/// <summary>
        /// Proxy function that sends the pressed card to the Game host
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cardName"></param>
        public async Task PostCard(string cardName)
            ServerGameSession sGame = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByClientConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);

            if (sGame != null)
                UnoGame game = sGame.game;

                //get the player object
                PlayerObject player = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.connid == Context.ConnectionId);
                if (player != null)
                    //get the card object
                    CardObject card = player.cards.FirstOrDefault(n => n.name == cardName);
                    if (card != null)
                        //send the game to the host, and let the host process it
                        await sGame.PlayCard(player.id, card);
                        //todo: maybe not end the session, but there is some cheating going on
                        await Clients.Caller.endSession("The card you played was not in your posession.");
                    await Clients.Caller.endSession("You are not a member of this game");
                await Clients.Caller.endSession("You are not a member of a game");
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxy function that is called after a user picks a color, the function checks if it needs to send cards from the draw four card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">game object</param>
        /// <param name="effects">the effects object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task HandleSpecialAfterColorPick(UnoGame game, SpecialCardActions effects)
            ServerGameSession sGame = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);

            if (effects.sendColorWheel)
                if (effects.cardDrawAmount != 0)
                    //send the NEXT client the amount of cards.
                    game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
                    string targetPlayer = new string(game.CurrentPlayer.ToCharArray());
                    game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
                    await PushGame(game);

                    Clients.Caller.drawCardFromSpecial(targetPlayer, effects.cardDrawAmount);
                    game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);

                await PushGame(game);

                //set the current playing name:
                await MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId).UpdateCurrentPlayingName(game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.id == game.CurrentPlayer));
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that progresses the game turn depending on the card playing status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        /// <param name="success"></param>
        public async Task ConfirmCardGame(UnoGame game, bool success)
            if (success)
                string currentPlayer = game.CurrentPlayer;
                game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
                int drawCards = CheckUno(game, currentPlayer);
                await PushGame(game);

                //set the current playing name:

                var          session = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);
                PlayerObject pObject = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.id == game.CurrentPlayer);
                await session.UpdateCurrentPlayingName(pObject);

                if (drawCards > 0)
                    await Clients.Caller.drawCardFromSpecial(currentPlayer, drawCards);
                else if (drawCards == -69)
                    await Clients.Caller.gameWon(currentPlayer);
                await Clients.Caller.displayMessage($"Player {pObject.name ?? "Unknown (" + pObject.id.Substring(0, 8) + ")"} is up next!");
                await PushGame(game);
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxy function that requests a card from the Draw Pile at the Game host
        /// </summary>
        public async Task DrawCardFromDeck()
            string            connId  = Context.ConnectionId;
            ServerGameSession session = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByClientConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);

            if (session != null)
                UnoGame      game   = session.game;
                PlayerObject player = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.connid == connId);
                await session.DrawCard(player.id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxy function that is called when an Action card is used in the game, the function decides what the game should do.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">current game object</param>
        /// <param name="effects">effects object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task HandleSpecialCard(UnoGame game, SpecialCardActions effects)
            ServerGameSession sGame         = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);
            string            currentPlayer = game.CurrentPlayer;

            if (effects.sendColorWheel)
                //send the colorwheel update to the current client.
                //after receiving the color wheel update advance the turn
                await sGame.ShowColorWheelInClient(effects);
            else if (effects.cardDrawAmount != 0)
                //send the NEXT client the amount of cards.
                game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
                string targetPlayer = new string(game.CurrentPlayer.ToCharArray());
                game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
                await PushGame(game);

                await Clients.Caller.drawCardFromSpecial(targetPlayer, effects.cardDrawAmount);
            else if (effects.skipNextPerson)
                //the skip is handled in code
                game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, effects);
            else if (effects.reverseOrder)
                game.DirectionClockwise = !game.DirectionClockwise;
                if (game.Players.Count > 2)
                    game.CurrentPlayer = GetNextPlayerId(game, null);
            int drawCards = CheckUno(game, currentPlayer);

            await PushGame(game);

            //set the current playing name:
            PlayerObject pObject = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.id == game.CurrentPlayer);
            await MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId).UpdateCurrentPlayingName(pObject);

            if (drawCards > 0)
                await Clients.Caller.drawCardFromSpecial(currentPlayer, drawCards);
            else if (drawCards == -69)
                await Clients.Caller.gameWon(currentPlayer);
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Deck deck = new Deck(new CardRules(9,0,4));
            UnoGame unoGame = new UnoGame(deck);

