public override void Decode(Unmarshal context, MarshalOpcode op, BinaryReader source) { uint len = source.ReadSizeEx(); RawData = source.ReadBytes((int) len); DataUnmarshal = new Unmarshal(); Data = DataUnmarshal.Process(RawData); }
public PySubStream(byte[] data) : base(PyObjectType.SubStream) { RawData = data; DataUnmarshal = new Unmarshal(); Data = DataUnmarshal.Process(data); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtInput.Text.Length == 0) { txtOutput.Text = ""; return; } string hex = txtInput.Text.Replace(" ", "").Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ""); try { //txtOutput.Text = hex; byte[] raw = new Byte[hex.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) { raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); } Console.WriteLine(raw.Length + ", " + hex.Length); Unmarshal un = new Unmarshal(); //un.DebugMode = true; //PyObject obj = un.Process(BinaryReader.); PyRep obj = un.Process(raw); PrettyPrinter pp = new PrettyPrinter(); txtOutput.Text = pp.Print(obj); } catch { hex = txtInput.Text.Substring(8, txtInput.Text.Length - 8).Replace(" ", "").Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ""); byte[] raw = new Byte[hex.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) { raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); } Console.WriteLine(raw.Length + ", " + hex.Length); Unmarshal un = new Unmarshal(); un.DebugMode = true; // un.DebugMode = true; //PyObject obj = un.Process(BinaryReader.); PyRep obj = un.Process(raw); PrettyPrinter pp = new PrettyPrinter(); txtOutput.Text = pp.Print(obj); } /* * //txtOutput.Text = hex; * byte[] raw = new Byte[hex.Length / 2]; * for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) { * raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); * } * Console.WriteLine(raw.Length+", "+hex.Length); * Unmarshal un = new Unmarshal(); * // un.DebugMode = true; * //PyObject obj = un.Process(BinaryReader.); * PyObject obj = un.Process(raw); * txtOutput.Text = PrettyPrinter.Print(obj); */ }
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBox1.SelectedItem == null) { richTextBox2.Text = ""; return; } if (Cache.UpdateCache(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()) == false) { WindowLog.Error("Main::LoadCache", "Error loading cache"); return; } PyObject cache = Cache.GetCache(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); PyCachedObject obj = new PyCachedObject(); if (obj.Decode(cache) == false) { WindowLog.Error("Main::LoadCache", "Cannot decode the cache data"); return; } if (Program.cacheDataDisplayMode == "Pretty") { try { richTextBox2.Text = PrettyPrinter.Print(Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(obj.cache.Data)); } catch (Exception) { WindowLog.Error("Main::LoadCache", "Cannot Unmarshal the cache data"); richTextBox2.Text = "Error"; } } else { richTextBox2.Text = ByteToString(obj.cache.Data); } WindowLog.Debug("Main::LoadCache", "Cache loaded"); }
public void ServerAsyncReceive(IAsyncResult ar) { try { AsyncState state = (AsyncState)(ar.AsyncState); byte[] serverData = state.buffer; int serverBytes = 0; serverBytes = connection.Socket.EndReceive(ar); if (serverBytes > 0) { // Add the packets serverPacketizer.QueuePackets(serverData, serverBytes); int packets = serverPacketizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++) { byte[] packet = serverPacketizer.PopItem(); PyObject data = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); Log.Warning("PacketTracer::Server", PrettyPrinter.Print(data)); data = OldHandle(data); SendClient(data); } } connection.Socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, 8192, SocketFlags.None, serverReceive, state); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("ExceptionHandler", ex.ToString()); CloseConnection(); } }
private void ClientAsyncReceive(IAsyncResult ar) { try { AsyncState state = (AsyncState)(ar.AsyncState); byte[] clientData = state.buffer; int clientBytes = 0; clientBytes = socket.Socket.EndReceive(ar); if (clientBytes > 0) { clientPacketizer.QueuePackets(clientData, clientBytes); int packets = clientPacketizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++) { byte[] packet = clientPacketizer.PopItem(); PyObject data = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); Log.Warning("PacketTracer::Client", PrettyPrinter.Print(data)); data = OldHandle(data); SendServer(data); } } socket.Socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, 8192, SocketFlags.None, clientReceive, state); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("ExceptionHandler", ex.ToString()); CloseConnection(); } }
