public void WriteTo(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(MaxTickCount); writer.Write(TeamSize); writer.Write(TicksPerSecond); writer.Write(UpdatesPerTick); LootBoxSize.WriteTo(writer); UnitSize.WriteTo(writer); writer.Write(UnitMaxHorizontalSpeed); writer.Write(UnitFallSpeed); writer.Write(UnitJumpTime); writer.Write(UnitJumpSpeed); writer.Write(JumpPadJumpTime); writer.Write(JumpPadJumpSpeed); writer.Write(UnitMaxHealth); writer.Write(HealthPackHealth); writer.Write(WeaponParameters.Count); foreach (var WeaponParametersEntry in WeaponParameters) { var WeaponParametersKey = WeaponParametersEntry.Key; var WeaponParametersValue = WeaponParametersEntry.Value; writer.Write((int)(WeaponParametersKey)); WeaponParametersValue.WriteTo(writer); } MineSize.WriteTo(writer); MineExplosionParameters.WriteTo(writer); writer.Write(MinePrepareTime); writer.Write(MineTriggerTime); writer.Write(MineTriggerRadius); writer.Write(KillScore); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="FindOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputManipulator">The manipulator of the input stream.</param> /// <param name="skipUnits">Gets the number of units to skipUnits after a match was found.</param> /// <param name="unitSize">Gets the size of a unit.</param> /// <param name="taskCount">Gets the number of tasks to use for parallel match finding.</param> public FindOptions(IInputManipulator inputManipulator, int skipUnits, UnitSize unitSize, int taskCount) { InputManipulator = inputManipulator; SkipUnitsAfterMatch = skipUnits; UnitSize = unitSize; TaskCount = taskCount; }
public SplitView LeftIsSmaller(UnitSize leftSize) { LeftComponent.Width = $"calc({leftSize.ToString()} - {SplitterComponent.Width})"; RightComponent.Width = $"calc(100% - {leftSize.ToString()})"; return(this); }
public SplitView RightIsSmaller(UnitSize rightSize) { RightComponent.Width = $"calc({rightSize.ToString()} - {SplitterComponent.Width})"; LeftComponent.Width = $"calc(100% - {rightSize.ToString()})"; return(this); }
public void OnGet() { var data = Data.TestData.Data1DimWithLabels.ToDataTable(conf => { conf.AddColumn(x => x.Item1); conf.AddColumn(x => x.Item2); }); DataJson = data.ToJson(); var options = new PieChartOptions { Height = 400, Width = 500, SliceVisibilityThreshold = 0.05, ChartArea = new ChartArea { BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue, Left = UnitSize.Percent(5), Width = UnitSize.Percent(90) }, PieHole = 0.5, Legend = new LegendOptions { Position = LegendPosition.None } }; OptionsJson = options.ToJson(); }
public SelectionModel(double minimumFileSize, double maximumFileSize, UnitSize unitSize) { AvoidPreviousCopied = true; _unitSize = unitSize; MinimumFileSize = minimumFileSize; MaximumFileSize = maximumFileSize; }
public DetailsListColumn(string title, UnitSize width, bool isRowHeader = false, bool enableColumnSorting = false, string sortingKey = null, Action onColumnClick = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(title)); } if (enableColumnSorting && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortingKey)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(sortingKey)); } Width = width ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(width)); SortingKey = sortingKey ?? string.Empty; Title = title; IsRowHeader = isRowHeader; EnableColumnSorting = enableColumnSorting; if (onColumnClick != null) { _onColumnClick = onColumnClick; EnableOnColumnClickEvent = true; } InnerElement = TextBlock(Title).Regular().SemiBold().Render(); }
public void Init(UnitSize size, UnitShape shape, UnitColor color) { m_UnitGO = gameObject; m_Size = size; m_Shape = shape; m_Color = color; }
/// <summary> /// The ToString method returns a string representation of the USCookingVolumeMeasurement /// </summary> /// <returns>String representation of the USCookingVolumeMeasurement</returns> public override string ToString() { //add S to end of unit if more than 1 string unitString = Amount.CompareTo(1) > 0 ? UnitSize.ToString().ToLower() + "s" : UnitSize.ToString().ToLower(); return(Amount.ToString() + " " + unitString); }
static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data, UnitSize unitSize) { fixed (byte* pointer = &data[0]) { return Decompress(pointer, data.Length, unitSize); } }
