version=\"{1}\" AppFileURL=\"{2}\"/>", _ufi.FileName, _ufi.AvailableVersion, _ufi.AppFileURL)); } _fw.WriteLine(@"</VersionConfig>"); _fw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成客户端配置更新文件 string _pluginFileName = TargetPath + "UpdateApp.xml"; File.Copy(SourceConfigFile, _pluginFileName, true); #endregion MessageBox.Show("自动更新升级包制作完成!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check files we need to update _updateFile = new UpdateFile(); _updateFile.Message = textBox1.Text; _updateFile.Version = Assembly.LoadFile(Settings.Default.BaseFile).GetName().Version.ToString(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows) { var f = new UpdateFileInfo(); f.SystemPath = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); f.Md5Hash = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); f.DownloadUri = "" + f.SystemPath.Replace('\\', '/'); var fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_baseFolderPath, f.SystemPath)); f.Length = fi.Length; f.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc; _updateFile.Files.Add(f); } var ms = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(ms); foreach (var fileInfo in _updateFile.Files) { fileInfo.Save(writer); } ms.Position = 0; var hash = Md5Hash.Calculate(ms); _updateFile.UpdateToken = hash.ToString(); if (_previousFile != null) { _newFiles = _updateFile.GetChangedFiles(_previousFile); } else { _newFiles = _updateFile.Files; } if (_newFiles.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No changes found."); return; } // upload them _finished = false; var progressForm = new FrmProgress(); progressForm.Progress = _progress; progressForm.Label = _file; new ThreadStart(Publish).BeginInvoke(null, null); progressForm.Show(this); while (!_finished) { progressForm.Progress = _progress; progressForm.Label = _file; progressForm.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(10); } progressForm.Close(); FrmMain_Load(null, null); MessageBox.Show("Autoupdate publish is complete", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void GetFiles(string filePath, TreeNode node) { DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(filePath); treeView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { node.Text = folder.Name; node.Tag = "Folder"; node.Name = folder.FullName.Replace(selectPath, string.Empty); })); FileInfo[] chldFiles = folder.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo chlFile in chldFiles) { FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(chlFile.FullName); UpdateFileInfo fileInfo = new UpdateFileInfo { FileName = chlFile.Name, FilePath = chlFile.FullName.Replace(selectPath, string.Empty), FileSize = chlFile.Length, MD5HashStr = MD5Hash.GetMD5HashFromFile(chlFile.FullName), FileVersion = fvi.FileVersion, VerificationType = MD5Hashs.Contains(chlFile.FullName.ToLower()) ? VerificationType.MD5Hash : VerificationType.Version }; string config = string.Empty; if (chlFile.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("exe.config")) { if (MainExe.ToLower() + ".config" == chlFile.Name.ToLower()) { config = $"(配置文件,已忽略,配置项已记录)"; ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap() { ExeConfigFilename = chlFile.FullName }; Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None); Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var kv in configuration.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys) { dictionary.Add(kv, configuration.AppSettings.Settings[kv].Value); } updateInfo.Configurations = dictionary; } else { config = $"(配置文件,已忽略)"; } } else { fileinfos.Add(fileInfo); } TreeNode chldNode = new TreeNode(); string verification = string.Empty; if (fileInfo.VerificationType == VerificationType.MD5Hash) { verification = $":{fileInfo.MD5HashStr}"; } string nodeText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config) ? config : $"({fileInfo.FileVersion})({fileInfo.VerificationType}{verification})"; chldNode.Text = $"{chlFile.Name} {nodeText}"; chldNode.Tag = fileInfo; treeView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { node.Nodes.Add(chldNode); treeView1.ExpandAll(); })); } DirectoryInfo[] chldFolders = folder.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo chldFolder in chldFolders) { TreeNode chldNode = new TreeNode { Text = folder.Name, Tag = "Folder", Name = folder.FullName.Replace(selectPath, string.Empty) }; treeView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { node.Nodes.Add(chldNode); treeView1.ExpandAll(); })); GetFiles(chldFolder.FullName, chldNode); } }
public void CheckUpdateDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { bool needUpdate = false; bool needCheck = false; switch (AppSettings.UpdateFrequency) { case 0: needCheck = true; break; case 1: if (AppSettings.LastUpdateRun.AddDays(1) < DateTime.Now) { needCheck = true; } break; case 2: if (AppSettings.LastUpdateRun.AddDays(7) < DateTime.Now) { needCheck = true; } break; } if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() && needCheck) { Processing.GetUpdaterVersion(); Processing.GetAviSynthPluginsVer(); WebClient downloader = new WebClient { UseDefaultCredentials = true }; Stream onlineUpdateFile; try { onlineUpdateFile = downloader.OpenRead(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException exception) { Log.Error(exception); e.Result = false; return; } if (onlineUpdateFile == null) { e.Result = false; return; } using (UpdateFileInfo updateFile = Updater.LoadUpdateFileFromStream(onlineUpdateFile)) { if (updateFile.Core.PackageVersion.CompareTo(AppSettings.GetAppVersion()) > 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (updateFile.Updater.PackageVersion.CompareTo(AppSettings.UpdaterVersion) > 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.AviSynthPlugins.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastAviSynthPluginsVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Profiles.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastProfilesVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.X264.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastx264Ver) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.X26464.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastx26464Ver) != 0 && Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.FFMPEG.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastffmpegVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.FFMPEG64.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lastffmpeg64Ver) != 0 && Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Eac3To.PackageVersion, AppSettings.Lasteac3ToVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.LsDvd.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastlsdvdVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MKVToolnix.