private static bool UpdateInternal(EVEServer server, out int serverBuild, out int clientBuild, out string codePackageURL) { try { var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { NoDelay = true }; socket.Connect(ServerHosts[server], 26000); var reader = new BinaryReader(new NetworkStream(socket)); var len = reader.ReadInt32(); var data = reader.ReadBytes(len); var hello = Unmarshal.Process <eveMarshal.PyTuple>(data); serverBuild = (int)hello[4].IntValue; if (hello[6] is PyNone) { // no client patch available clientBuild = serverBuild; codePackageURL = null; } else { var updateInfo = (hello[6] as PyObjectData).Arguments as eveMarshal.PyDict; clientBuild = (int)updateInfo.Get("build").IntValue; codePackageURL = updateInfo.Get("fileurl").StringValue; } socket.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { serverBuild = clientBuild = 0; codePackageURL = null; return(false); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Init("evesharp"); Log.Info("Main", "Starting node..."); Log.Info("Database", "Loading database.conf file"); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("database.conf"); Database.Database.Username = lines[0]; Database.Database.Password = lines[1]; Database.Database.Host = lines[2]; Database.Database.DB = lines[3]; Log.Trace("Database", "Connecting to database..."); if (Database.Database.Init() == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot connect to database"); while (true) { ; } } /* * SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create(); * byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("password")); * char[] strHash = new char[20]; * * for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) * { * strHash[i] = (char)hash[i]; * } * * string str = new string(strHash); * * Database.Database.Query("INSERT INTO account(accountID, accountName, password, role, online, banned)VALUES(NULL, 'Username', '" + str + "', 2, 0, 0);"); * * Database.Database.Query("INSERT INTO account(accountID, accountName, password, role, online, banned)VALUES(NULL, 'Username', SHA1('password'), 2, 0, 0);");*/ Log.Info("Main", "Connection to the DB sucessfull"); Log.Info("Main", "Generating default cache data"); Cache.GenerateCache(); Log.Debug("Main", "Done"); Log.Info("Main", "Connecting to proxy..."); proxyConnection = new TCPSocket(ushort.Parse(proxy[0, 1]), false); if (proxyConnection.Connect(proxy[0, 0]) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot connect to proxy. Halting"); Database.Database.Stop(); while (true) { ; } } Log.Trace("Main", "Server started"); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); try { byte[] data = new byte[proxyConnection.Available]; int bytes = proxyConnection.Recv(data); if (bytes == -1) { // Proxy is closing, shutdown the node break; } else if (bytes > 0) { packetizer.QueuePackets(data, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { byte[] packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); if (obj is PyObjectData) { PyObjectData info = obj as PyObjectData; if (info.Name == "machoNet.nodeInfo") { // Update our local info NodeInfo nodeinfo = new NodeInfo(); if (nodeinfo.Decode(info) == true) { nodeID = nodeinfo.nodeID; Log.Debug("Main", "Found machoNet.nodeInfo, our new node id is " + nodeID.ToString("X4")); SystemManager.LoadSolarSystems(nodeinfo.solarSystems); } } else { // Client packet PyPacket clientpacket = new PyPacket(); if (clientpacket.Decode(info) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Unknown packet"); } else { // Something similar to Async calls new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandlePacket)).Start(clientpacket); } } } else if (obj is PyChecksumedStream) // Checksumed packets { PyPacket clientpacket = new PyPacket(); if (clientpacket.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot decode packet"); } else { new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandlePacket)).Start(clientpacket); } } else if (obj is PyTuple) { // The only tuple packet is the LowLevelVersionExchange LowLevelVersionExchange ex = new LowLevelVersionExchange(); if (ex.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "LowLevelVersionExchange error"); } // Reply with the node LowLevelVersionExchange LowLevelVersionExchange reply = new LowLevelVersionExchange(); reply.codename = Common.Constants.Game.codename; reply.birthday = Common.Constants.Game.birthday; =; reply.machoVersion = Common.Constants.Game.machoVersion; reply.version = Common.Constants.Game.version; reply.region = Common.Constants.Game.region; Send(reply.Encode(true)); } else if (obj is PyObjectEx) { Log.Error("PyObjectEx", PrettyPrinter.Print(obj)); } else { Log.Error("Main", PrettyPrinter.Print(obj)); Log.Error("Main", "Unhandled packet type"); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } /* Code to ADD an account: * SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create(); * byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("password")); * char[] strHash = new char[20]; * * for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) * { * strHash[i] = (char)hash[i]; * } * * string str = new string(strHash); * * Database.Database.Query("INSERT INTO account(accountID, accountName, password, role, online, banned)VALUES(NULL, 'Username', '" + str + "', 2, 0, 0);"); */ }
