private void HandleHMDWearing() { EDeviceActivityLevel level = OpenVR.System.GetTrackedDeviceActivityLevel(0); switch (level) { case EDeviceActivityLevel.k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Unknown: case EDeviceActivityLevel.k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle: case EDeviceActivityLevel.k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle_Timeout: case EDeviceActivityLevel.k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Standby: if (!isWearingHeadset) { break; } isWearingHeadset = false; onHeadsetStateChanged.Invoke(false); break; case EDeviceActivityLevel.k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction: if (isWearingHeadset) { break; } isWearingHeadset = true; onHeadsetStateChanged.Invoke(true); break; } }
public void CheckInteraction(Collider collider) { if (collider) { var old = target; if (collider.TryGetComponent(out target) && target.enabled) { if (old && old != target) { old.SetFocus(false); } if (old != target) { target.SetFocus(true); onCanInteract.Invoke(true); } } else { ClearTarget(); } } else { ClearTarget(); } }
public override void Start() { if (ThrowEventOnStart) { OnValueChangedEvent.Invoke(Toggled); OnValueChanged?.Invoke(Toggled); } }
public override void Start() { if (ThrowEventOnStart) { OnValueChangedEvent.Invoke(CurrentValue); OnValueChanged?.Invoke(CurrentValue); } }
public void GetObjectByComponent(Component component) { if (!component.TryGetComponent(out pickupable)) { return; } SetListeners(true); onHolding.Invoke(true); Pickup(pickupable.transform); }
public void Select(bool instant = false, bool silent = false) { isSelected = true; CUIActionHandler.Activate(actionsOnActivated, instant); if (!silent) { onToggled?.Invoke(true); } }
private void OnGameStateHandler(GameStateMessage gameStateMessage) { if (gameStateMessage.GameState.Equals(GameState)) { OnStateEvent.Invoke(true); } else { OnStateEvent.Invoke(false); } }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { if (isHovering) { return; } isHovering = true; onHovered?.Invoke(true); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the zoom state. /// </summary> /// <param name="zoom">Should the camera zoon?</param> private void SetZoom(bool zoom) { if (zoom == m_Zoom) { return; } m_Zoom = zoom; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ZoomState)) { StateManager.SetState(m_GameObject, m_ZoomState, m_Zoom); StateManager.SetState(m_Character, m_ZoomState, m_Zoom); if (m_CharacterInventory != null && m_StateAppendItemIdentifierName) { for (int i = 0; i < m_CharacterInventory.SlotCount; ++i) { var item = m_CharacterInventory.GetActiveItem(i); if (item != null && item.IsActive()) { var itemStateName = m_ZoomState +; StateManager.SetState(m_GameObject, itemStateName, m_Zoom); StateManager.SetState(m_Character, itemStateName, m_Zoom); } } } } EventHandler.ExecuteEvent <bool>(m_Character, "OnCameraZoom", m_Zoom); if (m_OnZoomEvent != null) { m_OnZoomEvent.Invoke(m_Zoom); } }
public void CallEvents() { switch (m_type.ToLower()) { case "int": case "integer": m_intEvent.Invoke(GetIntValue()); break; case "float": case "real": m_floatEvent.Invoke(GetFloatValue()); break; case "string": case "text": m_stringEvent.Invoke(GetStringValue()); break; case "bool": case "boolean": m_boolEvent.Invoke(GetBoolValue()); break; default: break; } m_optionEvent.Invoke(this); }
private void SetRange(bool value) { if (value == inRange) { return; } inRange = value; onInRange.Invoke(inRange); }
public virtual void SetFocus(bool value) { if (isFocused == value) { return; } isFocused = value; onFocused.Invoke(isFocused); }
public static void TriggerBoolEvent(string eventName, bool input) { UnityBoolEvent thisEvent = null; if (instance.boolEventDictionary.TryGetValue(eventName, out thisEvent)) { thisEvent.Invoke(input); } }
public void ApplyValue(bool value) { onValueChanged.Invoke(value); if (value) { onPositive.Invoke(); } else { onNegative.Invoke(); } }
