Example #1
 public InternalItemsQuery()
     BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
     Tags                 = new string[] { };
     OfficialRatings      = new string[] { };
     SortBy               = new string[] { };
     MediaTypes           = new string[] { };
     IncludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
     ExcludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
     Genres               = new string[] { };
     Studios              = new string[] { };
     StudioIds            = new string[] { };
     GenreIds             = new string[] { };
     ImageTypes           = new ImageType[] { };
     VideoTypes           = new VideoType[] { };
     Years                = new int[] { };
     PersonTypes          = new string[] { };
     PersonIds            = new string[] { };
     ChannelIds           = new string[] { };
     ItemIds              = new string[] { };
     AncestorIds          = new string[] { };
     TopParentIds         = new string[] { };
     ExcludeTags          = new string[] { };
     ExcludeLocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
Example #2
        public UserPolicy()
            EnableSync = true;
            EnableSyncTranscoding = true;

            EnableMediaPlayback = true;
            EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding = true;
            EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding = true;

            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;

            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            BlockedTags = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            EnableUserPreferenceAccess = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };

            EnableAllChannels = true;
            EnabledChannels = new string[] { };

            EnableAllFolders = true;
            EnabledFolders = new string[] { };

            EnabledDevices = new string[] { };
            EnableAllDevices = true;

            EnableContentDownloading = true;
            EnablePublicSharing = true;
Example #3
        public UserPolicy()
            EnableLiveTvManagement    = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback       = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess        = true;
            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            BlockedTags       = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            EnableUserPreferenceAccess = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };

            EnableAllChannels = true;
            EnabledChannels   = new string[] { };

            EnableAllFolders = true;
            EnabledFolders   = new string[] { };

            EnabledDevices   = new string[] { };
            EnableAllDevices = true;

            EnableContentDownloading = true;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            PlayDefaultAudioTrack     = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement    = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback       = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess        = true;
            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            LatestItemsExcludes        = new string[] { };
            OrderedViews               = new string[] { };
            BlockedMediaFolders        = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedTags       = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels   = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView     = true;

            IncludeTrailersInSuggestions = true;
            EnableCinemaMode             = true;
            EnableUserPreferenceAccess   = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            IsAdministrator = true;

            PlayDefaultAudioTrack           = true;
            EnableRemoteControlOfOtherUsers = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement          = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback             = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;

            BlockedMediaFolders = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels     = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems   = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
Example #6
        public InternalItemsQuery()
            MinSimilarityScore = 20;

            GroupByPresentationUniqueKey = true;
            EnableTotalRecordCount       = true;

            DtoOptions         = new DtoOptions();
            AlbumNames         = new string[] { };
            ArtistIds          = new string[] { };
            ExcludeArtistIds   = new string[] { };
            ExcludeProviderIds = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
            Tags                 = new string[] { };
            OfficialRatings      = new string[] { };
            SortBy               = new string[] { };
            MediaTypes           = new string[] { };
            Keywords             = new string[] { };
            IncludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
            Genres               = new string[] { };
            StudioIds            = new string[] { };
            GenreIds             = new string[] { };
            ImageTypes           = new ImageType[] { };
            VideoTypes           = new VideoType[] { };
            Years                = new int[] { };
            PersonTypes          = new string[] { };
            PersonIds            = new string[] { };
            ChannelIds           = new string[] { };
            ItemIds              = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemIds       = new string[] { };
            AncestorIds          = new string[] { };
            TopParentIds         = new string[] { };
            ExcludeTags          = new string[] { };
            ExcludeInheritedTags = new string[] { };
            LocationTypes        = new LocationType[] { };
            PresetViews          = new string[] { };
            SourceTypes          = new SourceType[] { };
            ExcludeSourceTypes   = new SourceType[] { };
            TrailerTypes         = new TrailerType[] { };
            AirDays              = new DayOfWeek[] { };
            SeriesStatuses       = new SeriesStatus[] { };
            OrderBy              = new List <Tuple <string, SortOrder> >();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            PlayDefaultAudioTrack  = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback    = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess     = true;

            LatestItemsExcludes        = new string[] { };
            OrderedViews               = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems          = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView     = true;

            IncludeTrailersInSuggestions = true;
            EnableCinemaMode             = true;
        public InternalItemsQuery()
            MinSimilarityScore = 20;

            GroupByPresentationUniqueKey = true;
            EnableTotalRecordCount       = true;

