protected virtual void OnPuppeteerDeactivate() { puppetState = PuppetStates.Inactive; SetAnimatorControllerActive(false); onPuppeteerDeactivate.SafeInvoke(); }
public void Activate(UIPanel panel, UIType type = UIType.NormalView, Action callBack = null) { //if (mPanelStack.Count > 0 && panel.GetInstanceID() == mPanelStack.Last().mPanel.GetInstanceID()) // return; //early exit if trying to activate the same panel again //commented since the user should be able to activate the same panel again switch (type) { case UIType.NormalView: { if (mPanelStack.Count > 0 && mPanelStack.Last().mType != UIType.BaseView) //excluding the base view { mPanelStack.Last().mPanel.DeactivatePanel(); } break; } case UIType.StackedView: { break; } case UIType.BaseView: { OnLandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); LandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); break; } } Debug.Log("Activating a " + type + " Panel: " +; //debug purpose _currentUI.mPanel = panel; _currentUI.mType = type; if (mPanelStack.Contains(new ViewInformation(panel, type))) { mPanelStack.Remove(new ViewInformation(panel, type)); } mPanelStack.AddLast(new ViewInformation(panel, type)); panel.ActivatePanel(); callBack.SafeInvoke(); }
public void PressBackToPause() { if (CanPause) { //note: implemented as unity action, connect it on the editor OnPause.SafeInvoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the stopwatch. Does not reset the current value /// </summary> public virtual void StartStopwatch() { if (IsStopwatchRunning) { return; } stopwatchCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StopwatchFunctionality()); OnStopwatchStarted.SafeInvoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Stops the timer /// </summary> public virtual void StopTimer() { if (!IsTimerRunning) { return; } StopCoroutine(timerCoroutine); timerCoroutine = null; OnTimerStopped.SafeInvoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Stops the stopwatchs. Does not reset the current value /// </summary> public virtual void StopStopwatch() { if (!IsStopwatchRunning) { return; } StopCoroutine(stopwatchCoroutine); stopwatchCoroutine = null; OnStopwatchStopped.SafeInvoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Logic for the timer /// </summary> /// <param name="Duration">How long the timer should run for</param> /// <returns>Enumerator</returns> protected virtual IEnumerator TimerFunctionality(float Duration) { if (UseWaitSecondsRealTime) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(Duration)); } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Duration)); } OnTimerElapsed.SafeInvoke(); timerCoroutine = null; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetAxis(AxisName) == 0f) { OnAxisZeroed.SafeInvoke(); } else if (Input.GetAxis(AxisName) > 0f) { OnAxisPositive.SafeInvoke(); } else if (Input.GetAxis(AxisName) < 0f) { OnAxisNegative.SafeInvoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// Resets the stopwatch value /// </summary> /// <param name="StartIfNotRunning">True to start the stopwatch if it isn't currently running</param> public virtual void ResetStopwatch(bool StartIfNotRunning = true) { secondsPassed = 0f; if (!IsStopwatchRunning && StartIfNotRunning) { StartStopwatch(); } else { OnStopwatchRestarted.SafeInvoke(); } OnIntervalElapsed.SafeInvoke(secondsPassed); }
void Update() { if (transform.parent.childCount > _oldChildCount) { SetSiblingIndex(); } if (transform.hasChanged) { if (EnableEvent) { OnTransformChanged.SafeInvoke(); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonUp(ButtonName)) { OnButtonPress.SafeInvoke(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(ButtonName)) { OnButtonDown.SafeInvoke(); } if (Input.GetButton(ButtonName)) { OnButtonHeld.SafeInvoke(); } }
void OnEnable() { if (Toggle) { Toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener((isOn) => { if (isOn) { OnToggleOn.SafeInvoke(); } else { OnToggleOff.SafeInvoke(); } }); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the timer /// </summary> /// <param name="ResetIfRunning">True to reset the timer if it's currently running, false to ignore this call</param> public virtual void StartTimer(bool ResetIfRunning = false) { if (IsTimerRunning) { if (ResetIfRunning) { StopTimer(); } else { return; } } timerCoroutine = StartCoroutine(TimerFunctionality(Duration)); OnTimerStarted.SafeInvoke(); }