private void Run() { try { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); byte[] data = new byte[socket.Available]; int bytes = 0; try { bytes = socket.Recv(data); } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode != 10035) { throw new DisconnectException(); } } catch (Exception) { throw new DisconnectException(); } if (bytes == -1) // Client disconnected { throw new DisconnectException(); } else if (bytes > 0) { packetizer.QueuePackets(data, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); byte[] actual = null; for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { actual = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(actual); if (obj is PyObjectEx) { // PyException Log.Error("Client", "Got exception from client"); } else { PyPacket packet = new PyPacket(); if (packet.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Client", "Error decoding PyPacket"); } else { // Get the node ID to send if (packet.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Node) { if (packet.dest.typeID == 1) { packet.dest.typeID = (ulong)nodeID; // We dont want to receive packets in the proxy } if (packet.source.type != PyAddress.AddrType.Client) { Log.Error("Client", string.Format("Wrong source data, expected client but got {0}", packet.source.type)); } Log.Warning("Client", PrettyPrinter.Print(packet.Encode())); if (NodeManager.NotifyNode((int)packet.dest.typeID, obj) == false) { // We cant send the data to the node, what to do? Log.Error("Client", "Trying to send a packet to a non-existing node"); throw new DisconnectException(); } } } } } } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (DisconnectException) { } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Client", "Unhandled exception... " + ex.Message); Log.Error("ExceptionHandler", "Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } // We should notify our node about this Log.Error("Client", "Client disconnected"); socket.Close(); ClientManager.RemoveClient(this); }
public void ReceiveNodeAsync(IAsyncResult ar) { try { AsyncState state = (AsyncState)(ar.AsyncState); int bytes = Socket.Socket.EndReceive(ar); packetizer.QueuePackets(state.buffer, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { byte[] packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); if (obj == null) { Log.Debug("Node", "Null packet received"); continue; } if ((obj is PyObjectData) == false) { Log.Debug("Node", "Non-valid node packet. Dropping"); continue; } PyObjectData item = obj as PyObjectData; if (item.Name == "macho.CallRsp") { PyPacket final = new PyPacket(); if (final.Decode(item) == false) { Log.Error("Node", "Cannot decode packet"); continue; } if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Client) { ConnectionManager.NotifyClient((int)(final.userID), obj); } else if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Node) { ConnectionManager.NotifyNode((int)(final.dest.typeID), obj); } else if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Broadcast) { Log.Error("Node", "Broadcast packets not supported yet"); } // TODO: Handle Broadcast packets } else { Log.Error("Node", string.Format("Wrong packet name: {0}", item.Name)); } } Socket.Socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, 8192, SocketFlags.None, recvAsync, state); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { Log.Debug("Node", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (SocketException) { Log.Debug("Node", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Node", "Caught unhandled exception: " + ex.ToString()); } }
private bool process(string filename, StreamWriter singleWriter) { // Does the file exist? if (!File.Exists(filename)) { addText("File not found: " + filename); // No, fail! return(false); } byte[] data = null; using (var f = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { if (f.Length == 0) { if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.WriteLine("Zero Length file."); } return(true); } data = new byte[f.Length]; f.Read(data, 0, (int)f.Length); f.Close(); } if (data == null) { // No data loaded. return(false); } // Is this a compressed file? if (data[0] == ZlibMarker) { // Yes, decompress it. data = Zlib.Decompress(data); if (data == null) { // Decompress failed. return(false); } } // Is this a proper python serial stream? if (data[0] != HeaderByte) { // No, is this a python file? If yes, ignore it but dont cause an error. if (data[0] == PythonMarker && decompilePython && !imbededPython) { try { Bytecode code = new Bytecode(); code.load(data); string outfile = null; if (code.body != null) { Python.PyString fns = code.body.filename