public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile) { ve.MeshRenderer.enabled = false; }
private void CreateBaseMesh(UnityTile tile) { //TODO use arrays instead of lists _newVertexList.Clear(); _newNormalList.Clear(); _newUvList.Clear(); _newTriangleList.Clear(); var cap = (_sampleCount - 1); for (float y = 0; y < cap; y++) { for (float x = 0; x < cap; x++) { var x1 = tile.TileScale * (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.x, tile.Rect.Max.x, x / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.x); var y1 = tile.TileScale * (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.y, tile.Rect.Max.y, y / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.y); var x2 = tile.TileScale * (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.x, tile.Rect.Max.x, (x + 1) / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.x); var y2 = tile.TileScale * (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.y, tile.Rect.Max.y, (y + 1) / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.y); var triStart = _newVertexList.Count; _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y1)); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y1)); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y2)); //-- _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y1)); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y2)); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y2)); _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); //-- _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newNormalList.Add(Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - y / cap)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap)); //-- _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap)); _newTriangleList.Add(triStart); _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 1); _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 2); //-- _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 3); _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 4); _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 5); } } var mesh = tile.MeshFilter.mesh; mesh.SetVertices(_newVertexList); mesh.SetNormals(_newNormalList); mesh.SetUVs(0, _newUvList); mesh.SetTriangles(_newTriangleList, 0); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the non-flat terrain mesh, using a grid by defined resolution (_sampleCount). Vertex order goes right & up. Normals are calculated manually and UV map is fitted/stretched 1-1. /// Any additional scripts or logic, like MeshCollider or setting layer, can be done here. /// </summary> /// <param name="tile"></param> /// <param name="heightMultiplier">Multiplier for queried height value</param> private void GenerateTerrainMesh(UnityTile tile) { tile.MeshFilter.mesh.GetVertices(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices); tile.MeshFilter.mesh.GetNormals(_currentTileMeshData.Normals); var cap = (_sampleCount - 1); for (float y = 0; y < cap; y++) { for (float x = 0; x < cap; x++) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6].x, tile.QueryHeightData(x / cap, 1 - y / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6].z); _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 1] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 1].x, tile.QueryHeightData((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 1].z); _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 2] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 2].x, tile.QueryHeightData(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 2].z); //-- _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3].x, tile.QueryHeightData((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3].z); _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 4] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 4].x, tile.QueryHeightData((x + 1) / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 4].z); _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 5] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 5].x, tile.QueryHeightData(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 5].z); _newDir = Vector3.Cross(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 1] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6], _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 2] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6]); _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 0] = _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 1] = _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 2] = _newDir; //-- _newDir = Vector3.Cross(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 4] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3], _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 5] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3]); _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 3] = _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 4] = _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * cap + x) * 6 + 5] = _newDir; } } FixStitches(tile.UnwrappedTileId, _currentTileMeshData); tile.MeshFilter.mesh.SetVertices(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices); tile.MeshFilter.mesh.SetNormals(_currentTileMeshData.Normals); tile.MeshFilter.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (!_meshData.ContainsKey(tile.UnwrappedTileId)) { _meshData.Add(tile.UnwrappedTileId, tile.MeshFilter.mesh); } }
