public static new StatusResults RefreshStatus(SubmissionInfo submissionData, StatusResults previousStatus) { string additionalLogDetails = ""; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousStatus.State)) { var stateData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdStatusState>(previousStatus.State); additionalLogDetails += "Submitted Fax with etherFAX ID: " + stateData.jobId + "\r\n"; additionalLogDetails += "etherFAX Tag: " + stateData.tagValue + "\r\n"; string decryptedPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ProtectedData.Unprotect(Convert.FromBase64String(stateData.password), _encryptionEntropy, DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine)); var client = new SampleEtherFaxApi(stateData.account, stateData.username, decryptedPassword); FaxStatus faxStatus = client.GetFaxStatus(stateData.jobId); if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.Success) // Success { return(new StatusResults() { Result = true, StatusCode = 100, Message = "Your fax was delivered successfully.", NotifyUser = true, LogDetails = "Your fax was delivered successfully!\r\n" + additionalLogDetails }); } else if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.InProgress) // Incomplete - check status again { return(new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 200 + (int)faxStatus.State, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Low, Message = "Fax in progress. " + faxStatus.State.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "... " + faxStatus.PagesDelivered + " pages delivered.", NextStatusRefresh = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30), State = previousStatus.State, LogDetails = "Fax in progress. " + faxStatus.State.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "... " + faxStatus.PagesDelivered + " pages delivered.\r\n" + additionalLogDetails }); } else if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.Cancelled) // Cancelled { return(new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 300, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Low, Message = "Your fax was cancelled.", LogDetails = "Fax cancelled: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "\r\n" + additionalLogDetails, NotifyUser = true }); } else // All errors { return(new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 400 + (int)faxStatus.FaxResult, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.High, Message = "Your fax was not delivered. Reason: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " "), LogDetails = "Fax failed: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "\r\n" + additionalLogDetails, NotifyUser = true }); } } else { return(new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 900, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Critical, Message = "Cannot refresh the status. Reason: Missing state data.", LogDetails = "Fax failed: Missing state data." + "\r\n" + additionalLogDetails, NotifyUser = true }); } } catch (WebException httpEx) { string webExDetails = ""; using (var httpResponse = httpEx.Response as HttpWebResponse) { if (httpResponse != null) { HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode; string statusDescription = httpResponse.StatusDescription; string responseHeaders = httpResponse.Headers != null?httpResponse.Headers.ToString() : null; using (Stream stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); webExDetails = "Status: " + statusCode.ToString() + @"/" + statusDescription + "\r\n\r\n" + "Response: " + content; } } } } return(new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 901, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Critical, Message = "An error has occurred checking the status.", NextStatusRefresh = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30), LogDetails = httpEx.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + webExDetails + "\r\n" + additionalLogDetails, NotifyUser = true, State = previousStatus.State }); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdStatusState stateData = null; try { stateData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdStatusState>(previousStatus.State); stateData.statusRetryCount++; } catch (Exception stateEx) { ex = new AggregateException(new List <Exception>() { ex, stateEx }); } var result = new StatusResults() { Result = false, StatusCode = 902, SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Critical, Message = "An error has occurred checking the status.", NextStatusRefresh = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30), LogDetails = ex.Message + "\r\n" + additionalLogDetails, NotifyUser = true, State = previousStatus.State }; if (stateData != null && stateData.statusRetryCount < MAX_REFRESH_ERRORS) { result.NextStatusRefresh = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); } return(result); } }
public override SubmissionStatus ServiceSubmit(string jobName, string fclInfo, Dictionary <string, string> driverSettings, Logger externalHandler, Stream xpsStream, int pageIndexStart, int pageIndexEnd, List <PageDimensions> pageDimensions) { AttachDebugger(); var status = new SubmissionStatus(); status.Result = false; try { string account = GetPropertyResult("account", ""); string username = GetPropertyResult("username", ""); string password = GetPropertyResult("password", ""); //string faxHeader = GetPropertyResult("faxHeader", ""); string faxTag = GetPropertyResult("faxTag", ""); string callerId = GetPropertyResult("callerId", ""); string faxNumber = GetPropertyResult("faxNumber", ""); bool? requireEncryption = GetPropertyResult <bool?