as Python.PyString; if (fns != null) { outfile = fns.str; outfile = outfile.Replace(':', '_'); outfile = outfile.Replace('\\', '-'); outfile = outfile.Replace('/', '-'); } } if (outfile != null) { string pyd = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); pyd += "\\py\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pyd)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pyd); } outfile = pyd + "\\" + outfile + ".txt"; string dump = Python.PrettyPrinter.print(code, true); File.WriteAllText(outfile, dump); } } catch (Exception e) { string err = Path.GetFileName(filename) + Environment.NewLine + "Error: " + e.ToString(); // We, had an error but should still produce some kind of notice in the output. addText(err + Environment.NewLine); if (singleWriter != null) { //// Write the filename. //singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); //// Write the decoded file. //singleWriter.WriteLine("Python Decoder Error."); //singleWriter.WriteLine(err); } else { //File.WriteAllText(filename + ".txt", err); } return(false); } } return(data[0] == PythonMarker); } bool decodeDone = false; try { Unmarshal un = new Unmarshal(); un.analizeInput = analizeInput; PyRep obj = un.Process(data); decodeDone = true; obj = analyse(obj, filename); eveMarshal.PrettyPrinter printer = new eveMarshal.PrettyPrinter(); printer.analizeInput = analizeInput; printer.decompilePython = decompilePython; string decoded = printer.Print(obj); if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.Write(decoded); singleWriter.Flush(); } else { File.WriteAllText(filename + ".txt", decoded); } if (un.unknown.Length > 0) { addText(workingDirectory + Environment.NewLine); addText(un.unknown.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { string err = Path.GetFileName(filename) + Environment.NewLine + "Error: " + e.ToString(); // We, had an error but should still produce some kind of notice in the output. addText(err + Environment.NewLine); if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.WriteLine(decodeDone ? "Printer Error. " : "Decoder Error."); singleWriter.WriteLine(err); } else { File.WriteAllText(filename + ".txt", err); } return(false); } return(true); }
public void Run() { try { SendLowLevelVersionExchange(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); byte[] data = null; int bytes = 0; try { data = new byte[socket.Available]; bytes = socket.Recv(data); } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode != 10035) { throw new DisconnectException(); } } if (bytes == -1) { // Disconnected throw new DisconnectException(); } else if (bytes > 0) { packetizer.QueuePackets(data, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); byte[] packet = null; for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); PyObject res = Process(obj); if (res != null) { Send(res); } } } } } catch (DisconnectException) { Log.Error("Connection", "Connection closed"); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Connection", "Unhandled exception... " + ex.Message); Log.Error("ExceptionHandler", "Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } Program.waiting.Remove(this); if (forClose) { socket.Close(); } }
private bool process(string filename, StreamWriter singleWriter) { // Does the file exist? if (!File.Exists(filename)) { // No, fail! return(false); } byte[] data = null; using (var f = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { if (f.Length == 0) { if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.WriteLine("Zero Length file."); } return(true); } data = new byte[f.Length]; f.Read(data, 0, (int)f.Length); f.Close(); } if (data == null) { // No data loaded. return(false); } // Is this a compressed file? if (data[0] == ZlibMarker) { // Yes, decompress it. data = Zlib.Decompress(data); if (data == null) { // Decompress failed. return(false); } } // Is this a proper python serial stream? if (data[0] != HeaderByte) { // No, is this a python file? If yes, ignore it but dont cause an error. return(data[0] == PythonMarker); } bool decodeDone = false; try { Unmarshal un = new Unmarshal(); PyRep obj = un.Process(data); decodeDone = true; obj = analyse(obj, filename); string decoded = PrettyPrinter.Print(obj); if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.Write(decoded); singleWriter.Flush(); } else { File.WriteAllText(filename + ".txt", decoded); } if (un.unknown.Length > 0) { addText(workingDirectory + Environment.NewLine); addText(un.unknown.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { string err = Path.GetFileName(filename) + Environment.NewLine + "Error: " + e.ToString(); // We, had an error but should still produce some kind of notice in the output. addText(err + Environment.NewLine); if (singleWriter != null) { // Write the filename. singleWriter.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(filename)); // Write the decoded file. singleWriter.WriteLine(decodeDone ? "Printer Error. " : "Decoder Error."); singleWriter.WriteLine(err); } else { File.WriteAllText(filename + ".txt", err); } return(false); } return(true); }