            Console.WriteLine("           ____ ___               ________                        ________ _______  _______  _______             ");
            Console.WriteLine("          |    |   \\____   ____  /  _____/_____    _____   ____   \\_____  \\   _  \\ \\   _  \\ \\   _  \\            ");
            Console.WriteLine("  ______  |    |   /    \\ /  _ \\/   \\  ___\\__  \\  /     \\_/ __ \\    _(__  </  /_\\  \\/  /_\\  \\/  /_\\  \\    ______ ");
            Console.WriteLine(" /_____/  |    |  /   |  (  <_> )    \\_\\  \\/ __ \\|  Y Y  \\  ___/   /       \\  \\_/   \\  \\_/   \\  \\_/   \\  /_____/ ");
            Console.WriteLine("          |______/|___|  /\\____/ \\______  (____  /__|_|  /\\___  > /______  /\\_____  /\\_____  /\\_____  /          ");
            Console.WriteLine("                       \\/               \\/     \\/      \\/     \\/         \\/       \\/       \\/       \\/           ");
            Console.WriteLine("Input number of players between 2-6");
            int players;
            if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out players))
                if (players >= 2 && players <= 6)
                    Console.WriteLine("You selected to start a game with "+players+" players");
                    Console.WriteLine("You did not select a number between 2 and 6. Press a key to try again");
                    goto StartOfProgram;
                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input. Press a key to try again");
                goto StartOfProgram;
            for (int i = 0; i < players; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Please input name of player "+(i+1));
                unoGame.AddPlayer(new Player(unoGame, Console.ReadLine()));
            int selection;
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress 1 to play again with the same players. Press 2 to select new players. Press any key to exit");
            if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selection))
                if (selection == 1)
                    goto StartOfGame;
                if (selection == 2)
                    goto StartOfProgram;
Example #7
            public static Card?Parse(string value, UnoGame game)
                bool auto = value.Contains("auto");

                value = value.ReplaceMany((" ", ""), ("auto", ""), ("uno", ""), ("draw2", "drawtwo"), ("draw4", "drawfour"));

                CardColor?color = EnumTraits <CardColor> .Values
                                  .FirstOrNull(x => value.StartsOrEndsWith(x.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()));

                CardType?type = EnumTraits <CardType> .Values.ToList().Reversed()
                                .FirstOrNull(x => value.StartsOrEndsWith(x.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) ||
                                             x <= CardType.Nine && value.StartsOrEndsWith(((int)x).ToString()));

                if (auto)
                    var cards = game.CurrentPlayer.cards.ToList().Sorted();

                    if (color == null && type == null)
                        return(value == "" ? cards.FirstOrNull(game.CanDiscard) : null);
                    if (color == null)
                        return(cards.FirstOrNull(x => x.Type == type && game.CanDiscard(x)));
                    if (type == null)
                        return(cards.FirstOrNull(x => x.Color == color && game.CanDiscard(x)));

                if (color == null && type.HasValue && IsWild(type.Value))
                    color = CardColor.Black;

                if (type.HasValue && color.HasValue)
                    return(new Card(type.Value, color.Value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Local function that is called after every card action, to determain if the current player has uno.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        /// <param name="playerId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int CheckUno(UnoGame game, string playerId)
            PlayerObject player = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(n => n.id == playerId);

            if (!player.reportedUno && player.cards.Count > 1)
                player.hasUno = false;

            if (player.cards.Count == 1)
                if (player.reportedUno)
                    // allow
                    player.reportedUno = false;
                    player.hasUno      = true;
                    Clients.Caller.displayMessage($"Player {player.name} has UNO!");
                    //give player 2 cards
                    player.reportedUno = false;
                    player.hasUno      = false;

            if (player.cards.Count == 0 && player.hasUno)
                //player has won
                return(-69);                //:)

            if (player.reportedUno && player.cards.Count > 1)
                //false uno, draw one card
                player.reportedUno = false;
                player.hasUno      = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Local function that takes the current game and gives you the next player in turn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">current game object</param>
        /// <param name="effects">effects object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetNextPlayerId(UnoGame game, SpecialCardActions effects)
            int currentPlayerIndex = game.Players.FindIndex(n => n.id == game.CurrentPlayer);