public override void Run(VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData md, UnityTile tile = null) { if (md.Vertices.Count == 0 || feature == null || feature.Points.Count < 1) { return; } _uv.Clear(); _mdVertexCount = md.Vertices.Count; _size = md.TileRect.Size; if (_options.texturingType != UvMapType.Atlas && _options.texturingType != UvMapType.AtlasWithColorPalette) { for (int i = 0; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _vert = md.Vertices[i]; if ( == StyleTypes.Satellite) { var fromBottomLeft = new Vector2((float)(((_vert.x + md.PositionInTile.x) / tile.TileScale + _size.x / 2) / _size.x), (float)(((_vert.z + md.PositionInTile.z) / tile.TileScale + _size.x / 2) / _size.x)); _uv.Add(fromBottomLeft); } else if (_options.texturingType == UvMapType.Tiled) { _uv.Add(new Vector2(_vert.x, _vert.z)); } } } else if (_options.texturingType == UvMapType.Atlas || _options.texturingType == UvMapType.AtlasWithColorPalette) { _currentFacade = _options.atlasInfo.Roofs[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _options.atlasInfo.Roofs.Count)]; minx = float.MaxValue; miny = float.MaxValue; maxx = float.MinValue; maxy = float.MinValue; _textureUvCoordinates = new Vector2[_mdVertexCount]; _textureDirection = Quaternion.FromToRotation((md.Vertices[0] - md.Vertices[1]), Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Right); _textureUvCoordinates[0] = new Vector2(0, 0); _firstVert = md.Vertices[0]; for (int i = 1; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _vert = md.Vertices[i]; _vertexRelativePos = _vert - _firstVert; _vertexRelativePos = _textureDirection * _vertexRelativePos; _textureUvCoordinates[i] = new Vector2(_vertexRelativePos.x, _vertexRelativePos.z); if (_vertexRelativePos.x < minx) { minx = _vertexRelativePos.x; } if (_vertexRelativePos.x > maxx) { maxx = _vertexRelativePos.x; } if (_vertexRelativePos.z < miny) { miny = _vertexRelativePos.z; } if (_vertexRelativePos.z > maxy) { maxy = _vertexRelativePos.z; } } var width = maxx - minx; var height = maxy - miny; for (int i = 0; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _uv.Add(new Vector2( (((_textureUvCoordinates[i].x - minx) / width) * _currentFacade.TextureRect.width) + _currentFacade.TextureRect.x, (((_textureUvCoordinates[i].y - miny) / height) * _currentFacade.TextureRect.height) + _currentFacade.TextureRect.y)); } } md.UV[0].AddRange(_uv); }
public override void Register(UnityTile tile) { base.Register(tile); _tiles.Add(tile.TileCoordinate, tile); Run(tile); }
//public event Action FeaturePreProcessEvent; //public event Action FeaturePostProcessEvent; public abstract void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile, Action <UnityTile, LayerVisualizerBase> callback = null);
public virtual void OnUnregisterTile(UnityTile tile) { }
public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile) { int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2; var met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos]; IFeaturePropertySettable settable = null; GameObject go = null; if (!allTypes.Contains(ve.Feature.Properties["type"] as string)) { allTypes.Add(ve.Feature.Properties["type"] as string); } if (_objects.ContainsKey(ve.GameObject)) { go = _objects[ve.GameObject]; settable = go.GetComponent <IFeaturePropertySettable>(); if (settable != null) { go = (settable as MonoBehaviour).gameObject; bool usedType = false; for (int i = 0; i < resourceLocationData.Count; i++) { if (resourceLocationData[i].LocTypes.Contains(ve.Feature.Properties["type"] as string)) { //go.GetComponent<MapMarker>().Set(ve.Feature.Properties); go.GetComponent <MapMarker>().Init(ve.Feature.Data.Id, resourceLocationData[i].ResourceType, resourceLocationData[i].Icon, resourceLocationData[i].BackColor); usedType = true; break; } } go.SetActive(usedType && PlacesManager.Instance.CanAddMarker(ve.Feature.Data.Id)); = ve.Feature.Data.Id.ToString(); go.transform.localPosition = met; go.transform.localScale =; //settable.Set(ve.Feature.Properties); if (!_scaleDownWithWorld) { go.transform.localScale = / tile.TileScale; } return; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < resourceLocationData.Count; i++) { if (resourceLocationData[i].LocTypes.Contains(ve.Feature.Properties["type"] as string)) { go = Instantiate(MarkerPrefab); //go.GetComponent<MapMarker>().Set(ve.Feature.Properties); go.GetComponent <MapMarker>().Init(ve.Feature.Data.Id, resourceLocationData[i].ResourceType, resourceLocationData[i].Icon, resourceLocationData[i].BackColor); _objects.Add(ve.GameObject, go); break; } } } if (go != null && go.activeSelf) { go.SetActive(PlacesManager.Instance.CanAddMarker(ve.Feature.Data.Id)); = ve.Feature.Data.Id.ToString(); go.transform.position = met; go.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false); go.transform.localScale =; /*settable = go.GetComponent<IFeaturePropertySettable>(); * if (settable != null) * { * settable.Set(ve.Feature.Properties); * }*/ if (!_scaleDownWithWorld) { go.transform.localScale = / tile.TileScale; } } }