private static void SetHtmlElementHeight(HTMLElement htmlElement, UnitSize height) { htmlElement.SetStyle(cssStyleDeclaration => { cssStyleDeclaration.height = height.ToString(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="FindOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchBackwards">Indicates if a match is searched from end to beginning of the data.</param> /// <param name="preBufferSize">Gets the size of a buffer that must come before the first searched position.</param> /// <param name="skipUnits">Gets the number of units to skipUnits after a match was found.</param> /// <param name="unitSize">Gets the size of a unit.</param> /// <param name="taskCount">Gets the number of tasks to use for parallel match finding.</param> public FindOptions(bool searchBackwards, int preBufferSize, int skipUnits, UnitSize unitSize, int taskCount) { SearchBackwards = searchBackwards; PreBufferSize = preBufferSize; SkipUnitsAfterMatch = skipUnits; UnitSize = unitSize; TaskCount = taskCount; }
private FileSize(UnitSize unitSize, double units) { Guard.NotNull(nameof(unitSize), unitSize); Guard.GreaterThanOrEqual(nameof(units), units, 0); this._unitSize = unitSize; this._units = units; }
public static T Margin <T>(this T component, UnitSize unitSize) where T : IComponent { Stack.SetMarginLeft(component, unitSize); Stack.SetMarginRight(component, unitSize); Stack.SetMarginTop(component, unitSize); Stack.SetMarginBottom(component, unitSize); return(component); }
public static T Padding <T>(this T component, UnitSize unitSize) where T : IComponent { Stack.SetPaddingLeft(component, unitSize); Stack.SetPaddingRight(component, unitSize); Stack.SetPaddingTop(component, unitSize); Stack.SetPaddingBottom(component, unitSize); return(component); }
internal void Map(UnitSize unitSize) { if (unitSize == null) { return; } unitSize.Name = Name; }
public ItemsList(ObservableList <IComponent> items, params UnitSize[] columns) { Items = items ?? new ObservableList <IComponent>(); if (columns.Length < 2) { _stack = Stack().Horizontal().Wrap().WidthStretch().MaxHeight(100.percent()).Scroll(); _maxStackItemSize = columns.FirstOrDefault() ?? 100.percent(); } else { _grid = Grid(columns).WidthStretch().MaxHeight(100.percent()).Scroll(); } _emptyListMessageGenerator = null; _defered = Defer(Items, observedItems => { if (!observedItems.Any()) { if (_emptyListMessageGenerator is object) { if (_grid is object) { return(_grid.Children(_emptyListMessageGenerator().GridColumnStretch()).AsTask()); } else { return(_stack.Children(_emptyListMessageGenerator().WidthStretch().HeightStretch()).AsTask()); } } else { if (_grid is object) { _grid.Clear(); return(_grid.AsTask()); } else { _stack.Clear(); return(_stack.AsTask()); } } } else { if (_grid is object) { return(_grid.Children(Items.ToArray()).AsTask()); } else { return(_stack.Children(Items.Select(i => i.Width(_maxStackItemSize)).ToArray()).AsTask()); } } }); }
public void OnGet() { var data = GetData() .ToDataTable(conf => { conf.AddColumn(x => x.Time); conf.AddColumn(x => x.Min); conf.AddColumn(x => x.Initial); conf.AddColumn(x => x.Final); conf.AddColumn(x => x.Max); }); DataJson = data.ToJson(); var options = new CandlestickChartOptions { Height = 400, Width = UnitSize.Percent(100), Title = "My sin approximation", HorizontalAxis = new HorizontalAxis { TextPosition = AxisTextPosition.Out, Gridlines = new AxisGridLines { Interval = new double[] { Math.PI / 4 } }, Format = "#.##" }, Bar = new ColumnChartBar { GroupWidth = UnitSize.Percent(100) }, Legend = new LegendOptions { Position = LegendPosition.None }, Candlestick = new CandlestickOptions { HollowIsRising = true, FallingColor = Color.OrangeRed, RisingColor = Color.MediumVioletRed }, ChartArea = new ChartArea { BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue, Left = UnitSize.Percent(5), Width = UnitSize.Percent(95) }, DataOpacity = 0.8, TitlePosition = TitlePosition.In }; OptionsJson = options.ToJson(); }