            DtoOptions            = new DtoOptions();
            AlbumIds              = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ArtistIds             = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            AlbumArtistIds        = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ContributingArtistIds = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ExcludeArtistIds      = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ExcludeProviderIds    = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            HasAnyProviderId      = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
            Tags                 = Array.Empty <string>();
            OfficialRatings      = Array.Empty <string>();
            MediaTypes           = Array.Empty <string>();
            IncludeItemTypes     = Array.Empty <string>();
            ExcludeItemTypes     = Array.Empty <string>();
            Genres               = Array.Empty <string>();
            StudioIds            = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            GenreIds             = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            BoxSetLibraryFolders = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ImageTypes           = new ImageType[] { };
            VideoTypes           = new VideoType[] { };
            Years                = Array.Empty <int>();
            PersonTypes          = Array.Empty <string>();
            PersonIds            = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ChannelIds           = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ItemIds              = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ExcludeItemIds       = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            AncestorIds          = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            TopParentIds         = Array.Empty <Guid>();
            ExcludeTags          = Array.Empty <string>();
            ExcludeInheritedTags = Array.Empty <string>();
            PresetViews          = Array.Empty <string>();
            TrailerTypes         = new TrailerType[] { };
            SourceTypes          = new SourceType[] { };
            SeriesStatuses       = new SeriesStatus[] { };
            OrderBy              = Array.Empty <ValueTuple <string, SortOrder> >();
Example #9
        public UserPolicy()
            EnableContentDeletion            = true;
            EnableContentDeletionFromFolders = Array.Empty <string>();

            EnableSyncTranscoding = true;
            EnableMediaConversion = true;

            EnableMediaPlayback            = true;
            EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding = true;
            EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding = true;
            EnablePlaybackRemuxing         = true;

            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess     = true;

            // Without this on by default, admins won't be able to do this
            // Improve in the future
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;

            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            BlockedTags       = Array.Empty <string>();
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            EnableUserPreferenceAccess = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };

            EnableAllChannels = true;
            EnabledChannels   = Array.Empty <string>();

            EnableAllFolders = true;
            EnabledFolders   = Array.Empty <string>();

            EnabledDevices   = Array.Empty <string>();
            EnableAllDevices = true;

            EnableContentDownloading = true;
            EnablePublicSharing      = true;
            EnableRemoteAccess       = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            PlayDefaultAudioTrack           = true;
            EnableRemoteControlOfOtherUsers = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement          = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback             = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;

            OrderedViews               = new string[] { };
            BlockedMediaFolders        = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels            = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems          = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView     = true;
            DisplayFoldersView         = true;

            SyncConnectName  = true;
            SyncConnectImage = true;
Example #11
        public InternalItemsQuery()
            GroupByPresentationUniqueKey = true;
            EnableTotalRecordCount       = true;

            AlbumNames  = new string[] { };
            ArtistNames = new string[] { };

            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
            Tags                 = new string[] { };
            OfficialRatings      = new string[] { };
            SortBy               = new string[] { };
            MediaTypes           = new string[] { };
            IncludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemTypes     = new string[] { };
            Genres               = new string[] { };
            Studios              = new string[] { };
            StudioIds            = new string[] { };
            GenreIds             = new string[] { };
            ImageTypes           = new ImageType[] { };
            VideoTypes           = new VideoType[] { };
            Years                = new int[] { };
            PersonTypes          = new string[] { };
            PersonIds            = new string[] { };
            ChannelIds           = new string[] { };
            ItemIds              = new string[] { };
            AncestorIds          = new string[] { };
            TopParentIds         = new string[] { };
            ExcludeTags          = new string[] { };
            ExcludeInheritedTags = new string[] { };
            LocationTypes        = new LocationType[] { };
            ExcludeLocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
            PresetViews          = new string[] { };
            SourceTypes          = new SourceType[] { };
            ExcludeSourceTypes   = new SourceType[] { };
            TrailerTypes         = new TrailerType[] { };
            AirDays              = new DayOfWeek[] { };
            SeriesStatuses       = new SeriesStatus[] { };
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            PlayDefaultAudioTrack  = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback    = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess     = true;

            OrderedViews               = new string[] { };
            BlockedMediaFolders        = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels            = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems          = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView     = true;
            DisplayFoldersView         = true;

            SyncConnectName              = true;
            SyncConnectImage             = true;
            IncludeTrailersInSuggestions = true;
            EnableCinemaMode             = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };
Example #13
 public InternalItemsQuery()
     BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
     Tags = new string[] { };
     OfficialRatings = new string[] { };
     SortBy = new string[] { };
     MediaTypes = new string[] { };
     IncludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
     ExcludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
     Genres = new string[] { };
     Studios = new string[] { };
     StudioIds = new string[] { };
     GenreIds = new string[] { };
     ImageTypes = new ImageType[] { };
     VideoTypes = new VideoType[] { };
     Years = new int[] { };
     PersonTypes = new string[] { };
     PersonIds = new string[] { };
     ChannelIds = new string[] { };
     ItemIds = new string[] { };
     AncestorIds = new string[] { };
     TopParentIds = new string[] { };
     ExcludeTags = new string[] { };
     ExcludeLocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
Example #14
        public InternalItemsQuery()
            GroupByPresentationUniqueKey = true;
            EnableTotalRecordCount = true;