public void ReceiveAuthAsync(IAsyncResult ar) { try { AsyncState state = (AsyncState)(ar.AsyncState); int bytes = Socket.Socket.EndReceive(ar); packetizer.QueuePackets(state.buffer, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { try { byte[] packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); if (obj != null) { PyObject result = TCPHandler.ProcessAuth(obj, this); if (result != null) { Send(result); } if (StageEnded == true) { if (Type == ConnectionType.Node) { recvAsync = new AsyncCallback(ReceiveNodeAsync); } else if (Type == ConnectionType.Client) { recvAsync = new AsyncCallback(ReceiveClientAsync); } // Exit from the loop to keep the packets in the list ;) break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Connection", ex.ToString()); } } // Continue receiving data Socket.Socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, 8192, SocketFlags.None, recvAsync, state); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { Log.Debug("Connection", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (SocketException) { Log.Debug("Connection", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Connection", "Caught unhandled exception: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public void ReceiveClientAsync(IAsyncResult ar) { try { AsyncState state = (AsyncState)(ar.AsyncState); int bytes = Socket.Socket.EndReceive(ar); packetizer.QueuePackets(state.buffer, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { byte[] actual = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(actual); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (obj is PyObjectEx) { // PyException Log.Error("Client", "Got exception from client"); } else { PyPacket packet = new PyPacket(); if (packet.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Client", "Error decoding PyPacket"); } else { if (packet.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Node) { if (packet.source.type != PyAddress.AddrType.Client) { Log.Error("Client", string.Format("Wrong source data, expected client but got {0}", packet.source.type)); } // Notify the node, be careful here, the client will be able to send packets to game clients if (packet.dest.typeID == 0xFFAA) { Log.Warning("Client", "Sending packet to proxy"); ConnectionManager.NotifyNode((int)(packet.dest.typeID), obj); } else { ConnectionManager.NotifyNode((int)(packet.dest.typeID), obj); } } } } } Socket.Socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, 8192, SocketFlags.None, recvAsync, state); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { Log.Debug("Client", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (SocketException) { Log.Debug("Client", "Disconnected"); ConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Client", "Caught unhandled exception: " + ex.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Init("evesharp"); Log.Info("Main", "Starting node..."); Log.Trace("Database", "Connecting to database..."); if (Database.Database.Init() == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot connect to database"); while (true) { ; } } /* * DBRowDescriptor descriptor = new DBRowDescriptor(); * * descriptor.AddColumn("itemID", FieldType.I4); * descriptor.AddColumn("custominfo", FieldType.Str); * * PyPackedRow packed = new PyPackedRow(descriptor); * * packed.SetValue("itemID", new PyInt(500)); * packed.SetValue("custominfo", new PyString("hello world")); * * byte[] marshaled = Marshal.Marshal.Process(packed); * * PyPackedRow unmarshaled = Unmarshal.Process<PyPackedRow>(marshaled); * * Console.WriteLine(PrettyPrinter.Print(unmarshaled)); */ byte[] raw = new byte[] { 1, 0, 55, 1, 22, 33, 0, 33, 25, 33, 14, 0, 0, 25, 45 }; MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(raw); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(output); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter streamWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream); BinaryReader streamReader = new BinaryReader(stream); PyPackedRow.ZeroCompress(reader, output, streamWriter); byte[] compressed = stream.ToArray(); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] uncompress = PyPackedRow.LoadZeroCompressed(streamReader); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); } /* * SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create(); * byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("password")); * char[] strHash = new char[20]; * * for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) * { * strHash[i] = (char)hash[i]; * } * * string str = new string(strHash); * * Database.Database.Query("INSERT INTO