public override GameObject Execute(UnityTile tile, VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData meshData, GameObject parent = null, string type = "") { _counter = feature.Points.Count; _secondCounter = 0; if (moveFeaturePositionTo != PositionTargetType.TileCenter) { _tempPoint = Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; if (moveFeaturePositionTo == PositionTargetType.FirstVertex) { _tempPoint = feature.Points[0][0]; } else if (moveFeaturePositionTo == PositionTargetType.CenterOfVertices) { //this is not precisely the center because of the duplicates (first/last vertex) but close to center _tempPoint = feature.Points[0][0]; vertexIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _secondCounter = feature.Points[i].Count; for (int j = 0; j < _secondCounter; j++) { _tempPoint += feature.Points[i][j]; vertexIndex++; } } _tempPoint /= vertexIndex; } for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _secondCounter = feature.Points[i].Count; for (int j = 0; j < _secondCounter; j++) { feature.Points[i][j] = new Vector3(feature.Points[i][j].x - _tempPoint.x, 0, feature.Points[i][j].z - _tempPoint.z); } } meshData.PositionInTile = _tempPoint; } meshData.PositionInTile = _tempPoint; _counter = MeshModifiers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { if (MeshModifiers[i] != null && MeshModifiers[i].Active) { MeshModifiers[i].Run(feature, meshData, tile); } } _tempVectorEntity = _pool.GetObject(); // It is possible that we changed scenes in the middle of map generation. // This object can be null as a result of Unity cleaning up game objects in the scene. // Let's bail if we don't have our object. if (_tempVectorEntity.GameObject == null) { return(null); } _tempVectorEntity.GameObject.SetActive(true); _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.Clear(); _tempVectorEntity.Feature = feature; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (feature.Data != null) { = type + " - " + feature.Data.Id; } else { = type; } #endif _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.subMeshCount = meshData.Triangles.Count; _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetVertices(meshData.Vertices); _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetNormals(meshData.Normals); if (meshData.Tangents.Count > 0) { _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetTangents(meshData.Tangents); } _counter = meshData.Triangles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetTriangles(meshData.Triangles[i], i); } _counter = meshData.UV.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetUVs(i, meshData.UV[i]); } _tempVectorEntity.Transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false); if (!_activeObjects.ContainsKey(tile)) { _activeObjects.Add(tile, _listPool.GetObject()); } _activeObjects[tile].Add(_tempVectorEntity); _tempVectorEntity.Transform.localPosition = meshData.PositionInTile; _counter = GoModifiers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { if (GoModifiers[i].Active) { GoModifiers[i].Run(_tempVectorEntity, tile); } } return(_tempVectorEntity.GameObject); }
public override void Run(FeatureBehaviour fb, UnityTile tile) { var ts = fb.gameObject.AddComponent <TextureSelector>(); ts.Initialize(fb, _textureTop, _useSatelliteTexture, _topMaterials, _textureSides, _sideMaterials); }
//BRNKHY there has to be a better way to do this private void FixStitches(UnityTile tile) { var tmesh = tile.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var left = new Vector2(tile.TileCoordinate.x - 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(left) && _tiles[left].HeightData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[left].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var verts = tmesh.vertices; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { verts[i].Set(verts[i].x, t2mesh.vertices[verts.Length - sampleCount + i].y, verts[i].z); } tmesh.vertices = verts; } var right = new Vector2(tile.TileCoordinate.x + 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(right) && _tiles[right].HeightData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[right].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var verts = tmesh.vertices; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { verts[verts.Length - sampleCount + i].Set(verts[verts.Length - sampleCount + i].x, t2mesh.vertices[i].y, verts[verts.Length - sampleCount + i].z); } tmesh.vertices = verts; } var up = new Vector2(tile.TileCoordinate.x, tile.TileCoordinate.y - 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(up) && _tiles[up].HeightData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[up].