public void OnCallback(bool value) { if (value) { onPostive.Invoke(); } else { onNegative.Invoke(); } onInvertedValueChanged.Invoke(!value); }
/// <summary> /// Enables or disables gameplay input. An example of when it will not be enabled is when there is a fullscreen UI over the main camera. /// </summary> /// <param name="enable">True if the input is enabled.</param> protected virtual void EnableGameplayInput(bool enable) { m_AllowInput = enable; enabled = m_AllowInput && !m_Death; if (enabled && !m_HasFocus) { OnApplicationFocus(true); } if (m_EnableGamplayInputEvent != null) { m_EnableGamplayInputEvent.Invoke(enable); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!start) { return; } t -= Time.deltaTime; if (t < 0.0f) { t = 0.0f; start = false; timerEvent.Invoke(true); Debug.Log("Timer ran out"); } timer.text = t.ToString("0"); }
/// <summary> /// Enables or disables gameplay input. An example of when it will not be enabled is when there is a fullscreen UI over the main camera. /// </summary> /// <param name="enable">True if the input is enabled.</param> protected virtual void EnableGameplayInput(bool enable) { m_AllowInput = enable; enabled = m_AllowInput && !m_Death; if (enabled && !Application.isFocused) { OnApplicationFocus(true); } else if (!enabled) { m_RawLookVector = m_CurrentLookVector =; } if (m_EnableGamplayInputEvent != null) { m_EnableGamplayInputEvent.Invoke(enable); } }
/// <summary> /// Enables or disables gameplay input. An example of when it will not be enabled is when there is a fullscreen UI over the main camera. /// </summary> /// <param name="enable">True if the input is enabled.</param> protected virtual void EnableGameplayInput(bool enable) { m_AllowInput = enable; enabled = m_AllowInput && !m_Death; if (enabled && !m_Focus) { OnApplicationFocus(true); } else if (!enabled) { m_RawLookVector = m_CurrentLookVector =; m_SmoothLookBufferCount = m_SmoothLookBufferIndex = 0; } if (m_EnableGamplayInputEvent != null) { m_EnableGamplayInputEvent.Invoke(enable); } }
void IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { if (DateTime.Now > clickTime + clickTimeSpan) { trigger = !trigger; clickTime = DateTime.Now; click.Invoke(); clickBool.Invoke(trigger); if (playingSound) { if (soundType == SoundType.Click) { SoundCenter.sounds.PlayClick(); } else if (soundType == SoundType.Coin) { SoundCenter.sounds.PlayCoin(); } } } }
private void FlipButton() { if (isFlipping) { return; } float rotation = isMyTurn ? 0f : 180f; float targetRotation = rotation == 0f ? 180f : 0f; var tweener = DOTween.To(() => rotation, x => rotation = x, targetRotation, 1f) .SetEase(Ease.OutBack) .OnStart(() => isFlipping = true) .OnUpdate(() => transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(rotation, 0f, 0f)) .OnComplete(() => { isFlipping = false; onFinishedFlipping?.Invoke(isMyTurn); }); isMyTurn = !isMyTurn; }
void Update() { if (animate) { t += Time.deltaTime; if (t > lerpDuration) { t = lerpDuration; animate = false; nextEvent.Invoke(false); } Vector3 p = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, lerpToPos, t / lerpDuration); transform.position = p; } //Vector3 position = transform.position; //Vector3 screenPosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(position); //if(screenPosition.x < 0 || screenPosition.y < 0 || screenPosition.x > Screen.width || screenPosition.y > Screen.height) // LevelManager.pInstance.ResetGame(); }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { PointerEnterExitChanged.Invoke(true); PointerEnter.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the view type to the object with the specified type. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of the ViewType which should be set.</param> /// <param name="immediateTransition">Should the ViewType be transitioned immediately?