            if (effects == null)
                if (game.DirectionClockwise)
                    int newPlayerId = (game.Players.Count > (currentPlayerIndex + 1)) ? currentPlayerIndex + 1 : 0;
                    int newPlayerId = ((currentPlayerIndex - 1) >= 0) ? currentPlayerIndex - 1 : game.Players.Count - 1;
            else if (effects.skipNextPerson)
                if (game.DirectionClockwise)
                    int newPlayerId = currentPlayerIndex + 1;
                    newPlayerId = (game.Players.Count > newPlayerId) ? newPlayerId : 0;
                    newPlayerId++;                     //adds the skip
                    newPlayerId = (game.Players.Count > newPlayerId) ? newPlayerId : 0;
                    int newPlayerId = currentPlayerIndex - 1;
                    newPlayerId = (newPlayerId >= 0) ? newPlayerId : game.Players.Count - 1;
                    newPlayerId--;                     //adds the skip
                    newPlayerId = (newPlayerId >= 0) ? newPlayerId : game.Players.Count - 1;

            throw new Exception("Passed an effect object without enabling special effects.");
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxy and local function that syncs the JS and C# backend with eachother.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task PushGame(UnoGame game)
            ServerGameSession sGame = MvcApplication.Manager.FindSessionByConnectionId(Context.ConnectionId);

            if (sGame != null)
                if (sGame.game.FullDeck.Count == 0 || sGame.game.CurrentPlayer == null)
                    //new game, select first player from list.
                    sGame.game = game;
                    sGame.game.CurrentPlayer = sGame.game.Players[0].id;
                    sGame.game = game;

                await sGame.UpdateAll();
                await Clients.Caller.endSession("unkown game id was passed to the server.");
Example #11
 public void Setup()
     _unoGame = new UnoGame(Substitute.For<IDeck>());
     uut = new Player(_unoGame, "Hans");
Example #12
        public override void Execute(IMessage messageIn)
            if (!(messageIn is SocketMessage))
                DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("This command only works on discord", messageIn.Channel).Wait();
            var message = messageIn as SocketMessage;

            string[] split = message.Content.Split(' ');
            if (split.Contains("new"))
                UnoGame newGame = new UnoGame(message.MentionedUsers.Distinct().Append(message.Author).ToList());
                if (newGame.Players.Count < 2)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You need more players to play Uno!", message.Channel).Wait();
                if (newGame.Players.Exists(x => x.Item1.IsBot))
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("Bots can't play Uno!", message.Channel).Wait();
                if (UnoGames.Exists(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id)))
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are already in a uno game!", message.Channel).Wait();
                foreach (Tuple <SocketUser, List <UnoCard> > player in newGame.Players)
            else if (split.Contains("print_cards") && message.Author.Id == Program.Master.Id) // Size = {Width = 434 Height = 621}
                foreach (UnoCard c in UnoCards)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendBitmap(c.Picture, message.Channel, c.Type.ToString() + " " + c.Color.ToString()).Wait();
            else if (split.Contains("print"))
                UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id));
                if (game != null)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait();
            else if (split.Length >= 2 && split[1] == "draw")
                UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id));
                if (game.TurnPlayerID() != message.Author.Id)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("It's not your turn :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait();
                if (game != null)
                    game.DrawCards(1, message.Author.Id);
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait();
            else if (split.Length >= 2 && split[1] == "cancel")
                UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id));
                DiscordNETWrapper.SendText($"`{message.Author.Username}` canceled the match! :cold_sweat: :scream: :dizzy_face: :skull_crossbones: ", message.Channel).Wait();
            else if (split.Length >= 4 && split[1] == "move")
                UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id));
                if (game == null)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait();

                UnoCardType t = UnoCardType.one;
                UnoColor    c = UnoColor.none;
                Enum.TryParse(split[2].ToLower(), out t);
                Enum.TryParse(split[3].ToLower(), out c);
                if (split[2].Length > 0 && char.IsDigit(split[2][0]))
                    t = ToUnoType(Convert.ToInt32(split[2]));
                game.PutCardOnTopOfStack(t, c, message.Author.Id, message.Channel);

                Tuple <SocketUser, List <UnoCard> > winner = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item2.Count == 0);
                if (winner != null)
                    DiscordNETWrapper.SendText($"`{winner.Item1.Username}` won! :trophy: :tada: ", message.Channel).Wait();
                DiscordNETWrapper.SendEmbed(HelpMenu, message.Channel).Wait();