public void DismissGenericUnit(UnitSlot unitSlot) { // get PartyUnit UI PartyUnitUI unitUI = unitSlot.GetComponentInChildren <PartyUnitUI>(); // get PartyUnit PartyUnit partyUnit = unitUI.LPartyUnit; // Get Unit size, because unit is going to be destroyed UnitSize unitSize = partyUnit.UnitSize; // Get Party Unit HeroParty //HeroParty heroParty = partyUnit.GetComponentInParent<HeroParty>(); // 1 get all required variables, before removing unit Transform unitCell = unitSlot.transform.parent; PartyPanel partyPanel = GetUnitsParentPartyPanel(unitCell); // 2 and put it to recycle bin, because otherwise PartyPanel.GetNumberOfPresentUnits() will return wrong number of units, because object is actually destroyed after Update() // unitUI.transform.SetParent(transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<RecycleBin>().transform); // 3 destory unit canvas, where it is linked to // Destroy(unitUI.gameObject); // 4 and put it to recycle bin, because otherwise city.GetNumberOfPresentUnits() will return wrong number of units, because object is actually destroyed after Update() // partyUnit.transform.SetParent(transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<RecycleBin>().transform); // 5 and destory party unit itself // Destroy(partyUnit.gameObject); RecycleBin.Recycle(unitUI.gameObject); RecycleBin.Recycle(partyUnit.gameObject); // Update party panel // act based on the unit size if (unitSize == UnitSize.Single) { partyPanel.OnChange(PartyPanel.ChangeType.DismissSingleUnit, unitCell); } else { partyPanel.OnChange(PartyPanel.ChangeType.DismissDoubleUnit, unitCell); } // if parent Party panel is in Garnizon state, then update focus panel if (PartyMode.Garnizon == partyPanel.PartyMode) { // Instruct focus panel linked to a city to update information // act based on the unit size if (unitSize == UnitSize.Single) { GetComponentInParent <UIManager>().GetFocusPanelByCity(LCity).OnChange(FocusPanel.ChangeType.DismissSingleUnit); } else { GetComponentInParent <UIManager>().GetFocusPanelByCity(LCity).OnChange(FocusPanel.ChangeType.DismissDoubleUnit); } // Activate hire unit buttons again SetHireUnitPnlButtonActive(true); } }
public double ConvertTo(UnitSize yours, double units) { if (yours.UnitValue > this.UnitValue) { return(units / (yours.UnitValue / this.UnitValue)); } if (yours.UnitValue < this.UnitValue) { return(units * (this.UnitValue / yours.UnitValue)); } return(units); }
public SplitView(UnitSize splitterSize = null) { LeftComponent = Raw(Div(_())); SplitterComponent = Raw(Div(_("tss-splitter"))); RightComponent = Raw(Div(_())); SplitterComponent.Width = (splitterSize is object && splitterSize.Unit != Unit.Auto && splitterSize.Unit != Unit.Inherit) ? splitterSize.ToString() : "8px"; LeftComponent.Height = "100%"; SplitterComponent.Height = "100%"; RightComponent.Height = "100%"; SplitInMiddle(); InnerElement = Div(_("tss-splitview"), LeftComponent.Render(), SplitterComponent.Render(), RightComponent.Render()); }
public static UnitSize ParseSize(string prop, string value, UnitSize prev) { var result = prev ?? new UnitSize(); switch (prop) { case nameof(UnitSize.Name): result.Name = value; break; default: throw UnsupportedPropertyOf <UnitSize>(prop); } return(result); }
internal static IComponent CreateGradientOverlay(IComponent component, UnitSize maxContentHeight) { var container = component.Render(); = "hidden"; = maxContentHeight.ToString();"isolation", "isolate"); = "relative"; //otherwise the position:absolute of the style bellow doesnt work var gradient = Div(_("card-gradient-overlay")); = $"calc({maxContentHeight} - 40px)"; container.appendChild(gradient); return(Raw(container)); }
public void LoadRecipe(MapUnitRecipe recipe) { spriteRenderer.sprite = recipe.sprite; attackSound = recipe.attackSound; jumpSound = recipe.jumpSound; runSound = recipe.runSound; hp = new Capacitor(recipe.maxHp); ap = new Capacitor(recipe.maxAp); move = recipe.move; jump = recipe.jump; size = recipe.size; }