account(accountID, accountName, password, role, online, banned)VALUES(NULL, 'Username', '" + str + "', 2, 0, 0);"); */ Log.Info("Main", "Connection to the DB sucessfull"); Log.Trace("Main", "Registering services..."); SvcMgr.AddService(new Services.Network.machoNet()); SvcMgr.AddService(new Services.Network.alert()); SvcMgr.AddService(new Services.CacheSvc.objectCaching()); Log.Info("Main", "Done"); Log.Info("Main", "Connecting to proxy..."); proxyConnection = new TCPSocket(ushort.Parse(proxy[0, 1]), false); if (proxyConnection.Connect(proxy[0, 0]) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot connect to proxy. Halting"); Database.Database.Stop(); while (true) { ; } } Log.Trace("Main", "Server started"); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); try { byte[] data = new byte[proxyConnection.Available]; int bytes = proxyConnection.Recv(data); if (bytes == -1) { // Proxy is closing, shutdown the node break; } else if (bytes > 0) { packetizer.QueuePackets(data, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { byte[] packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); if (obj is PyObjectData) { PyObjectData info = obj as PyObjectData; if (info.Name == "machoNet.nodeInfo") { // Update our local info NodeInfo nodeinfo = new NodeInfo(); if (nodeinfo.Decode(info) == true) { nodeID = nodeinfo.nodeID; SystemManager.LoadSolarSystems(nodeinfo.solarSystems); } } else { // Client packet PyPacket clientpacket = new PyPacket(); if (clientpacket.Decode(info) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Unknown packet"); } else { // Something similar to Async calls new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandlePacket)).Start(clientpacket); } } } else if (obj is PyChecksumedStream) // Checksumed packets { PyPacket clientpacket = new PyPacket(); if (clientpacket.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "Cannot decode packet"); } else { new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandlePacket)).Start(clientpacket); } } else if (obj is PyTuple) { // The only tuple packet is the LowLevelVersionExchange LowLevelVersionExchange ex = new LowLevelVersionExchange(); if (ex.Decode(obj) == false) { Log.Error("Main", "LowLevelVersionExchange error"); } // Reply with the node LowLevelVersionExchange LowLevelVersionExchange reply = new LowLevelVersionExchange(); reply.codename = Common.Constants.Game.codename; reply.birthday = Common.Constants.Game.birthday; =; reply.machoVersion = Common.Constants.Game.machoVersion; reply.version = Common.Constants.Game.version; reply.region = Common.Constants.Game.region; Send(reply.Encode(true)); } else if (obj is PyObjectEx) { Log.Error("PyObjectEx", PrettyPrinter.Print(obj)); } else { Log.Error("Main", PrettyPrinter.Print(obj)); Log.Error("Main", "Unhandled packet type"); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } /* Code to ADD an account: * SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create(); * byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("password")); * char[] strHash = new char[20]; * * for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) * { * strHash[i] = (char)hash[i]; * } * * string str = new string(strHash); * * Database.Database.Query("INSERT INTO account(accountID, accountName, password, role, online, banned)VALUES(NULL, 'Username', '" + str + "', 2, 0, 0);"); */ }
public void Run() { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); try { byte[] data = new byte[socket.Available]; int bytes = socket.Recv(data); if (bytes == -1) { throw new DisconnectException(); } else if (bytes > 0) { packetizer.QueuePackets(data, bytes); int p = packetizer.ProcessPackets(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { byte[] packet = packetizer.PopItem(); PyObject obj = Unmarshal.Process <PyObject>(packet); if (obj.Type == PyObjectType.ObjectData) { Log.Warning("Node", PrettyPrinter.Print(obj)); PyObjectData item = obj as PyObjectData; if (item.Name == "macho.CallRsp") { PyPacket final = new PyPacket(); if (final.Decode(item) == true) { if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Client) { try { ClientManager.NotifyClient((int)final.userID, obj); } catch (Exception) { Log.Error("Node", "Trying to send a packet to a non-existing client"); } } else if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Node) { NodeManager.NotifyNode((int)final.dest.typeID, obj); } else if (final.dest.type == PyAddress.AddrType.Broadcast) { // This should not be coded like this here, but will do the trick for now // TODO: Add a ClientManager ClientManager.NotifyClients(obj); } } } } else { Log.Error("Node", "Unknown type"); } } } } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode != 10035) { break; } } catch (DisconnectException) { Log.Error("Node", "Node " + NodeManager.GetNodeID(this) + " disconnected"); break; } catch (Exception) { } } }