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var verts = tmesh.vertices; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { verts[i * sampleCount].Set(verts[i * sampleCount].x, t2mesh.vertices[i * sampleCount + sampleCount - 1].y, verts[i * sampleCount].z); } tmesh.vertices = verts; } var down = new Vector2(tile.TileCoordinate.x, tile.TileCoordinate.y + 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(down) && _tiles[down].HeightData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[down].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var verts = tmesh.vertices; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { verts[i * sampleCount + sampleCount - 1].Set(verts[i * sampleCount + sampleCount - 1].x, t2mesh.vertices[i * sampleCount].y, verts[i * sampleCount + sampleCount - 1].z); } tmesh.vertices = verts; } tmesh.RecalculateNormals(); }
public virtual void DataErrorOccurred(UnityTile tile, TileErrorEventArgs e) { }
public virtual void PostProcessTile(UnityTile tile) { }
public virtual void RegisterTile(UnityTile tile) { }
public GameObject End(UnityTile tile, GameObject parent, string name = "") { var c2 = 0; if (_cached.ContainsKey(tile)) { _tempMeshData.Clear(); //concat mesh data into _tempMeshData _counter = _cached[tile].Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _temp2MeshData = _cached[tile][i]; if (_temp2MeshData.Vertices.Count <= 3) { continue; } var st = _tempMeshData.Vertices.Count; _tempMeshData.Vertices.AddRange(_temp2MeshData.Vertices); _tempMeshData.Normals.AddRange(_temp2MeshData.Normals); c2 = _temp2MeshData.UV.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c2; j++) { if (_tempMeshData.UV.Count <= j) { _tempMeshData.UV.Add(new List <Vector2>(_temp2MeshData.UV[j].Count)); } } c2 = _temp2MeshData.UV.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c2; j++) { _tempMeshData.UV[j].AddRange(_temp2MeshData.UV[j]); } c2 = _temp2MeshData.Triangles.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c2; j++) { if (_tempMeshData.Triangles.Count <= j) { _tempMeshData.Triangles.Add(new List <int>(_temp2MeshData.Triangles[j].Count)); } } for (int j = 0; j < c2; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < _temp2MeshData.Triangles[j].Count; k++) { _tempMeshData.Triangles[j].Add(_temp2MeshData.Triangles[j][k] + st); } } } //update pooled vector entity with new data if (_tempMeshData.Vertices.Count > 3) { _cached[tile].Clear(); _cacheVertexCount[tile] = 0; _tempVectorEntity = null; _tempVectorEntity = _pool.GetObject(); _tempVectorEntity.GameObject.SetActive(true); _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.Clear(); = name; _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.subMeshCount = _tempMeshData.Triangles.Count; _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetVertices(_tempMeshData.Vertices); _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetNormals(_tempMeshData.Normals); _counter = _tempMeshData.Triangles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetTriangles(_tempMeshData.Triangles[i], i); } _counter = _tempMeshData.UV.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { _tempVectorEntity.Mesh.SetUVs(i, _tempMeshData.UV[i]); } _tempVectorEntity.GameObject.transform.SetParent(tile.transform, false); if (!_activeObjects.ContainsKey(tile)) { _activeObjects.Add(tile, _listPool.GetObject()); } _activeObjects[tile].Add(_tempVectorEntity); _counter = GoModifiers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++) { if (GoModifiers[i].Active) { GoModifiers[i].Run(_tempVectorEntity, tile); } } return(_tempVectorEntity.GameObject); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the non-flat terrain mesh, using a grid by defined resolution (_sampleCount). Vertex order goes right & up. Normals are calculated manually and UV map is fitted/stretched 1-1. /// Any additional scripts or logic, like MeshCollider or setting layer, can be done here. /// </summary> /// <param name="tile"></param> // <param name="heightMultiplier">Multiplier for queried height value</param> private void GenerateTerrainMesh(UnityTile tile) { tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.GetVertices(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices); tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.GetNormals(_currentTileMeshData.Normals); var _sampleCount = _elevationOptions.modificationOptions.sampleCount; int sideStart = _sampleCount * _sampleCount; for (float y = 0; y < _sampleCount; y++) { for (float x = 0; x < _sampleCount; x++) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)] = new Vector3( _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)].x, tile.QueryHeightData(x / (_sampleCount - 1), 1 - y / (_sampleCount - 1)), _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)].z); _currentTileMeshData.Normals[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)] = Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; if (y == 0) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(sideStart + 8 * x)] = _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)]; } else if (y == _sampleCount - 1) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(sideStart + 8 * x + 6)] = _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)]; } if (x == 0) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(sideStart + 8 * y + 2)] = _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)]; } else if (x == _sampleCount - 1) { _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(sideStart + 8 * y + 4)] = _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[(int)(y * _sampleCount + x)]; } } } tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.SetVertices(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices); for (int y = 0; y < _sampleCount - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < _sampleCount - 1; x++) { _vertA = (y * _sampleCount) + x; _vertB = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount + 1; _vertC = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount; _newDir = Vector3.Cross(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertB] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertA], _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertC] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertA]); _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertA] += _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertB] += _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertC] += _newDir; _vertA = (y * _sampleCount) + x; _vertB = (y * _sampleCount) + x + 1; _vertC = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount + 1; _newDir = Vector3.Cross(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertB] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertA], _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertC] - _currentTileMeshData.Vertices[_vertA]); _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertA] += _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertB] += _newDir; _currentTileMeshData.Normals[_vertC] += _newDir; } } FixStitches(tile.UnwrappedTileId, _currentTileMeshData); tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.SetNormals(_currentTileMeshData.Normals); tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.SetVertices(_currentTileMeshData.Vertices); tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (!_meshData.ContainsKey(tile.UnwrappedTileId)) { _meshData.Add(tile.UnwrappedTileId, tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh); } if (_elevationOptions.colliderOptions.addCollider) { var meshCollider = tile.Collider as MeshCollider; if (meshCollider) { meshCollider.sharedMesh = tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh; } } }
protected override void OnPostProcess(UnityTile tile) { }
public override void DataErrorOccurred(UnityTile t, TileErrorEventArgs e) { ResetToFlatMesh(t); }
public void UnregisterTile(UnityTile tile) { OnUnregisterTile(tile); }
private void CreateBaseMesh(UnityTile tile) { //TODO use arrays instead of lists _newVertexList.Clear(); _newNormalList.Clear(); _newUvList.Clear(); _newTriangleList.Clear(); var _sampleCount = _elevationOptions.modificationOptions.sampleCount; for (float y = 0; y < _sampleCount; y++) { var yrat = y / (_sampleCount - 1); for (float x = 0; x < _sampleCount; x++) { var xrat = x / (_sampleCount - 1); var xx = Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.x, tile.Rect.Max.x, xrat); var yy = Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.y, tile.Rect.Max.y, yrat); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3( (float)(xx - tile.Rect.Center.x) * tile.TileScale, 0, (float)(yy - tile.Rect.Center.y) * tile.TileScale)); _newNormalList.Add(Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Up); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x * 1f / (_sampleCount - 1), 1 - (y * 1f / (_sampleCount - 1)))); } } int vertA, vertB, vertC; for (int y = 0; y < _sampleCount - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < _sampleCount - 1; x++) { vertA = (y * _sampleCount) + x; vertB = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount + 1; vertC = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount; _newTriangleList.Add(vertA); _newTriangleList.Add(vertB); _newTriangleList.Add(vertC); vertA = (y * _sampleCount) + x; vertB = (y * _sampleCount) + x + 1; vertC = (y * _sampleCount) + x + _sampleCount + 1; _newTriangleList.Add(vertA); _newTriangleList.Add(vertB); _newTriangleList.Add(vertC); } } var sideVertBase = _newVertexList.Count; var lastRow = (_sampleCount - 1) * _sampleCount; var baseTriList = new List <int>(); for (int x = 0; x < _sampleCount; x++) { //side wall //024 //135 _newVertexList.Add(_newVertexList[x]); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3( _newVertexList[x].x, -_elevationOptions.sideWallOptions.wallHeight, _newVertexList[x].z)); _newNormalList.Add(Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Forward); _newNormalList.Add(Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Forward); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 1)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 0)); //--- _newVertexList.Add(_newVertexList[x * _sampleCount]); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3( _newVertexList[x * _sampleCount].x, -_elevationOptions.sideWallOptions.wallHeight, _newVertexList[x * _sampleCount].z)); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.left); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.left); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 1)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 0)); //--- _newVertexList.Add(_newVertexList[(x + 1) * _sampleCount - 1]); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3( _newVertexList[(x + 1) * _sampleCount - 1].x, -_elevationOptions.sideWallOptions.wallHeight, _newVertexList[(x + 1) * _sampleCount - 1].z)); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.right); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.right); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 1)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 0)); //--- _newVertexList.Add(_newVertexList[lastRow + x]); _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3( _newVertexList[lastRow + x].x, -_elevationOptions.sideWallOptions.wallHeight, _newVertexList[lastRow + x].z)); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.back); _newNormalList.Add(Vector3.back); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 1)); _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(_newUvList[x * _sampleCount].y, 0)); if (x > 0) { baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 1); //--- baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 2); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 2); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 2); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 2); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 1 + 2); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 2); //--- baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 4); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 4); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 4); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 4); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 4); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 1 + 4); //--- baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 6); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 6); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 6); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 6); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x + 1 + 6); baseTriList.Add(sideVertBase + 8 * x - 8 + 1 + 6); } } var mesh = tile.MeshFilter.sharedMesh; mesh.SetVertices(_newVertexList); mesh.SetNormals(_newNormalList); mesh.SetUVs(0, _newUvList); mesh.subMeshCount = 2; mesh.SetTriangles(_newTriangleList, 0); mesh.SetTriangles(baseTriList, 1); }
public override void UnregisterTile(UnityTile tile) { _meshData.Remove(tile.UnwrappedTileId); }
public virtual void Run(VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData md, UnityTile tile = null) { }
public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile) { var ts = ve.GameObject.AddComponent <TextureSelector>(); ts.Initialize(ve, _textureTop, _useSatelliteTexture, _topMaterials, _textureSides, _sideMaterials); }
public override void Run(VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData md, UnityTile tile = null) { if (feature.Points.Count < 1) { return; } foreach (var roadSegment in feature.Points) { var count = roadSegment.Count; for (int i = 1; i < count * 2; i++) { md.Edges.Add(md.Vertices.Count + i); md.Edges.Add(md.Vertices.Count + i - 1); } md.Edges.Add(md.Vertices.Count); md.Edges.Add(md.Vertices.Count + (count * 2) - 1); var newVerticeList = new Vector3[count * 2]; var uvList = new Vector2[count * 2]; Vector3 norm; var lastUv = 0f; var p1 = Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; var p2 = Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; var p3 = Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { p1 = roadSegment[i - 1]; p2 = roadSegment[i]; p3 = p2; if (i + 1 < roadSegment.Count) { p3 = roadSegment[i + 1]; } if (i == 1) { norm = GetNormal(p1, p1, p2) * Width; //road width newVerticeList[0] = (p1 + norm); newVerticeList[count * 2 - 1] = (p1 - norm); uvList[0] = new Vector2(0, 0); uvList[count * 2 - 1] = new Vector2(1, 0); } var dist = Vector3.Distance(p1, p2); lastUv += dist; norm = GetNormal(p1, p2, p3) * Width; newVerticeList[i] = (p2 + norm); newVerticeList[2 * count - 1 - i] = (p2 - norm); uvList[i] = new Vector2(0, lastUv); uvList[2 * count - 1 - i] = new Vector2(1, lastUv); } //if (_mergeStartEnd) //{ // //brnkhy -2 because first and last items are same // p1 = segment[count - 2]; // p2 = segment[0]; // p3 = segment[1]; // norm = GetNormal(p1, p2, p3) * Width; // newVerticeList[count - 1] = p2 + norm; // newVerticeList[0] = p2 + norm; // newVerticeList[count] = p2 - norm; // newVerticeList[2 * count - 1] = p2 - norm; //} var pcount = md.Vertices.Count; md.Vertices.AddRange(newVerticeList); md.UV[0].AddRange(uvList); var lineTri = new List <int>(); var n = count; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { lineTri.Add(pcount + i); lineTri.Add(pcount + i + 1); lineTri.Add(pcount + 2 * n - 1 - i); lineTri.Add(pcount + i + 1); lineTri.Add(pcount + 2 * n - i - 2); lineTri.Add(pcount + 2 * n - i - 1); } if (md.Triangles.Count < 1) { md.Triangles.Add(new List <int>()); } md.Triangles[0].AddRange(lineTri); } }