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMKVMergeVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Mplayer.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMplayerVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.TSMuxeR.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastTSMuxerVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MjpegTools.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMJPEGToolsVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.DVDAuthor.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastDVDAuthorVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.MP4Box.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastMp4BoxVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.HcEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastHcEncVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.OggEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastOggEncVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.OggEncLancer.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastOggEncLancerVer) != 0 && AppSettings.UseOptimizedEncoders) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.Lame.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastLameVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.VpxEnc.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastVpxEncVer) != 0) { needUpdate = true; } if (String.CompareOrdinal(updateFile.BDSup2Sub.PackageVersion, AppSettings.LastBDSup2SubVer) != 0 && AppSettings.JavaInstalled) { needUpdate = true; } } } if (needCheck && !needUpdate) { AppSettings.LastUpdateRun = DateTime.Now; } e.Result = needUpdate; }
private void OnBeginUpdate() { try { BackupFile = new Dictionary <string, string>(); UpdateFileInfo currentFileInfo = null; beginUpdate = true; if (NeedUpdateFile != null && NeedUpdateFile.Length > 0) { Common.WriteLog_Information("开始更新进程,需要更新的文件数量:{0}", NeedUpdateFile.Length); int thisFileIndex = 1; download.Downloading += (s, e) => { switch (e.DownloadState) { case DownloadState.BeginDownload: BackupFile.Add(e.DownloadingFile.DownloadFile, e.DownloadingFile.BackupFile); OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.BeginDownload, currentFileInfo, NeedUpdateFile.Length, thisFileIndex, e)); break; case DownloadState.Downloading: OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.Downloading, currentFileInfo, NeedUpdateFile.Length, thisFileIndex, e)); break; case DownloadState.Downloaded: OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.Downloaded, currentFileInfo, NeedUpdateFile.Length, thisFileIndex, e)); break; } }; foreach (UpdateFileInfo updateFileInfo in NeedUpdateFile) { string currentFile = updateFileInfo.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/"); currentFileInfo = updateFileInfo; OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.Updating, updateFileInfo, NeedUpdateFile.Length, thisFileIndex)); string file = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, currentFile.TrimStart('/')); string url = string.Empty; if (!Updater.UpdateUrl.EndsWith("/")) { url = Updater.UpdateUrl + currentFile; } else { url = Updater.UpdateUrl + currentFile.TrimStart('/'); } Application.DoEvents(); download.HttpDownload(url, file); thisFileIndex++; } OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.Finish, null, NeedUpdateFile.Length, -1)); } } catch (Exception ex) { beginUpdate = false; this.Exception = Common.Exception <Exception>(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "错误代码:0x0f02"); OnUpdateProgressing(new UpdateArgs(UpdateState.Error, null, NeedUpdateFile.Length, -1)); OnRollbackUpdate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Has this file been downloaded already /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The file to check against</param> /// <returns>true if downloaded already</returns> public bool HasFile(UpdateFileInfo file) { return(SavedFiles.Any(f => f.Name == file.Name && f.Revision == file.Revision)); }
public bool equal(UpdateFileInfo other) { return(md5.Equals(other.md5)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task UpdateAsync(ContentHash contentHash, bool touch, IClock clock, UpdateFileInfo updateFileInfo) { ContentDirectory.TryGetValue(contentHash, out var existingInfo); ContentFileInfo cloneInfo = null; if (existingInfo != null) { cloneInfo = new ContentFileInfo(existingInfo.FileSize, existingInfo.LastAccessedFileTimeUtc, existingInfo.ReplicaCount); if (touch) { existingInfo.UpdateLastAccessed(clock); } } var updateTask = updateFileInfo(cloneInfo); if (updateTask != null) { var updateInfo = await updateTask; if (updateInfo != null) { ContentDirectory.TryGetValue(contentHash, out existingInfo); if (existingInfo == null) { ContentDirectory.TryAdd(contentHash, updateInfo); } else if (existingInfo.ReplicaCount != updateInfo.ReplicaCount) { ContentDirectory[contentHash].ReplicaCount = updateInfo.ReplicaCount; } } } }
private void stdFile_ExtractDone(IDataAcquire data) { UpdateFileInfo?.Invoke(data); }
private async Task <byte[]> DownloadUpdatePackageAsync([NotNull] string clientDirectory, [NotNull] string newVersionPath, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource) { if (clientDirectory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("clientDirectory"); } if (newVersionPath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("newVersionPath"); } System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (_Logger.IsInfoEnabled) { _Logger.Info("Getting list of application files"); } string[] excludedExtensions = { @".pdb", @".log" }; var files = (from x in Directory.EnumerateFiles(clientDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) let ext = Path.GetExtension(x)?.ToLowerInvariant() where !excludedExtensions.Contains(ext) let info = UpdateFileInfo.TryCreate(x, clientDirectory) where info != null select info).ToArray(); if (_Logger.IsInfoEnabled) { _Logger.Info("Sending request to create update package."); } var package = await this.PostRequestAsync("Update/CreatePackage", new ExtendedFormUrlEncodedContent(new { files }), cancellationTokenSource) as byte[]; if (_Logger.IsInfoEnabled) { _Logger.Info("Update package downloaded. Length = {0}", package?.LongLength ?? 0); } if (package == null) { return(null); } try { if (_Logger.IsDebugEnabled) { _Logger.Debug("Saving update package"); } File.WriteAllBytes(newVersionPath, package); if (_Logger.IsDebugEnabled) { _Logger.Debug("The update package saved."); } } catch (Exception exp) { if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) { _Logger.Warn(exp, "Error while saving the update package."); } } return(package); }