protected virtual void OnPuppeteerActivate() { // Wait to set active on next frame, so we don't take in the input for the current frame // (e.g. the input for switching to Puppeteer mode) and call PlayerStickerEffect() on same frame. StartCoroutine(WaitNextFrameSwitchState()); IEnumerator WaitNextFrameSwitchState() { yield return(null); puppetState = PuppetStates.Active; SetAnimatorControllerActive(true); onPuppeteerActivate.SafeInvoke(); } }
public virtual void DeactivatePanel(bool ignoreUnityTimeScale = true) { CacheUiPanels(); DOTween.Kill(name + "@" + GetInstanceID() + "Activate"); DeactivateCount++; HideAnimation().OnStart(() => { DeactivateControl(); if (!InvokeEventsOnInitialCall && DeactivateCount <= 1) { return; } //system action CallBackOnReadyToDeactivate.SafeInvoke(); //unity action OnReadyToDeactivate.SafeInvoke(); }).OnComplete(() => { IsVisible = false; if (DisableOnBack) { this.Deactivate(); } if (DestroyOnBack) { Destroy(gameObject); } if (!InvokeEventsOnInitialCall && DeactivateCount <= 1) { return; } //system action CallBackOnDeactivate.SafeInvoke(); //unity Action OnDeactivate.SafeInvoke(); }).SetId(name + "@" + GetInstanceID() + "Deactivate").SetUpdate(ignoreUnityTimeScale); }
public virtual void ActivatePanel(bool ignoreUnityTimeScale = true) { if (gameObject) { gameObject.Activate(); } CacheUiPanels(); DOTween.Kill(name + "@" + GetInstanceID() + "Deactivate"); ActivateCount++; ShowAnimation().OnStart(() => { if (!InvokeEventsOnInitialCall && ActivateCount <= 1) { return; } //system Action CallBackOnReadyToActivate.SafeInvoke(); //unity action OnReadyToActivate.SafeInvoke(); }) .OnComplete(() => { IsVisible = true; ActivateControl(); if (!InvokeEventsOnInitialCall && ActivateCount <= 1) { return; } //system Action CallBackOnActivate.SafeInvoke(); //unity action OnActivate.SafeInvoke(); }).SetId(name + "@" + GetInstanceID() + "Activate").SetUpdate(ignoreUnityTimeScale); }
protected override void OnLevelLoaded(Scene scene) { base.OnLevelLoaded(scene); _canvas = GetComponent <Canvas>(); if (_canvas) { _canvas.worldCamera = Camera.main; } if (ActivateInScenes != null && ActivateInScenes.Any() && ActivateInScenes.Contains(x => x.GetDescription().Equals( { gameObject.Activate(); //refresh contents OnActivated.SafeInvoke(); OnActivatedEvent.SafeInvoke(); } else { gameObject.Deactivate(); } }
public void Back() { _lastClosedPanel = null; if (mPanelStack.Count <= 0) { PressedBackOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); OnPressBackOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); return; } var panelInfo = mPanelStack.Last(); //only process back if the gameObject is active if (!panelInfo.mPanel.isActiveAndEnabled) { return; } switch (panelInfo.mType) { case UIType.NormalView: { Debug.Log("Deactivated A NormalView Panel: " + mPanelStack.Last(); mPanelStack.Last().mPanel.DeactivatePanel(); _lastClosedPanel = mPanelStack.Last(); mPanelStack.RemoveLast(); if (mPanelStack.Count > 0) { var peekPanel = mPanelStack.Last(); //.mPanel.ActivatePanel(); peekPanel.mPanel.ActivatePanel(); if (peekPanel.mType == UIType.BaseView && mPanelStack.Count == 1) { OnLandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); LandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); } //debug purpose _currentUI.mPanel = peekPanel.mPanel; _currentUI.mType = peekPanel.mType; } else { //debug purpose _currentUI.mPanel = null; _currentUI.mType = 0; } break; } case UIType.StackedView: { Debug.Log("Deactivated a StackedView Panel: " + mPanelStack.Last(); mPanelStack.Last().mPanel.DeactivatePanel(); _lastClosedPanel = mPanelStack.Last(); mPanelStack.RemoveLast(); if (mPanelStack.Count == 1) { OnLandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); LandedOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); } //debug purpose var peekPanel = mPanelStack.Last(); _currentUI.mPanel = peekPanel.mPanel; _currentUI.mType = peekPanel.mType; break; } case UIType.BaseView: { Debug.Log("Landed Base View"); ShowBaseView(); PressedBackOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); OnPressBackOnLastPanel.SafeInvoke(); break; } } OnPressBack.SafeInvoke(); PressBack.SafeInvoke(); }
public virtual void Interact() { InteractionResponse.SafeInvoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles invoking the collision response for children /// </summary> protected virtual void InvokeResponse() { CollisionResponse.SafeInvoke(); }
private void OnDisable() { uEventOnDisable.SafeInvoke(); }
protected override void OnDeactivate() { DeactivationResponse.SafeInvoke(); }