            AlbumNames = new string[] { };
            ArtistNames = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
            Tags = new string[] { };
            OfficialRatings = new string[] { };
            SortBy = new string[] { };
            MediaTypes = new string[] { };
            IncludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
            Genres = new string[] { };
            Studios = new string[] { };
            StudioIds = new string[] { };
            GenreIds = new string[] { };
            ImageTypes = new ImageType[] { };
            VideoTypes = new VideoType[] { };
            Years = new int[] { };
            PersonTypes = new string[] { };
            PersonIds = new string[] { };
            ChannelIds = new string[] { };
            ItemIds = new string[] { };
            AncestorIds = new string[] { };
            TopParentIds = new string[] { };
            ExcludeTags = new string[] { };
            ExcludeInheritedTags = new string[] { };
            LocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
            ExcludeLocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
            PresetViews = new string[] { };
            SourceTypes = new SourceType[] { };
            ExcludeSourceTypes = new SourceType[] { };
            TrailerTypes = new TrailerType[] { };
            AirDays = new DayOfWeek[] { };
            SeriesStatuses = new SeriesStatus[] { };
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            PlayDefaultAudioTrack = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;
            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            LatestItemsExcludes = new string[] { };
            OrderedViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedMediaFolders = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedTags = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView = true;

            SyncConnectName = true;
            SyncConnectImage = true;
            IncludeTrailersInSuggestions = true;
            EnableCinemaMode = true;
            EnableUserPreferenceAccess = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };
Example #16
        public InternalItemsQuery()
            GroupByPresentationUniqueKey = true;
            EnableTotalRecordCount = true;

            DtoOptions = new DtoOptions();
            AlbumNames = new string[] { };
            ArtistNames = new string[] { };
            ExcludeArtistIds = new string[] { };
            ExcludeProviderIds = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };
            Tags = new string[] { };
            OfficialRatings = new string[] { };
            SortBy = new string[] { };
            MediaTypes = new string[] { };
            Keywords = new string[] { };
            IncludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemTypes = new string[] { };
            Genres = new string[] { };
            Studios = new string[] { };
            StudioIds = new string[] { };
            GenreIds = new string[] { };
            ImageTypes = new ImageType[] { };
            VideoTypes = new VideoType[] { };
            Years = new int[] { };
            PersonTypes = new string[] { };
            PersonIds = new string[] { };
            ChannelIds = new string[] { };
            ItemIds = new string[] { };
            ExcludeItemIds = new string[] { };
            AncestorIds = new string[] { };
            TopParentIds = new string[] { };
            ExcludeTags = new string[] { };
            ExcludeInheritedTags = new string[] { };
            LocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
            ExcludeLocationTypes = new LocationType[] { };
            PresetViews = new string[] { };
            SourceTypes = new SourceType[] { };
            ExcludeSourceTypes = new SourceType[] { };
            TrailerTypes = new TrailerType[] { };
            AirDays = new DayOfWeek[] { };
            SeriesStatuses = new SeriesStatus[] { };
            OrderBy = new List<Tuple<string, SortOrder>>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserConfiguration" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public UserConfiguration()
            IsAdministrator = true;

            PlayDefaultAudioTrack = true;
            EnableRemoteControlOfOtherUsers = true;
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableMediaPlayback = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;

            BlockedMediaFolders = new string[] { };
            DisplayChannelsWithinViews = new string[] { };
            BlockedChannels = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            ExcludeFoldersFromGrouping = new string[] { };
            DisplayCollectionsView = true;
Example #18
        public UserPolicy()
            EnableSync = true;
            EnableSyncTranscoding = true;

            EnableMediaPlayback = true;
            EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding = true;
            EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding = true;

            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;
            EnableLiveTvAccess = true;

            // Without this on by default, admins won't be able to do this
            // Improve in the future
            EnableLiveTvManagement = true;

            EnableSharedDeviceControl = true;

            BlockedTags = new string[] { };
            BlockUnratedItems = new UnratedItem[] { };

            EnableUserPreferenceAccess = true;

            AccessSchedules = new AccessSchedule[] { };

            EnableAllChannels = true;
            EnabledChannels = new string[] { };

            EnableAllFolders = true;
            EnabledFolders = new string[] { };

            EnabledDevices = new string[] { };
            EnableAllDevices = true;

            EnableContentDownloading = true;
            EnablePublicSharing = true;