>("requireEncryption", null); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account)) { throw new Exception("Missing property: account"); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { throw new Exception("Missing property: username"); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new Exception("Missing property: password"); } //if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(faxHeader)) //{ // throw new Exception("Missing property: faxHeader"); //} if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(faxNumber)) { throw new Exception("Missing property: faxNumber"); } if (requireEncryption == null) { throw new Exception("Missing property: requireEncryption"); } // Force OuptutImageType values. The user cannot change them for EtherFax. OutputImageTypeProperty outputImageType = new OutputImageTypeProperty("OutputImageType", "Output File Type") { UserGenerated = false, DocxOutputAllowed = false, XpsOutputAllowed = false, PdfOutputAllowed = false, TiffOutputAllowed = true, RenderMode = RenderModes.Raster_1, RenderModesAllowed = new List <RenderModes>() { RenderModes.Raster_1 }, TiffCompression = TiffCompressOption.Ccitt4, TiffCompressionsAllowed = new List <TiffCompressOption>() { TiffCompressOption.Ccitt4 }, RenderPixelFormat = PixelFormats.BlackWhite, RenderPixelFormatsAllowed = new List <PixelFormats>() { PixelFormats.BlackWhite } }; /* * * * XResolution x Yresolution | ImageWidth * --------------------------------------------|------------------ * 204x98, 204x196, 204x391, 200x100, 200x200 | 1728, 2048, 2432 * 300x300 | 2592, 3072, 3648 * 408x391, 400x400 | 3456, 4096, 4864 * --------------------------------------------|------------------ * * These are the fixed page widths in pixels. The permissible values are dependent upon X and Y resolutions. * */ int faxHorizontalResolution = 204; int faxVerticalResolution = 196; outputImageType.HorizontalDpi = faxHorizontalResolution; outputImageType.VerticalDpi = faxVerticalResolution; int faxPageWidth = 1728; // 8.5" x 11" @ 204 x 196 dpi = 1734px x 2156px @ 99.6% => 1728px x 2148px (Desired fax width of 1728px @ 204 horizontal dpi) PointF pagePixels = pageDimensions[pageIndexStart].GetPixels(faxHorizontalResolution, faxVerticalResolution); float pageScaleRatio = faxPageWidth / pagePixels.X; int faxPageHeight = (int)(pageScaleRatio * pagePixels.Y); outputImageType.ImageDimensions = new System.Drawing.Point(faxPageWidth, faxPageHeight); DocumentRenderer renderingConverter = GetRenderer(outputImageType); if (renderingConverter != null) { // Read the image to memory byte[] fileBytes; TempFileStream outputStream = null; try { try { string tempFolder = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Temp\"); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolder); outputStream = new TempFileStream(tempFolder); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore - attempt another temp location (UAC may block UI test button from accessing the default Temp folder.) } if (outputStream == null) { string tempFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), @"FS_UPD_v4\EtherFax\"); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolder); outputStream = new TempFileStream(tempFolder); } renderingConverter.RenderXpsToOutput(xpsStream, outputStream, pageIndexStart, pageIndexEnd, externalHandler); outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fileBytes = new byte[outputStream.Length]; outputStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); } finally { if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.Dispose(); outputStream = null; } } var offset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.UtcNow); status.Destination = "Fax: " + faxNumber; var client = new SampleEtherFaxApi(account, username, password); FaxStatus faxStatus = client.SendFax(faxNumber, faxTag, callerId, offset, fileBytes, ((pageIndexEnd - pageIndexStart) + 1), requireEncryption.Value); if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.InProgress) { status.Result = true; status.Message = "Fax in progress."; status.NextStatusRefresh = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); status.StatusCode = 0; var stateData = new UpdStatusState(); stateData.account = account; stateData.username = username; stateData.password = Convert.ToBase64String(ProtectedData.Protect(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password), _encryptionEntropy, DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine)); stateData.jobId = faxStatus.JobId; stateData.tagValue = faxTag; stateData.statusRetryCount = 0; status.State = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stateData); status.LogDetails += "Submitted Fax with etherFAX ID: " + faxStatus.JobId + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "etherFAX Tag: " + faxTag + "\r\n"; } else if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.Success) { status.Result = true; status.Message = "Your fax was delivered successfully."; status.StatusCode = 100; status.NotifyUser = true; status.LogDetails = "Your fax was delivered successfully!\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "Submitted Fax with etherFAX ID: " + faxStatus.JobId + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "etherFAX Tag: " + faxTag + "\r\n"; } else if (faxStatus.FaxResult == FaxResult.Cancelled) { status.Result = false; status.Message = "Your fax was cancelled."; status.StatusCode = 300; status.SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.Low; status.NotifyUser = true; status.LogDetails = "Fax cancelled: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "Submitted Fax with etherFAX ID: " + faxStatus.JobId + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "etherFAX Tag: " + faxTag + "\r\n"; } else // All errors { status.Result = false; status.Message = "Your fax was not delivered. Reason: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " "); status.StatusCode = 400 + (int)faxStatus.FaxResult; status.SeverityLevel = StatusResults.SeverityLevels.High; status.NotifyUser = true; status.LogDetails = "Fax failed: " + faxStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "Submitted Fax with etherFAX ID: " + faxStatus.JobId + "\r\n"; status.LogDetails += "etherFAX Tag: " + faxTag + "\r\n"; } } } catch (WebException httpEx) { string webExDetails = ""; using (var httpResponse = httpEx.Response as HttpWebResponse) { if (httpResponse != null) { HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode; string statusDescription = httpResponse.StatusDescription; string responseHeaders = httpResponse.Headers != null?httpResponse.Headers.ToString() : null; using (Stream stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); webExDetails = "Status: " + statusCode.ToString() + @"/" + statusDescription + "\r\n\r\n" + "Response: " + content; } } } } status.Result = false; status.Message = "An error has occurred."; status.LogDetails = httpEx.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + webExDetails; status.NotifyUser = true; status.StatusCode = 11; } catch (Exception ex) { status.Result = false; status.Message = "An error has occurred."; status.LogDetails = ex.Message; status.NotifyUser = true; status.StatusCode = 12; } return(status); }