protected abstract void PlaceTile(UnwrappedTileId tileId, UnityTile tile, IMapReadable map);
public override void Run(VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData md, UnityTile tile = null) { if (md.Vertices.Count == 0 || feature == null || feature.Points.Count < 1) { return; } if (tile != null) { _scale = tile.TileScale; } //facade texture to decorate this building _currentFacade = _options.atlasInfo.Textures[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _options.atlasInfo.Textures.Count)]; //rect is a struct so we're caching this _currentTextureRect = _currentFacade.TextureRect; //this can be moved to initialize or in an if clause if you're sure all your tiles will be same level/scale _singleFloorHeight = (tile.TileScale * _currentFacade.FloorHeight) / _currentFacade.MidFloorCount; _scaledFirstFloorHeight = tile.TileScale * _currentFacade.FirstFloorHeight; _scaledTopFloorHeight = tile.TileScale * _currentFacade.TopFloorHeight; _scaledPreferredWallLength = tile.TileScale * _currentFacade.PreferredEdgeSectionLength; _scaledFloorHeight = _scaledPreferredWallLength * _currentFacade.WallToFloorRatio; _singleColumnLength = _scaledPreferredWallLength / _currentFacade.ColumnCount; //read or force height float maxHeight = 1, minHeight = 0; //query height and push polygon up to create roof //can we do this vice versa and create roof at last? QueryHeight(feature, md, tile, out maxHeight, out minHeight); maxHeight = maxHeight * _options.extrusionScaleFactor * _scale; minHeight = minHeight * _options.extrusionScaleFactor * _scale; height = (maxHeight - minHeight); GenerateRoofMesh(md, minHeight, maxHeight); if (_options.extrusionGeometryType != ExtrusionGeometryType.RoofOnly) { //limiting section heights, first floor gets priority, then we draw top floor, then mid if we still have space finalFirstHeight = Mathf.Min(height, _scaledFirstFloorHeight); finalTopHeight = (height - finalFirstHeight) < _scaledTopFloorHeight ? 0 : _scaledTopFloorHeight; finalMidHeight = Mathf.Max(0, height - (finalFirstHeight + finalTopHeight)); //scaledFloorHeight = midHeight / floorCount; wallTriangles = new List <int>(); //cuts long edges into smaller ones using PreferredEdgeSectionLength currentWallLength = 0; start = Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; wallSegmentDirection = Constants.Math.Vector3Zero; finalLeftOverRowHeight = 0f; if (finalMidHeight > 0) { finalLeftOverRowHeight = finalMidHeight; finalLeftOverRowHeight = finalLeftOverRowHeight % _singleFloorHeight; finalMidHeight -= finalLeftOverRowHeight; } else { finalLeftOverRowHeight = finalTopHeight; } for (int i = 0; i < md.Edges.Count; i += 2) { var v1 = md.Vertices[md.Edges[i]]; var v2 = md.Vertices[md.Edges[i + 1]]; wallDirection = v2 - v1; currentWallLength = Vector3.Distance(v1, v2); _leftOverColumnLength = currentWallLength % _singleColumnLength; start = v1; wallSegmentDirection = (v2 - v1).normalized; //half of leftover column (if _centerSegments ofc) at the begining if (_centerSegments && currentWallLength > _singleColumnLength) { //save left,right vertices and wall length wallSegmentFirstVertex = start; wallSegmentLength = (_leftOverColumnLength / 2); start += wallSegmentDirection * wallSegmentLength; wallSegmentSecondVertex = start; _leftOverColumnLength = _leftOverColumnLength / 2; CreateWall(md); } while (currentWallLength > _singleColumnLength) { wallSegmentFirstVertex = start; //columns fitting wall / max column we have in texture var stepRatio = (float)Math.Min(_currentFacade.ColumnCount, Math.Floor(currentWallLength / _singleColumnLength)) / _currentFacade.ColumnCount; wallSegmentLength = stepRatio * _scaledPreferredWallLength; start += wallSegmentDirection * wallSegmentLength; wallSegmentSecondVertex = start; currentWallLength -= (stepRatio * _scaledPreferredWallLength); CreateWall(md); } //left over column at the end if (_leftOverColumnLength > 0) { wallSegmentFirstVertex = start; wallSegmentSecondVertex = v2; wallSegmentLength = _leftOverColumnLength; CreateWall(md); } } //this first loop is for columns if (_separateSubmesh) { md.Triangles.Add(wallTriangles); } else { md.Triangles.Capacity = md.Triangles.Count + wallTriangles.Count; md.Triangles[0].AddRange(wallTriangles); } } }