public void ResetForPool() { spriteRenderer.sprite = null; attackSound = null; jumpSound = null; runSound = null; hp = null; ap = null; move = 0; jump = 0; size = UnitSize.small; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override string ModelSummary() { using (StringWriter htmlWriter = new StringWriter()) { htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\"><span class=\"setvalue\">"); // get amount htmlWriter.Write(LabourPerUnit.ToString() + "</span> days labour is required"); if (UnitType != LabourUnitType.Fixed) { if (UnitSize == 1) { htmlWriter.Write(" for each "); } else { htmlWriter.Write(" for every <span class=\"setvalue\">" + UnitSize.ToString("#,##0.##") + "</span>"); } htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">" + UnitType2HTML() + "</span>"); if (WholeUnitBlocks) { htmlWriter.Write(" and will be supplied in blocks"); } } htmlWriter.Write("</div>"); if (MinimumPerPerson > 0) { htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Labour will not be supplied if less than <span class=\"setvalue\">" + MinimumPerPerson.ToString() + "</span> day" + ((MinimumPerPerson == 1) ? "" : "s") + " is required</div>"); } if (MaximumPerPerson > 0 && MaximumPerPerson < 30) { htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">No individual can provide more than <span class=\"setvalue\">" + MaximumPerPerson.ToString() + "</span> days</div>"); } if (ApplyToAll) { htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">All people matching the below criteria (first level) will perform this task. (e.g. all children)</div>"); } return(htmlWriter.ToString()); } }
private double GetSizeModifier(UnitSize size, int level) { double modifier = 0; if (level == 1 && size == UnitSize.Small) { modifier = this.costs.Level1SmallSizeCostModifier; } else if (level == 2 && size == UnitSize.Small) { modifier = this.costs.Level2SmallSizeCostModifier; } else if (level == 3 && size == UnitSize.Large) { modifier = this.costs.Level3LargeSizeCostModifier; } return modifier; }
public UnitSize GetUnitSize(string unitText) { if (unitText.IsEmpty()) { return(UnitSize.Empty()); } var productUnit = unitText.GetLastWord().ToLower(); var shouldHandle = _validUnitIdentifiers.Contains(productUnit); if (!shouldHandle) { return(UnitSize.Empty()); } var secondLastWord = unitText.GetSecondLastWord(); return(new UnitSize("stuks", decimal.Parse(secondLastWord))); }
public DetailsListIconColumn(Icon icon, UnitSize width, bool enableColumnSorting = false, string sortingKey = null, Action onColumnClick = null) { if (enableColumnSorting && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortingKey)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(sortingKey)); } Icon = icon; Width = width ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(width)); SortingKey = sortingKey ?? string.Empty; EnableColumnSorting = enableColumnSorting; if (onColumnClick != null) { _onColumnClick = onColumnClick; EnableOnColumnClickEvent = true; } InnerElement = Div(_()).appendChild(Icon.Render()); }
public UnitSize GetUnitSize(string unitText) { if (unitText.IsEmpty()) { return(UnitSize.Empty()); } var productUnit = unitText.GetLastWord().ToLower(); var shouldHandle = _unitBuilder.ContainsKey(productUnit); if (!shouldHandle) { return(UnitSize.Empty()); } var unit = _unitBuilder[productUnit](); var secondLastWord = unitText.GetSecondLastWord(); unit.SetSize(secondLastWord); return(new UnitSize(unit.DisplayValue, unit.Liters)); }
// left top width height public static UnitPosition GetUnitPosition(Unit u, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY) { UnitPosition position = new UnitPosition(); UnitSize unitSize = u.UnitSize; double w = (int)unitSize * cellSizeX / 100; double h = (int)unitSize * cellSizeY / 100; double offsetX = 0; double offsetY = 0; offsetX = (cellSizeX - w) / 2; offsetY = (cellSizeY - h) / 2; position.Height = h; position.Width = w; position.OffsetX = offsetX; position.OffsetY = offsetY; return(position); }
public void OnGet() { var data = Data.TestData.Data4DimRandom.ToDataTable(conf => { int i = 1; conf.AddColumn(x => $"Bubble {i++}"); conf.AddColumn(ColumnType.Number, "X axis", x => x.Item1); conf.AddColumn(ColumnType.Number, "Y axis", x => x.Item2); conf.AddColumn(ColumnType.String, "Odd or even", x => x.Item4 % 2 == 0 ? "Even" : "Odd"); conf.AddColumn(ColumnType.Number, "Size", x => x.Item4); conf.WithOptions <ChartOptions>(opt => { opt.Height = 300; opt.Width = UnitSize.Percent(100); //opt.Title = "My bubble chart"; }); }); DataJson = data.ToJson(); OptionsJson = data.Options.ToJson(); }
static byte[] Decompress(byte* data, int length, UnitSize unitSize) { byte[] result = new byte[(*(int*)data) >> 8]; return result; }
private int CalculateFinalCost(double baseCost, UnitSize size, int level) { return (int)(baseCost * (1 + GetSizeModifier(size, level) + this.costs.LevelCostModifiers[level - 1])); }