</param> public void SetViewType(System.Type type, bool immediateTransition) { if ((m_ViewType != null && m_ViewType.GetType() == type) || type == null) { return; } // The ViewTypes may not be deserialized yet. if (m_ViewTypeNameMap.Count == 0) { DeserializeViewTypes(); } int index; if (!m_ViewTypeNameMap.TryGetValue(type.FullName, out index)) { Debug.LogError("Error: Unable to find the view type with name " + type.FullName); return; } float pitch = 0f, yaw = 0f; var characterRotation = Quaternion.identity; // ViewType will be null on startup. if (m_ViewType != null && m_Character != null && Application.isPlaying) { pitch = m_ViewType.Pitch; yaw = m_ViewType.Yaw; characterRotation = m_ViewType.CharacterRotation; m_ViewType.ChangeViewType(false, 0, yaw, characterRotation); EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_GameObject, "OnCameraChangeViewTypes", m_ViewType, false); if (m_OnChangeViewTypesEvent != null) { m_OnChangeViewTypesEvent.Invoke(m_ViewType, false); } } var originalViewType = m_ViewType; m_ViewTypeFullName = type.FullName; m_ViewType = m_ViewTypes[index]; // Keep the first/third person view type updated to be able to switch back to the last active type. if (m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective) { m_FirstPersonViewTypeFullName = m_ViewTypeFullName; m_FirstPersonViewType = m_ViewType; } else { m_ThirdPersonViewTypeFullName = m_ViewTypeFullName; m_ThirdPersonViewType = m_ViewType; } // If the original view type is not null then the view type has been changed at runtime. Transition to that new view type. if (originalViewType != null && m_Character != null && Application.isPlaying) { m_ViewType.ChangeViewType(true, pitch, yaw, characterRotation); EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_GameObject, "OnCameraChangeViewTypes", m_ViewType, true); if (m_OnChangeViewTypesEvent != null) { m_OnChangeViewTypesEvent.Invoke(m_ViewType, true); } if (originalViewType.FirstPersonPerspective != m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective) { EventHandler.ExecuteEvent <bool>(m_Character, "OnCameraWillChangePerspectives", m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective); } // Use the transitioner if it exists. if (!immediateTransition && m_Transitioner != null) { // StartTransition will return success if the transition is started. if (m_Transitioner.StartTransition(originalViewType, m_ViewType)) { return; } else if (m_Transitioner.IsTransitioning) { m_Transitioner.StopTransition(false); } } else { // If there isn't a transitioner then immediately move to the target position. if (m_ViewType.RotatePriority) { KinematicObjectManager.SetCameraRotation(m_KinematicObjectIndex, m_ViewType.Rotate(0, 0, true)); KinematicObjectManager.SetCameraPosition(m_KinematicObjectIndex, m_ViewType.Move(true)); } else { KinematicObjectManager.SetCameraPosition(m_KinematicObjectIndex, m_ViewType.Move(true)); KinematicObjectManager.SetCameraRotation(m_KinematicObjectIndex, m_ViewType.Rotate(0, 0, true)); } } // Execute the perspective event if the transitioner does not exist or is not active. The transitioner will execute this event when it finishes. if (originalViewType.FirstPersonPerspective != m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective) { EventHandler.ExecuteEvent <bool>(m_Character, "OnCameraChangePerspectives", m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective); if (m_OnChangePerspectivesEvent != null) { m_OnChangePerspectivesEvent.Invoke(m_ViewType.FirstPersonPerspective); } } } }
public void OnEventRaised(bool value) { BoolResponce.Invoke(value); }
public void Dispatch(bool boolValue) { m_boolEvent.Invoke(boolValue); }
private void invertRaise(bool obj) { listener.Invoke(!obj); }
private void OnEnable() { onEnabled.Invoke(); onEnableChanged.Invoke(true); onEnableChangedInverted.Invoke(false); }
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { Debug.Log("down"); onPress?.Invoke(true); }
public void Toggle(bool value) { onValueChanged.Invoke(value); }