internal override void OnUnregistered(UnityTile tile) { _meshData.Remove(tile.UnwrappedTileId); }
public TileProcessFinishedEventArgs(AbstractTileFactory vectorTileFactory, UnityTile tile) { Factory = vectorTileFactory; Tile = tile; }
private void CalculateEdgeList(MeshData md, UnityTile tile, float preferredEdgeSectionLength) { }
/// <summary> /// Checkes all neighbours of the given tile and stitches the edges to achieve a smooth mesh surface. /// </summary> /// <param name="tile"></param> /// <param name="tmesh"></param> private void FixStitches(UnityTile tile, MeshData tmesh) { _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x, tile.TileCoordinate.y - 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++) { //just snapping the y because vertex pos is relative and we'll have to do tile pos + vertex pos for x&z otherwise tmesh.Vertices[i] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[i].x, t2mesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].y, tmesh.Vertices[i].z); tmesh.Normals[i] = new Vector3(t2mesh.Normals[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].x, t2mesh.Normals[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].y, t2mesh.Normals[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].z); } } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x, tile.TileCoordinate.y + 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++) { tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].x, t2mesh.Vertices[i].y, tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i].z); tmesh.Normals[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount + i] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[i].x, t2mesh.Normals[i].y, t2mesh.Normals[i].z); } } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x - 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++) { tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount].x, t2mesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].y, tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount].z); tmesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].x, t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].y, t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].z); } } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x + 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++) { tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].x, t2mesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount].y, tmesh.Vertices[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1].z); tmesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount + _sampleCount - 1] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount].x, t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount].y, t2mesh.Normals[i * _sampleCount].z); } } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x - 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y - 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; tmesh.Vertices[0] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[0].x, t2mesh.Vertices[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].y, tmesh.Vertices[0].z); tmesh.Normals[0] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].x, t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].y, t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].z); } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x + 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y - 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; tmesh.Vertices[_sampleCount - 1] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[_sampleCount - 1].x, t2mesh.Vertices[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].y, tmesh.Vertices[_sampleCount - 1].z); tmesh.Normals[_sampleCount - 1] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].x, t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].y, t2mesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].z); } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x - 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y + 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].x, t2mesh.Vertices[_sampleCount - 1].y, tmesh.Vertices[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount].z); tmesh.Normals[tmesh.Vertices.Count - _sampleCount] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[_sampleCount - 1].x, t2mesh.Normals[_sampleCount - 1].y, t2mesh.Normals[_sampleCount - 1].z); } _stitchTarget.Set(tile.TileCoordinate.x + 1, tile.TileCoordinate.y + 1); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(_stitchTarget) && _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData != null) { var t2mesh = _tiles[_stitchTarget].MeshData; tmesh.Vertices[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1] = new Vector3( tmesh.Vertices[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].x, t2mesh.Vertices[0].y, tmesh.Vertices[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1].z); tmesh.Normals[t2mesh.Vertices.Count - 1] = new Vector3( t2mesh.Normals[0].x, t2mesh.Normals[0].y, t2mesh.Normals[0].z); } }